Angel In Blonde Hair.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
Wow, this gal operates a fawn rescue on her acreage. I notice she has three fawns occupying two double fawn incubators & a forth fawn in her arms going into the last space available in the forward incubator. One of those fawns in the rear incubator just happens to be an ultra rare PIEBALD fawn! She states they had just under 100 fawns last fawning season & expects even more fawns this next fawning season. Fawn only rescue operations are rare, with most fawns being rescued by private parties & then raised on private property/acreage until they can be integrated into a local herd. I notice that her furniture is all covered with sheets meaning she is so busy with the fawns & adult deer that she has no time left for other activities. I sure hope she gets more volunteer help like 100+ fawns in a season would swamp most commercial animal rescue operations.

Below; Fawns going through the stages of rehab including repairing broken legs & curing pneumonia.

WYFF News 4 Interview; Last stage of fawn rehab before release, & also the assisted care/long term care center for injured fawns turned adults that can not make it on their own. Besides taking in injured/orphaned fawns that folks have come across the DNR also drops of fawns to her operation. Since she has access to a veterinarian hospital & also takes in injured/orphaned fawns from the DNR she may be getting some compensation but one can bet the compensation is closer to small potatoes than a livable sum of money.

Drive extra careful during dusk/dawn as there are precious fawns aboard the does during fawning season!

They are cute. Dadgummit, they're pretty tasty, too.

Now I've never killed a fawn, but I always hunt only doe with headshots.

However, there was this time a guy ran over a fawn, and it died right there. So I took the dead fawn and butchered it and

shared the meat with several friends. It's was about 50 lbs of meat. Some was bruised up and purple.

And it was best venison I've ever had.
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Those things are so cute, but so tasty. I couldn't like, be hand feeding one and then kill it.

Maybe I'm too soft. Why aren't there more deer farms?

If I was in charge, there'd be a deer farm next to the pig farm next to the cow farm next to the fish farm.

I realize ol' girl is turning them back out into the wild, but they are not really wild after that.
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Those things are so cute, but so tasty. I couldn't like, be hand feeding one and then kill it.

Maybe I'm too soft. Why aren't there more deer farms?

If I was in charge, there'd be a deer farm next to the pig farm next to the cow farm next to the fish farm.

I realize ol' girl is turning them back out into the wild, but they are not really wild after that.

They're not really wild on a farm either
They are cute. Dadgummit, they're pretty tasty, too.

Now I've never killed a fawn, but I always hunt only doe with headshots.

However, there was this time a guy ran over a fawn, and it died right there. So I took the dead fawn and butchered it and

shared the meat with several friends. It's was about 50 lbs of meat. Some was bruised up and purple.

And it was best venison I've ever had.
Venison, elk, moose & muskox have got to be the most tasty meat in the world. With the exception of the muskox(family Bovidae) I know the other three are all family Cervidae but all four are ruminants(4 chamber digestive system). I would eat moose, elk & muskox ANYTIME like I have eaten cubed elk RAW(totally uncooked) like I like my meat still moving!!! My experience in Oregon, Redland Oregon specifically, changed me as a person forever. Formally a 13/14 year old Portland pavement pounder & every bit as worthless as profe$$ional politician$ in the D.istrict of C.orruption. At 14 I ended up on an old farmstead in Redland in 1966, came in a know it nothing kid & left a young man as hard as nails 2-1/2 years later.

Didn't have anything down there but work six days per week. Money was TIGHT had to pull out of school shortly into my junior year so I could get more hours/$$$$$ from a real job(not farm/grunt work) so I could help out more with the living expenses. Considering the work load I was under plus the increasing stress load/arguing between my oldest sis/hubby, Bitsy-Baby & her herd ESPECIALLY Bitsy-Baby were like a Messiah to me. That last day when I had to pull out(I had been abandoned/the last man out) was so traumatic on me that I still, occasionally have nightmares of it. I know I post about deer a LOT but Bitsy-Baby still lives in my head to this day a whopping 54 years later. So yeah, I do harbor an obsession, have it with three goats also(Neuman, Pandy #1 & Pandora #2).

