Antiamericanism on the right.

I guess we will have to wait and see on it. MSNBC, though? That's a tuff pill to swallow.

Look at my post above and exactly. If MSNBC is saying 500,000, what do you think that means? It's not good. Not at all.
I see a lot of 40,000 more troops when I Google, not one 500,000....

Kimberly and Fred Kagan, defense analysts who helped McChrystal prepare his assessment of the war, this week released a report calling for about 40,000 extra troops to help wage a broad counterinsurgency campaign.
Top general in Afghanistan asks Pentagon for more troops --

From your own link:

It is unclear how many troops Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal requested. Officials have estimated that he needs 20,000 to 40,000 additional combat troops to pursue an expanded counterinsurgency strategy.

That's not for the entire war or even close to that. That's for one specific strategy.

The Soviet Union had over 100,000 troops in the country and more than 200,000 different ones at various times and still got their asses handed to them.

Yeah, we helped Bin Laden fight off Russia. I don't have an answer for Afganistan, but I do know, that our name will be synonymous with "Paper Tiger' when all said and done. I look at Viet Nam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afganistan...we just can't get the job done anymore. Our political war policies have really nullified our technologies. The Military wants to get it done, and has the means to do so, but our politicians don't have the stomach for it.
If our politicians that we have today were in the Senate, and Congress back in WWII we would have never won that one either. just sayin...
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Yeah, we helped Bin Laden fight off Russia. I don't have an answer for Afganistan, but I do know, that our name will be synonymous with "Paper Tiger' when all said and done. I look at Viet Nam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afganistan...we just can't get the job done anymore. Our political war policies have really nullified our technologies. The Military wants to get it done, and has the means to do so, but our politicians don't have the stomach for it.
If our politicians that we have today were in the Senate, and Congress back in WWII we would have never won that one either. just sayin...

One would figure $500 billion+ a year would be enough. However, we're certainly not getting our bang for our buck. It's not the fact the politicians don't have the stomach for it, the people don't. After Vietnam, we said never again. However, Americans these days don't want to see a war with such a high body count. One can not really blame them either.

However, the other problem is that we're not going in to win like in WWII. We're going in to occupy and then set up a new Government. That's totally different than WWII. Plus, we had practically the world's entire support in that. In this, we don't.

I would consider Desert Storm a success considering we did achieve our objections too though.
Yeah, we helped Bin Laden fight off Russia. I don't have an answer for Afganistan, but I do know, that our name will be synonymous with "Paper Tiger' when all said and done. I look at Viet Nam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afganistan...we just can't get the job done anymore. Our political war policies have really nullified our technologies. The Military wants to get it done, and has the means to do so, but our politicians don't have the stomach for it.
If our politicians that we have today were in the Senate, and Congress back in WWII we would have never won that one either. just sayin...

One would figure $500 billion+ a year would be enough. However, we're certainly not getting our bang for our buck. It's not the fact the politicians don't have the stomach for it, the people don't. After Vietnam, we said never again. However, Americans these days don't want to see a war with such a high body count. One can not really blame them either.

However, the other problem is that we're not going in to win like in WWII. We're going in to occupy and then set up a new Government. That's totally different than WWII. Plus, we had practically the world's entire support in that. In this, we don't.

I would consider Desert Storm a success considering we did achieve our objections too though.

Dogbert, we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
Yeah, we helped Bin Laden fight off Russia. I don't have an answer for Afganistan, but I do know, that our name will be synonymous with "Paper Tiger' when all said and done. I look at Viet Nam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afganistan...we just can't get the job done anymore. Our political war policies have really nullified our technologies. The Military wants to get it done, and has the means to do so, but our politicians don't have the stomach for it.
If our politicians that we have today were in the Senate, and Congress back in WWII we would have never won that one either. just sayin...

One would figure $500 billion+ a year would be enough. However, we're certainly not getting our bang for our buck. It's not the fact the politicians don't have the stomach for it, the people don't. After Vietnam, we said never again. However, Americans these days don't want to see a war with such a high body count. One can not really blame them either.

However, the other problem is that we're not going in to win like in WWII. We're going in to occupy and then set up a new Government. That's totally different than WWII. Plus, we had practically the world's entire support in that. In this, we don't.

