And now the Dictatorship begins

America has never passed the tests yet. And in this case we have allowed a criminal president unlimited power.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.

Take two aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.

Don't need to. Just face the truth. trump is guilty and the republican majority in the senate is complicit in a cover up.

Gee another left wing meltdown. there was nothing to convict Trump, all hot air.
This is the man Republicans are slandering and threatening now:


That's nice.

Should he be nominated for sainthood?
For being a patriotic American? Seems a rather low bar.

Saints are sent by God. Many consider them "chosen".

Donald Trump refers to himself as the "chosen one".

Evangelicals insist Trump was "sent by God".

Does Trump seem to be someone "sent by God"? And if here were sent by God, what is it he is supposed to do?


For being a patriotic American? Seems a rather low bar.
You missed the sarcasm, apparently.

He is NOT a saint, he is a human, and suffers the foibles of being human.

20 years in the service, I've seen officers escorted off ship, off base, and some sent to prison.

as CO, I've met/talked to prisoners that had exemplary military careers, until they got caught.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.

L'et's be honest, you fucking Dems DAMAGED the Impeachment Clause of our Constitution, FOREVER.

Trump could actually BECOME HITLER tomorrow, and there's NOTHING we could legally do to stop him. BECAUSE YOU FUCKED RUINED AND MADE MOCKERY OF THE IMPEACHMENT PROCESS OVER A NON-ISSUE.


No, that's what republicans did.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.

Take two aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.

Don't need to. Just face the truth. trump is guilty and the republican majority in the senate is complicit in a cover up.

Gee another left wing meltdown. there was nothing to convict Trump, all hot air.

Wrong, there was plenty. That's why for the first time in our history a senator from the presidents party voted for conviction. And since trump blocked witnesses and documents, you can't say there was nothing to convict trump on.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.

Take two aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.

Don't need to. Just face the truth. trump is guilty and the republican majority in the senate is complicit in a cover up.
All Roads Lead To Ukraine

Don't forget one of the first things Trump did when he got in to office was do audits sending all these bureaucrats in to a panicked state.

How did Hillary Clinton ‘lose’ $6 billion at the State Department?

One has to wonder why The Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign, Obama State Department, and Podesta Group were throwing so much money in to The Ukraine Elections to Oppose an Anti-Corruption Government that was trying to get elected there.

Obama did his dirty work through The Podesta Group, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Joe Biden, and The US Embassy In Ukraine, and funneled money in to a Ukraine NGO owned by Soros to oppose The Anti Corruption Candidates in Ukraine. Manfort and Gates were heavily used by The Obama Administration and Podesta Group for operations in Ukraine.

Then after that election when The Anti-Corruption Government was Elected, The Ukrainian Politicians Obama was supporting all fled to Russia.

Then Obama Seals his records on Ukraine citing Executive Privilege!

Then Obama had The Clinton Campaign be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

Then Obama had The Podesta Group be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

A Whistle Blower rats on Clinton about her secret Server which Obama denies knowledge of despite being caught in a lie when it was revealed he and his staff used aliases to communicate clandestinely with Clinton on that server so they could avoid FOIA and other types of discovery.

Comey Allows Clinton To Bleach Bit Her Server of 33,000 Emails!

The IT tech who Bleach Bitted Clinton's Server in violation of 2 Federal Court Orders is given immunity in exchange for testimony. He is asked 256 questions about his actions and about what he knows and despite having full immunity, pleads the 5th 256 Times!

Guccifer who says he and other countries did hack Clinton's Server despite The Obama Administration saying that never happened. Guccifer also says, he knows the original DNC Server was shipped to The Ukraine to hide it, and then an "edited copy" of the hard drive was given to Crowdstrike.

No Subpoena is ever issued on The DNC Server which The DNC Claimed was hacked and exposed Podesta's Emails. Only Crowdstrike looks at a copy of the VHD from the DNC Server and claims Russia hacked it. Weeks later, they had to retract nearly all of their statements as IT Techs all over the blogosphere called them out on all of their logical fallacies, errors, and technical nonsense. Lies in laymen terms.

Guccifer is arrested, extradited to The US and is locked up and is never heard from again.

Hillary Clinton Destroys 17 Electronic Devices!
Pakistani Hackers Hired by Clinton, Destroy dozens of hard drives as they flee The US!

Seth Rich gets murdered after uploading Podesta Emails to Assange.
The Remaining Hacker goes with Hillary Clinton to work on her campaign, despite being caught prying in to Congressional Files!