Honestly I am glad you took the road kill home like the lil fawn did not die for nothing. Down @ Redland I poached ducks in the water with headshots, with a Sears & Roebuck(Marlin) bolt action rifle/iron sites no less! The only venison I have ever consumed was brought home by my step dad & that was before I was moved to Redland. I do support hunting rights fully. After my experience with that Columbian Black-Tailed Deer herd down in Redland, actually it was the entire Redland experience both good & bad that simply made it impossible for me to ever bring down a deer. To this day I refrain from eating venison & goat meat.

Three memories I will take to my grave with me, Bitsy-Baby/herd, my goats & that freakin' slippery than snot rain soaked red clay!
Those things are so cute, but so tasty. I couldn't like, be hand feeding one and then kill it.

Maybe I'm too soft. Why aren't there more deer farms?

If I was in charge, there'd be a deer farm next to the pig farm next to the cow farm next to the fish farm.

I realize ol' girl is turning them back out into the wild, but they are not really wild after that.
Did the Albino look lie the ones Jimmy has?

They're not really wild on a farm either
There are deer farms in our USA but they are not my cup of tea as they are into raising trophy deer(freaks) as seen in the below link.

The animal shelters/rescue operations are into deer for a completely different purpose than the commercial deer farms. The deer that are released back into the wild from these full service rescue operations are still wild & regain their survival skills rapidly as they find a herd to marry up with. If a person approaches these rescue raised deer in the wild the rescue raised deer will take off like a rocket. BUT a year down the road if the rescue person that rescued the fawn & raised it came across the released deer, that deer would come INTO his/her former rescuer.

SCENT is the deer's primary sensory detection feature, hearing 2nd & visual 3rd. Deer appeared to me to have an EXCELLENT memory & that memory is mostly activated by SCENT for sure. The below link WELL ILLUSTRATES what I have just stated above. You will notice that there is quite a bit of emotions involved with her as she & Albert embrace after a two year hiatus like I can absolutely understand WHY she is losing it.

The reality of the deer living on agricultural farms is that they KNOW that they are safe from human aggression, like we farmers are feeding, watering(livestock water troughs year round) & taking care of them one way or the other. Deer hit the oats/barley on stock plus apples/peaches/pears off the fruit trees during the growing season & are fed out of the bag during the lean season. They raid the fence lines for browse, pine needles & other ruffage critical for their digestive system. The NO HUNTING signs that surround farmers acreage keep the farm deer safe except from coyotes/wolves. The amount of White-Tailed deer in our USA is becoming so many in number that some state governments are threatening to cull the deer herds if more hunters don't start scoring on them. But with only 4% of Americans hunting anymore & 88% of the White-Tailed deer harvest happening on POSTED/PRIVATE agricultural land(permission only) the herds just keep growing.

Super pets/playmates;

Deer are pretty resourceful;

Gentle creatures for the most part even during the rut. I seen this exact same scenario with our herd of Columbian Black-Tailed deer back in both 67 & 68. I am NOT suggesting anyone get in this close when they are hooking up. Like these folks have had their herd for many years & the bucks realize from SCENT that their human counterparts are NOT competition but providers for them. These deer Marlis has are called Columbian Black-Tailed Deer. Some folks call them California Mule deer. These CBT deer are as gentle as they come once bonded with a human(s)/family. Unfortunately they are strictly west coast deer. Like their cousins the Mule Deer they stot(hop) when they run;

Surprised Mule deer does THE STOT just for you!