I would consider Desert Storm a success considering we did achieve our objections too though.

Dogbert, we're just going to have to agree to disagree.

what do you disagree on?
Let's look at some facts here.
#1. FACT: Andrea Mitchell is a committed Obama slobbering love affair victim
#2 FACT: She's a left wing loon, anti war, doom and gloom reporter
#3 FACT: MSNBC has absolutely ZERO credibility in 80% of their reporting
#4 FACT: She is getting this information 2nd, maybe even 3rd hand from her "sources".

Now you tell me who the fucking liar is.......she's cut from the same cloth as Dan Rather....a bloviating, self centered Obama obsequious psychophant.
What do you call it when you and those like you wanted America to fail when Bush was President? Was it just to make Bush look bad?

See, that's where you are just 100% wrong.
No one on the left wanted the country or Bush to fail.
The country WAS failing and EVERYONE was hoping he could pull us out of our slump.
He didn't.
He left our nation beat and bleeding for the next guy.

100% pure unadulterated BULLSHIT
Without a search, I heard 40,000.

[ame=]YouTube - The Price is Right losing horn[/ame]

You're as about as close as the Washington Nationals were to the playoffs this year.

He wants the current amount, plus 500,000 (FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND) over 5 years.

AND he has stated that if Obama is not willing to commit that, he will quit. So should Obama rush things you think and just commit 500,000 troops on a whim? :eusa_eh:
source link?
i started a thread on this and the number was 40,000
where did you hear 500,000????
You realize the Olympics tend to cause nothing but problems for the host city, correct? Why would we want that for any American city?

Yes, I can see how all that money from tourists and atheletes would be a serious problem for Chicago. I don't know how they'd ever recover.

all the budget overruns, graft and corruption that inevitably come with these projects will leave the taxpayers holding the bag while politically connected scum bags make off with millions.

Don't believe me?

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Olympics budget rises to £9.3bn

The London Olympic budget was 9.3 billion over budget in 2007 and the total budget is expected to be 4 times the proposed cost. Who do you think will be stuck picking up the tab?

Do you really think things will be any different in Chicago, one of the most corrupt cities in the world?

I, for one, do not want to pick up another bill as a result of government ineptitude.
It's honestly shocking to me to see conservatives across the world applauding at the city of Chicago losing it's bid for the Olympics in 2016. Apparently seeing an opportunity for America's cultural and economic gain pass America by is a cause for celebration, simply because it represents Obama's efforts toward that have failed. If Obama was trying to climb up a tree to save a kitten dangling over the highway, and the kitten let go and fell to it's death before he could get to it, I imagine that the kittens demise would be greeted with fanfare by the conservative community, with pundits slapping each other on the back and saying "I guess that shows him!"

I'm starting to wonder whose fucking side you guys are on. It doesn't seem to be ours.

nobody cares s0n..................really:lol:
See, that's where you are just 100% wrong.
No one on the left wanted the country or Bush to fail.
The country WAS failing and EVERYONE was hoping he could pull us out of our slump.
He didn't.
He left our nation beat and bleeding for the next guy. appear to be misinformed. AT EVERY TURN the Democrats did NOTHING but criticize Bush and wish he failed, make fun of him, wish failure upon our troops in Iraq, hope the body count in the war on terror would rise exponentially and made his every domestic policy decision out to be Nazism and handing money over to Wall Street.

That whole Democrats singing on the Capitol steps was one of the biggest jokes I ever saw coming from the crooks in Washington. Not 4 weeks later they were right back to Bush bashing and bitching about the build up to the war in Afghanistan.

The Democrats wanted Bush to fail.....and in turn some on the left are upset because some on the right want Obama to fail? Hypocrisy at it's finest.

And that's bullshit too. As usual, the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes. But to say Democrats wanted, for example, the body count to rise is just scummy. Do you know any Democrats? How many of them really wanted U.S. troops to be killed just so they could score political points? For you to paint all Democrats in that light is just plain idiocy.

LOL You can't be serious...

