Another Liberal Religion: Paganism

Tell that Great White Shark swimming towards you that you are a higher order than he is.

Wonderful to have such witty repartee...

"Tell" as in speak to?

'...higher order..." as defined by size and appetite?

A remedial in biology:
1. Order is between class and family.

2. Humans are of the 'primate' order

3. Great White Sharks are cartilaginous fish of the order Lamniformes

4. Humans have a highly developed brain, capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, and problem solving. This mental capability, combined with an erect body carriage that frees the hands for manipulating objects, has allowed humans to make far greater use of tools than any other species on Earth. Human - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I like your number 4--it makes me feel really good about being human.

But the question remains--is this what is meant to be the superior species on earth.

I hate to say it, but I tend to think that plants are of a higher order than any animal since plants can take advantage of their immediate surroundings, can obtain larger life spans (depending on species) and are not as "extinction prong" in comparison to animals that need to seek out nutrition, extinction prong and relie on the death of other living things to survive .

"...I tend to think that plants are of a higher order than any animal..."

I never thought it would this easy to draw admissions such as yours out of the left...

But, in the interests of full disclosure, I have generally had the same view of the left: they should be placed in a nice sunny corner, and watered twice a day.
Post something that isnt a fantasy flight of some partisan hack and make sure it includes REAL facts and maybe you will get a few reasoned responses.
Every item is documented...



The mating call of a Coulteritte.

Every factual nugget (buried in my hyperbolistic bullshit) is documented!


"Darwin is their prophet."

Aside from the obfuscations, I don't find that you guys on the left are able to deny that paganism, as evinced by the need to identify with plants and other species, including Gaia, is a strong theme in the left-wing political religion.

In short, the Left is a step back in the social evolution of mankind.
The left honors the law of the jungle, kill the weak, conformity to the rules of the herd...

I'm sure that I would be casting pearls before swine, to continue the animal theme, to bring up Jerzy Kozinski's book "The Painted Bird," which features folks like you.

And, of course, you and your silly, juvenile 'name' are a case in point.
Post something that isnt a fantasy flight of some partisan hack and make sure it includes REAL facts and maybe you will get a few reasoned responses.
And here I gave her nothing but reasoned responses!

So sorry that you were unable to understand post #34...

perhaps once you go to college.

As a Liberal AND a person of faith, I take umbrage with the tactic of screening my political beliefs and forcing them through the flimsy template of Conservative thought to arrive at the false assumption that Liberals have abandoned the faith of their fathers and embrace a pagan, atheistic value system.

You seem to delight in diluting faith to make it serve your lying assumptions. You and your ilk think that by dismissing the faith of Liberals and imposing your warped assumptions on us that the act of disparaging Liberals can be excused as purging heretics from the ranks of the Godly. Shame on you for using faith as a political weapon. Shame on you for making false assumptions about the faith of others. Shame on you for not getting reality into your thinking.
I would love to see a legitimate study which shows that libs are more intelligent than conservatives.


Ask and ye shall recieve...

Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa at the the London School of Economics and Political Science correlated data on these behaviors with IQ from a large national U.S. sample and found that, on average, people who identified as liberal and atheist had higher IQs. This applied also to sexual exclusivity in men, but not in women. The findings will be published in the March 2010 issue of Social Psychology Quarterly.

The IQ differences, while statistically significant, are not stunning -- on the order of 6 to 11 points -- and the data should not be used to stereotype or make assumptions about people, experts say. But they show how certain patterns of identifying with particular ideologies develop, and how some people's behaviors come to be.


Link to original publication of Mar 2010 Social Psychology Quarterly

Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent ? Social Psychology Quarterly

There ya go, Allie.

A peer reviewed study that indicates that liberals are, on average, modestly more intelligent than conservatives.

FWIW, I seriously doubt that one would find the same outcomes if one were to study the IQs of the leaderships of the liberal v conservative movements.

What I suspect you'd find there is that the leadership class of both movements have very superior (and equal) intellectual capacities.

But as to the rank and file liberals v conservative?

Yes, I think there's a very modest difference, just as this study indicates.

What I suspect makes that happen is that the nature of the positions the so called conservatives of today are taking.

The RNC has taken positions that appeal to a class of people who are rather stupid...that is to say fundamentalist Christians.

I also suspect if that segement of the population was taken out of the so called conservative class under study, we'd find no IQ difference between conservatives and liberals.

In fact, I think that the Republican party fully understands what motivates the anti-intellectual class and panders to their POV in order to get them to identify with and vote for the GOP and conservative candidates.