CRAZY! He walked up on a sleeping deer in OREGON!
Wow, this gal operates a fawn rescue on her acreage. I notice she has three fawns occupying two double fawn incubators & a forth fawn in her arms going into the last space available in the forward incubator. One of those fawns in the rear incubator just happens to be an ultra rare PIEBALD fawn! She states they had just under 100 fawns last fawning season & expects even more fawns this next fawning season. Fawn only rescue operations are rare, with most fawns being rescued by private parties & then raised on private property/acreage until they can be integrated into a local herd. I notice that her furniture is all covered with sheets meaning she is so busy with the fawns & adult deer that she has no time left for other activities. I sure hope she gets more volunteer help like 100+ fawns in a season would swamp most commercial animal rescue operations.

Below; Fawns going through the stages of rehab including repairing broken legs & curing pneumonia.

WYFF News 4 Interview; Last stage of fawn rehab before release, & also the assisted care/long term care center for injured fawns turned adults that can not make it on their own. Besides taking in injured/orphaned fawns that folks have come across the DNR also drops of fawns to her operation. Since she has access to a veterinarian hospital & also takes in injured/orphaned fawns from the DNR she may be getting some compensation but one can bet the compensation is closer to small potatoes than a livable sum of money.

Drive extra careful during dusk/dawn as there are precious fawns aboard the does during fawning season!

Nature regulates the deer population through disease and starvation

The woman in this story is simply interfering with Nature
There are deer farms in our USA but they are not my cup of tea as they are into raising trophy deer(freaks) as seen in the below link.

The animal shelters/rescue operations are into deer for a completely different purpose than the commercial deer farms. The deer that are released back into the wild from these full service rescue operations are still wild & regain their survival skills rapidly as they find a herd to marry up with. If a person approaches these rescue raised deer in the wild the rescue raised deer will take off like a rocket. BUT a year down the road if the rescue person that rescued the fawn & raised it came across the released deer, that deer would come INTO his/her former rescuer.

SCENT is the deer's primary sensory detection feature, hearing 2nd & visual 3rd. Deer appeared to me to have an EXCELLENT memory & that memory is mostly activated by SCENT for sure. The below link WELL ILLUSTRATES what I have just stated above. You will notice that there is quite a bit of emotions involved with her as she & Albert embrace after a two year hiatus like I can absolutely understand WHY she is losing it.

The reality of the deer living on agricultural farms is that they KNOW that they are safe from human aggression, like we farmers are feeding, watering(livestock water troughs year round) & taking care of them one way or the other. Deer hit the oats/barley on stock plus apples/peaches/pears off the fruit trees during the growing season & are fed out of the bag during the lean season. They raid the fence lines for browse, pine needles & other ruffage critical for their digestive system. The NO HUNTING signs that surround farmers acreage keep the farm deer safe except from coyotes/wolves. The amount of White-Tailed deer in our USA is becoming so many in number that some state governments are threatening to cull the deer herds if more hunters don't start scoring on them. But with only 4% of Americans hunting anymore & 88% of the White-Tailed deer harvest happening on POSTED/PRIVATE agricultural land(permission only) the herds just keep growing.

Super pets/playmates;

Deer are pretty resourceful;

Gentle creatures for the most part even during the rut. I seen this exact same scenario with our herd of Columbian Black-Tailed deer back in both 67 & 68. I am NOT suggesting anyone get in this close when they are hooking up. Like these folks have had their herd for many years & the bucks realize from SCENT that their human counterparts are NOT competition but providers for them. These deer Marlis has are called Columbian Black-Tailed Deer. Some folks call them California Mule deer. These CBT deer are as gentle as they come once bonded with a human(s)/family. Unfortunately they are strictly west coast deer. Like their cousins the Mule Deer they stot(hop) when they run;

Surprised Mule deer does THE STOT just for you!

CRAZY! He walked up on a sleeping deer in OREGON!

Remind me of a ghost. Or at least what a ghost would be.
There are deer farms in our USA but they are not my cup of tea as they are into raising trophy deer(freaks) as seen in the below link.

