Surprise: People With Gender Dysphoria Are Mentally Ill, and Remain So After Transition


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
What sane people know instinctively. But the MSM and the Democratic Party embracing mental illness is no surprise either.

Plus, the evil Doctors getting wealthy off this.

The study out of Finland was published in the journal European Psychiatry, published by Cambridge University Press.

One of the slanders aimed at critics of gender ideology is that we are indifferent to the pain of gender-confused children. Nothing could be further from the truth: our argument is actually that the medical transition of these kids compounds the harm that already exists.

The proper treatment for mental illness is not to break out the hormones and scalpels but rather to treat the underlying cause of gender dysphoria, which has its origins in psychiatric dysfunction.[/b]

The GD group had received many times more specialist-level psychiatric treatment both before and after contacting specialized GIS than had their matched controls. A marked increase over time in psychiatric needs was observed. Among the GD group, relative risk for psychiatric needs after contacting GIS increased from 3.3 among those with the first appointment in GIS during 1996–2000 to 4.6 when the first appointment in GIS was in 2016–2019. When index period and psychiatric treatment before contacting GIS were accounted for, GR patients who had and who had not proceeded to medical GR had an equal risk compared to controls of needing subsequent psychiatric treatment.


Contacting specialized GIS is on the increase and occurs at ever younger ages and with more psychiatric needs. Manifold psychiatric needs persist regardless of medical GR.

None of this should surprise anybody. What should surprise you is that an entire industry and ideological movement has been created based on exactly zero evidence that the dangerous treatments being given to children will benefit them in any way.

You are probably aware that as the United States has quickly adopted a “full speed ahead” approach to medically transitioning children, Europe has slammed on the brakes to procedures that were developed there in the first place. Sweden, Finland, the UK, Switzerland and others have essentially abandoned gender transitions for children based on the complete lack of evidence that it helps kids.


What sane people know instinctively. But the MSM and the Democratic Party embracing mental illness is no surprise either.

Plus, the evil Doctors getting wealthy off this.

The study out of Finland was published in the journal European Psychiatry, published by Cambridge University Press.

One of the slanders aimed at critics of gender ideology is that we are indifferent to the pain of gender-confused children. Nothing could be further from the truth: our argument is actually that the medical transition of these kids compounds the harm that already exists.
The proper treatment for mental illness is not to break out the hormones and scalpels but rather to treat the underlying cause of gender dysphoria, which has its origins in psychiatric dysfunction.[/b]
None of this should surprise anybody. What should surprise you is that an entire industry and ideological movement has been created based on exactly zero evidence that the dangerous treatments being given to children will benefit them in any way.
You are probably aware that as the United States has quickly adopted a “full speed ahead” approach to medically transitioning children, Europe has slammed on the brakes to procedures that were developed there in the first place. Sweden, Finland, the UK, Switzerland and others have essentially abandoned gender transitions for children based on the complete lack of evidence that it helps kids.

I don't care what they do after age 18. Before that there should be no change.
What sane people know instinctively. But the MSM and the Democratic Party embracing mental illness is no surprise either.

Plus, the evil Doctors getting wealthy off this.

The study out of Finland was published in the journal European Psychiatry, published by Cambridge University Press.

One of the slanders aimed at critics of gender ideology is that we are indifferent to the pain of gender-confused children. Nothing could be further from the truth: our argument is actually that the medical transition of these kids compounds the harm that already exists.
The proper treatment for mental illness is not to break out the hormones and scalpels but rather to treat the underlying cause of gender dysphoria, which has its origins in psychiatric dysfunction.[/b]
None of this should surprise anybody. What should surprise you is that an entire industry and ideological movement has been created based on exactly zero evidence that the dangerous treatments being given to children will benefit them in any way.
You are probably aware that as the United States has quickly adopted a “full speed ahead” approach to medically transitioning children, Europe has slammed on the brakes to procedures that were developed there in the first place. Sweden, Finland, the UK, Switzerland and others have essentially abandoned gender transitions for children based on the complete lack of evidence that it helps kids.

it is estimated that 40% are on the autism spectrum.not competent to make decisions like this

about 85% of kids questioning this, figure it out by the time they enter young adulthood

it is actually a sexual fetish with libturds....this trans stuff turns em on.......having freaks shake their junk in front of young kids......................THEY WANT THE KIDS FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION....THIS IS WHERE IT IS LEADING
What sane people know instinctively. But the MSM and the Democratic Party embracing mental illness is no surprise either.

Plus, the evil Doctors getting wealthy off this.

The study out of Finland was published in the journal European Psychiatry, published by Cambridge University Press.

One of the slanders aimed at critics of gender ideology is that we are indifferent to the pain of gender-confused children. Nothing could be further from the truth: our argument is actually that the medical transition of these kids compounds the harm that already exists.
The proper treatment for mental illness is not to break out the hormones and scalpels but rather to treat the underlying cause of gender dysphoria, which has its origins in psychiatric dysfunction.[/b]
None of this should surprise anybody. What should surprise you is that an entire industry and ideological movement has been created based on exactly zero evidence that the dangerous treatments being given to children will benefit them in any way.
You are probably aware that as the United States has quickly adopted a “full speed ahead” approach to medically transitioning children, Europe has slammed on the brakes to procedures that were developed there in the first place. Sweden, Finland, the UK, Switzerland and others have essentially abandoned gender transitions for children based on the complete lack of evidence that it helps kids.

So, let's see if I have this right.

What you (or the article) are saying, is that someone who, by all objective criteria is a man, but who thinks that he's a woman, might have mental health issues?

