Another Republican Governor caves


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
In Reversal, Florida to Take Health Law’s Medicaid Expansion


Published: February 20, 2013

MIAMI — Gov. Rick Scott of Florida reversed himself on Wednesday and announced that he would expand his state’s Medicaid program to cover the poor, becoming the latest — and, perhaps, most prominent — Republican critic of President Obama’s health care law to decide to put it into effect....

That's the seventh big talking GOP governor who's flip flopped.

Another nail in the coffin of the clown car known as the Tea Party.
He is only committing to expanding it during the period the federal government pays for it.

That's how drug dealers get you hooked. They give you free samples.

Then you become dependent.

Good luck throwing all those new enrollees off Medicaid in three years, Governor!
Money talks and BS walks. More then likely the governor was bought off. More money for the state whatever.

Now, does anyone know what is actually gonna happen.

Let's say every large company in America decides to pay the 2000 dollar fine instead of paying 12000 for their employees. I suppose the poor employees will be able to get health care at an affordable rate abet it maybe be quite lousy. Those who are middle class now make a big decision. Do they buy insurance and pay 12,000 a year or do they take a chance knowing they can't afford 12,000? Which means 12000 that won't go towards college, towards food, towards vacations, towards 401Ks. What will that do to the economy? The insurance companies don't get hurt at all and there is nothing driving down the prices. The alternative is that the family says we can't afford health care and takes a gamble being one major illness away from bankruptcy.

I hope I am wrong, very wrong. But I personally have seen it already. Retirees were guaranteed 3 years of benefits but companies are going to cut them off in 2014 and throw them onto Obama exchanges. Not sure why companies, other then employee retention, would not do that for all their company, the saving would be tremendous.
Money talks and BS walks. More then likely the governor was bought off. More money for the state whatever.


He wasn't 'bought off'! In a statement he said that between the Supreme Court decision on the subject and the election last November, "Obama care" is the law of the land and it's his job to deal with the reality of that fact.

He never said he endorsed the program, only that he understands his place as a public servant in a country where law, not ideology or ego, rules.
They don't have a choice. Big government is going to pay out a shit load of bennies for 3 years. During those three years those constituents all look around and get angry because they are not getting the benefits. After that, big government pulls the wool off your eyes and sticks you with the bill.

End result, you are fucked either way. Take the benefits now and go broke later. Don't take them now and get voted out now.
At this point in time, Scott is dead-nuts right on. He literally has no choice. The best thing to do right now is for congress to start looking at constructive ways to tweak it, looking hard at the lobbyist inspired redundancy and corporate pork.

Implementing it is the best way to stop the flood of fearful predictions and see how it works. Nobody wants the new age limits and increasing ease of moving from company to company to go away - there are parts worth keeping.
They don't have a choice. Big government is going to pay out a shit load of bennies for 3 years. During those three years those constituents all look around and get angry because they are not getting the benefits. After that, big government pulls the wool off your eyes and sticks you with the bill.

End result, you are fucked either way. Take the benefits now and go broke later. Don't take them now and get voted out now.

Exactly. It's a gigantic clusterfuck con. And when the bill comes due, Obama will be retired and laughing his ass off on the golf course.
In Reversal, Florida to Take Health Law’s Medicaid Expansion


Published: February 20, 2013

MIAMI — Gov. Rick Scott of Florida reversed himself on Wednesday and announced that he would expand his state’s Medicaid program to cover the poor, becoming the latest — and, perhaps, most prominent — Republican critic of President Obama’s health care law to decide to put it into effect....

That's the seventh big talking GOP governor who's flip flopped.

Another nail in the coffin of the clown car known as the Tea Party.

And the ranks of the ‘RINOs’ continues to grow.

Of course some of this may have to do with being a republican governor of a blue state; a state with a relatively large and diverse population, a state with a significant number of low income workers, and a state with a governor with some of the worst approval ratings in the Nation.
ObamaCare is extortion, pure and simple. A serious abuse of power and an instrument of major federal expansion.

The days of incrementalism are over. This was a huge leap forward for collectivism.
Money talks and BS walks. More then likely the governor was bought off. More money for the state whatever.


He wasn't 'bought off'! In a statement he said that between the Supreme Court decision on the subject and the election last November, "Obama care" is the law of the land and it's his job to deal with the reality of that fact.

He never said he endorsed the program, only that he understands his place as a public servant in a country where law, not ideology or ego, rules.

He's also trying to reposition himself for re-election (which ain't gonna happen).
Maybe the governor realized that finding a way to get health insurance for most of those who are presently showing up at the ER was in fact a good thing. Maybe he stopped listening to you right wing fools and your visions of a collectivist hell sure to come from Obamacare.
OK, I suppose it it probably more likely he did it out of self interest, but we can always hope the right will come out of their delirium.

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