AOC urges Biden to spend more


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
WASHINGTON — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., called on President Joe Biden not to be “limited by Republicans” as the White House tries to negotiate a narrow pathway forward on a bipartisan infrastructure agreement.

The Corrupt Democrat Party represents the Moochers, not the Taxpayers
The notorious Racist Latino Nationalist AOC does not care about the burden that she is loading on to the backs of the hard working middle class American taxpayers.
She treats Mainstream Americans like they are her "colonialist" tax slaves.
Their "infastructure" bill is actually just another Greedy Democrat looting spree.
It is full of wastful pork and dirty kick-back deals.
The Leftist Democrats will bankrupt our country like the Marxist have done to Venezuela.

  1. 10 Billion to Create a ‘Civilian Climate Corp’ The Biden administration proposes spending $10 billion …
  2. 20 Billion to ‘Advance Racial Equity and Environmental Justice’ The proposal sets aside a whopping …
  3. 175 Billion in Subsidies for Electric Vehicles. Electric vehicles: A technological novelty so good it …
  4. 213 Billion to Build/Retrofit 2 Million Houses & Buildings. When most people hear “infrastructure,” …

I might not roll my eyes if the GOP was actually the party of intelligent spending and limited government. They're no better.
What if you could borrow money, and the interest you had to pay was less than inflation. For instance, you could borrow a hundred grand, and your interest on that was less than a $1500 a year, and inflation was running at over $2000 a year. Because that is precisely what the government is facing. We actually have a negative cost of debt. AOC is right. Borrow, and borrow big. Future generations are going to have to pay, but they are going to pay back in dollars worth less than what the benefit derived is. And that benefit will increase in value through inflation. I mean this shit is a no brainer. When Reagan was borrowing out the ass there was a positive cost to borrowing, and thanks to Clinton, who restructured the federal debt, we avoided a large part of that problem. To be honest, you Republicans are absolutely stupid when it comes to debt, borrowing, and financing government spending.
1.9 trillion spending spree on the COVID rescue package. Under Trump the repubs were on board with spending now that it is a democrat president then it hold on a minute here. Trump signed bills that increased spending.


yeah Biden may be a different story unless he raises taxes on the wealthy.
What if you could borrow money, and the interest you had to pay was less than inflation. For instance, you could borrow a hundred grand, and your interest on that was less than a $1500 a year, and inflation was running at over $2000 a year. Because that is precisely what the government is facing. We actually have a negative cost of debt. AOC is right. Borrow, and borrow big. Future generations are going to have to pay, but they are going to pay back in dollars worth less than what the benefit derived is. And that benefit will increase in value through inflation. I mean this shit is a no brainer. When Reagan was borrowing out the ass there was a positive cost to borrowing, and thanks to Clinton, who restructured the federal debt, we avoided a large part of that problem. To be honest, you Republicans are absolutely stupid when it comes to debt, borrowing, and financing government spending.
You seem knowledgeable about this issue. I have a question that I can't seem to get an answer for.
How does the U.S. dollar survive a total loss of trust by the world and most Americans? At what point does our debt reach a level where the dollar follows all known historical Fiat currencies?
AOC's big FU to future generations of tax payers. They'll be glad when they don't have to
worry about "Racial Equity and Environmental Justice" ever again.
What if you could borrow money, and the interest you had to pay was less than inflation. For instance, you could borrow a hundred grand, and your interest on that was less than a $1500 a year, and inflation was running at over $2000 a year. Because that is precisely what the government is facing. We actually have a negative cost of debt. AOC is right. Borrow, and borrow big. Future generations are going to have to pay, but they are going to pay back in dollars worth less than what the benefit derived is. And that benefit will increase in value through inflation. I mean this shit is a no brainer. When Reagan was borrowing out the ass there was a positive cost to borrowing, and thanks to Clinton, who restructured the federal debt, we avoided a large part of that problem. To be honest, you Republicans are absolutely stupid when it comes to debt, borrowing, and financing government spending.
You seem knowledgeable about this issue. I have a question that I can't seem to get an answer for.
How does the U.S. dollar survive a total loss of trust by the world and most Americans? At what point does our debt reach a level where the dollar follows all known historical Fiat currencies?
First, a fiat currency is not inherently destined to a death by hyperinflation. Many modern currencies have remained relatively stable for decades. And despite the belief that hyperinflation is caused by excessive printing of money, every incident of hyperinflation has been preceded by either political unrest or an economic crisis that was unrelated to the printing of money.

The danger to the US dollar is not our debt. In fact, with the tremendous demand for that debt, in the form of US Treasuries, the argument can be made that the "trust" of the people in the soundness of the US dollar is at historical highs. Politicians that scream about the debt, and then hold US Treasuries within their investment portfolios, should be called out for their hypocrisy. Remember, actions speak louder than words.

The US dollar has a special significance, it is the world's reserve currency. That basically means that most of the world's oil is sold in dollars. Most countries need oil, therefore, they need dollars. And countries that export that oil get dollars. The US will go to great lengths to protect that world reserve status. The war in Iraq, everyone knew they had no WMD's. Everyone knew they had no involvement in 9/11. But what they did do was demand for their oil to be paid for with Euro's, not dollars. Them there is fighting words. Iran, they started demanding Euro's in 2016. Russia is signaling they might accept Euros. China has been attempting to negotiate payment in yuan for the last couple of years. It is no coincidence that those three countries are portrayed as our enemies.

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