Theirs is a marriage of political convenience.
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And here I gave her nothing but reasoned responses!

So sorry that you were unable to understand post #34...

perhaps once you go to college.

As a Liberal AND a person of faith, I take umbrage with the tactic of screening my political beliefs and forcing them through the flimsy template of Conservative thought to arrive at the false assumption that Liberals have abandoned the faith of their fathers and embrace a pagan, atheistic value system.

You seem to delight in diluting faith to make it serve your lying assumptions. You and your ilk think that by dismissing the faith of Liberals and imposing your warped assumptions on us that the act of disparaging Liberals can be excused as purging heretics from the ranks of the Godly. Shame on you for using faith as a political weapon. Shame on you for making false assumptions about the faith of others. Shame on you for not getting reality into your thinking.

1. "...As a Liberal AND a person of faith,..."
I suggest you research the meaning of the term 'syncretic.'

2. "dismissing the faith of Liberals..."
If I may use this board as evidence, it is clear that those on the left regularly attack and dismiss religion and 'people of faith.'
You may have to rethink your position.

3. While you use words well, they are, often, empty of the meaning for which they were intended.
"...your lying assumptions..."
Please provide any and all of the lies in the OP.
And, of course, if you cannot, that alone should shake your worldview.
You are probably unaware of the fact that calling an opponent a liar marks you as a liberal.

4. "...false assumption that Liberals have abandoned the faith of their fathers and embrace a pagan, atheistic value system."
Ah, so you DIDN'T understand post #34.
It is a well supported exegesis demonstrating the abandonment of faith in religion, in God, and the replacement of same with what is assumed to be reason and science.
Although I don't expect you to ever admit it in public, it would advance your mental growth to use that post to begin an indepth study...and consider picking up Melanie Philips' "World Turned Upside Down."

5. "...You seem to delight in diluting faith ..."
Couldn't be further from the truth.

6. "...dismissing the faith of Liberals ..."
Again, the OP documents that liberals themselves have dismissed faith. Or do you deny that every one of the items involves liberals.
Actually, the huff and puff of your posts admits it.

7. The rest of your post is simply patting your self on the back.

But I really enjoyed your post, and the fact that you are one of the few brave enough to engage in the dialogue.
Post something that isnt a fantasy flight of some partisan hack and make sure it includes REAL facts and maybe you will get a few reasoned responses.

Care to dispute this one:

6. Which brings us to the most recent attack on humanity by a member of this pagan, left-wing cult:

“If you are unaware, James Jay Lee was an enviro-extremist. He was so extreme that he felt that people should not be allowed to have any more children because it was "killing" the planet.
In his rambling manifesto he implored the Discovery Channel to change its programming. "Focus must be given on how people can live WITHOUT giving birth to more filthy human children since those new additions continue pollution and are pollution," Lee wrote. (See .pdf of his manifesto)”Discovery Hostage Taker Following the Typical Envrio-Extremist's Path - Publius Forum

“He became an ardent environmentalist after seeing the Al Gore documentary An Inconvenient Truth and then reading the Daniel Quinn animal-rights novel Ishmael, a book he references at the top of his alleged manifesto.” James Lee: Discovery Channel Standoff Suspect Has Southern California Roots - Los Angeles News - The Informer

In his manifesto, Lee says: "Saving the Planet means saving what's left of the non-human Wildlife by decreasing the Human population.” Man Takes Hostages at Discovery Channel to Save What's Left of Wildlife | Animals |
So sorry that you were unable to understand post #34...

perhaps once you go to college.

As a Liberal AND a person of faith, I take umbrage with the tactic of screening my political beliefs and forcing them through the flimsy template of Conservative thought to arrive at the false assumption that Liberals have abandoned the faith of their fathers and embrace a pagan, atheistic value system.

You seem to delight in diluting faith to make it serve your lying assumptions. You and your ilk think that by dismissing the faith of Liberals and imposing your warped assumptions on us that the act of disparaging Liberals can be excused as purging heretics from the ranks of the Godly. Shame on you for using faith as a political weapon. Shame on you for making false assumptions about the faith of others. Shame on you for not getting reality into your thinking.

1. "...As a Liberal AND a person of faith,..."
I suggest you research the meaning of the term 'syncretic.'

2. "dismissing the faith of Liberals..."
If I may use this board as evidence, it is clear that those on the left regularly attack and dismiss religion and 'people of faith.'
You may have to rethink your position.

3. While you use words well, they are, often, empty of the meaning for which they were intended.
"...your lying assumptions..."
Please provide any and all of the lies in the OP.
And, of course, if you cannot, that alone should shake your worldview.
You are probably unaware of the fact that calling an opponent a liar marks you as a liberal.