The animal shelters/rescue operations are into deer for a completely different purpose than the commercial deer farms. The deer that are released back into the wild from these full service rescue operations are still wild & regain their survival skills rapidly as they find a herd to marry up with. If a person approaches these rescue raised deer in the wild the rescue raised deer will take off like a rocket. BUT a year down the road if the rescue person that rescued the fawn & raised it came across the released deer, that deer would come INTO his/her former rescuer.

SCENT is the deer's primary sensory detection feature, hearing 2nd & visual 3rd. Deer appeared to me to have an EXCELLENT memory & that memory is mostly activated by SCENT for sure. The below link WELL ILLUSTRATES what I have just stated above. You will notice that there is quite a bit of emotions involved with her as she & Albert embrace after a two year hiatus like I can absolutely understand WHY she is losing it.

The reality of the deer living on agricultural farms is that they KNOW that they are safe from human aggression, like we farmers are feeding, watering(livestock water troughs year round) & taking care of them one way or the other. Deer hit the oats/barley on stock plus apples/peaches/pears off the fruit trees during the growing season & are fed out of the bag during the lean season. They raid the fence lines for browse, pine needles & other ruffage critical for their digestive system. The NO HUNTING signs that surround farmers acreage keep the farm deer safe except from coyotes/wolves. The amount of White-Tailed deer in our USA is becoming so many in number that some state governments are threatening to cull the deer herds if more hunters don't start scoring on them. But with only 4% of Americans hunting anymore & 88% of the White-Tailed deer harvest happening on POSTED/PRIVATE agricultural land(permission only) the herds just keep growing.

Super pets/playmates;

Deer are pretty resourceful;

Gentle creatures for the most part even during the rut. I seen this exact same scenario with our herd of Columbian Black-Tailed deer back in both 67 & 68. I am NOT suggesting anyone get in this close when they are hooking up. Like these folks have had their herd for many years & the bucks realize from SCENT that their human counterparts are NOT competition but providers for them. These deer Marlis has are called Columbian Black-Tailed Deer. Some folks call them California Mule deer. These CBT deer are as gentle as they come once bonded with a human(s)/family. Unfortunately they are strictly west coast deer. Like their cousins the Mule Deer they stot(hop) when they run;

Surprised Mule deer does THE STOT just for you!

CRAZY! He walked up on a sleeping deer in OREGON!

yes, I know there are 'farms' that raise deer and elk as well and probably other species as well.

As far as I'm concerned if you are providing them some type of safety and food source as a farm would......then those animals really aren't free and wild. I don't care if that farm has 50,000 acres and no fences, the animals on it really aren't wild.

IDK, thinking about in WA, I don't believe there are any private owned 'deer, elk or wildlife farms', though there may be. But the state and federal lands would fall into the category of a 'wildlife' farm since there is some safety and food provided within those lands.

If the lady can save those fawns to be released back in the wild......then I think that's great
yes, I know there are 'farms' that raise deer and elk as well and probably other species as well.

As far as I'm concerned if you are providing them some type of safety and food source as a farm would......then those animals really aren't free and wild. I don't care if that farm has 50,000 acres and no fences, the animals on it really aren't wild.

IDK, thinking about in WA, I don't believe there are any private owned 'deer, elk or wildlife farms', though there may be. But the state and federal lands would fall into the category of a 'wildlife' farm since there is some safety and food provided within those lands.

If the lady can save those fawns to be released back in the wild......then I think that's great

Actually I take that back........yes government lands do offer some safety protection and the only food sources are what grows wild within those areas........although in a bad winter season, hay or other food has been provided.

But from what I understand of private owned farms, is they plant alfalfa, corn or other crops that intentionally feed those animals to fatten them up and make sure they get a good sized rack. That doesn't happen on public lands
yes, I know there are 'farms' that raise deer and elk as well and probably other species as well.

As far as I'm concerned if you are providing them some type of safety and food source as a farm would......then those animals really aren't free and wild. I don't care if that farm has 50,000 acres and no fences, the animals on it really aren't wild.

