And now the Dictatorship begins

I wished that was the case. But it's not.

Why? Because you didn't get the vote that you wanted?

And I don't think a 2/3rds vote could be achieved but a more than 50 could have been achieved.

Oh? Can you list those that you think should have voted in favor to remove, then tell us why you think they didn't?

There was a lot of threats in the background.

Do you have documented evidence of this, or is it just what you think happened?

And watching the backlash on Romney, they tried to make an example of him. It didn't work.

Make an example? How so?

But the other Republican Senators placed their jobs and positions over their voters best wishes.

That would be more of a voter thing....You do realize that you are arguing against your "retribution" argument when you type this right?

And why would they do this when voting for the witnesses and additional evidence?

It's not up to the jury to make the case...That was the House's job...They failed.

The reasons for omitting those never made any sense.

The Senate allowed everything the House managers brought to them....They omitted nothing.

In fact, nothing about Rump makes a lot of sense.

Which is why you people will loose in November. Oh, and mistyping Trump's name make you feel better?

Rump has lost the ability to back up his threats like he once did but those Senators are so much in love with their power and jobs they can't take the chance.

What is it exactly you think the President could do to them had they voted to remove him?

Even to come with a simple majority for someone as bad as Rump.

Your problem seems to be that you think everyone else believes the way that you do...

And, no, I am not preaching for removal from office.

HA!!!! That's a hoot!

What I am wanting to see is for Rump to be slapped down a few times as a message that his BS won't be tolerated anymore.

Wise up man...This President isn't doing anything that would please you people, Hell, he could have a cure for cancer, and you would probably post that he is destroying jobs in the Pharma industry.

Simple response. Rump IS Cancer and the cure for that form of cancer is to remove Rump.
I wish you children would grow up...or at least take a nap.

Sadly, all you seem to have done is gotten older. You stopped maturing mentally and emotionally at age 4.

And you are just part of that cancer. But when the Cancerous Rump and his merry band of criminals are gone, what do you do then? I notice that Rump is grooming his Daughter to take over as the next President. She only has a chance if it includes a Swim Suit competition. But I believe Gabbard will run away with that.
I guess we'll find out in 4 years. Have you been given the excuse for Trump's victory this November? Because the Democrats don't have a single credible candidate.

Boy, you had better worry about less than 10 months from now first. You keep banking on Barr and Rudy to release what they claim they have. Hate to break it to you, we've been there before. Remember the Republican Healthy Care replacement that was supposed to be introduced right after the 2016 election? Now, it's "Reelect me and we have this nice shiny new......) That ship sailed. Then there are the two Rudy Henchmen that turned information over to Barr and his merry band of criminals. That normally would have just buried it but they also released copies to the House in Congress. Now, add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way. And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate above an beyond the give and take for election year. The Dems will keep the house by a smaller margin but your last little "Business Dealing" either cost you a narrow keeping of the Senate or allow the Dems to wrest control using the 3 seats of the Indies that votes with the Dems.

Now, I want to see the Senate grow a pair and stop being deathly afraid of Rump who is pretty much a goner. The last thing I want to see is for the Dems to control a 3. But if the Senate Republicans don't stop this nonsense then I guess the alternative where the Dems control the Senate for a couple of years may be more tolerable than the alternative.

Like said, it's going to be a fun filled 10 months and Rump is driving the insanity. To help him along with that insanity, we'll just feed it. Considering many of the Senate Republicans hope that Rump learned something from this, they are mistaken. He's going into full King Mode. Get ready for some real doozy "Here Hold my Beer" moments. And get ready for another Impeachment. This time it won't be just Romney that will vote to convict to have him removed from office.

Rump just earned something NO President has ever earned. He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him. And you wonder why he's frothing at the mouth right now?
Why? Because you didn't get the vote that you wanted?

Oh? Can you list those that you think should have voted in favor to remove, then tell us why you think they didn't?

Do you have documented evidence of this, or is it just what you think happened?

Make an example? How so?

That would be more of a voter thing....You do realize that you are arguing against your "retribution" argument when you type this right?