Comey sweeps all Clinton's Crimes Under the Rug.

The Obama Administration launches Russian Collusion COUP Hoax based on Russian Dirty Dossier he paid for that we now find out actually originated from The Ukraine and US Embassy. This Russian or Ukrainian Propaganda is later used falsely in FISA to get Wiretap Warrants on The Trump Campaign.

Gates and Manafort who worked for Obama and knew what was going on in The Ukraine, have their homes raided, are placed in solitary confinement, convicted on bogus charges and are never heard from again.

Julian Assange who says he got the Podesta Emails from Seth Rich is eventually Extradited, Locked Up and has never been hear from again!

Trump makes a phone call to congratulate The Ukraine President who ran on a Anti-Corruption Ukraine platform and then asks him to keep him informed about rumors of alleged corruption in Ukraine committed by The Obama Administration.

A Few weeks Later, Vindman a Ukrainian and his Brother who works for Adam Schiff, helps Adam Schiff and Eric Ciaramella write a Bogus Whistle Blower Report on a call to Ukraine!

Suddenly old footage of Joe Biden threatening The Ukraine to fire The Prosecutor Resurface as some people realize there is something fishy going on with this whole never ending attempt to remove President Trump.

Joe Biden:
"Fire The Prosecutor Investigating Hunter, or you aren't getting The Millions"!

President Trump shocks Schiff and releases The Transcript! contradicting The Whistle Blower Report

Schiff gets up in front of America and reads a completely Sham and Fictitious Manufactured Version of that phone call Transcript!

Adam Schiff who originally said everyone would get to interview The Whistle Blower shuts that down, says No, and then interrupts anyone who even dares to get close to revealing who The Whistle Blower is in testimony.

Schiff then has The IG Interview transcript which is critical of Schiff and The Whistleblower and seems to indicate Schiff lied about contact with The Whistleblower classified as "Intelligence" and refuses to allow The Trump Defense team to see that transcript. No one has seen it yet, and Schiff is refusing to turn it over.

The Pelosi Lead House Rushes to start an impeachment about The Ukraine phone call despite The Ukraine President telling The House, that their accusations are false. Adam Schiff refuses to release memos of his conversations with Vindman and The Whistle Blower, or The IGs testimony.

Hunter Biden refuses to comply with a Judges Order to turn over his Financial Records documenting his earnings at Burisma in his Child Support Case.

Joe Biden states he will refuse to comply with a Senate Subpoena to answer any questions about anything he knows about Ukraine or Burisma.

And here we are today.

All of this is wrong.
Did Dems think there would be no consequences? Only Dems can attack and seek revenge not Trump am I right. :icon_rolleyes:


Since democrats have not done this....

LMAO here we go with the Dems are victims BS.
Want to know how stupid these DemTards are? Here are two of their arguments


“It’s all in your imagination all these accusations that we haven’t proved our accusations. We proved the accusations beyond any shadow of a doubt but we still need witnesses because you doubt our accusations which we proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

These people are nuts!


“People risked their lives to fight England so they can choose their own leaders.

Please remove Trump so The People cannot choose him as their leader.”

Essentially their arguments boil down to this:

“Democracy is at Stake! Trump is an Imminent Existential Threat to The Republic! The Constitution and our Elections are at stake!

It’s urgent!

Sits on Articles for 33 days!

Please don’t make us run against Trump in the next election

Can’t you take him off the ballot?“

And then you can't help to notice them complain about Trump asking about Biden "asking" nothing else, and then ignoring the fact that Obama purchased Russian Propaganda from Putin and used that to order an Investigation and Spying on The Trump Campaign in order to interfere in the 2016 Elections!

Essentially They were saying:

"We want to exonerate Joe Biden for extorting the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma.

We want to IMPEACH Donald Trump for daring to ask why Joe Biden extorted the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma."

Last but not least:

4 Democrat Impeachment Managers Voted AGAINST aid to Ukraine

The Iowa Republican said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who is an impeachment manager, along with House Democratic Reps. Zoe Lofgren of California, Sylvia Garcia of Texas and Hakeem Jeffries of New York, all who either opposed or didn’t vote for national defense bills that included lethal aid to Ukraine.

“What I find very interesting now is that the House Managers are very, very centered on the fact that Russia was invading Ukraine. And military funding to Ukraine,” she said on Thursday, reminding reporters that Crimea was invaded in 2014 during the Obama administration.

Ernst told reporters the Obama administration reacted to the invasion by “sending blankets.” [That is true.]
Last edited:
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.

Take two aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.

