And The Leader IS -----


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
SYRIA! Now over 60,000 massacred by their own people in their own country. Congratulations & LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING.
SYRIA! Now over 60,000 massacred by their own people in their own country. Congratulations & LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING.

Came by to say hi to my good ‘ol buddy MJ, and there he is: Still reveling over the death of 60,0000 humans of course Syrians and lusting for more….The Rachel Corrie pan-cake jokes…you are special.

I often wonder what could make a human being so hateful over another, especially from the comfort of his computer”? Could this be the pent up rage we see from the deep past persecutions that leave a dark traumatic Cultural wound expressing itself with its new-found power?

Answer it honestly my old buddy. I sure would like to know.
SYRIA! Now over 60,000 massacred by their own people in their own country. Congratulations & LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING.

Came by to say hi to my good ‘ol buddy MJ, and there he is: Still reveling over the death of 60,0000 humans of course Syrians and lusting for more….The Rachel Corrie pan-cake jokes…you are special.

I often wonder what could make a human being so hateful over another, especially from the comfort of his computer”? Could this be the pent up rage we see from the deep past persecutions that leave a dark traumatic Cultural wound expressing itself with its new-found power?

Answer it honestly my old buddy. I sure would like to know.
Of course Pbel would never ask anyone the question as to why many Muslims hate those who are non Muslims and even Muslims of a different sect that they are always harassing and murdering them as well as destroying their houses of worship. Does Phillip thinks that he would really get a pass from them? Whatever anyone says on this forum has no consequences in the real world, Phillip. However, in the real world which counts, you as a Dhimwit just overlook what is actually happening.
SYRIA! Now over 60,000 massacred by their own people in their own country. Congratulations & LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING.
Any Jews involved or any possibility Jews can be blame for this? If not then Jew haters could care less.
Great reply PBel. So glad to see that a little satire can make even you see the horror of reality in the world outside your box. Yes indeed, how tragic it is for a people to massacre themselves feeling no guilt or regret for what they do. What issue is worth killing each other over?

To me, life is precious. So shall I grieve for those who prefer to kill each other?

SYRIA! Now over 60,000 massacred by their own people in their own country. Congratulations & LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING.

Came by to say hi to my good ‘ol buddy MJ, and there he is: Still reveling over the death of 60,0000 humans of course Syrians and lusting for more….The Rachel Corrie pan-cake jokes…you are special.

I often wonder what could make a human being so hateful over another, especially from the comfort of his computer”? Could this be the pent up rage we see from the deep past persecutions that leave a dark traumatic Cultural wound expressing itself with its new-found power?

Answer it honestly my old buddy. I sure would like to know.
Great reply PBel. So glad to see that a little satire can make even you see the horror of reality in the world outside your box. Yes indeed, how tragic it is for a people to massacre themselves feeling no guilt or regret for what they do. What issue is worth killing each other over?

To me, life is precious. So shall I grieve for those who prefer to kill each other?

SYRIA! Now over 60,000 massacred by their own people in their own country. Congratulations & LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING.

Came by to say hi to my good ‘ol buddy MJ, and there he is: Still reveling over the death of 60,0000 humans of course Syrians and lusting for more….The Rachel Corrie pan-cake jokes…you are special.

I often wonder what could make a human being so hateful over another, especially from the comfort of his computer”? Could this be the pent up rage we see from the deep past persecutions that leave a dark traumatic Cultural wound expressing itself with its new-found power?

Answer it honestly my old buddy. I sure would like to know.

" a little satire?" You are a f'g Liar!
I must say I am proud of Israel for just staying out of Syria's internal affairs. And I wish the USA would do the same.
If the Syrians want to party by killing each other, who are we to prevent it?
If the Syrians want to party by killing each other, who are we to prevent it?

