Another look at the statue of Liberty.

Thou Shalt Not Have Strange Gods

Your imaginary Deity demands that his pathetic flock give unquestioning obedience to his delegated authorities. That also gives Christofascists permission to boss us around. Like Khruschev, Martin Luther de-Stalinized the Church but kept the dictatorship.
Mandatory church attendance coming.........:hands:
Very true.

"I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel". -J. Christ
Jesus said "cast not your pearls before swine..." or dogs----or
so the Nicean council claimed in the name of Matthew----it's almost comical
Jesus said "cast not your pearls before swine..." or dogs----or
so the Nicean council claimed in the name of Matthew----it's almost comical
True today as then. Don't preach to unbelievers. Save your breath.
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