Angry over mentally ill people able to get guns? Guess who you can thank for it.

Republicans are angry that mentally ill people can get guns, but have no problem with people on the terror watch list getting guns. Crazy.

What they have a problem with is a random government agency being able to infringe on and take your rights without the courts involved.

Do you think that those on the terror watch list would be barred from speaking in a public venue? Should they be barred from voting?
Republicans have been demonizing the courts. Many on here have called for the supreme court to be abolished. It's insane.
Republicans are angry that mentally ill people can get guns, but have no problem with people on the terror watch list getting guns. Crazy.

What they have a problem with is a random government agency being able to infringe on and take your rights without the courts involved.

Do you think that those on the terror watch list would be barred from speaking in a public venue? Should they be barred from voting?
Republicans have been demonizing the courts. Many on here have called for the supreme court to be abolished. It's insane.
Yes, point to the extreme minority with the most crazy statements to back up your false assertion.

That is deflection. The 'Republicans' do not want to abolish the SCOTUS anymore than the Democrats support The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement even though they may be comprised of many Democrats. There are SOME people that push such tripe - to declare that they are representatives of their respective parties is outright silly.
Republicans are angry that mentally ill people can get guns, but have no problem with people on the terror watch list getting guns. Crazy.

What they have a problem with is a random government agency being able to infringe on and take your rights without the courts involved.

Do you think that those on the terror watch list would be barred from speaking in a public venue? Should they be barred from voting?
Republicans have been demonizing the courts. Many on here have called for the supreme court to be abolished. It's insane.
Yes, point to the extreme minority with the most crazy statements to back up your false assertion.

That is deflection. The 'Republicans' do not want to abolish the SCOTUS anymore than the Democrats support The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement even though they may be comprised of many Democrats. There are SOME people that push such tripe - to declare that they are representatives of their respective parties is outright silly.
So your agreeing that people on the terror watch list should be allowed to buy guns, but mentally ill people should not. Which was my original point. Thanks.
Republicans are angry that mentally ill people can get guns, but have no problem with people on the terror watch list getting guns. Crazy.

What they have a problem with is a random government agency being able to infringe on and take your rights without the courts involved.

Do you think that those on the terror watch list would be barred from speaking in a public venue? Should they be barred from voting?
Republicans have been demonizing the courts. Many on here have called for the supreme court to be abolished. It's insane.
Yes, point to the extreme minority with the most crazy statements to back up your false assertion.

That is deflection. The 'Republicans' do not want to abolish the SCOTUS anymore than the Democrats support The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement even though they may be comprised of many Democrats. There are SOME people that push such tripe - to declare that they are representatives of their respective parties is outright silly.
So your agreeing that people on the terror watch list should be allowed to buy guns, but mentally ill people should not. Which was my original point. Thanks.
I did not see that point from you as I thought you were arguing the opposite but yes - I fully agree with that position.
Back to the subject:
When will the Democrats who got the LPS Act passed into law, start working to repeal it so people with mental problems can be safely treated instead of wandering around buying guns?
Wow. TWO desperate, funtionally illiterate liberals in one forum, both trying to persuade normal people that "able to get guns" somehow equates to "they gave them the guns".

Maybe the need for involuntary commitment to mental institutions is more immediate than I thought.

The good news is, neither of these two desperate liberals has actually killed anybody, yet. Or even threatened anybody that I know of. :cuckoo:

You have yet to provide any linkage

We are still waiting

Got a mouse in your pocket? :biggrin:
Back to the subject:
When will the Democrats who got the LPS Act passed into law, start working to repeal it so people with mental problems can be safely treated instead of wandering around buying guns?
Still no reply.

Yet another subject that Liberals don't want to discuss. Even after they passed laws creating the problem.
Republicans are angry that mentally ill people can get guns, but have no problem with people on the terror watch list getting guns. Crazy.

What they have a problem with is a random government agency being able to infringe on and take your rights without the courts involved.

Do you think that those on the terror watch list would be barred from speaking in a public venue? Should they be barred from voting?
Republicans have been demonizing the courts. Many on here have called for the supreme court to be abolished. It's insane.
Yes, point to the extreme minority with the most crazy statements to back up your false assertion.

That is deflection. The 'Republicans' do not want to abolish the SCOTUS anymore than the Democrats support The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement even though they may be comprised of many Democrats. There are SOME people that push such tripe - to declare that they are representatives of their respective parties is outright silly.
So your agreeing that people on the terror watch list should be allowed to buy guns, but mentally ill people should not. Which was my original point. Thanks.
I agree that the Government should NOT have the power to simply make a list with no supervision no oversight and no legal recourse to those on the list and then deny rights using said list. How about you?
Dear Little-Acorn
1. You left out that the Democrats/Liberals have DEMONIZED Christianity
in order to compete politically with the conservatives who would otherwise have the edge.

2. To tie back with your OP, unfortunately by demonizing and delegitimizing Christianity,
SPIRITUAL HEALING that has successfully healed and cured people of CRIMINAL AND MENTAL ILLNESS
also gets censored, instead of researched and developed as the cure to the costs of crime and health care.

Democrats are basically shooting themselves in the foot
by excluding, discrediting, demonizing and rejecting Christianity.

Not only does this violate Democratic principles of equality and inclusion,
but it kills the very cure to criminal, mental, physical and social ills that
Christianity offers. for FREE.

Censoring this knowledge of spiritual healing, cure and recovery from diseases, abuse and addiction
ENABLES the corporate monopoly over contracts and costs of dealing with crime and health care
by PLACATING symptoms, building more prisons, and warehousing people managed by medications that don't cure the causes.

So Democrats keep feeding this system, then complaining of abuse genocide and corporate corruption,
then use that to lobby to get into office, but still without solving any of these problems.
When the most effective solutions are free.

The Democrats remind me of lawyers that make money off conflicts
so they drag them out instead of solving them.

3. Where we could focus: since Democrats are pushing for health care reform and prison reform,
if we require that spiritual healing research and development be part of that reform,
then we could make this a priority instead of trying to compete politically to censor sustainable solutions.
Now we've had another mass shooting by a mentally ill person in Santa Barbara.

And everybody is going through the same arguments, justifications, and outrage, all over again, just like clockwork.

You still have not provided a link on who is giving them guns..Hint: it ain't Liberals

For the willfully obtuse:
The problem is not the fact that people are able to exercise their constitutionally protected right to defend themselves - the problem is that mentally ill people are not receiving the treatment or the identification required for the courts to infringe on that right for those that are truly dangerous. All the background checks in your drams and gun bans will do nothing if these people are not identified and properly treated. To the sane, this is blatantly obvious.
if by "properly treated" you mean "confined", we agree.
Now we've had another mass shooting by a mentally ill person in Santa Barbara.

And everybody is going through the same arguments, justifications, and outrage, all over again, just like clockwork.

You still have not provided a link on who is giving them guns..Hint: it ain't Liberals

For the willfully obtuse:
The problem is not the fact that people are able to exercise their constitutionally protected right to defend themselves - the problem is that mentally ill people are not receiving the treatment or the identification required for the courts to infringe on that right for those that are truly dangerous. All the background checks in your drams and gun bans will do nothing if these people are not identified and properly treated. To the sane, this is blatantly obvious.
if by "properly treated" you mean "confined", we agree.
Depends on the level of mental illness that we are talking about. Not everyone that has mental problems needs to be in an institution.

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