Another bad day for Trump andracist trash

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The Pentagon will prohibit the Confederate battle flag from US military installations despite Donald Trump's insistence that flying the symbol is "freedom of speech" amid a national reckoning over racist icons and political battles to remove the flag across the US.

According to a memo obtained by the Associated Press, Secretary of Defence Mark Esper says "the flags we fly must accord with the military imperatives of good order and discipline, treating all our people with dignity and respect, and rejecting divisive symbols" – but he does not explicitly mention the Confederate battle flag, in an effort to avoid directly contradicting the president.

In recent weeks, the president has rejected calls to rename military bases named after Confederate generals and has defended the battle flag while threatening prison sentences for people who burn the American flag.

I expect to see those "commie bastard Generals" out of work shortly.

The Pentagon will prohibit the Confederate battle flag from US military installations despite Donald Trump's insistence that flying the symbol is "freedom of speech" amid a national reckoning over racist icons and political battles to remove the flag across the US.

According to a memo obtained by the Associated Press, Secretary of Defence Mark Esper says "the flags we fly must accord with the military imperatives of good order and discipline, treating all our people with dignity and respect, and rejecting divisive symbols" – but he does not explicitly mention the Confederate battle flag, in an effort to avoid directly contradicting the president.

In recent weeks, the president has rejected calls to rename military bases named after Confederate generals and has defended the battle flag while threatening prison sentences for people who burn the American flag.

I expect to see those "commie bastard Generals" out of work shortly.

I don't have any problem with it being removed, it isn't a legal flag anymore thus belongs in museums, NOT on flagpoles.

The Pentagon will prohibit the Confederate battle flag from US military installations despite Donald Trump's insistence that flying the symbol is "freedom of speech" amid a national reckoning over racist icons and political battles to remove the flag across the US.

According to a memo obtained by the Associated Press, Secretary of Defence Mark Esper says "the flags we fly must accord with the military imperatives of good order and discipline, treating all our people with dignity and respect, and rejecting divisive symbols" – but he does not explicitly mention the Confederate battle flag, in an effort to avoid directly contradicting the president.

In recent weeks, the president has rejected calls to rename military bases named after Confederate generals and has defended the battle flag while threatening prison sentences for people who burn the American flag.

I expect to see those "commie bastard Generals" out of work shortly.
I think that is appropriate action.

Now, re-naming military bases named after generals who were members of the U.S. military both before and after the civil war is complete bullshit. Taking down Lee's portrait at the U.S. Military Academy is bullshit.

Many forget that the end of the Civil War was an agreement to reconcile as a nation. Everyone was given a full pardon of any alleged treason. In the spirit of that reconciliation, those who were members of the U.S. Military and the CSA are still recognized for their military prowess as Americans. We could not go forward as a nation in the spirit of reconciliation without doing so.

The military has continued to maintain that spirit of reconciliation between the states.

See the 29th Infantry Division:

The Pentagon will prohibit the Confederate battle flag from US military installations despite Donald Trump's insistence that flying the symbol is "freedom of speech" amid a national reckoning over racist icons and political battles to remove the flag across the US.

According to a memo obtained by the Associated Press, Secretary of Defence Mark Esper says "the flags we fly must accord with the military imperatives of good order and discipline, treating all our people with dignity and respect, and rejecting divisive symbols" – but he does not explicitly mention the Confederate battle flag, in an effort to avoid directly contradicting the president.

In recent weeks, the president has rejected calls to rename military bases named after Confederate generals and has defended the battle flag while threatening prison sentences for people who burn the American flag.

I expect to see those "commie bastard Generals" out of work shortly.

Nothing wacist about a harmless symbol of regional pride.

THis is the same type of anti-wacist witch hunt that led to the massive rape rings in your country. YOu know, like the new ones that are operating now.

How many girls do you imagine they will rape and enslave this go around?
Trump is correct,it is a form of freedom of speech, goddamn dopes.

