A Black Portland Cop Says Rioters Are Racist. Leftists Immediately Confirm It.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Racist white democrats, gee I am shocked!

Pj Media

A Black Portland Cop Says Rioters Are Racist. Leftists Immediately Confirm It.


Portland Police Officer Jackhary Jackson. Screenshot from video.
A black police officer says there are racist white people stage-managing the riots in Portland, Oregon and “they’re not even from here.”

Officer Jackhary Jackson was featured in a video released by the Portland Police Bureau explaining what it’s like to be on the front lines after more than six weeks of rioting.

His observations are in line with what others are seeing in the riots since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters are being imported to Seattle and Portland. Minnesota officials initially were convinced that rioters who burned down the Third Precinct and other buildings, causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage, were from elsewhere, but the majority of arrested rioters were from the state. Some rioters who did travel to Minneapolis to riot, burn and loot were rolled up by the feds. The federal Department of Justice has begun to arrest and prosecute rioters who crossed state lines to commit riot, arson and other crimes.

It’s been obvious that the violent protests, allowed by a politically pliant Portland city hall, haven’t been about George Floyd for a very long time. The idea is to foment chaos and violence and to keep it going. The willingness of the elected officials to tolerate civil unrest, at the expense of other peoples’ security, is scandalous. The police officers’ union has accused the Leftist politicians in Oregon and specifically Portland of defending the violence.

Racist Rioters Get Support From City Hall

Racist white democrats, gee I am shocked!

Pj Media

A Black Portland Cop Says Rioters Are Racist. Leftists Immediately Confirm It.


Portland Police Officer Jackhary Jackson. Screenshot from video.
A black police officer says there are racist white people stage-managing the riots in Portland, Oregon and “they’re not even from here.”

Officer Jackhary Jackson was featured in a video released by the Portland Police Bureau explaining what it’s like to be on the front lines after more than six weeks of rioting.

His observations are in line with what others are seeing in the riots since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters are being imported to Seattle and Portland. Minnesota officials initially were convinced that rioters who burned down the Third Precinct and other buildings, causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage, were from elsewhere, but the majority of arrested rioters were from the state. Some rioters who did travel to Minneapolis to riot, burn and loot were rolled up by the feds. The federal Department of Justice has begun to arrest and prosecute rioters who crossed state lines to commit riot, arson and other crimes.

It’s been obvious that the violent protests, allowed by a politically pliant Portland city hall, haven’t been about George Floyd for a very long time. The idea is to foment chaos and violence and to keep it going. The willingness of the elected officials to tolerate civil unrest, at the expense of other peoples’ security, is scandalous. The police officers’ union has accused the Leftist politicians in Oregon and specifically Portland of defending the violence.

Racist Rioters Get Support From City Hall


This link is to an interview with a black Portland cop, and it's a real eye-opener. It's kinda long, 27 minutes or so, but it's worth it IMHO. First of all, Portland ought to be damn glad they'e got people like him on their police force, he's a solid guy. He talked about being at a BLM protest were there are often more black police officers than black protesters; ignorant white protesters are screaming about racism to black officers, and these same protesters accuse white officers of racism without knowing anything about them. He talked about a young black girl who is talking to him when a white female protester intervenes the conversation and tells the girl not to talk to a cop. "Why not?" the girl asks. "Cuz we were told not to do that", the woman replies.

Think about that for a minute. Somebody decides for you who you can talk to and who you can't? Who here is okay with that? The Left is telling you what you can say and teaching you what to think; that's the first steps to totalitiarianism. Can happen here, you say? I betcha the people in Venezuela thought that too.

Think about this too:

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
I'll say this, we don't even want to come out. We would love for a demonstration to be peaceful and not even have to be involved. It's a lot of work. It's, like I said, our work, we're pulled off the street and we're not able to take 911 calls. I had a young African-American male while we were, and I don't even remember what night it was because there's been so many, but he walked up to me. He wasn't part of the protest or anything. We were staged far away from the Justice Center and he walked up. He said, "Hey man, I just want to say I'm so upset that you all are here, but if my grandma called the police, there's no one there to help my grandma. That bothers me that you have a group of White people that are throwing a temper tantrum downtown, but if my grandma needs help you all aren't even there to go help her."

