And zooooom up go the grocery prices AGAIN.....

If you're looking to the government to make your life better, you're looking in the wrong place.
I’m looking for the government to stop making my life - and those who belong to the middle class - WORSE.

The people looking to the government to make their lives better are the welfare recipients who keep having illegitimate kids and refuse to look for a job.
It’s $3 for 12 eggs typically and you are seriously saying you can’t afford to spend a few extra cents on your sandwich?

Twenty-five cents here, twenty-five cents there, before you know it you're talking some real money.

Is that what you tell the welfare recipeints getting food stamps? Nope. Your contempt is limited to people who work hard at their modest-paying jobs.

And we aren’t asking for the government to rescue us. We are asking for the government to stop spending unnecessary millions to keep inflation going.

Inflation is being fueled by global issues
The US is actually doing better than most of the world in terms of our economy and inflation.

But Republicans need to blame Biden
I'm thinking we are going to need to start government issued cheese giveaways to low income blacks and conservatives, perhaps include all the immigrants who recently crossed the border as well.
I’m looking for the government to stop making my life - and those who belong to the middle class - WORSE.

The people looking to the government to make their lives better are the welfare recipients who keep having illegitimate kids and refuse to look for a job.
No, it's whiners like you with crap paying jobs who spend too much on useless crap.
And along with that, the quantity in boxes is getting smaller. So not only has the price of my coffee pods jumped from $6 to $10, but now there are only 10 pods Instead of 12.
You are just like those college kids who can't pay back their student loans but have to go to Starbucks every day.
It’s $3 for 12 eggs today and you are seriously saying you can’t afford to spend a few extra cents on your sandwich?

I know people can have tight budgets but this seems stretched.

you can get a dozen eggs at WalMart for 2 bucks.
No, it's whiners like you with crap paying jobs who spend too much on useless crap.
You’re clueless. I’m a retiree, and retirees are facing a hard time. But I note your attempt to demean the working class.

Now if you want to talk about people spending on useless or unnexccesaey crap, why do welfare recipients have the latest iPhone and $200 sneakers - and why aren’t you criticizing THEM?
You are just like those college kids who can't pay back their student loans but have to go to Starbucks every day.
Actually, I’m not. But again - a lib who demeans who he imagines is part of the working class.

Where is your contempt for the lazy welfare recipients? Some of them - especially the ones with four kids under five - are eating better than people with modest jobs.
Look at the price of gold's skyrocketed up.

Mostly because Russia has run out of gold to sell on the open market and fighting in Africa has closed those mines.
Actually I'm not suffering but it's not lost on me that all of the lefties here pull the same tactic whenever they are faced with the reality of rising grocery prices under this administration.

Do you all go to Lefty propaganda School and then come to this board? Inevitably the attempts to embarrass pour in as if all of you have one field commander.

I don't have any problems getting what I need because I've planned well. That doesn't mean I don't see the price increases.
You are lucky, but those that thought Social Security was going to be their retirement, they are getting it real good from the Demofacists who believe that the elderly should be killed for the greater good of society.
No but the price of groceries will change votes.
And gasoline prices are necessarily skyrocketing again. In Florida we have seen a 40 cent spike per gallon, and this is also another NAIL IN THE COFFIN for demofascists. "It is the economy, stupid".

Bidenet.png<-------Believes that US citizens are better off than 4 years ago.
You could just admit you were wrong and move on instead of making it worse.
Groceries are also based on the FOREX exchange with other currencies....strong dollar helps buy imported goods cheaper but export prices suck. Where the dollar is getting stronger hurts exports which ultimately makes America a poorer nation.

You obviously do not understand market price structures. Corn still growing is not fed to chickens. It's still in the field and you are looking at contracts and contract prices of FUTURES. Look at where corn prices have's a CLUE.

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