Antisemitism is growing on American campuses

This is the mandate in question, you profoundly ignorant fool.

Yes, I posted it first. I know what it is. Point being, Arab state, Jewish state. You want to grant the (in your eyes) "special status" of "ethnicity" to the jews when arguing for right to self determination, but not to Palestinians or Arabs. That line of argument doesn't have legs.

Ad nobody is trying to deny that to jews anyway. You are only using this idea to deny the same to Arabs or Palestinians.
Yes, I posted it first. I know what it is. Point being, Arab state, Jewish state. You want to grant the (in your eyes) "special status" of "ethnicity" to the jews when arguing for right to self determination, but not to Palestinians or Arabs. That line of argument doesn't have legs.

Ad nobody is trying to deny that to jews anyway. You are only using this idea to deny the same to Arabs or Palestinians.
You support the existence of 22 Arab states and advocate for yet one more , all the while seeking to deny Jewish people even one.

You are an antisemite
You support the existence of 22 Arab states and advocate for yet one more , all the while seeking to deny Jewish people even one.

You are an antisemite

Strikes me that if you guys are so keen on the Jews having their own state, we should give up one of ours... I nominate Florida.

Taking away someone else's stuff to give them is kind of daft, isn't it?

Point was, Palestine wasn't theirs and the British had no business giving it to them.
Yes, I posted it first. I know what it is. Point being, Arab state, Jewish state. You want to grant the (in your eyes) "special status" of "ethnicity" to the jews when arguing for right to self determination, but not to Palestinians or Arabs. That line of argument doesn't have legs.

Ad nobody is trying to deny that to jews anyway. You are only using this idea to deny the same to Arabs or Palestinians.
Exactly...well said.

I've also never before heard anti semitism defined by how many states a particular ethnic group has or that if you support self determination for both Jews and Palestinians...that makes you an anti semite. Go figure.
Strikes me that if you guys are so keen on the Jews having their own state, we should give up one of ours... I nominate Florida.

Taking away someone else's stuff to give them is kind of daft, isn't it?

Point was, Palestine wasn't theirs and the British had no business giving it to them.
Western powers made a mess of borders and nations in the Middle East and Africa that are causing conflict even today. Why is it only Israel that is singled out for non existence?
I think getting into the history of the Mandate is derailing the thread, let’s trend back to anti semitism,anti Zionism, college campuses…
Because it is counterfactual to the deceitful double talk of antisemites who seek to deny the existence of one tiny little state for Jewish people.

Meanwhile, maps of South Africa posted by those who support the killing of Jews is considered perfectly reasonable.
Exactly...well said.

I've also never before heard anti semitism defined by how many states a particular ethnic group has or that if you support self determination for both Jews and Palestinians...that makes you an anti semite. Go figure.
Actually, it is supporting self determination for Arabs but not Jews that makes one an antisemite.

You are simply too dishonest to acknowledge the actual positions others have taken or haven't taken.
Strikes me that if you guys are so keen on the Jews having their own state, we should give up one of ours... I nominate Florida.

Taking away someone else's stuff to give them is kind of daft, isn't it?

Point was, Palestine wasn't theirs and the British had no business giving it to them.
You keep forgetting the redrawing of the maps post WWI and WWII.
Actually, it is supporting self determination for Arabs but not Jews that makes one an antisemite.

You are simply too dishonest to acknowledge the actual positions others have taken or haven't taken.
As far as I can see Fort Fun supported both with a preference for Israel as an established democratic state. So why did you call him an anti semite?
As far as I can see Fort Fun supported both with a preference for Israel as an established democratic state. So why did you call him an anti semite?
He said quite clearly that he is an anti-Zionist. Zionism is the term used for the movement to establish a state for Jewish people, therefore he opposes self determination for Jewish people.

As we both know, Israel is ALREADY a democratic state, so are you being stupid here or just completely dishonest as always?
He said quite clearly that he is an anti-Zionist. Zionism is the term used for the movement to establish a state for Jewish people, therefore he opposes self determination for Jewish people.

I went back and reread his posts. My impression is he views Zionism as a religious movement and he opposes any state as a religious state but supports them as secular states. Jews are both an ethnicity and a religion, it is possible to be Jewish but atheist for example, so a Jewish state could be a secular state and still be for the Jewish people, right? At any rate as long as he opposes all religious on the principle that secular states are better, then how does it make him an anti semite?

