Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

You going to answer all of the sacrifices you are making?
An idiotic question. This is a large scale problem that will only be solved with policy.

You going there with Vindman to make ice to pour on the ground to save the earth...........Get busy...........

Weird thing............heard you can't grow food in the ice..........amazing isn't it lib.
Morons like you are always so proud to act like retards...I admit, I laugh
go make icecubes then and save the planet...........hurry........AOC said we only have 12 years...........

You going to answer all of the sacrifices you are making?
An idiotic question. This is a large scale problem that will only be solved with policy.

You going there with Vindman to make ice to pour on the ground to save the earth...........Get busy...........

Weird thing............heard you can't grow food in the ice..........amazing isn't it lib.
Morons like you are always so proud to act like retards...I admit, I laugh
go make icecubes then and save the planet...........hurry........AOC said we only have 12 years...........


Yes folks, this embarrassing nutsack thinks he has outsmarted the world's scientists. Amazing, huh?
You going to answer all of the sacrifices you are making?
An idiotic question. This is a large scale problem that will only be solved with policy.

You going there with Vindman to make ice to pour on the ground to save the earth...........Get busy...........

Weird thing............heard you can't grow food in the ice..........amazing isn't it lib.
Morons like you are always so proud to act like retards...I admit, I laugh
go make icecubes then and save the planet...........hurry........AOC said we only have 12 years...........


Yes folks, this embarrassing nutsack thinks he has outsmarted the world's scientists. Amazing, huh?
Sure get busy saving the planet lib.............
An idiotic question. This is a large scale problem that will only be solved with policy.

You going there with Vindman to make ice to pour on the ground to save the earth...........Get busy...........

Weird thing............heard you can't grow food in the ice..........amazing isn't it lib.
Morons like you are always so proud to act like retards...I admit, I laugh
go make icecubes then and save the planet...........hurry........AOC said we only have 12 years...........


Yes folks, this embarrassing nutsack thinks he has outsmarted the world's scientists. Amazing, huh?
Sure get busy saving the planet lib.............
And you get busy cackling like a retard. Here's a LMFAOADMF on the house, son.
Nothing to see here says the Denier. Screw our children is their mantra. But hey, says the Denier, if I can stuff my and my wife's fat face today that is all that matters.
Why are you using your computer along with everything else completely reliant on fossil fuels?

You are a loser.

Yeah, I tried to ask Fort Fun Indiana some basic questions about this supposed reality the ruling elites are trying to push on us, he won't answer.

The reality is. . . if these global elites REALLY believed this was a global emergency, and if they really believe humans were the primary driver of climate change, they would outlaw all international shipping, all non-essential fights would be grounded, and oil and gas would only be used for heating and transportation to local jobs and local events for local communities.

But none of these elites actually want to hurt the economy. They all know what they are pushing is bullshit. Their precious national economies are more important. What they really want is just more control.

You didn't see any of these liberal networks tell folks to STOP BUYING SHIT FROM CHINA DURING CHRISTMAS? NOPE. Americans spent nearly a trillion dollars this Christmas. NOW THAT is a carbon footprint.

That was probably the number one thing these whining hypocritical climate crusaders could have done to lower their carbon footprint. But they all ordered from Amazon. . . and probably shopped more than their conservative counterparts, as liberals tend to be atheistic and therefor more materialistic.

. . .and THOSE, are just the facts.
Yeah, I tried to ask Fort Fun Indiana some basic questions about this supposed reality the ruling elites are trying to push on us, he won't answer.
That's right, I won't. If you were honestly seeking an answer about the most basic, fundamental facts of this topic, you would look them up yourself

Here is a pro tip, crybaby: your whining and your opinions of me and whether or not I spoonfeed you like a baby have no bearing whatsoever on the facts.

Read that a few times, let it sink in.
That's crap. These energy companies are part of the push for the green new deal, they are ready for it. If you think a carbon tax will hurt them? You are nuts. It will just be passed right on TO YOU! I have some far left Canadian Socialist friends whining about, and blaming their conservative province governor about energy prices. . .:71: Some of them are switching to wood burning stoves. lol duh. That sort of defeats the purpose. And yet? They were once like you. . . begging for "global warming solutions." duh.

All of these elite energy companies are completely on board with the UN program. THEY KNOW that if there is a carbon tax, folks will STILL be using oil, gas etc. Nothing compares to the energy output of their product, the planet cannot get by w/o them.

This is about global elites controlling EVERYTHING you do.

All of these elites, and the corporate boards have plans already drawn up. YOU just aren't paying attention.

Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals - Energy Factor Exxon

UN Sustainable Development Goals | Sustainability | Home BP

UN sustainable development goals - Shell Sustainability Report 2018

Saudi Vision 2030
Zero relevance to the science. What a waste of time that post was.

You don't know shit about science.

Give it up man.
Just because they tried to pull off a carbon tax scam doesn't mean all the scientific evidence of climate change isn't factual.

