Any deep inspiring Spiritual Experiences? Share your Story!


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I've noticed spiritual experiences and prayers work in different ways.
Here are three major types that people have shared with me

1. Experience of having "miraculous" peace of mind or healing
of something that could not be explained, but the person took
as "Divine Intervention" from another level or dimension.

Have you ever experienced something so Divine,
that it changed your perspective and/or life?

2. Prayers being answered or the perfect solution
coming to a problem that you took to be divine fate or will.

Have you ever met someone or had something happen
that struck you as an Answer to prayers, or Divine Will and Timing?

3. And this has happened to me:
A realization that changes or events that happened "in the past"
were connected with prayers that didn't happen until the FUTURE.
So the prayer energy or spiritual process was independent of
linear time, and worked "holistically" where past and future
co-influence each other like a script designed as one continuous
story all at once (not in sequence as the linear enactment plays out in real life)

Have you ever had a spiritual experience where you
believe prayers or events in the future were linked
to changes caused in the past that seemed to have come out of nowhere?
(but it makes sense if you see the future event going "backward in time"
and changing the past events so the following consequences can occur).

if you've had any events or spiritual experiences
like #1 #2 or #3
Please explain how this changed
your perspective or relationships in life.

Thank you for sharing!

I'd like to see a youtube channel
where people post these inspirational stories
and how it changed the way we look at life...
My mother passed away 6 years ago after a long battle with cancer....last year on my birthday I couldn't of those toss and turn nights that we all have had...I went to the couch and watched a little TV but it was just keeping me up....I turned it off and there I lay in total darkness...I noticed a small dot of light in the corner of the room...I sat up and looked behind me trying to discover the source of this light...I saw nothing to explain it...I figured I must be tired so I blinked my eyes but the light remained...
So I laid back down and suddenly I began to remember the good times with my of course brought tears to my eyes....when I looked back at the light thinking it was just a reflection I saw it move up and down and then it sped folks you know Rambunctious is not a nut...I do not see things and I do not believe in orbs or ghosts but this incident has stuck with me ever since...
To many to list or remember:
The time I had to rush to the bank before close for an office deposit and got slowed down by a sudden sharp pain while walking, just a few seconds delayed long enough to avoid a brick falling in front of me off the top of those old Philly brick row home facades, and to stop an old lady from walking into it's path as well.

The time my older car self braked before auto braking existed, making me miss the light, so I figured maybe it was meant to avoid an accident, but it turns out missing the light allowed me to cross paths a town over(20 min drive) with a person I slowed up that allowed the police to apprehend. Turned out this lady stole the purse of a woman inside the place I was headed to sing, the victim by chance was my old girlfriend from 2 hours west of me who by chance was in town. MY car/chance timing basically helped me stop someone robbing my ex-girlfriend.

But I'm best noted for geocaching the number one most wanted-with no knowledge of the region, all 100% intuitive awareness and understanding of how our future would interact with the past is how I did it. Having faith in my own theories allowed me to step forth with my insight, that lead to removal of their weapons cache, upper military personnel, and was called the game changer on the war against terrorism.
there is no intervention, surly for some.


I'm not sure whatever happened to pansies, they all have a similar face ...'s like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc's like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
To many to list or remember:
The time I had to rush to the bank before close for an office deposit and got slowed down by a sudden sharp pain while walking, just a few seconds delayed long enough to avoid a brick falling in front of me off the top of those old Philly brick row home facades, and to stop an old lady from walking into it's path as well.

The time my older car self braked before auto braking existed, making me miss the light, so I figured maybe it was meant to avoid an accident, but it turns out missing the light allowed me to cross paths a town over(20 min drive) with a person I slowed up that allowed the police to apprehend. Turned out this lady stole the purse of a woman inside the place I was headed to sing, the victim by chance was my old girlfriend from 2 hours west of me who by chance was in town. MY car/chance timing basically helped me stop someone robbing my ex-girlfriend.

But I'm best noted for geocaching the number one most wanted-with no knowledge of the region, all 100% intuitive awareness and understanding of how our future would interact with the past is how I did it. Having faith in my own theories allowed me to step forth with my insight, that lead to removal of their weapons cache, upper military personnel, and was called the game changer on the war against terrorism.

RE: becoming fully aware of how past and future are connected

In May 1990, when I suddenly had "spiritual revelations" there was an "order to the universe"
I started calling my old friends and classmates with whom I felt a divine reason we were connected.

Of course, I just HAD to call my "twin" from college, a classmate born the same day and year I was.

(That's highly probably of course, since it only takes 23 people in a room for the chances of 2 having the same birthday. And with college freshmen all being the same age or one year apart, of course you are going to find people "in your same class" born the same day of the same year. That's within probability and to be expected.)

We had not talked since we had taken a class together, and I had to call the school to find his contact information.

But the funniest coincidence was at the time I called him, we were both living a few blocks away from the university, two years after we graduated in 1988.