If any flag needs to disappear it's that fruity fag flag

But it is not a LEGAL flag (the Confederate nation ceased to exist 155 years ago), it isn't legal to have it on state and Federal flagpoles,
“I think they should put it in the museum and let it go. Respect whatever it is you have to respect, because it was a point in time, and put it in a museum. But I would take it down. Yes.” ~ Donald Trump 2015
General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the administration's senior military official, testified that "those generals fought for the institution of slavery" and condemned the Confederacy's attempt to secede from the US as "an act of treason".

"Those officers turned their back on their oath," he said.

Commie bastard. Lock him up !!
Ever heard of that ole "1st Amendment" thingy?
"it isn't a legal flag"


It isn't illegal neither.

It is amusing that people fail to realize that the Confederate flag being used on State and Federal flagpoles, are symbols of Treason, enforcing slavery and of white supremacy. Maybe you do support the slavery, treason and white power, ideology after all.

Repeating what mdk posted:

“I think they should put it in the museum and let it go. Respect whatever it is you have to respect, because it was a point in time, and put it in a museum. But I would take it down. Yes.” ~ Donald Trump 2015

Maybe this will help you realize the Confederate flag belongs in Museums and not on State and Federal flagpoles.

The Confederate Flag And The Law

POSTED BY: R.E.A.L. JUNE 27, 2015


More of the public continues to call for the swift end of official and institutional activities promoting the Confederate flag and symbols of hate, which have disgraced the great United States of America for too long. Patriotic Americans condemn the Confederate symbol of white supremacy racism and its promotion of human slavery, because it is an offense to our nation, to our support for shared human rights, and to the equality and dignity of African-Americans and all of our fellow Americans.

But is it more than simply offensive and degrading to African-Americans and American patriots? Patriots and public activists must examine how such official promotion of Confederate flags and symbols conflicts with the Constitution of the United States, and determine what we need to do in terms of the actions of public citizens, including citizens’ arrests, and class action lawsuits, in the event that government officials continue to fail to enforce the law. We need more than passionate views and statements; we need passionate action on behalf of this great nation.
Is the government display and honoring of the Confederate flag and Confederate symbols legal? An examination of the white supremacist Confederate cause to enslave, degrade, and intimidate African-Americans, as well as an examination of the U.S. Constitution and other federal laws clearly indicate that official and public honoring of Confederate flag and symbols is not simply disgusting, it is clearly against the law.

Many Americans have ignored this question, because of widespread misunderstanding over the true intent of the law and the criminal message of the white supremacist Confederate States of America (CSA) “culture,” as well as because of the mistaken belief that the Confederate enemy threat to this nation ended with the formal ending of the Civil War 150 years ago. As we have seen, the Confederate cause of white supremacist hatred, intimidation, and violence continues to this day.

The flag and symbols of the Confederate States of America were specifically associated with a promotion of white supremacy and the contemptible practice of human slavery. Many Americans simply view this as shameful and disgusting. But a careful examination of our Constitution and federal law shows that such institutional white supremacist intimidation is more than simply disgraceful; it is against the law – it is criminal.

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The Pentagon will prohibit the Confederate battle flag from US military installations despite Donald Trump's insistence that flying the symbol is "freedom of speech" amid a national reckoning over racist icons and political battles to remove the flag across the US.

According to a memo obtained by the Associated Press, Secretary of Defence Mark Esper says "the flags we fly must accord with the military imperatives of good order and discipline, treating all our people with dignity and respect, and rejecting divisive symbols" – but he does not explicitly mention the Confederate battle flag, in an effort to avoid directly contradicting the president.

In recent weeks, the president has rejected calls to rename military bases named after Confederate generals and has defended the battle flag while threatening prison sentences for people who burn the American flag.

I expect to see those "commie bastard Generals" out of work shortly.
We live in America and you're jealous.
Who cares? Whiny assholes

I'm sick of leftist twatwaflles bawling, bitching and moaning

You can moan all you want, but respecting the laws are far more important than hanging onto a flag that represented treason, murder and slavery.

Better to let it go, you will feel more free for it.

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