Another look at the statue of Liberty.

Doubt it.

John Marco Allegro (1923-1988) was an English archaeologist and Dead Sea Scrolls scholar who wrote a book called The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. The book was controversial and caused a media frenzy when it was published in 1970.
What is the Holy mushroom theory?

The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross - Wikipedia

Allegro argued that Jesus never existed as a historical figure but was rather a mythological creation of early Christians under the influence of psychoactive mushroom extracts such as psilocybin. His unconventional claims have been subject to ridicule and scorn.
Gory Allegory

I thought she meant the John who wrote the zonked-out fantasy Apocalypse.
The number of fingers and toes of West Virginians.
I was watching a true history program 2 days ago ago about the Hatfield and McCoy's so called feud. Seems it was almost all a fiction. That the truth is the two families intermarried. Seems the press hoodwinked the country a t the time. Hatfields were in West Virginia and the McCoys in Kentucky. A photo of them was asked for and when the family agreed, they were told to go back home and return with guns. All for publicity.
Only a Stupid God Would Give Us Such a Confusing Text

Spin doctors can find anything in the Bible that backs up their argument. Just as in the Constitution, which the ruling class makes us believe is a secular version of the Bible.

"A day for a year" can also mean how many days Ezekiel has to do these rituals of atonement for every year that Jerusalem has been unholy. Making him do those things for 150 years is both ridiculously extreme and humanly impossible.
Ezekiel was to lay on his sides for 390 days and 40 days respectively, not 390 and 40 years. Those 'days' represented the 'years' of sinfulness of the two kingdoms. Why those particular numbers? Only God knows.
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Back then a year was 360 days (lunar year). The 'sacred' calendar was adjusted each spring to make up for the missing days. Rinse and repeat each spring.
Using a day for a year principle, found in several places in the Bible, the church would be protected for 1260 years from the dragon. This comports nicely from the time of Constantine until the Reformation.
So when does the 'protection' start and end?
what an intriguing idea----from whence cometh the Constantine Era "PROTECTION" and upon whom or
From the Inquisitors, persecution, and control of the RCC (the 'image' of the beast).

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