His phone number was 713-661-1736
and mine was 713-661-1739
(Almost identical except the last number, flipped upside down)

And here I was, calling my "twin" to tell him "there was an order to the universe"
and everything is divinely planned....
To many to list or remember:
The time I had to rush to the bank before close for an office deposit and got slowed down by a sudden sharp pain while walking, just a few seconds delayed long enough to avoid a brick falling in front of me off the top of those old Philly brick row home facades, and to stop an old lady from walking into it's path as well.

The time my older car self braked before auto braking existed, making me miss the light, so I figured maybe it was meant to avoid an accident, but it turns out missing the light allowed me to cross paths a town over(20 min drive) with a person I slowed up that allowed the police to apprehend. Turned out this lady stole the purse of a woman inside the place I was headed to sing, the victim by chance was my old girlfriend from 2 hours west of me who by chance was in town. MY car/chance timing basically helped me stop someone robbing my ex-girlfriend.

But I'm best noted for geocaching the number one most wanted-with no knowledge of the region, all 100% intuitive awareness and understanding of how our future would interact with the past is how I did it. Having faith in my own theories allowed me to step forth with my insight, that lead to removal of their weapons cache, upper military personnel, and was called the game changer on the war against terrorism.

RE: becoming fully aware of how past and future are connected

In May 1990, when I suddenly had "spiritual revelations" there was an "order to the universe"
I started calling my old friends and classmates with whom I felt a divine reason we were connected.

Of course, I just HAD to call my "twin" from college, a classmate born the same day and year I was.

(That's highly probably of course, since it only takes 23 people in a room for the chances of 2 having the same birthday. And with college freshmen all being the same age or one year apart, of course you are going to find people "in your same class" born the same day of the same year. That's within probability and to be expected.)

We had not talked since we had taken a class together, and I had to call the school to find his contact information.

But the funniest coincidence was at the time I called him, we were both living a few blocks away from the university, two years after we graduated in 1988.

His phone number was 713-661-1736
and mine was 713-661-1739
(Almost identical except the last number, flipped upside down)

And here I was, calling my "twin" to tell him "there was an order to the universe"
and everything is divinely planned....
Reminds me of something that occured this month, that I held back from sharing.
I felt the need to look up an old girlfriend from my fresh out of school days, like an inkling, and it ended up being her birthday by chance. As a rationalist,
I always try to figure out reasons of how these things happen, whether selective recognition or in this case pondering if our subconcious stores such pertanant memory that is later lost due to seperation and time long past.
On the surface you don't know the day, but is dormant somwhere and awakened in memory, thus becoming the happy coincidence.
Although since I never know what day it is, then my biological Calendar would have to be mighty sharp to put that 2+2 together. *L*
Never did find out if it was because they needed me, thought it best not to intrude on a Married ex as putting yourself in the shoes of the Husband you would not want that, and you can cause unecessary stress and strain on their relationship, maybe even an argument.
I seriously injured my leg in a sparring class. Spent a week limping on it an in incredible pain. I had no insurance so I didn't want to vote the bullet and head to the doctor. I used crutches to get around.

I went to Church and did some service despite that. Afterwards I went to class. The Spirit poured out went throw me and healed me as I sat there. After that moment I didn't need a crutch and felt no pain other than a dull soreness like I worked my leg out at the gym's like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc's like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
point being there is no divine intervention/etc

or, not again -

isn't that written in their book of forgeries, something of which they got right, the travails of Noah ...

the religion of antiquity all but forbids it.'s like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.'s like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.
there is no divine intervention one can prove it's like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.
there is no divine intervention one can prove it

Yes both existence and nonexistence are equally faith based.
Both rely on whether individuals BELIEVE and call it that or something else.

Just like DREAMS harmonica
We can neither prove nor disprove when someone SAYS they "had a dream" and
what that dream entailed or what it means. All faith based.

Yet we are okay socially with accepting when someone SAYS they dreamed something.
Someday we will be okay with people SAYING they saw spirits or had messages or visions
of something and what it meant to them.

Both are equally faith based and cannot be proven or disproven one way or another.'s like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.
there is no divine intervention one can prove it

Yes both existence and nonexistence are equally faith based.
Both rely on whether individuals BELIEVE and call it that or something else.

Just like DREAMS harmonica
We can neither prove nor disprove when someone SAYS they "had a dream" and
what that dream entailed or what it means. All faith based.

Yet we are okay socially with accepting when someone SAYS they dreamed something.
Someday we will be okay with people SAYING they saw spirits or had messages or visions
of something and what it meant to them.

Both are equally faith based and cannot be proven or disproven one way or another.
if you can't prove something, it's not there
.....wrong---everybody dreams and/or most people dream = much more people dream than have ''divine intervention''
Dreams: The Mysteries of Sleep -
you never dreamed?'s like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.

Thank you HaShev You bring up a good point about the process "in time."

harmonica some of my friends were discussing the neuroscience research published by a doctor
in the local Med Center in Houston. The study was on brain impulses, and the research showed that
even BEFORE the subject person Consciously decided to take an action such as picking up a coffee cup,
the brain was already reacting and showing impulse activity related to PREPARING for that action.
So the impulse already started before the person made a conscious choice.