Ofc. Jakhary Jackson:
And we don't want to be out there. We would much rather be out there in the community taking 911 calls, helping people, not dealing with the same group of people night after night.

Think about that. Do you really want no police? Or fewer cops? If you do then you really don't give a fuck about somebody's grandma. Reform the police? Sure. Get rid of the bad cops? Absolutely. But you need these guys, If I was a woman getting the shit beat out of me by my husband or boyfriend, I don't want a fucking social worker to show up, and I don't want to wait a couple of hours either. Cuz by then I might be dead.
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Racist white democrats, gee I am shocked!

Pj Media

A Black Portland Cop Says Rioters Are Racist. Leftists Immediately Confirm It.


Portland Police Officer Jackhary Jackson. Screenshot from video.
A black police officer says there are racist white people stage-managing the riots in Portland, Oregon and “they’re not even from here.”

Officer Jackhary Jackson was featured in a video released by the Portland Police Bureau explaining what it’s like to be on the front lines after more than six weeks of rioting.

His observations are in line with what others are seeing in the riots since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters are being imported to Seattle and Portland. Minnesota officials initially were convinced that rioters who burned down the Third Precinct and other buildings, causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage, were from elsewhere, but the majority of arrested rioters were from the state. Some rioters who did travel to Minneapolis to riot, burn and loot were rolled up by the feds. The federal Department of Justice has begun to arrest and prosecute rioters who crossed state lines to commit riot, arson and other crimes.

It’s been obvious that the violent protests, allowed by a politically pliant Portland city hall, haven’t been about George Floyd for a very long time. The idea is to foment chaos and violence and to keep it going. The willingness of the elected officials to tolerate civil unrest, at the expense of other peoples’ security, is scandalous. The police officers’ union has accused the Leftist politicians in Oregon and specifically Portland of defending the violence.

Racist Rioters Get Support From City Hall

I said this a few times; those Oregon "anarchist" skinheads didn't just vanish, they became those antifah aggetators for years now protesting the globslist summits yet ironically they are doing the work of those very same globalist. Druggies aren't exactly the brightest people that way.
The anarchist skinheads hated cops and drug laws and curfews and authority figures, they love chaos and violence and are nihilists, a perfect recruit to transform into antifah.
Racist white democrats, gee I am shocked!

Pj Media

A Black Portland Cop Says Rioters Are Racist. Leftists Immediately Confirm It.


Portland Police Officer Jackhary Jackson. Screenshot from video.
A black police officer says there are racist white people stage-managing the riots in Portland, Oregon and “they’re not even from here.”

Officer Jackhary Jackson was featured in a video released by the Portland Police Bureau explaining what it’s like to be on the front lines after more than six weeks of rioting.

His observations are in line with what others are seeing in the riots since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters are being imported to Seattle and Portland. Minnesota officials initially were convinced that rioters who burned down the Third Precinct and other buildings, causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage, were from elsewhere, but the majority of arrested rioters were from the state. Some rioters who did travel to Minneapolis to riot, burn and loot were rolled up by the feds. The federal Department of Justice has begun to arrest and prosecute rioters who crossed state lines to commit riot, arson and other crimes.

It’s been obvious that the violent protests, allowed by a politically pliant Portland city hall, haven’t been about George Floyd for a very long time. The idea is to foment chaos and violence and to keep it going. The willingness of the elected officials to tolerate civil unrest, at the expense of other peoples’ security, is scandalous. The police officers’ union has accused the Leftist politicians in Oregon and specifically Portland of defending the violence.

Racist Rioters Get Support From City Hall

The black rioters are racist too
The black rioters are racist too
It's the whites that are managing the riots. No one is letting blacks off the hook but if blame could be
assigned most of it would go to white, college punks who are in touch with the real power behind
the riots.

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