It's not up to the jury to make the case...That was the House's job...They failed.

The Senate allowed everything the House managers brought to them....They omitted nothing.

Which is why you people will loose in November. Oh, and mistyping Trump's name make you feel better?

What is it exactly you think the President could do to them had they voted to remove him?

Your problem seems to be that you think everyone else believes the way that you do...

HA!!!! That's a hoot!

Wise up man...This President isn't doing anything that would please you people, Hell, he could have a cure for cancer, and you would probably post that he is destroying jobs in the Pharma industry.

Simple response. Rump IS Cancer and the cure for that form of cancer is to remove Rump.
I wish you children would grow up...or at least take a nap.

Sadly, all you seem to have done is gotten older. You stopped maturing mentally and emotionally at age 4.

And you are just part of that cancer. But when the Cancerous Rump and his merry band of criminals are gone, what do you do then? I notice that Rump is grooming his Daughter to take over as the next President. She only has a chance if it includes a Swim Suit competition. But I believe Gabbard will run away with that.
I guess we'll find out in 4 years. Have you been given the excuse for Trump's victory this November? Because the Democrats don't have a single credible candidate.

Boy, you had better worry about less than 10 months from now first. You keep banking on Barr and Rudy to release what they claim they have. Hate to break it to you, we've been there before. Remember the Republican Healthy Care replacement that was supposed to be introduced right after the 2016 election? Now, it's "Reelect me and we have this nice shiny new......) That ship sailed. Then there are the two Rudy Henchmen that turned information over to Barr and his merry band of criminals. That normally would have just buried it but they also released copies to the House in Congress. Now, add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way. And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate above an beyond the give and take for election year. The Dems will keep the house by a smaller margin but your last little "Business Dealing" either cost you a narrow keeping of the Senate or allow the Dems to wrest control using the 3 seats of the Indies that votes with the Dems.

Now, I want to see the Senate grow a pair and stop being deathly afraid of Rump who is pretty much a goner. The last thing I want to see is for the Dems to control a 3. But if the Senate Republicans don't stop this nonsense then I guess the alternative where the Dems control the Senate for a couple of years may be more tolerable than the alternative.

Like said, it's going to be a fun filled 10 months and Rump is driving the insanity. To help him along with that insanity, we'll just feed it. Considering many of the Senate Republicans hope that Rump learned something from this, they are mistaken. He's going into full King Mode. Get ready for some real doozy "Here Hold my Beer" moments. And get ready for another Impeachment. This time it won't be just Romney that will vote to convict to have him removed from office.

Rump just earned something NO President has ever earned. He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him. And you wonder why he's frothing at the mouth right now?

That is among the most delusional take on things I think I've ever read.
Simple response. Rump IS Cancer and the cure for that form of cancer is to remove Rump.

Then do at the Ballot Box.

I have already seen Rump manipulate the Ballot Box. Of course, with the assistance of many in here as well. He all but took out one candidate. Next he goes after 3 others using much the same methods. At some point, the General Public is going to sicken from it. It's like everything else, you can't keep going to the well over and over. But Rump will. It's going to be a very long 10 months for you "The Party of the Rumpers".
How'd Iowa work out for you? Your precious and oh-so-superior Democrats can't even fucking count. America sees you all being incompetent and corrupt.

You can't blame Trump for Democrats being Democrats, no matter what you're told to say.

I ain't a Democrat. I am a Republican. You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump". Right now, all 4 front runner Dems score better than Rump in all but a handful of states. And those few states don't carry enough ECs to do the job. The Swing States that Rump carried have gone into the negatives for Rump. Meaning, a Ham Sandwich can defeat him. It's too bad that the Democrats figured that out and offered 4 hand sandwiches. I was hoping they would at least offer a Pastrami in Rye.
I'm a conservative.

You are not. You will vote for whatever Democrat you're told to vote for, and that's that.