Correlation does not imply causation - Wikipedia
Wow!!! Have you told the scientists this?!?!

Their foundation funding depends on a paradigm you dolt. When I posted for you what was going on, you a Crepitus called the SUN a conspricy theory.
Their foundation funding depends on a paradigm you dolt.
So fucking stupid. No it doesn't. They would just continue doing research. Like all the scientists have since there were scientists. Idiotic, desperate denier talking point.

And, of course, the real money is what is behind the denier machine. But the real money can't seem to produce any contrary science, no matter how hard it tries.
Nothing to see here says the Denier. Screw our children is their mantra. But hey, says the Denier, if I can stuff my and my wife's fat face today that is all that matters.
Why are you using your computer along with everything else completely reliant on fossil fuels?

You are a loser.

View attachment 305437
You loser. Nothing. Not one sacrifice you pathetic hypocrite. Not one pathetic stupid left wing global warmist who supposedly believes in it are not making any sacrifices. Just using fossil fuels, living off everything capitalism has given you and pretend to be all righteous from some fake moral platitude.

You pathetic idiots are not worth a pound of hot shit.

Now, go ahead and get the laughs and pats on your stupid lame backs from the other pathetic hypocritical wastes of blood.
Yeah, I tried to ask Fort Fun Indiana some basic questions about this supposed reality the ruling elites are trying to push on us, he won't answer.
That's right, I won't. If you were honestly seeking an answer about the most basic, fundamental facts of this topic, you would look them up yourself

Here is a pro tip, crybaby: your whining and your opinions of me and whether or not I spoonfeed you like a baby have no bearing whatsoever on the facts.

Read that a few times, let it sink in.

And you have proven time and time again you have no ability to think for yourself. Your critical thinking skills are ZERO. You don't even know what and appeal to authority fallacy is.

This is how all your posts register. . . .


You can't even tell when you are watching or reading propaganda, so why should anyone take a post of your seriously?
Yeah, I tried to ask Fort Fun Indiana some basic questions about this supposed reality the ruling elites are trying to push on us, he won't answer.
That's right, I won't. If you were honestly seeking an answer about the most basic, fundamental facts of this topic, you would look them up yourself

Here is a pro tip, crybaby: your whining and your opinions of me and whether or not I spoonfeed you like a baby have no bearing whatsoever on the facts.

Read that a few times, let it sink in.

And you have proven time and time again you have no ability to think for yourself. Your critical thinking skills are ZERO. You don't even know what and appeal to authority fallacy is.

This is how all your posts register. . . .


You can't even tell when you are watching or reading propaganda, so why should anyone take a post of your seriously?
And the idiot denier tantrums begin, as they don't have science or reason on their side...

Yes, crybaby, nip at my ankles. Maybe that will make an uneducated slob like you right and all the scientists wrong, heh heh

Or not...
Their foundation funding depends on a paradigm you dolt.
So fucking stupid. No it doesn't. They would just continue doing research. Like all the scientists have since there were scientists. Idiotic, desperate denier talking point.

And, of course, the real money is what is behind the denier machine. But the real money can't seem to produce any contrary science, no matter how hard it tries.

You are such an idiot.

You can't "just continue doing research," IF YOU ARE HOMELESS. There is absolutely NO MONEY in going against the establishment.

Yeah, I tried to ask Fort Fun Indiana some basic questions about this supposed reality the ruling elites are trying to push on us, he won't answer.
That's right, I won't. If you were honestly seeking an answer about the most basic, fundamental facts of this topic, you would look them up yourself

Here is a pro tip, crybaby: your whining and your opinions of me and whether or not I spoonfeed you like a baby have no bearing whatsoever on the facts.

Read that a few times, let it sink in.

And you have proven time and time again you have no ability to think for yourself. Your critical thinking skills are ZERO. You don't even know what and appeal to authority fallacy is.

This is how all your posts register. . . .


You can't even tell when you are watching or reading propaganda, so why should anyone take a post of your seriously?
And the idiot denier tantrums begin, as they don't have science or reason on their side...

Yes, crybaby, nip at my ankles. Maybe that will make an uneducated slob like you right and all the scientists wrong, heh heh

Or not...

You mean only that "scientists," that they care to tell you about.
You can't "just continue doing research," IF YOU ARE HOMELESS.
They would not be homeless. They would continue doing research. What the hell is wrong with your brain?

By the way, we have reached the point -- and you embarrassing retards ALWAYS reach this point, eventually -- where you nutsacks say the scientists are all incompetent,liars,or both. And the uneducated slobs like you have it all figured out.

How embarrassing. And not just embarrassing for morons embarrass our entire country.
You mean only that "scientists," that they care to tell you about.
I. E., all the ones that actually publish scientific research. You morons are invited to produce some, too.

Haha, just kidding, that was mean. That's like asking a dung beetle to do calculus.

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