As we both know, Israel is ALREADY a democratic state, so are you being stupid here or just completely dishonest as always?

I didn't say it wasn't.
Nobody talked about Nazis... your reading comprehension must be poor. But since you brought it up...

How is what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians any different than what the Nazis did to the rest of Europe?
You really are retarded.

Behind the Headlines: Facts and Figures - Islam in Israel

  • The Muslim population of Israel has increased about ten-fold since the State was established; from some 156,000 in 1949 to over 1,454,000 today.
  • There are over 400 mosques in Israel, of which some 73 are located in Jerusalem. The number of mosques in Israel has increased about five-fold since 1988, when there were 80 mosques.
  • Approximately 300 imams and muezzins receive their salaries from the Israeli government. Israel provides the Korans used in mosques and funds Arab schools and many Islamic schools and colleges. Such schools teach Islamic studies and Arabic, as well as the Israel Ministry of Education’s general curriculum.
  • In 2015, the Israeli government approved a 10-15 billion NIS budget (about 2.6-4 billion USD) for a five-year plan to develop the Arab sector in Israel.
  • The Muslim community regulates its own unique court system and handles marriage and divorce under Islamic law. Eight regional Islamic law courts and one national appeals court operate in Israel, under the supervision of Israel's Ministry of Justice.
  • Muslims are highly involved in Israeli academia, with some 26,000 Muslim students enrolled in Israeli academic institutions. In 2014, about 21 percent of the undergraduate students at the prestigious Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa were Arabs, up from 11 percent in 2001. This is roughly the same proportion of Arabs as in Israel's overall population of 8.3 million.
  • Some Muslims also serve in the Israel Defense Forces; approximately 1,700 Muslims served in 2015, mostly from Bedouin tribes.
  • Most of Israel’s Muslim citizens, some 69 percent, live in the northern part of the country, i.e. the Galilee and Haifa. About 20 percent live in and around Jerusalem and 11 percent of Israel’s Muslims are Bedouins that live mostly in the south of Israel, near Be'er Sheva in the Negev.
  • Each year the Jerusalem municipality decorates the streets of the city in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, and hosts dozens of festivities and events for the public.
  • The municipality also marks the holiday with a traditional ceremony in which a shot is fired from a historical cannon in East Jerusalem each day at sunrise and sunset to mark the beginning and end of the daily fast.
  • Muslim employees can take days off work during Ramadan, and working conditions are tailored to their needs while fasting during the month. The Israel Defense Forces also adjust Muslim soldiers' training regimes during the month of Ramadan.

You should stop posting now. You're doing nothing more than proving you're retarded.

I went back and reread his posts. My impression is he views Zionism as a religious movement and he opposes any state as a religious state but supports them as secular states. Jews are both an ethnicity and a religion, it is possible to be Jewish but atheist for example, so a Jewish state could be a secular state and still be for the Jewish people, right? At any rate as long as he opposes all religious on the principle that secular states are better, then how does it make him an anti semite?

I didn't say it wasn't.
Zionism is not, and has never been a religious movement.

Have you ever considered limiting yourself to what is true?

Beyond that, it is the height of hypocrisy for you to support Arab states that actually DO define a national religion while opposing an Israel over just the imagined potential of such -- a potential that is not born out in reality.

It is all these double standards radical leftists profer that reveals the antisemitism. If they were honest people, they would apply the SAME standard to one group as you do the other.
You really are retarded.

