Another Democrat POTUS Screw-up- U.S. discloses secret Somalia military Presence


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
If Clinton would have got his cigar out of a young girls privates long enough... Wait, that was after... But nonetheless, seems we have 120 troop in that shithole Somalia. We should of cleaned house there instead weak Willie waited until Election eve to lob some T-Hawks into an empty building. :lol:

Um, not a secret anymore.



Exclusive: U.S. discloses secret Somalia military presence, up to 120 troops

WASHINGTON Wed Jul 2, 2014 4:26pm EDT

(Reuters) - U.S. military advisors have secretly operated in Somalia since around 2007 and Washington plans to deepen its security assistance to help the country fend off threats by Islamist militant group al Shabaab, U.S. officials said.

The comments are the first detailed public acknowledgement of a U.S. military presence in Somalia dating back since the U.S. administration of George W. Bush and add to other signs of a deepening U.S. commitment to Somalia's government, which the Obama administration recognized last year.

The deployments, consisting of up to 120 troops on the ground, go beyond the Pentagon's January announcement that it had sent a handful of advisors in October. That was seen at the time as the first assignment of U.S. troops to Somalia since 1993 when two U.S. helicopters were shot down and 18 American troops killed in the "Black Hawk Down" disaster.

The plans to further expand U.S. military assistance coincide with increasing efforts by the Somali government and African Union peacekeepers to counter a bloody seven-year insurgent campaign by the al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab to impose strict Islamic law inside Somalia.
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3 million in Somalia in need of aid...

At least 3 million in Somalia in need of aid: U.N. Secretary General
Wed Oct 29, 2014 - At least three million people in Somalia need humanitarian aid and the country is threatened with famine, the U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday.
The United Nations said in September more than a million people in the war-ravaged Horn of Africa country were struggling to meet daily nutritional needs. "Over three million Somalis are in need of humanitarian assistance and unfortunately that number is growing. I urge donors to step up contributions to avert another famine in Somalia," Ban said during a visit to the Somali capital on Wednesday.

In August, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Somalia Philippe Lazzarini said rapidly rising malnutrition and food shortages resembled the warning signs that preceded a 2011 famine in which about 260,000 people died. A month earlier, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for Somalia said agencies were unable to meet the needs of 350,000 people who had fled to Mogadishu because they were hindered by a shortage of funds and by violence.

Al Qaeda-allied al Shabaab ruled most of the southern region of Somalia from 2006 until 2011, when African troops marched into the capital. The African Union and the Somali military launched a joint offensive in March to drive the Islamist fighters out, and stepped up their campaign in August after a surge in gun and bomb attacks in Mogadishu. Earlier this month, the troops captured al Shabaab's stronghold of Barawe on the southern Somali coast, which the Islamists had controlled since 2006.

Ban said there was a need to secure passage for humanitarian aid into the areas freely liberated from al Shabaab. "I congratulate the Somali National Army and AMISOM (African Union peacekeeping mission) for their advances and the contributions for peace and stability of Somalia," Ban said. "It is critical that they now secure roads to newly recovered areas to enable commercial traffic and humanitarian access."

At least 3 million in Somalia in need of aid U.N. Secretary General Reuters
3 million in Somalia in need of aid...

At least 3 million in Somalia in need of aid: U.N. Secretary General
Wed Oct 29, 2014 - At least three million people in Somalia need humanitarian aid and the country is threatened with famine, the U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday.
The United Nations said in September more than a million people in the war-ravaged Horn of Africa country were struggling to meet daily nutritional needs. "Over three million Somalis are in need of humanitarian assistance and unfortunately that number is growing. I urge donors to step up contributions to avert another famine in Somalia," Ban said during a visit to the Somali capital on Wednesday.

In August, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Somalia Philippe Lazzarini said rapidly rising malnutrition and food shortages resembled the warning signs that preceded a 2011 famine in which about 260,000 people died. A month earlier, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for Somalia said agencies were unable to meet the needs of 350,000 people who had fled to Mogadishu because they were hindered by a shortage of funds and by violence.

Al Qaeda-allied al Shabaab ruled most of the southern region of Somalia from 2006 until 2011, when African troops marched into the capital. The African Union and the Somali military launched a joint offensive in March to drive the Islamist fighters out, and stepped up their campaign in August after a surge in gun and bomb attacks in Mogadishu. Earlier this month, the troops captured al Shabaab's stronghold of Barawe on the southern Somali coast, which the Islamists had controlled since 2006.

Ban said there was a need to secure passage for humanitarian aid into the areas freely liberated from al Shabaab. "I congratulate the Somali National Army and AMISOM (African Union peacekeeping mission) for their advances and the contributions for peace and stability of Somalia," Ban said. "It is critical that they now secure roads to newly recovered areas to enable commercial traffic and humanitarian access."

At least 3 million in Somalia in need of aid U.N. Secretary General Reuters

Screw that. I wold make that place a doormat made out of glass


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