Don't need to. Just face the truth. trump is guilty and the republican majority in the senate is complicit in a cover up.
All Roads Lead To Ukraine

Don't forget one of the first things Trump did when he got in to office was do audits sending all these bureaucrats in to a panicked state.

How did Hillary Clinton ‘lose’ $6 billion at the State Department?

One has to wonder why The Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign, Obama State Department, and Podesta Group were throwing so much money in to The Ukraine Elections to Oppose an Anti-Corruption Government that was trying to get elected there.

Obama did his dirty work through The Podesta Group, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Joe Biden, and The US Embassy In Ukraine, and funneled money in to a Ukraine NGO owned by Soros to oppose The Anti Corruption Candidates in Ukraine. Manfort and Gates were heavily used by The Obama Administration and Podesta Group for operations in Ukraine.

Then after that election when The Anti-Corruption Government was Elected, The Ukrainian Politicians Obama was supporting all fled to Russia.

Then Obama Seals his records on Ukraine citing Executive Privilege!

Then Obama had The Clinton Campaign be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

Then Obama had The Podesta Group be granted Full Blanket Immunity!

A Whistle Blower rats on Clinton about her secret Server which Obama denies knowledge of despite being caught in a lie when it was revealed he and his staff used aliases to communicate clandestinely with Clinton on that server so they could avoid FOIA and other types of discovery.

Comey Allows Clinton To Bleach Bit Her Server of 33,000 Emails!

The IT tech who Bleach Bitted Clinton's Server in violation of 2 Federal Court Orders is given immunity in exchange for testimony. He is asked 256 questions about his actions and about what he knows and despite having full immunity, pleads the 5th 256 Times!

Guccifer who says he and other countries did hack Clinton's Server despite The Obama Administration saying that never happened. Guccifer also says, he knows the original DNC Server was shipped to The Ukraine to hide it, and then an "edited copy" of the hard drive was given to Crowdstrike.

No Subpoena is ever issued on The DNC Server which The DNC Claimed was hacked and exposed Podesta's Emails. Only Crowdstrike looks at a copy of the VHD from the DNC Server and claims Russia hacked it. Weeks later, they had to retract nearly all of their statements as IT Techs all over the blogosphere called them out on all of their logical fallacies, errors, and technical nonsense. Lies in laymen terms.

Guccifer is arrested, extradited to The US and is locked up and is never heard from again.

Hillary Clinton Destroys 17 Electronic Devices!
Pakistani Hackers Hired by Clinton, Destroy dozens of hard drives as they flee The US!

Seth Rich gets murdered after uploading Podesta Emails to Assange.
The Remaining Hacker goes with Hillary Clinton to work on her campaign, despite being caught prying in to Congressional Files!

Comey sweeps all Clinton's Crimes Under the Rug.

The Obama Administration launches Russian Collusion COUP Hoax based on Russian Dirty Dossier he paid for that we now find out actually originated from The Ukraine and US Embassy. This Russian or Ukrainian Propaganda is later used falsely in FISA to get Wiretap Warrants on The Trump Campaign.

Gates and Manafort who worked for Obama and knew what was going on in The Ukraine, have their homes raided, are placed in solitary confinement, convicted on bogus charges and are never heard from again.

Julian Assange who says he got the Podesta Emails from Seth Rich is eventually Extradited, Locked Up and has never been hear from again!

Trump makes a phone call to congratulate The Ukraine President who ran on a Anti-Corruption Ukraine platform and then asks him to keep him informed about rumors of alleged corruption in Ukraine committed by The Obama Administration.

A Few weeks Later, Vindman a Ukrainian and his Brother who works for Adam Schiff, helps Adam Schiff and Eric Ciaramella write a Bogus Whistle Blower Report on a call to Ukraine!

Suddenly old footage of Joe Biden threatening The Ukraine to fire The Prosecutor Resurface as some people realize there is something fishy going on with this whole never ending attempt to remove President Trump.

Joe Biden:
"Fire The Prosecutor Investigating Hunter, or you aren't getting The Millions"!

President Trump shocks Schiff and releases The Transcript! contradicting The Whistle Blower Report

Schiff gets up in front of America and reads a completely Sham and Fictitious Manufactured Version of that phone call Transcript!

Adam Schiff who originally said everyone would get to interview The Whistle Blower shuts that down, says No, and then interrupts anyone who even dares to get close to revealing who The Whistle Blower is in testimony.

