Ann Coulter On Media's Breitbart Smears...

I respond to posters in kind, asswipe.
Not a difficult concept.
Apparently for you, it is.

That's really horrible that others talk to you the way you talk to us. Got some examples of you being verbally spoken to in the way you talk to us?


Sorry - I don't address groups of bull-dykes.
That's your function on earth.

Now, put on a strap-on, spike up your hair, act like the man you want to be, and STFU.
Ah. So you were lying. Color me surprised. Really. Totally surprised. I thought you were a saint. Guess not. Bummer that. :lol:
So a man dies and according to the left has distorted the truth when alive, he is a bad person, yet when a man that killed a woman died, they praised that man. The double standard is very telling.
That's really horrible that others talk to you the way you talk to us. Got some examples of you being verbally spoken to in the way you talk to us?


Sorry - I don't address groups of bull-dykes.
That's your function on earth.

Now, put on a strap-on, spike up your hair, act like the man you want to be, and STFU.
Ah. So you were lying. Color me surprised. Really. Totally surprised. I thought you were a saint. Guess not. Bummer that. :lol:
Bodecea responds with CLOSE to the patience of a Saint. Whether she gives a flying sled or not ; )
So a man dies and according to the left has distorted the truth when alive, he is a bad person, yet when a man that killed a woman died, they praised that man. The double standard is very telling.

It's only a double standard if you refuse to look at it closely.

How? One is against your agenda,and another is for your agenda?

That's not it.

One spent his career misrepresenting and lying to try and further his cause.

The other one was involved in an accident.
Again, you're making stuff up. If someone in the "left wing media" were to misrepresent facts, I would call them out on it. It's not my problem that they seldom get the facts wrong.

Be that as it may, I fail to see how any of this has to do with Breitbart. It's almost like you think we should celebrate him solely because you think we should. Life doesn't work like that.

You cannot be serious! :lol: What about the misrepresenting of Romney's "I like to be able to fire people", or his comment about the poor that became a huge bunch of bullshit about him 'not caring about poor people'? Or the misrepresentation of the issue surrounding contraception? Where was the articles from the Catholic perspective - talking about religious liberty? Where was the balance? There was none. All spin, misrepresentation and downright lies.... and I saw no condemnation from you of any of that.

You fail to prove your balance.

Please don't decide what I think... it makes you look stupid.

Unlike many here, I do not have the luxury of posting multiple times every single day. Sorry, I have a job. In fact, you can probably check my history of posts and see it's been a while since I posted anything, so there's your answer. More specifically, I did post, multiple times, about the contraception and Catholic issue, but not specifically about the way the media handled it, because honestly, I saw no problem with it. Anyone who does not know the Catholic position on this issue has been living in a cave.

BACK ON TOPIC (because this thread isn't about me, right?) you still have not shown how being HONEST about Breitbart and his life and his actions makes anyone "evil" or "dishonest". No one here is cheering his death, but we don't have to celebrate his life just because you think we should.

If you can give me honest reasons how Breitbart has helped this country, then I will change my mind.

Go for it.

I don't treat Breitbart any differently to any other media hack. He provided a service to the right, comparable to the bullshit from left wing hacks like HuffPuff and Media Matters. I tend to treat them all with the same contempt. I've never said anyone should 'celebrate' his life... nor have I criticized the left for their pathetic high fiving of his death... because I've seen similar behavior from the right. I tend to treat both with the contempt they deserve.

Breitbart hasn't 'helped' or 'harmed' this country.... any more than the left hacks have. I disagree with all of it... from whatever side.
So a man dies and according to the left has distorted the truth when alive, he is a bad person, yet when a man that killed a woman died, they praised that man. The double standard is very telling.

It's only a double standard if you refuse to look at it closely.

How? One is against your agenda,and another is for your agenda?
For once, it is pleasant to read the AGENDA line. Kennedy was no saint Papa, nor should Breitbart's death be celebrated.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
You are quite the stooge. Hannity forgot what talking point he was puking out and that attention whore called him on it.

She a disgrace, but she's smart as a whip. She tolerates a dummy like Hannity.

No, she called out evil Liberals like you.
Eviiiiil Libruls!!!!!


You're a fucking cartoon.

Gloating and celebrating the man's passing is evil. Many of you on the Left have lost your humanity. It is what it is.
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It's only a double standard if you refuse to look at it closely.

How? One is against your agenda,and another is for your agenda?
For once, it is pleasant to read the AGENDA line. Kennedy was no saint Papa, nor should Breitbart's death be celebrated.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

Never thought Kennedy was a saint nor did I celebrate the death of either man.
It's only a double standard if you refuse to look at it closely.