4. "...false assumption that Liberals have abandoned the faith of their fathers and embrace a pagan, atheistic value system."
Ah, so you DIDN'T understand post #34.
It is a well supported exegesis demonstrating the abandonment of faith in religion, in God, and the replacement of same with what is assumed to be reason and science.
Although I don't expect you to ever admit it in public, it would advance your mental growth to use that post to begin an indepth study...and consider picking up Melanie Philips' "World Turned Upside Down."

5. "...You seem to delight in diluting faith ..."
Couldn't be further from the truth.

6. "...dismissing the faith of Liberals ..."
Again, the OP documents that liberals themselves have dismissed faith. Or do you deny that every one of the items involves liberals.
Actually, the huff and puff of your posts admits it.

7. The rest of your post is simply patting your self on the back.

But I really enjoyed your post, and the fact that you are one of the few brave enough to engage in the dialogue.

Wow, pole chic, you really are full of yourself! You're either a guy or a nerdy lesbian, which is it? :lol:

Why would you think all liberals are godless? :cuckoo: Not all liberal even use reason or science (ok, mainly the ones who believe in god, but still).
Even Jesus was a liberal, and was always trying to get people to go against convention.
You should look up the word "reality".
pagans are diverse as beliefs and lifestyles

shall we judge all christians by fred phelps?

Tell you what, I'm willing to champion the view that folks who honor the ten commandments are of a higher order than those who equate people with plants and lower forms of life.

You're certainly entitled to your own view on the matter.
As a Liberal AND a person of faith, I take umbrage with the tactic of screening my political beliefs and forcing them through the flimsy template of Conservative thought to arrive at the false assumption that Liberals have abandoned the faith of their fathers and embrace a pagan, atheistic value system.

You seem to delight in diluting faith to make it serve your lying assumptions. You and your ilk think that by dismissing the faith of Liberals and imposing your warped assumptions on us that the act of disparaging Liberals can be excused as purging heretics from the ranks of the Godly. Shame on you for using faith as a political weapon. Shame on you for making false assumptions about the faith of others. Shame on you for not getting reality into your thinking.

1. "...As a Liberal AND a person of faith,..."
I suggest you research the meaning of the term 'syncretic.'

2. "dismissing the faith of Liberals..."
If I may use this board as evidence, it is clear that those on the left regularly attack and dismiss religion and 'people of faith.'
You may have to rethink your position.

3. While you use words well, they are, often, empty of the meaning for which they were intended.
"...your lying assumptions..."
Please provide any and all of the lies in the OP.
And, of course, if you cannot, that alone should shake your worldview.
You are probably unaware of the fact that calling an opponent a liar marks you as a liberal.

4. "...false assumption that Liberals have abandoned the faith of their fathers and embrace a pagan, atheistic value system."
Ah, so you DIDN'T understand post #34.
It is a well supported exegesis demonstrating the abandonment of faith in religion, in God, and the replacement of same with what is assumed to be reason and science.
Although I don't expect you to ever admit it in public, it would advance your mental growth to use that post to begin an indepth study...and consider picking up Melanie Philips' "World Turned Upside Down."

5. "...You seem to delight in diluting faith ..."
Couldn't be further from the truth.

6. "...dismissing the faith of Liberals ..."
Again, the OP documents that liberals themselves have dismissed faith. Or do you deny that every one of the items involves liberals.
Actually, the huff and puff of your posts admits it.

7. The rest of your post is simply patting your self on the back.

But I really enjoyed your post, and the fact that you are one of the few brave enough to engage in the dialogue.

Wow, pole chic, you really are full of yourself! You're either a guy or a nerdy lesbian, which is it? :lol:

Why would you think all liberals are godless? :cuckoo: Not all liberal even use reason or science (ok, mainly the ones who believe in god, but still).
Even Jesus was a liberal, and was always trying to get people to go against convention.
You should look up the word "reality".

Brilliant, just brilliant.
pagans are diverse as beliefs and lifestyles

shall we judge all christians by fred phelps?

Tell you what, I'm willing to champion the view that folks who honor the ten commandments are of a higher order than those who equate people with plants and lower forms of life.

You're certainly entitled to your own view on the matter.

fair enough. but, it's goofy opinions like this that make it clear what kind of a fucking retard you are.

by the way, you can take your ten joke commandments and stuff 'em where Moses stuffed the dead bodies of all those calf worshipping jews that hurt his lil feewings after coming down from the mount.

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