The entire cry from the left for the release of coffin video... is nothing BUT an extension of the desire by the WHOLE of the ideological left for increase losses of US troops. The position of the US Left and that of Islamic terrorism, with regard to the US GWOT and in particular the Iraq campaign within that war, was indistiguishable.

To even SUGGEST that there is an American or anything approaching an American within the scope of the ideological left is little more than abject DELUSION!
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what do you disagree on?

That was going to be my question too. What do you disagree with me on Meister?

I shouldn't have painted a broad brush with the disagreement Dogbert. But, The Viet Nam War could have been won with the support of the people if the military had an open hand. But, the politicians had cuffed the hands instead. We couldn't win the war, but we just stayed there and let the bodies mount. Then the media and the people turned on the war. You are correct about Desert Storm, and the objective, but we should have, and the military thought we should have, finished off the Iraq regime at that point. The people were behind it, but our politicians were not. We could have had Bin Laden back in the 1990's, the military had him in their sights, but the politicians thought he was a "hot potato."
I also, feel your wrong with the politicians and WWII, the bodies that were lost would have turned our present day politicans in a heartbeat. We would have lost the war with who we have now in Washington. War is not suppose to be popular, but at times it's something that needs to be done.
When all is said, we will have emboldened our enemies, and weakend the bonds with our allies.
It wasn't the objections of the people of the United States that doomed us in Vietnam - it was the non-support from the vietnamese. appear to be misinformed. AT EVERY TURN the Democrats did NOTHING but criticize Bush and wish he failed, make fun of him, wish failure upon our troops in Iraq, hope the body count in the war on terror would rise exponentially and made his every domestic policy decision out to be Nazism and handing money over to Wall Street.

That whole Democrats singing on the Capitol steps was one of the biggest jokes I ever saw coming from the crooks in Washington. Not 4 weeks later they were right back to Bush bashing and bitching about the build up to the war in Afghanistan.

The Democrats wanted Bush to fail.....and in turn some on the left are upset because some on the right want Obama to fail? Hypocrisy at it's finest.

And that's bullshit too. As usual, the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes. But to say Democrats wanted, for example, the body count to rise is just scummy. Do you know any Democrats? How many of them really wanted U.S. troops to be killed just so they could score political points? For you to paint all Democrats in that light is just plain idiocy.

LOL You can't be serious...

The entire cry from the left for the release of coffin video... is nothing BUT an extension of the desire by the WHOLE of the ideological left for increase losses of US troops. The position of the US Left and that of Islamic terrorism, with regard to the US GWOT and in particular the Iraq campaign within that war, was indistiguishable.

To even SUGGEST that there is an American or anything approaching an American within the scope of the ideological left is little more than abject DELUSION!

You'll notice I used the term Democrat (i.e. people who voted for Obama). If you think everyone who voted Democrat is on the ideological left, then debating it with you is not worth either my time or yours.

Project as much as you want, but wanting coffin videos released to embarrass the president is a far cry from wanting more U.S. servicemen killed to validate a political point. One is distasteful, the other reprehensible.

Incidentally, I think the decision on whether coffins returning home should be broadcast is one that should reside with the families. appear to be misinformed. AT EVERY TURN the Democrats did NOTHING but criticize Bush and wish he failed, make fun of him, wish failure upon our troops in Iraq, hope the body count in the war on terror would rise exponentially and made his every domestic policy decision out to be Nazism and handing money over to Wall Street.

That whole Democrats singing on the Capitol steps was one of the biggest jokes I ever saw coming from the crooks in Washington. Not 4 weeks later they were right back to Bush bashing and bitching about the build up to the war in Afghanistan.

The Democrats wanted Bush to fail.....and in turn some on the left are upset because some on the right want Obama to fail? Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Ok. Well I'm on the left and I just told you I never knew anyone who thought that way, but apparently you're gonna believe whatever you want to believe.
I think ANYONE of any political party wanting the country or the president to fail is a horrible douche bag.

I knew plenty of Democrats that wanted Bush to fail. I can lend you some.

well i have run into a few who did not want the US to be ..."NUMBER 1" in Tech,Medical...whatever....we should be equal to everyone else.....take a few steps backwards or wait for the rest to catch up.....

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