How? One is against your agenda,and another is for your agenda?

That's not it.

One spent his career misrepresenting and lying to try and further his cause.

The other one was involved in an accident.

So let me get this straight. You're actually maintaining that causing a death by driving while drunk is an 'accident'?

He wasn't 'involved in an accident'.... he caused the fucking accident... and killed someone.

However, Breitbart is guilty of nothing that isn't being done constantly by the left wing media. Either criticize them all or accept them all.... not fucking rocket science.
When a person dies it is a time to reflect on that persons life. That means both the good and the bad. When Whitney Houson died, people commented on both how good her music was and how badly she had messed up her life

Same for Breitbart
I've never said anyone should 'celebrate' his life... nor have I criticized the left for their pathetic high fiving of his death
I've seen no one high fiving his death.
Breitbart hasn't 'helped' or 'harmed' this country

And that's where we disagree. Personally, I think he has done a lot of harm to this country and I am happy to see that harm come to an end, for now. Again, that is NOT the same as "high fiving" someone's death.
I've never said anyone should 'celebrate' his life... nor have I criticized the left for their pathetic high fiving of his death
I've seen no one high fiving his death.
Breitbart hasn't 'helped' or 'harmed' this country

And that's where we disagree. Personally, I think he has done a lot of harm to this country and I am happy to see that harm come to an end, for now. Again, that is NOT the same as "high fiving" someone's death.

Well, clearly, you have not read the bullshit in the left wing media... so, maybe that's why you 'haven't seen' it.

He has done nothing that the left has not done - for longer, and much louder than he. That's why we disagree - because you are not capable of recognizing it when you agree with it. Which is why you are, in fact, 'stupid'.... which, according to your username, makes you a hypocrite.
I've never said anyone should 'celebrate' his life... nor have I criticized the left for their pathetic high fiving of his death
I've seen no one high fiving his death.
Breitbart hasn't 'helped' or 'harmed' this country

And that's where we disagree. Personally, I think he has done a lot of harm to this country and I am happy to see that harm come to an end, for now. Again, that is NOT the same as "high fiving" someone's death.

Well, clearly, you have not read the bullshit in the left wing media... so, maybe that's why you 'haven't seen' it.

He has done nothing that the left has not done - for longer, and much louder than he. That's why we disagree - because you are not capable of recognizing it when you agree with it. Which is why you are, in fact, 'stupid'.... which, according to your username, makes you a hypocrite.


Can you provide an example where the left has done the equivalent of Breitbart and not been fired for it?
I've never said anyone should 'celebrate' his life... nor have I criticized the left for their pathetic high fiving of his death
I've seen no one high fiving his death.
Breitbart hasn't 'helped' or 'harmed' this country

And that's where we disagree. Personally, I think he has done a lot of harm to this country and I am happy to see that harm come to an end, for now. Again, that is NOT the same as "high fiving" someone's death.

Well, clearly, you have not read the bullshit in the left wing media... so, maybe that's why you 'haven't seen' it.

While we all await your response to rightwinger, I'll address this, again. Again, I will say, that painting an accurate picture of the man and his actions in life is NOT "the bullshit in the left wing media". Breitbart willfully and openly misrepresented facts and people in order to further his cause. That's the truth. Saying it is not "bull shit" but an accurate telling of this man and his life.

And again, if you, or ANYONE, could show me how Breitbart helped this country, I will change my tune on this. But so far, no one is even attempting to show that.
I've seen no one high fiving his death.

And that's where we disagree. Personally, I think he has done a lot of harm to this country and I am happy to see that harm come to an end, for now. Again, that is NOT the same as "high fiving" someone's death.

Well, clearly, you have not read the bullshit in the left wing media... so, maybe that's why you 'haven't seen' it.

While we all await your response to rightwinger, I'll address this, again. Again, I will say, that painting an accurate picture of the man and his actions in life is NOT "the bullshit in the left wing media". Breitbart willfully and openly misrepresented facts and people in order to further his cause. That's the truth. Saying it is not "bull shit" but an accurate telling of this man and his life.

And again, if you, or ANYONE, could show me how Breitbart helped this country, I will change my tune on this. But so far, no one is even attempting to show that.

And I maintain that he has done nothing that the left has not done, better, louder and more often than he did. I see that because I dislike the media generally so I see their hypocrisy.... unlike those that ignore it from one side and rant about it from the other.

Don't be stupid.

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