Apparently, no guns were used during the protest in the Capitol building.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
My thread didn't belong in the rubber room since it involves actual testimony before congress....if you don't want it in current events, I will post it in General Discussion...

The democrat party is using it's new organ, the FBI to spread lies....created fake enemies to empower them to tighten control..........

There were no guns found among the protestors at the Capitol on Jan. 6....

Hundreds have since been arrested and charged for their part in what took place at the Capitol and earlier today, Jill Sanborn, the FBI’s Assistant Director for Counterterrorism, testified in front of the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee.

In an exchange with Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, Sanborn disclosed that precisely zero firearms were found among the hundreds of people who made their way into the Capitol that day (1:08 on the following video).

Johnson: How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds during that day?

Sanborn: To my knowledge, we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point, but I don’t want to speak on behalf of Metro and Capitol police, but, to my knowledge, none.

Johnson: So nobody has been charged with an actual firearms weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds?

Sanborn: Correct. The closest we came was the vehicle that had the molotov cocktails in it and when we did a search of that vehicle later on there was a weapon, but…

Johnson: How many shots were fired that we know of?

Sanborn: I believe the only shots that were fired were the ones that resulted in the death of the one lady.

That lady, Ashli Babbitt, was shot by a still-unidentified Capitol Police officer as she attempted to climb through the broken window of a door within the Capitol building.

I am the one who moved it. And yes, the original thread was doing fine. And then it deteriorated into pure hostility and name calling.
I am the one who moved it. And yes, the original thread was doing fine. And then it deteriorated into pure hostility and name calling.

Yeah.....but it didn't start there.....How about dealing with the name callers?
This... Wasn't common knowledge? I guess I just assumed everybody would have known that considering it was never reported that there was a gun there outside of government employees.

And if people believe that the news wouldn't report something like that... Well... Those people are beyond saving as thinking people as far as I'm concerned. They aren't even trying to think anymore, just letting media do it for them.
Don't you have a topic with the same goddamn title already? Get outta here dude, nobody gives a ****. Go post about this 2 month old issue in your junk topic.

He did have a thread under the same title. It was moved to the Rubber Room because it turned into a bunch of bullshit.

So you either need to post on the subject or stay out of the thread. Simple enough, right?
I am the one who moved it. And yes, the original thread was doing fine. And then it deteriorated into pure hostility and name calling.

Yeah.....but it didn't start there.....How about dealing with the name callers?

I warned them. Should I have to babysit a dozen assholes who can't stay on topic or refrain from acting like children? could deal with the actual offenders...vs. punishing those who didn't do about that?
I am the one who moved it. And yes, the original thread was doing fine. And then it deteriorated into pure hostility and name calling.

Yeah.....but it didn't start there.....How about dealing with the name callers?

I warned them. Should I have to babysit a dozen assholes who can't stay on topic or refrain from acting like children? could deal with the actual offenders...vs. punishing those who didn't do about that?

By the time I saw it there were numerous offenders and a couple of pages of bullshit. I didn't have the patience. And I am a pretty patient person.
My thread didn't belong in the rubber room since it involves actual testimony before congress....if you don't want it in current events, I will post it in General Discussion...

The democrat party is using it's new organ, the FBI to spread lies....created fake enemies to empower them to tighten control..........

There were no guns found among the protestors at the Capitol on Jan. 6....

Hundreds have since been arrested and charged for their part in what took place at the Capitol and earlier today, Jill Sanborn, the FBI’s Assistant Director for Counterterrorism, testified in front of the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee.

In an exchange with Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, Sanborn disclosed that precisely zero firearms were found among the hundreds of people who made their way into the Capitol that day (1:08 on the following video).

Johnson: How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds during that day?

Sanborn: To my knowledge, we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point, but I don’t want to speak on behalf of Metro and Capitol police, but, to my knowledge, none.

Johnson: So nobody has been charged with an actual firearms weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds?

Sanborn: Correct. The closest we came was the vehicle that had the molotov cocktails in it and when we did a search of that vehicle later on there was a weapon, but…

Johnson: How many shots were fired that we know of?

Sanborn: I believe the only shots that were fired were the ones that resulted in the death of the one lady.

That lady, Ashli Babbitt, was shot by a still-unidentified Capitol Police officer as she attempted to climb through the broken window of a door within the Capitol building.

Doesn't matter.
rioters battered police with a multitude of weapons: metal flagpoles, baseball bats, wrenches and clubs. Many soaked police in caustic bear spray. One officer died in the along with four civilians.
go tell the family of the Dead to stop crying because they weren't killed by gunfire.
My thread didn't belong in the rubber room since it involves actual testimony before congress....if you don't want it in current events, I will post it in General Discussion...

The democrat party is using it's new organ, the FBI to spread lies....created fake enemies to empower them to tighten control..........

There were no guns found among the protestors at the Capitol on Jan. 6....

Hundreds have since been arrested and charged for their part in what took place at the Capitol and earlier today, Jill Sanborn, the FBI’s Assistant Director for Counterterrorism, testified in front of the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee.

In an exchange with Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, Sanborn disclosed that precisely zero firearms were found among the hundreds of people who made their way into the Capitol that day (1:08 on the following video).

Johnson: How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds during that day?

Sanborn: To my knowledge, we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point, but I don’t want to speak on behalf of Metro and Capitol police, but, to my knowledge, none.