IDK, thinking about in WA, I don't believe there are any private owned 'deer, elk or wildlife farms', though there may be. But the state and federal lands would fall into the category of a 'wildlife' farm since there is some safety and food provided within those lands.

If the lady can save those fawns to be released back in the wild......then I think that's great
I have never heard of any commercial deer farms in Washington state either. Most deer reside on farmers agricultural acreage as the creatures have figured out that they are safe from hunters on the privately owned farmsteads. They also score on the crops on the stalk(barley/oats mostly in this area) as well as they have access to our livestock water troughs 24/7. Sure, we lose some crops to them when they bed down in our alfalfa fields & hit the grain crops in field but that just comes with the overhead of crop farming. In all reality regarding our deer in this area anyway, the deer are somewhat semi-domesticated @ least. During winter time when one is traveling down the back roads in the mornings & see folks pouring MOBC/oats or whatever in a feed manger/pans or right on the deck with 15/20 or more deer hitting the feed as soon as it is poured out, it stands to reason that the deer have lost their fear of their providers & are simple farm pets.

Below is a vid of elk crossing Short Rd. about 2-1/2 miles from my acreage;

The elk are residing in the farmers fields but as one can plainly see the herd of elk are completely wild. Where the elk are transient seasonally the White-Tailed deer are permanent residents. The White-Tailed deer herds that navigate across & live upon my acreage have been on property since 1977, meaning they are semi-domesticated multi generational herd(s).

Development has overrun former acreage that deer lived in. Low applications for deer tags have shot the deer populations to an all time record in certain areas of our USA. In Spokane Wa. the deer can be seen in the very heart of downtown Spokane. Below, early morning image taken of downtown Spokane @ the intersection of Stevens St. & Main Ave.;

Deer are becoming a common sight in Spokane, ESPECIALLY the north side. From the east side(Mule deer), north side(White-Tailed deer), west side(Mulies again) & south side(Mulies once more). The increase in deer within urban & city areas looks to also be fueled by their slaughter by those savage wolves which decimate the herds fawns. Deer know they stand a better chance of survival against the dreaded wolves in built up areas where humans reside in mass. Hopefully the wolves can be hunted down to the extinction level to help save America's wildlife from becoming extinct.

Even in the vast sagebrush deserts of America's mid-west the wild deer eventually respond in kind to gestures of human kindness;

& deer NEVER FORGET one of their own, even if one is "adopted" into their herd by them;

Even the Russian folks take in wounded/disabled fawns/deer for pets. Below is a super cute lil "Roe Doe" which obviously makes the perfect indoor/outdoor pet for that family due to her playful nature & small physical size;

Here in America we have another blonde angel but this one has a wild herd of 20+WORLD CLASS Mulies that are domesticated to her & her only. Cabin Squirrel's site is one of only two sites in our online international Deer Whispering Community that I rate as A Five Star site due to the overall theme(too much to list it all here). Here one will meet Beverly & her son lil Bently, Oscar, Duke, Broken dEAR(can't miss this one!) & too many others to list. Squirrel also features the sweetest, shy & cutest fawn ever conceived, LIL BUSTER(check out those ears!). The squirrel scored a first as the only Deer Whisperer that operates a DEER DRIVE THRU! Below is Beverly & her son lil Bently with other members of the herd lining up for lunch!

Below, as cute as they come!

BUSTER - Tiniest Buck EVER!!!ðâ¤ï¸ð¦#deerwhisperer #deerfeed #deer

As one can see, the deer whether fully domesticated indoor/outdoor deer to semi-domesticated deer the connection between deer & human builds a super strong emotional bond between both species.

Do humans take deer for their pets, or do deer take humans for their pets??? You tell me after viewing the below vids!(these are NOT 'staged' vids!).