Behind the Headlines: Facts and Figures - Islam in Israel

  • The Muslim population of Israel has increased about ten-fold since the State was established; from some 156,000 in 1949 to over 1,454,000 today.
  • There are over 400 mosques in Israel, of which some 73 are located in Jerusalem. The number of mosques in Israel has increased about five-fold since 1988, when there were 80 mosques.
  • Approximately 300 imams and muezzins receive their salaries from the Israeli government. Israel provides the Korans used in mosques and funds Arab schools and many Islamic schools and colleges. Such schools teach Islamic studies and Arabic, as well as the Israel Ministry of Education’s general curriculum.
  • In 2015, the Israeli government approved a 10-15 billion NIS budget (about 2.6-4 billion USD) for a five-year plan to develop the Arab sector in Israel.
  • The Muslim community regulates its own unique court system and handles marriage and divorce under Islamic law. Eight regional Islamic law courts and one national appeals court operate in Israel, under the supervision of Israel's Ministry of Justice.
  • Muslims are highly involved in Israeli academia, with some 26,000 Muslim students enrolled in Israeli academic institutions. In 2014, about 21 percent of the undergraduate students at the prestigious Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa were Arabs, up from 11 percent in 2001. This is roughly the same proportion of Arabs as in Israel's overall population of 8.3 million.
  • Some Muslims also serve in the Israel Defense Forces; approximately 1,700 Muslims served in 2015, mostly from Bedouin tribes.
  • Most of Israel’s Muslim citizens, some 69 percent, live in the northern part of the country, i.e. the Galilee and Haifa. About 20 percent live in and around Jerusalem and 11 percent of Israel’s Muslims are Bedouins that live mostly in the south of Israel, near Be'er Sheva in the Negev.
  • Each year the Jerusalem municipality decorates the streets of the city in celebration of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, and hosts dozens of festivities and events for the public.
  • The municipality also marks the holiday with a traditional ceremony in which a shot is fired from a historical cannon in East Jerusalem each day at sunrise and sunset to mark the beginning and end of the daily fast.
  • Muslim employees can take days off work during Ramadan, and working conditions are tailored to their needs while fasting during the month. The Israel Defense Forces also adjust Muslim soldiers' training regimes during the month of Ramadan.

You should stop posting now. You're doing nothing more than proving you're retarded.
You know, in a weird way, I actually prefer the old-fashioned right wing neo nazis to this leftist brand. At least the right wing ones are forthright and honest in their hatred of Jews. All the leftists in this forum indulge in all the same themes, but then turn around and deny they are antisemites.

Their idiotic double standards are revolting, as is their turnspeak where they accuse those who reject their ethnic hatred as being the actual haters.

I get SO sick of all the dishonest double talk.
You support the existence of 22 Arab states and advocate for yet one more , all the while seeking to deny Jewish people even one.
No, that's a stupid lie you literally just made up on the spot, to justify continuing your tantrum. You are delusional and swatting at imaginary flies. I wish every country were secular, in deed and in document.
No, that's a stupid lie you literally just made up on the spot, to justify continuing your tantrum. You are delusional and swatting at imaginary flies. I wish every country were secular, in deed and in document.
You are utterly ignorant and indulge in nothing but double-talk.

Once again, Israel is not a theocracy, and its government IS secular. There are Arab members of the Knesset as well as Arab political parties. Saying you are ant-Zionist means you oppose the existence of Israel, which is a position you HAVEN'T taken in regards to any of the 22 Arab states even though they DO mandate a state religion.

I sure get sick of of all you stupid hypocrites and your ridiculous double-talk.
Zionism is not, and has never been a religious movement.

I think that is arguable.

Have you ever considered limiting yourself to what is true?

Yup, how about you?

Beyond that, it is the height of hypocrisy for you to support Arab states that actually DO define a national religion while opposing an Israel over just the imagined potential of such -- a potential that is not born out in reality.

It would be, if it were true. Since you have switched from what Fort Fun said, to what I apparently think, I'll enlighten you on what I think. I support strict seperation of church state, whether it is Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or Buddhist. The more religion intrudes on governance the worse it inevitably is for minorities religions, homosexuals and women. That said, at the end of the day, I don’t live there, it is not my country. The best we can do is try to influence a move for better human rights from the sidelines.

It is all these double standards radical leftists profer that reveals the antisemitism. If they were honest people, they would apply the SAME standard to one group as you do the other.

I find double standards exist among radical rightists as well, for example, how everyone BUT Palestinians deserve self determination. If they honest wouldn’t they apply the same standard to all? Food for thought.
You are utterly ignorant and indulge in nothing but double-talk.

Once again, Israel is not a theocracy, and its government IS secular. There are Arab members of the Knesset as well as Arab political parties. Saying you are ant-Zionist means you oppose the existence of Israel, which is a position you HAVEN'T taken in regards to any of the 22 Arab states even though they DO mandate a state religion.

I sure get sick of of all you stupid hypocrites and your ridiculous double-talk.
He didn’t say it was a theocracy. States can have a powerful religious influence in law and governance without being theocracies.

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