You are right. It is none of our business. But the shit has got to stop at some point. Woudl you feel the same if Israel govt was slaughtering all the citizens? It is a torn subject/question so I apologize in advance
It's called 'sarcasm'.

it's called "hateful sarcasm".

i do not imagine "sarcasm" regarding the jewish state's exploitation of the memory of millions of gassed ews would be received to well.

like i have always said, it really depends upon whose ox is being gored. a senile old do wop singer of no repute and a dead, lying cheesehead walk into a bar. the bartender calls the cops and has them arrested because do wop puetz was trying to change the diapers on the dead guy...
Was there supposed to be some content in that post? If so, seal - I hope you'll be very careful driving after whatever you've ingested......
Ah, still diapers on you mind, eh Seal? I thought so, How many times have I asked you if you are holding up okay on your disposable diapers? And how many times have you not replied? If this continues, you leave me no choice but to tell everyone here about your, well, you know what your problem is. Seriously Seal, I am still willing to send you all the diapers you need until you find a cure for your problem.

It's called 'sarcasm'.

it's called "hateful sarcasm".

i do not imagine "sarcasm" regarding the jewish state's exploitation of the memory of millions of gassed ews would be received to well.

like i have always said, it really depends upon whose ox is being gored. a senile old do wop singer of no repute and a dead, lying cheesehead walk into a bar. the bartender calls the cops and has them arrested because do wop puetz was trying to change the diapers on the dead guy...
SYRIA! Now over 60,000 massacred by their own people in their own country. Congratulations & LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING.

Came by to say hi to my good ‘ol buddy MJ, and there he is: Still reveling over the death of 60,0000 humans of course Syrians and lusting for more….The Rachel Corrie pan-cake jokes…you are special.

I often wonder what could make a human being so hateful over another, especially from the comfort of his computer”? Could this be the pent up rage we see from the deep past persecutions that leave a dark traumatic Cultural wound expressing itself with its new-found power?

Answer it honestly my old buddy. I sure would like to know.

When I first encountered muslims---from places where there were no jews---

--many--once they learned that I am a jew----were EAGER to tell me what they

KNOW about jews. Some of their "knowlege" was familiar to me because

I had read the nazi literature in my childhood----but some of it was news. I was

ASSURED that jews are trying to convert all the muslims to Judaism. That one

was REALLY NEWS since I am fully aware of the trepidation of "CONVERSION"

campaigns jews have harbored for more than 2500 years------to the point of

PROSCRIBING THEM and even discouraging conversion to judaism. I was young

back then and not fully aware of the many many "islam or death" campaigns

that had taken place in muslim countries ----and not at all aware of the modern

day "REVERT TO ISLAM" program that is very very prominent----and was

even back then. To that point I had a belief that christians were the big

conversion seekers-----in reality----both muslims and christians are on an equal

footing historically in brutal forced conversions and more lately ISLAM has

taken lead

Over time--I learned that in order to know what muslims want----just pay

attention to that which they CLAIM jews want-----not a new idea to me----

long before I had come to realize that NAZIS ----from their birth in

Germany ----to post world War II -----slated JEWS for extermination for a

very convincing set of reasons-----they accused JEWS of trying and even succeeding

doing precisely what GERMAN NAZIS wanted to do

peeballls is classical
Ah, still diapers on you mind, eh Seal? I thought so, How many times have I asked you if you are holding up okay on your disposable diapers? And how many times have you not replied? If this continues, you leave me no choice but to tell everyone here about your, well, you know what your problem is. Seriously Seal, I am still willing to send you all the diapers you need until you find a cure for your problem.

Seal likes to attack others on a personal level. But some of us men are glad to send him a reply whereby Seal runs & hides & pisses his pants over & over again. I fear he is off of his disposable diapers again & want to help him by sending more diapers if only he will let me like he did once before.

Ah, still diapers on you mind, eh Seal? I thought so, How many times have I asked you if you are holding up okay on your disposable diapers? And how many times have you not replied? If this continues, you leave me no choice but to tell everyone here about your, well, you know what your problem is. Seriously Seal, I am still willing to send you all the diapers you need until you find a cure for your problem.


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