You are the "Party of the Rump". Not even remotely Conservative. Us Conservatives want Rump gone. Not in 5 years, not even in 1 year. We want him gone now. But we'll take 11 months. At the same time, we also get rid of his merry band of criminals and you. Too bad it won't be a Conservative that will fill that spot so we'll have to settle for a Democrat for 4 years. But knowing you and yours, you will be busy trying to burn everything to the ground.
Simple response. Rump IS Cancer and the cure for that form of cancer is to remove Rump.
I wish you children would grow up...or at least take a nap.

Sadly, all you seem to have done is gotten older. You stopped maturing mentally and emotionally at age 4.

And you are just part of that cancer. But when the Cancerous Rump and his merry band of criminals are gone, what do you do then? I notice that Rump is grooming his Daughter to take over as the next President. She only has a chance if it includes a Swim Suit competition. But I believe Gabbard will run away with that.
I guess we'll find out in 4 years. Have you been given the excuse for Trump's victory this November? Because the Democrats don't have a single credible candidate.

Boy, you had better worry about less than 10 months from now first. You keep banking on Barr and Rudy to release what they claim they have. Hate to break it to you, we've been there before. Remember the Republican Healthy Care replacement that was supposed to be introduced right after the 2016 election? Now, it's "Reelect me and we have this nice shiny new......) That ship sailed. Then there are the two Rudy Henchmen that turned information over to Barr and his merry band of criminals. That normally would have just buried it but they also released copies to the House in Congress. Now, add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way. And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate above an beyond the give and take for election year. The Dems will keep the house by a smaller margin but your last little "Business Dealing" either cost you a narrow keeping of the Senate or allow the Dems to wrest control using the 3 seats of the Indies that votes with the Dems.

Now, I want to see the Senate grow a pair and stop being deathly afraid of Rump who is pretty much a goner. The last thing I want to see is for the Dems to control a 3. But if the Senate Republicans don't stop this nonsense then I guess the alternative where the Dems control the Senate for a couple of years may be more tolerable than the alternative.

Like said, it's going to be a fun filled 10 months and Rump is driving the insanity. To help him along with that insanity, we'll just feed it. Considering many of the Senate Republicans hope that Rump learned something from this, they are mistaken. He's going into full King Mode. Get ready for some real doozy "Here Hold my Beer" moments. And get ready for another Impeachment. This time it won't be just Romney that will vote to convict to have him removed from office.

Rump just earned something NO President has ever earned. He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him. And you wonder why he's frothing at the mouth right now?

That is among the most delusional take on things I think I've ever read.

The fact that you find it delusional tells me that it's dead on. Thanks for confirming it.
I wish you children would grow up...or at least take a nap.

Sadly, all you seem to have done is gotten older. You stopped maturing mentally and emotionally at age 4.

And you are just part of that cancer. But when the Cancerous Rump and his merry band of criminals are gone, what do you do then? I notice that Rump is grooming his Daughter to take over as the next President. She only has a chance if it includes a Swim Suit competition. But I believe Gabbard will run away with that.
I guess we'll find out in 4 years. Have you been given the excuse for Trump's victory this November? Because the Democrats don't have a single credible candidate.

Boy, you had better worry about less than 10 months from now first. You keep banking on Barr and Rudy to release what they claim they have. Hate to break it to you, we've been there before. Remember the Republican Healthy Care replacement that was supposed to be introduced right after the 2016 election? Now, it's "Reelect me and we have this nice shiny new......) That ship sailed. Then there are the two Rudy Henchmen that turned information over to Barr and his merry band of criminals. That normally would have just buried it but they also released copies to the House in Congress. Now, add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way. And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate above an beyond the give and take for election year. The Dems will keep the house by a smaller margin but your last little "Business Dealing" either cost you a narrow keeping of the Senate or allow the Dems to wrest control using the 3 seats of the Indies that votes with the Dems.

Now, I want to see the Senate grow a pair and stop being deathly afraid of Rump who is pretty much a goner. The last thing I want to see is for the Dems to control a 3. But if the Senate Republicans don't stop this nonsense then I guess the alternative where the Dems control the Senate for a couple of years may be more tolerable than the alternative.