Johnson: So nobody has been charged with an actual firearms weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds?

Sanborn: Correct. The closest we came was the vehicle that had the molotov cocktails in it and when we did a search of that vehicle later on there was a weapon, but…

Johnson: How many shots were fired that we know of?

Sanborn: I believe the only shots that were fired were the ones that resulted in the death of the one lady.

That lady, Ashli Babbitt, was shot by a still-unidentified Capitol Police officer as she attempted to climb through the broken window of a door within the Capitol building.

Doesn't matter.
rioters battered police with a multitude of weapons: metal flagpoles, baseball bats, wrenches and clubs. Many soaked police in caustic bear spray. One officer died in the along with four civilians.
go tell the family of the Dead to stop crying because they weren't killed by gunfire.

He died because of a stroke........well after the protest.....
Doesn't matter.
rioters battered police with a multitude of weapons: metal flagpoles, baseball bats, wrenches and clubs. Many soaked police in caustic bear spray. One officer died in the along with four civilians.
go tell the family of the Dead to stop crying because they weren't killed by gunfire.
That's a fair point... But the hyperbole of trying to overthrow the government seems a little silly doesn't it?

It never occurred to me, that it didn't occur to other people that the seriousness of it really wasn't what the media was portraying it to be. They didn't even take guns. Hello?

Not a good thing... Not saying it was. Just saying it wasn't meant to kill permanently harm anyone. Duh ... Right?
I am the one who moved it. And yes, the original thread was doing fine. And then it deteriorated into pure hostility and name calling.

Yeah.....but it didn't start there.....How about dealing with the name callers?

I warned them. Should I have to babysit a dozen assholes who can't stay on topic or refrain from acting like children? could deal with the actual offenders...vs. punishing those who didn't do about that?

By the time I saw it there were numerous offenders and a couple of pages of bullshit. I didn't have the patience. And I am a pretty patient person.

You could start with Post #14......
I give a shit... And frankly, he's right.

nobody gives a ****.

^ you.

Quit trolling and get on the topic.
It's a double topic. Go do your damn job and delete it, quit worrying about trolling.

How about you either post on the topic or get out of the thread? I know exactly what my job is and how much leeway I have.

2aguy is right that the thread was hijacked. So I made allowances for that. You want the thread taken down? Tough.

Now quit trolling and get on topic. Last warning. You are free to complain to the ranking moderators about me.
Here I'll tell you what, I'll just ignore the damn guy. Y'all want to play "Easy Bake Moderator" and delete certain topics and demand people PM the moderators -but in other topics not do it, that's whatever.

"Rules for thee, not for me" I guess right?
Here I'll tell you what, I'll just ignore the damn guy. Y'all want to play "Easy Bake Moderator" and delete certain topics and demand people PM the moderators -but in other topics not do it, that's whatever.

"Rules for thee, not for me" I guess right?

You have posted 4 times in this thread and not once has it been about the topic. So my being an "Easy Bake Moderator" is part of why you are still in this thread.
I give a shit... And frankly, he's right.

nobody gives a ****.

^ you.

Quit trolling and get on the topic.
It's a double topic. Go do your damn job and delete it, quit worrying about trolling.

How about you either post on the topic or get out of the thread? I know exactly what my job is and how much leeway I have.

2aguy is right that the thread was hijacked. So I made allowances for that. You want the thread taken down? Tough.

Now quit trolling and get on topic. Last warning. You are free to complain to the ranking moderators about me.

Thank you. I appreciate your help. I know I am not the best poster at all times, and I understand your job can really suck. I mean no personal disrespect when we tangle......I view the arguments here as sparring .....nothing more......but I understand as the ref, you have a tough job to do....
My thread didn't belong in the rubber room since it involves actual testimony before congress....if you don't want it in current events, I will post it in General Discussion...

The democrat party is using it's new organ, the FBI to spread lies....created fake enemies to empower them to tighten control..........

There were no guns found among the protestors at the Capitol on Jan. 6....

Hundreds have since been arrested and charged for their part in what took place at the Capitol and earlier today, Jill Sanborn, the FBI’s Assistant Director for Counterterrorism, testified in front of the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee.

In an exchange with Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, Sanborn disclosed that precisely zero firearms were found among the hundreds of people who made their way into the Capitol that day (1:08 on the following video).

Johnson: How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds during that day?

Sanborn: To my knowledge, we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point, but I don’t want to speak on behalf of Metro and Capitol police, but, to my knowledge, none.

Johnson: So nobody has been charged with an actual firearms weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds?

Sanborn: Correct. The closest we came was the vehicle that had the molotov cocktails in it and when we did a search of that vehicle later on there was a weapon, but…

Johnson: How many shots were fired that we know of?

Sanborn: I believe the only shots that were fired were the ones that resulted in the death of the one lady.

That lady, Ashli Babbitt, was shot by a still-unidentified Capitol Police officer as she attempted to climb through the broken window of a door within the Capitol building.

Trump is certainly NOT in favor of free press and free thought. That being said.........!
There were no guns at the insurrection party. There were Molotov cocktails found, bombs planted outside the Capitol, tear gas, bear spray, flag poles as weapons, fire extinguishers thrown at police and the spray used, 7 deaths as a result, and destruction. BUT no guns. Whoopie doo!

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