Friendly Deer Hangs Out During Dove Hunt

âYou seen any does bro?â #deer #hunting

Deer Makes Friend With Hunter

Deer, mans best friend like to know em is to luv em!!!
yes, I know there are 'farms' that raise deer and elk as well and probably other species as well.

As far as I'm concerned if you are providing them some type of safety and food source as a farm would......then those animals really aren't free and wild. I don't care if that farm has 50,000 acres and no fences, the animals on it really aren't wild.

IDK, thinking about in WA, I don't believe there are any private owned 'deer, elk or wildlife farms', though there may be. But the state and federal lands would fall into the category of a 'wildlife' farm since there is some safety and food provided within those lands.

If the lady can save those fawns to be released back in the wild......then I think that's great
Most deer reside on farmers agricultural acreage as the creatures have figured out that they are safe from hunters on the farmsteads. They also score on the crops on the stalk(barley/oats mostly in this area) as well as they have access to our livestock water troughs 24/7. Sure, we lose some crops to them when they bed down in our alfalfa fields & hit the grain crops in field but that just comes with the overhead of crop farming. In all reality regarding our deer in this area anyway, the deer are semi-domesticated @ least. During winter time when one is traveling down the back roads in the mornings & see folks pouring MOBC/oats or whatever in a feed manger/pans or right on the deck with 15/20 or more deer hitting the feed as soon as it is poured out, it stands to reason that the deer have lost their fear of their providers & are simple farm pets.

Below is a vid of elk crossing Short Rd. about 2-1/2 miles from my acreage;

The elk are residing in the farmers fields but as one can plainly see the herd of elk are completely wild. Where the elk are transient seasonally the White-Tailed deer are permanent residents. The White-Tailed herds that navigate across & live upon my acreage have been on property since 1977, meaning they are a semi-domesticated multi generational herd(s).

Development has overrun former acreage that deer lived in. Low applications for deer tags have shot the deer populations to an all time record in certain areas of our USA. In Spokane Wa. the deer can be seen in the very heart of downtown Spokane. Below, early morning image taken of down town Spokane @ the intersection of Stevens St. & Main Ave.;

Deer are becoming a common sight in Spokane, ESPECIALLY the north side. From the east side(Mule deer), north side(White-Tailed deer), west side(Mulies again) & south side(Mulies once more). The increase in deer within urban & city areas looks to also be fueled by their slaughter by those savage wolves which decimate the herds fawns. Deer know they stand a better chance of survival against the dreaded wolves in built up areas where humans reside in mass. Hopefully the wolves can be hunted down to the extinction level to help save America's wildlife from becoming extinct.

Even in the vast sagebrush deserts of America's mid-west the wild deer eventually respond in kind to gestures of human kindness;

& deer NEVER FORGET one of their own, even if one is "adopted" into their herd by them.

Even the Russian folks take in wounded/disabled fawns/deer for pets. Below is a super cute lil "Roe Doe" which obviously make the perfect indoor/outdoor pet for that family due to her playful nature & small physical size;

Here in America we have another blonde angel but this one has a wild herd of 20+WORLD CLASS Mulies that are domesticated to her & her only. Cabin Squirrel's site is one of only two sites in our online international Deer Whispering Community that I rate as A Five Star site due to the overall theme(too much to list it all here). Here one will meet Beverly & her son lil Bently, Oscar, Duke, Broken dEAR(can't miss this one!) & too many others to list. Squirrel also features the sweetest, shy & cutest fawn ever conceived, LIL BUSTER(check out those ears!). The squirrel scored a first as the only Deer Whisperer that operates a DEER DRIVE THRU! Below is Beverly & her son lil Bently with other members of the herd lining up for lunch!

Below, as cute as they come!

BUSTER - Tiniest Buck EVER!!!ðâ¤ï¸ð¦#deerwhisperer #deerfeed #deer

As one can see, the deer whether fully domesticated indoor/outdoor deer to semi-domesticated or even totally wild deer the connection between deer & human builds a super strong emotional bond between both species.

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