Another Debate Audience Recites Pledge when Moderator says "no!"

Then you won't mind leaving America and renouncing your citizenship? After all... being proud of your nation and heritage and culture is meaningless.

Isn't it?

You dont know what nationalism is do you?
I sure as hell do. And saying the pledge isn't it.

What you're talking about is unbridled, out of control nationalism when it is used as an excuse to commit attrocities. Like what was done in Germany, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Italy, Japan, North Korea, Iran... just to name a few.
Try gettin' a little-farther North o' Venezuela, while you're at it.

You dont know what nationalism is do you?
I sure as hell do. And saying the pledge isn't it.

What you're talking about is unbridled, out of control nationalism when it is used as an excuse to commit attrocities. Like what was done in Germany, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Italy, Japan, North Korea, Iran... just to name a few.
Try gettin' a little-farther North o' Venezuela, while you're at it.

My bad. Nicaragua, and El Salvador too.

Sorry, but there flat out is ZERO equivalent of anything north of Cuba in this hemisphere that is even close to the Soviets, Chicoms, Venezuelan insanity and other commie sponsored slaughter for the sake of the 'people'.... I mean state.

Since I normally don't pay attention to the habits of small time twits like yourself. I see you turned off your rep. Got sick of dropping to the negatives from being accurately labeled an irritard?
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Then you won't mind leaving America and renouncing your citizenship? After all... being proud of your nation and heritage and culture is meaningless.

Isn't it?

You dont know what nationalism is do you?
I sure as hell do. And saying the pledge isn't it.

What you're talking about is unbridled, out of control nationalism when it is used as an excuse to commit attrocities. Like what was done in Germany, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Italy, Japan, North Korea, Iran... just to name a few.

The love of country for it's merits and values as long as it's tempered by good reason in it's passion is always a credit to it's people. Pride in your nation is not a sin unless you let that pride blind you to it's wrongs as well as virtues.

But the left has turned hatred of America into a perverse 'virtue'. Hatred of the nation that has succored their lives and given them much of what they value and have been allowed to make for themselves. This is beyond biting the hand that feeds you. This is killing, gutting, cleaning, cooking and eating the golden goose.

What Im talking about is the nationalism you are hawking right now, otherwise you wouldnt want to force people that wouldnt normally use the pledge.

To keep claiming the left is un-American or hates our country is plain stupid. We are no less American than you are.
Patriotism is a quiet characteristic which can be demonstrated but not credibly professed because even the most craven traitor can swear his allegiance.

The Pledge of Allegiance need only be recited by every loyal American once in his lifetime. The demand for repetitive recitation is nothing but jingoistic, hyperbolic bullshit that proves absolutely nothing except how strong the tribal impulse affects some people, such as the fanatical Hitler gang for one example.

"If fascism comes to America it will be draped in a flag and carrying a cross." [Sinclair Lewis - 1935]
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the republic for which it stands,
one nation under God,
with liberty and justice for all.
So....when is the "...liberty and justice for all." supposed to kick-in???? :eusa_eh:

What's the point o' (constantly) repeating such bullshit, when it hasn't happened, yet?? :eusa_eh:

Happens on a daily basis.
You dont know what nationalism is do you?
I sure as hell do. And saying the pledge isn't it.

What you're talking about is unbridled, out of control nationalism when it is used as an excuse to commit attrocities. Like what was done in Germany, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Italy, Japan, North Korea, Iran... just to name a few.

The love of country for it's merits and values as long as it's tempered by good reason in it's passion is always a credit to it's people. Pride in your nation is not a sin unless you let that pride blind you to it's wrongs as well as virtues.

But the left has turned hatred of America into a perverse 'virtue'. Hatred of the nation that has succored their lives and given them much of what they value and have been allowed to make for themselves. This is beyond biting the hand that feeds you. This is killing, gutting, cleaning, cooking and eating the golden goose.

What Im talking about is the nationalism you are hawking right now, otherwise you wouldnt want to force people that wouldnt normally use the pledge.

To keep claiming the left is un-American or hates our country is plain stupid. We are no less American than you are.

Anyone who refuses the pledge of allegiance is , in my eyes, not 100% American.
I salute the flag and say the pledge at least once a month myself. And I mean it. You don't like it, too bad for you.
I sure as hell do. And saying the pledge isn't it.

What you're talking about is unbridled, out of control nationalism when it is used as an excuse to commit attrocities. Like what was done in Germany, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Italy, Japan, North Korea, Iran... just to name a few.

The love of country for it's merits and values as long as it's tempered by good reason in it's passion is always a credit to it's people. Pride in your nation is not a sin unless you let that pride blind you to it's wrongs as well as virtues.

But the left has turned hatred of America into a perverse 'virtue'. Hatred of the nation that has succored their lives and given them much of what they value and have been allowed to make for themselves. This is beyond biting the hand that feeds you. This is killing, gutting, cleaning, cooking and eating the golden goose.