Schiff then has The IG Interview transcript which is critical of Schiff and The Whistleblower and seems to indicate Schiff lied about contact with The Whistleblower classified as "Intelligence" and refuses to allow The Trump Defense team to see that transcript. No one has seen it yet, and Schiff is refusing to turn it over.

The Pelosi Lead House Rushes to start an impeachment about The Ukraine phone call despite The Ukraine President telling The House, that their accusations are false. Adam Schiff refuses to release memos of his conversations with Vindman and The Whistle Blower, or The IGs testimony.

Hunter Biden refuses to comply with a Judges Order to turn over his Financial Records documenting his earnings at Burisma in his Child Support Case.

Joe Biden states he will refuse to comply with a Senate Subpoena to answer any questions about anything he knows about Ukraine or Burisma.

And here we are today.

All of this is wrong.


Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.

Take two aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.

Don't need to. Just face the truth. trump is guilty and the republican majority in the senate is complicit in a cover up.

Gee another left wing meltdown. there was nothing to convict Trump, all hot air.

Wrong, there was plenty. That's why for the first time in our history a senator from the presidents party voted for conviction. And since trump blocked witnesses and documents, you can't say there was nothing to convict trump on.







So says His Exoneration.
Did Dems think there would be no consequences? Only Dems can attack and seek revenge not Trump am I right. :icon_rolleyes:


Since democrats have not done this....

LMAO here we go with the Dems are victims BS.
Want to know how stupid these DemTards are? Here are two of their arguments


“It’s all in your imagination all these accusations that we haven’t proved our accusations. We proved the accusations beyond any shadow of a doubt but we still need witnesses because you doubt our accusations which we proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

These people are nuts!


“People risked their lives to fight England so they can choose their own leaders.

Please remove Trump so The People cannot choose him as their leader.”

Essentially their arguments boil down to this:

“Democracy is at Stake! Trump is an Imminent Existential Threat to The Republic! The Constitution and our Elections are at stake!

It’s urgent!

Sits on Articles for 33 days!

Please don’t make us run against Trump in the next election

Can’t you take him off the ballot?“

And then you can't help to notice them complain about Trump asking about Biden "asking" nothing else, and then ignoring the fact that Obama purchased Russian Propaganda from Putin and used that to order an Investigation and Spying on The Trump Campaign in order to interfere in the 2016 Elections!

Essentially They were saying:

"We want to exonerate Joe Biden for extorting the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma.

We want to IMPEACH Donald Trump for daring to ask why Joe Biden extorted the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma."

Last but not least:

4 Democrat Impeachment Managers Voted AGAINST aid to Ukraine

The Iowa Republican said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who is an impeachment manager, along with House Democratic Reps. Zoe Lofgren of California, Sylvia Garcia of Texas and Hakeem Jeffries of New York, all who either opposed or didn’t vote for national defense bills that included lethal aid to Ukraine.

“What I find very interesting now is that the House Managers are very, very centered on the fact that Russia was invading Ukraine. And military funding to Ukraine,” she said on Thursday, reminding reporters that Crimea was invaded in 2014 during the Obama administration.

Ernst told reporters the Obama administration reacted to the invasion by “sending blankets.” [That is true.]

Moron Dems constantly contradict their own talking points. That happens when they lie through their teeth.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.

It's within the right of any president to move around or replace national security officials as they would see fit. Just as it is in their right to move ambassadors. It is NOT the act of a dictator. And no, Trump does not have unlimited power. Don't know where you get that from, because we still have three branches of government. Congress controls the power of the purse, Supreme Court has the job of defining Constitutional law ( not the president), and though Trump may make an executive order, like any other, it can be overturned by the next president, unless Congress ratifies what he wants into law. But again, that takes a vote of Congress.
Nothing has changed, we have no Dictatorship, but I get it. You guys need this.
Did Dems think there would be no consequences? Only Dems can attack and seek revenge not Trump am I right. :icon_rolleyes:


Since democrats have not done this....

LMAO here we go with the Dems are victims BS.
Want to know how stupid these DemTards are? Here are two of their arguments


“It’s all in your imagination all these accusations that we haven’t proved our accusations. We proved the accusations beyond any shadow of a doubt but we still need witnesses because you doubt our accusations which we proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.”

These people are nuts!


“People risked their lives to fight England so they can choose their own leaders.

Please remove Trump so The People cannot choose him as their leader.”

Essentially their arguments boil down to this:

“Democracy is at Stake! Trump is an Imminent Existential Threat to The Republic! The Constitution and our Elections are at stake!

It’s urgent!

Sits on Articles for 33 days!