Now was this a delay in when someone REALIZES they made that choice?
Or was it really the unconscious planning and preparing in advance before the REAL WILL or consciousness of the
person went there. Was it just a delay in perception that explains this backwards gap in time?

This disturbed some people's perception of what is free will.
How much are unconscious impulses and what is really what we determine and decide on our own volition to do or not.

However, if you take what I am saying and looks like HaShev refers to as well.
The whole process is already in motion, already connected.
And we are just perceiving and working with that process, where past and future events
already correlate and co influence each other (that's how I see it anyway).

The way HaShev describes it above is close enough to what I see going on,
so it may not be perfect but it alludes to similar enough for me to recognize.

Cool!'s like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.

Thank you HaShev You bring up a good point about the process "in time."

harmonica some of my friends were discussing the neuroscience research published by a doctor
in the local Med Center in Houston. The study was on brain impulses, and the research showed that
even BEFORE the subject person Consciously decided to take an action such as picking up a coffee cup,
the brain was already reacting and showing impulse activity related to PREPARING for that action.
So the impulse already started before the person made a conscious choice.

Now was this a delay in when someone REALIZES they made that choice?
Or was it really the unconscious planning and preparing in advance before the REAL WILL or consciousness of the
person went there. Was it just a delay in perception that explains this backwards gap in time?

This disturbed some people's perception of what is free will.
How much are unconscious impulses and what is really what we determine and decide on our own volition to do or not.

However, if you take what I am saying and looks like HaShev refers to as well.
The whole process is already in motion, already connected.
And we are just perceiving and working with that process, where past and future events
already correlate and co influence each other (that's how I see it anyway).

The way HaShev describes it above is close enough to what I see going on,
so it may not be perfect but it alludes to similar enough for me to recognize.

.....also--there can't be divine intervention since you can't prove there is a ''divine being'' --plain and simple
When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.
there is no divine intervention one can prove it

Yes both existence and nonexistence are equally faith based.
Both rely on whether individuals BELIEVE and call it that or something else.

Just like DREAMS harmonica
We can neither prove nor disprove when someone SAYS they "had a dream" and
what that dream entailed or what it means. All faith based.

Yet we are okay socially with accepting when someone SAYS they dreamed something.
Someday we will be okay with people SAYING they saw spirits or had messages or visions
of something and what it meant to them.

Both are equally faith based and cannot be proven or disproven one way or another.
if you can't prove something, it's not there
.....wrong---everybody dreams and/or most people dream = much more people dream than have ''divine intervention''
Dreams: The Mysteries of Sleep -
you never dreamed?

You can't prove the content of the dreams.
We can show the brain has certain activities that correspond to dream states.
But there is no proof of content.

Do you get what I'm saying harmonica?

We have been "taking it on faith" that people dream what they said they dream.
No proof.
All faith based on taking people's word for it!!!
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.
there is no divine intervention one can prove it

Yes both existence and nonexistence are equally faith based.
Both rely on whether individuals BELIEVE and call it that or something else.

Just like DREAMS harmonica
We can neither prove nor disprove when someone SAYS they "had a dream" and
what that dream entailed or what it means. All faith based.

Yet we are okay socially with accepting when someone SAYS they dreamed something.
Someday we will be okay with people SAYING they saw spirits or had messages or visions
of something and what it meant to them.

Both are equally faith based and cannot be proven or disproven one way or another.
if you can't prove something, it's not there
.....wrong---everybody dreams and/or most people dream = much more people dream than have ''divine intervention''
Dreams: The Mysteries of Sleep -
you never dreamed?

You can't prove the content of the dreams.
We can show the brain has certain activities that correspond to dream states.
But there is no proof of content.

Do you get what I'm saying harmonica?

We have been "taking it on faith" that people dream what they said they dream.
No proof.
All faith based on taking people's word for it!!!
wrong---dreams/dreaming EXIST....there is no proof divine intervention exists or a divine power--do YOU get what I'm saying?
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.
there is no divine intervention one can prove it

Yes both existence and nonexistence are equally faith based.
Both rely on whether individuals BELIEVE and call it that or something else.

Just like DREAMS harmonica
We can neither prove nor disprove when someone SAYS they "had a dream" and
what that dream entailed or what it means. All faith based.

Yet we are okay socially with accepting when someone SAYS they dreamed something.
Someday we will be okay with people SAYING they saw spirits or had messages or visions
of something and what it meant to them.

Both are equally faith based and cannot be proven or disproven one way or another.
if you can't prove something, it's not there
.....wrong---everybody dreams and/or most people dream = much more people dream than have ''divine intervention''
Dreams: The Mysteries of Sleep -
you never dreamed?

You can't prove the content of the dreams.
We can show the brain has certain activities that correspond to dream states.
But there is no proof of content.

Do you get what I'm saying harmonica?

We have been "taking it on faith" that people dream what they said they dream.
No proof.
All faith based on taking people's word for it!!!
irrelevant--who cares?? idiotic
no proof of a divine power--plain and simple

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