Like said, it's going to be a fun filled 10 months and Rump is driving the insanity. To help him along with that insanity, we'll just feed it. Considering many of the Senate Republicans hope that Rump learned something from this, they are mistaken. He's going into full King Mode. Get ready for some real doozy "Here Hold my Beer" moments. And get ready for another Impeachment. This time it won't be just Romney that will vote to convict to have him removed from office.

Rump just earned something NO President has ever earned. He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him. And you wonder why he's frothing at the mouth right now?

That is among the most delusional take on things I think I've ever read.

The fact that you find it delusional tells me that it's dead on. Thanks for confirming it.

I hope you go right on thinking that....It's going to be epic in November when you start typing how you just don't understand....
And you are just part of that cancer. But when the Cancerous Rump and his merry band of criminals are gone, what do you do then? I notice that Rump is grooming his Daughter to take over as the next President. She only has a chance if it includes a Swim Suit competition. But I believe Gabbard will run away with that.
I guess we'll find out in 4 years. Have you been given the excuse for Trump's victory this November? Because the Democrats don't have a single credible candidate.

Boy, you had better worry about less than 10 months from now first. You keep banking on Barr and Rudy to release what they claim they have. Hate to break it to you, we've been there before. Remember the Republican Healthy Care replacement that was supposed to be introduced right after the 2016 election? Now, it's "Reelect me and we have this nice shiny new......) That ship sailed. Then there are the two Rudy Henchmen that turned information over to Barr and his merry band of criminals. That normally would have just buried it but they also released copies to the House in Congress. Now, add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way. And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate above an beyond the give and take for election year. The Dems will keep the house by a smaller margin but your last little "Business Dealing" either cost you a narrow keeping of the Senate or allow the Dems to wrest control using the 3 seats of the Indies that votes with the Dems.

Now, I want to see the Senate grow a pair and stop being deathly afraid of Rump who is pretty much a goner. The last thing I want to see is for the Dems to control a 3. But if the Senate Republicans don't stop this nonsense then I guess the alternative where the Dems control the Senate for a couple of years may be more tolerable than the alternative.

Like said, it's going to be a fun filled 10 months and Rump is driving the insanity. To help him along with that insanity, we'll just feed it. Considering many of the Senate Republicans hope that Rump learned something from this, they are mistaken. He's going into full King Mode. Get ready for some real doozy "Here Hold my Beer" moments. And get ready for another Impeachment. This time it won't be just Romney that will vote to convict to have him removed from office.

Rump just earned something NO President has ever earned. He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him. And you wonder why he's frothing at the mouth right now?

That is among the most delusional take on things I think I've ever read.

The fact that you find it delusional tells me that it's dead on. Thanks for confirming it.

I hope you go right on thinking that....It's going to be epic in November when you start typing how you just don't understand....

Let's see. Rump lost some of the States that got him elected in the first place. He can only lie so many times before it comes home to roost. hes' lost some of the religious types for the same reason. He's lost some of the Republicans for the same reason. No matter what figures you dig up, he barely came off with the win in 2016. And I hope he has to face Biden.; That's only fitting. That way Congress can get rid of Barr before November and lock Rudy up which both will continue following Rumps directives. And those Directives will just get more insane as each day passes. Yes, it's going to be an entertaining 10 months.
I guess we'll find out in 4 years. Have you been given the excuse for Trump's victory this November? Because the Democrats don't have a single credible candidate.

Boy, you had better worry about less than 10 months from now first. You keep banking on Barr and Rudy to release what they claim they have. Hate to break it to you, we've been there before. Remember the Republican Healthy Care replacement that was supposed to be introduced right after the 2016 election? Now, it's "Reelect me and we have this nice shiny new......) That ship sailed. Then there are the two Rudy Henchmen that turned information over to Barr and his merry band of criminals. That normally would have just buried it but they also released copies to the House in Congress. Now, add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way. And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate above an beyond the give and take for election year. The Dems will keep the house by a smaller margin but your last little "Business Dealing" either cost you a narrow keeping of the Senate or allow the Dems to wrest control using the 3 seats of the Indies that votes with the Dems.