Say it ain't so!
I don't care what they do after age 18. Before that there should be no change.
An easy apparent PC stance to take and always useful for Virtue Signalling .
But at what point does a species need to formally recognise them as Mutants -- which they literally are -- and take fuller and more appropriate action ?
In the Animal Kingdom runts are eliminated which is an interesting fact . Have we anything to learn from mother Nature ?
The US and Israel already approve Genocide , or is that something only they are allowed to practise whilst pretending otherwise ?
An easy apparent PC stance to take and always useful for Virtue Signalling .
But at what point does a species need to formally recognise them as Mutants -- which they literally are -- and take fuller and more appropriate action ?
In the Animal Kingdom runts are eliminated which is an interesting fact . Have we anything to learn from mother Nature ?
The US and Israel already approve Genocide , or is that something only they are allowed to practise whilst pretending otherwise ?
Get real. They cannot even make a contract, or take out a loan without an adult involved, as they are considered to young to be responsible at that age. They cannot enlist in the military. Uniform Commercial Code across the entire country says a contractual decision made by a minor is void or voidable, depending on the minor and the minor's parents or guardian(s). TOO YOUNG TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS. Get it?
An easy apparent PC stance to take and always useful for Virtue Signalling .
But at what point does a species need to formally recognise them as Mutants -- which they literally are -- and take fuller and more appropriate action ?
In the Animal Kingdom runts are eliminated which is an interesting fact . Have we anything to learn from mother Nature ?
The US and Israel already approve Genocide , or is that something only they are allowed to practise whilst pretending otherwise ?
Way to crowbar your Jew-hate into a thread about trannies!
It starts early pushed by the evil DemWitted loons in power. They let 5th graders rule the roost at least in COL they do. Those who in 5th grade decide to...."identify as transgender"

********During a cross-country trip in June, Jefferson County Public Schools “assigned a fifth-grade girl to sleep in the same bed with a fifth-grade boy who identifies as transgender without notifying the girl or her parents,”
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What sane people know instinctively. But the MSM and the Democratic Party embracing mental illness is no surprise either.

Plus, the evil Doctors getting wealthy off this.

The study out of Finland was published in the journal European Psychiatry, published by Cambridge University Press.

One of the slanders aimed at critics of gender ideology is that we are indifferent to the pain of gender-confused children. Nothing could be further from the truth: our argument is actually that the medical transition of these kids compounds the harm that already exists.
The proper treatment for mental illness is not to break out the hormones and scalpels but rather to treat the underlying cause of gender dysphoria, which has its origins in psychiatric dysfunction.[/b]
None of this should surprise anybody. What should surprise you is that an entire industry and ideological movement has been created based on exactly zero evidence that the dangerous treatments being given to children will benefit them in any way.
You are probably aware that as the United States has quickly adopted a “full speed ahead” approach to medically transitioning children, Europe has slammed on the brakes to procedures that were developed there in the first place. Sweden, Finland, the UK, Switzerland and others have essentially abandoned gender transitions for children based on the complete lack of evidence that it helps kids.

That's just it, if we coddle these people every single way the left want us to, they still have mental issues.

It's kind of like in the older days when people were really fat. Giving them hugs and telling them they should feel good about themselves and that the public accepts them for who they are hasn't worked. They're still really fat and have self esteem and health issues.

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What sane people know instinctively. But the MSM and the Democratic Party embracing mental illness is no surprise either.

Plus, the evil Doctors getting wealthy off this.

The study out of Finland was published in the journal European Psychiatry, published by Cambridge University Press.

One of the slanders aimed at critics of gender ideology is that we are indifferent to the pain of gender-confused children. Nothing could be further from the truth: our argument is actually that the medical transition of these kids compounds the harm that already exists.
The proper treatment for mental illness is not to break out the hormones and scalpels but rather to treat the underlying cause of gender dysphoria, which has its origins in psychiatric dysfunction.[/b]
None of this should surprise anybody. What should surprise you is that an entire industry and ideological movement has been created based on exactly zero evidence that the dangerous treatments being given to children will benefit them in any way.
You are probably aware that as the United States has quickly adopted a “full speed ahead” approach to medically transitioning children, Europe has slammed on the brakes to procedures that were developed there in the first place. Sweden, Finland, the UK, Switzerland and others have essentially abandoned gender transitions for children based on the complete lack of evidence that it helps kids.

The article greatly misrepresents the conclusions of the actual study. Which are as follows:

The number of people contacting specialized GIS has increased vastly since the 1990s until today, and their mean age has become steadily younger. Along with this, their needs for psychiatric treatment have increased. Both before and after contacting GIS, they present with many more common psychiatric needs than do their matched population controls, even when medical GR interventions are carried out. Among people seeking GR psychiatric needs have to be carefully assessed and addressed, also when medical GR interventions are provided. This vastly increased pursuit of GR with increases in psychiatric comorbidities warrants cautious assessment of the timeliness of medical GR and of other treatment needs that may be more urgent.

Nothing in the conclusion implies being trans is made up or itself a mental illness you illiterate Bingo. 😄
That's just it, if we coddle these people every single way the left want us to, they still have mental issues.

It's kind of like in the older days when people were really fat. Giving them hugs and telling them they should feel good about themselves and that the public accepts them for who they are hasn't worked. They're still really fat and have self esteem and health issues.

The old way of saving any surgery or drugging until all other options were exhausted has been thrown out due to the left's need to turn trans into a class, and thus "protected" by law and thus exploitable by those who want more laws and more authoritarian laws.

That it is against conservative views and the stability of society is just a bonus for them.

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