What Im talking about is the nationalism you are hawking right now, otherwise you wouldnt want to force people that wouldnt normally use the pledge.

To keep claiming the left is un-American or hates our country is plain stupid. We are no less American than you are.

Anyone who refuses the pledge of allegiance is , in my eyes, not 100% American.
I salute the flag and say the pledge at least once a month myself. And I mean it. You don't like it, too bad for you.

Quick question sarge.

Why should I show allegience to any government that is willing to kill a fellow citizen with out trial or conviction?
You want a list of the people around here who think secession is legal? How can you defend secession if you have taken a pledge to defend the indivisibility of the nation?

I'm still waiting for you to show me where I ever said I was for secession?


Umm it does not appear that he was repying to you about that.
Maybe you need more english training on english comprehension?

He was talking to all people who would recite the pledge as if it is hypocritical. Nice try.

As if all conservatives are for secession. Who needs to take reading comprehension?

Sorry Full-Auto, I can't answer a question without enough info.

But if you have a problem pledging allegiance to a country, then maybe you shouldn't live in that country.
[whisper]psst... Ollie... I think he's not wanting to pledge allegiance to China. He shouldn't worry though. If he was in their power and refused, he'd be re-educated, enslaved or shot. [/whisper]

<smiles and waves to the rest of the psycholibs> carry on nutballs... carry on. Nothing to see here. go on hating the country that shelters your ass. Carry on.
Nationalism is never a good thing.

The pledge is "nationalism???????"

Keep this up liberals!

The pledge is not a good thing? For Who??????????

Apparently, it's not a good thing for liberals!

Good! Keep on saying the pledge people!


"The Pledge of Allegiance" is our countries pledge. It instills nationalism, that is it makes us proud. What Im saying is bad are nationalists, like yourself.

Im very proud of our country but the current nationalistic attitudes of some of you is unacceptable. You will find that out at some point.

Oh get this! I'm a "nationalist" because I'm for saying the pledge.

And of course that's bad because it might make people want to vote for the COUNTRY instead of socialist goodies like Obama offers. :eusa_snooty:

THAT's why liberals find this bad. Can't have people feeling pride in their country!

Noooooooooooooo, can't have that! :eusa_snooty:

Keep this up liberals. Tuesday is coming!

And democrats think reciting the pledge is uncouth, uncivilized and chaotic behavior.

Remember that in the voting booths ;)

anyone who finds reciting the pledge as acceptable is a statist traitor

Dude, you're in the extreme minority on this one. Give it up. 99.9% of the population sees nothing wrong with reciting the pledge itself. It's when you compel others to do it is where the problems begin.
Appeal to the majority.

Most Germans saw nothing wrong with pledging to Hitler.
Baseball teams don't discuss whether or not the National Anthem will be sung before a game either. But it is expected to be done.

Same thing in this case. I would expect the pledge to be a part of the proceedings. Weird that the moderator is the one who seemed to take issue with it.

If that is the case, it should have been decided beforehand that the pledge of alegience would be recited. I have never been at a public event where this was done. National Anthem ...yes

For Murphy to stand up and request it was blatant grandstanding and wrapping himself in the flag to make points. The audience is not supposed to be part of the debate. Murphy made them so

What time and place might be more appropriate to pledge allegiance to the "republic for which it stands" than at an event in which citizens of the republic are debating to win the right to represent other citizens in the republic's legislature?

What aspects of this event and the apparently near unanimous particiapation make you think that this was not appropriate?

Might this not be covered under the First Amendment?

Of course it's covered under the First Amendment! Why do you think liberals think it's "inappropriate?" :eusa_snooty:

anyone who finds reciting the pledge as acceptable is a statist traitor

Dude, you're in the extreme minority on this one. Give it up. 99.9% of the population sees nothing wrong with reciting the pledge itself. It's when you compel others to do it is where the problems begin.
Appeal to the majority.

Most Germans saw nothing wrong with pledging to Hitler.


And the Germans were pretty much compelled to.
Then you won't mind leaving America and renouncing your citizenship? After all... being proud of your nation and heritage and culture is meaningless.

Isn't it?

You dont know what nationalism is do you?
I sure as hell do. And saying the pledge isn't it.

What you're talking about is unbridled, out of control nationalism when it is used as an excuse to commit attrocities. Like what was done in Germany, Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Italy, Japan, North Korea, Iran... just to name a few.

The love of country for it's merits and values as long as it's tempered by good reason in it's passion is always a credit to it's people. Pride in your nation is not a sin unless you let that pride blind you to it's wrongs as well as virtues.

But the left has turned hatred of America into a perverse 'virtue'. Hatred of the nation that has succored their lives and given them much of what they value and have been allowed to make for themselves. This is beyond biting the hand that feeds you. This is killing, gutting, cleaning, cooking and eating the golden goose.


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