Please don’t make us run against Trump in the next election

Can’t you take him off the ballot?“

And then you can't help to notice them complain about Trump asking about Biden "asking" nothing else, and then ignoring the fact that Obama purchased Russian Propaganda from Putin and used that to order an Investigation and Spying on The Trump Campaign in order to interfere in the 2016 Elections!

Essentially They were saying:

"We want to exonerate Joe Biden for extorting the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma.

We want to IMPEACH Donald Trump for daring to ask why Joe Biden extorted the Ukraine in to firing the prosecutor investigating his son who works for corrupt Burisma."

Last but not least:

4 Democrat Impeachment Managers Voted AGAINST aid to Ukraine

The Iowa Republican said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who is an impeachment manager, along with House Democratic Reps. Zoe Lofgren of California, Sylvia Garcia of Texas and Hakeem Jeffries of New York, all who either opposed or didn’t vote for national defense bills that included lethal aid to Ukraine.

“What I find very interesting now is that the House Managers are very, very centered on the fact that Russia was invading Ukraine. And military funding to Ukraine,” she said on Thursday, reminding reporters that Crimea was invaded in 2014 during the Obama administration.

Ernst told reporters the Obama administration reacted to the invasion by “sending blankets.” [That is true.]

Moron Dems constantly contradict their own talking points. That happens when they lie through their teeth.
It's in their immoral DNA to lie.
This is the man Republicans are slandering and threatening now:


That's nice.

Should he be nominated for sainthood?
For being a patriotic American? Seems a rather low bar.

Saints are sent by God. Many consider them "chosen".

Donald Trump refers to himself as the "chosen one".

Evangelicals insist Trump was "sent by God".

Does Trump seem to be someone "sent by God"? And if here were sent by God, what is it he is supposed to do?


For being a patriotic American? Seems a rather low bar.
You missed the sarcasm, apparently.

He is NOT a saint, he is a human, and suffers the foibles of being human.

20 years in the service, I've seen officers escorted off ship, off base, and some sent to prison.

as CO, I've met/talked to prisoners that had exemplary military careers, until they got caught.
I know the guy that used to run NAVCONBRIG Miramar. Many stories.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, [URL=''][URL='']Robert Costa and Greg Miller [/URL][/URL]
[URL='']February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the [URL='']impeachment inquiry
after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.[/URL][/URL]


sounds like somebody didn't take the tray of pills the big nurse brought him today.

The Democratic party has been attempting a coup to overturn an election ever since he was elected and dumb shits are saying TRUMP is the dictator?
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.
Are you suggesting Vladimir Putin supported Hillary Clinton?

Do you believe Vladimir Putin? When asked at Helsinki if he helped Donald Trump get elected and he answered, "Yes, yes I did".

Of course he did. He hates Hitlery and would have done the same for whoever her opponent was. It happened to be Trump.

Jeeze your an idiot.

Anybody with a brain hates Hillary, she is a disgusting, despicable human being
Did Dems think there would be no consequences? Only Dems can attack and seek revenge not Trump am I right. :icon_rolleyes:


That's it in a nutshell isn't it? PROGS don't think in consequences, it's one reason they support everything that sounds cool on the front end.

What OP lacks the brain for to understand, every time they accuse Trump of something and lose, which is all the time, the result is Trump gains strength, and even offered carte blanche. All while the PROGS he supports are taken for who they are, shit-heads.

If Republicans are willing to see their religion defiled, then Trump has undeniably become their "God".
Funny, they were cheering him. The only thing that defiled that Prayer breakfast was the fact they allowed Pelosi through the door.


If Republicans are willing to see their religion defiled, then Trump has undeniably become their "God".
Funny, they were cheering him. The only thing that defiled that Prayer breakfast was the fact they allowed Pelosi through the door.

I guess it depends on what religion and faith means to us as individuals.

I have certain standards.

you have standards? have said in the past that god is an imaginary what standards are you referring too,it certainly cant be any religious one....
Since you question mine, do you have standards?

What do you think about Trump University?

What do you think about Trump Foundation?

Just curious?
i have said more than once here that trump is a jerk
Did Dems think there would be no consequences? Only Dems can attack and seek revenge not Trump am I right. :icon_rolleyes:


That's it in a nutshell isn't it? PROGS don't think in consequences, it's one reason they support everything that sounds cool on the front end.

What OP lacks the brain for to understand, every time they accuse Trump of something and lose, which is all the time, the result is Trump gains strength, and even offered carte blanche. All while the PROGS he supports are taken for who they are, shit-heads.
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