Now, I want to see the Senate grow a pair and stop being deathly afraid of Rump who is pretty much a goner. The last thing I want to see is for the Dems to control a 3. But if the Senate Republicans don't stop this nonsense then I guess the alternative where the Dems control the Senate for a couple of years may be more tolerable than the alternative.

Like said, it's going to be a fun filled 10 months and Rump is driving the insanity. To help him along with that insanity, we'll just feed it. Considering many of the Senate Republicans hope that Rump learned something from this, they are mistaken. He's going into full King Mode. Get ready for some real doozy "Here Hold my Beer" moments. And get ready for another Impeachment. This time it won't be just Romney that will vote to convict to have him removed from office.

Rump just earned something NO President has ever earned. He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him. And you wonder why he's frothing at the mouth right now?

That is among the most delusional take on things I think I've ever read.

The fact that you find it delusional tells me that it's dead on. Thanks for confirming it.

I hope you go right on thinking that....It's going to be epic in November when you start typing how you just don't understand....

Let's see. Rump lost some of the States that got him elected in the first place. He can only lie so many times before it comes home to roost. hes' lost some of the religious types for the same reason. He's lost some of the Republicans for the same reason. No matter what figures you dig up, he barely came off with the win in 2016. And I hope he has to face Biden.; That's only fitting. That way Congress can get rid of Barr before November and lock Rudy up which both will continue following Rumps directives. And those Directives will just get more insane as each day passes. Yes, it's going to be an entertaining 10 months.

Wanna make a donation bet on the election?
Boy, you had better worry about less than 10 months from now first. You keep banking on Barr and Rudy to release what they claim they have. Hate to break it to you, we've been there before. Remember the Republican Healthy Care replacement that was supposed to be introduced right after the 2016 election? Now, it's "Reelect me and we have this nice shiny new......) That ship sailed. Then there are the two Rudy Henchmen that turned information over to Barr and his merry band of criminals. That normally would have just buried it but they also released copies to the House in Congress. Now, add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way. And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate above an beyond the give and take for election year. The Dems will keep the house by a smaller margin but your last little "Business Dealing" either cost you a narrow keeping of the Senate or allow the Dems to wrest control using the 3 seats of the Indies that votes with the Dems.

Now, I want to see the Senate grow a pair and stop being deathly afraid of Rump who is pretty much a goner. The last thing I want to see is for the Dems to control a 3. But if the Senate Republicans don't stop this nonsense then I guess the alternative where the Dems control the Senate for a couple of years may be more tolerable than the alternative.

Like said, it's going to be a fun filled 10 months and Rump is driving the insanity. To help him along with that insanity, we'll just feed it. Considering many of the Senate Republicans hope that Rump learned something from this, they are mistaken. He's going into full King Mode. Get ready for some real doozy "Here Hold my Beer" moments. And get ready for another Impeachment. This time it won't be just Romney that will vote to convict to have him removed from office.

Rump just earned something NO President has ever earned. He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him. And you wonder why he's frothing at the mouth right now?

That is among the most delusional take on things I think I've ever read.

The fact that you find it delusional tells me that it's dead on. Thanks for confirming it.

I hope you go right on thinking that....It's going to be epic in November when you start typing how you just don't understand....

Let's see. Rump lost some of the States that got him elected in the first place. He can only lie so many times before it comes home to roost. hes' lost some of the religious types for the same reason. He's lost some of the Republicans for the same reason. No matter what figures you dig up, he barely came off with the win in 2016. And I hope he has to face Biden.; That's only fitting. That way Congress can get rid of Barr before November and lock Rudy up which both will continue following Rumps directives. And those Directives will just get more insane as each day passes. Yes, it's going to be an entertaining 10 months.

Wanna make a donation bet on the election?

I already donated. Can you guess where that donation went? If you donated, it went to something supporting Rump and his merry band of criminals. Guess where my donation went?
Why? Because you didn't get the vote that you wanted?

Oh? Can you list those that you think should have voted in favor to remove, then tell us why you think they didn't?

Do you have documented evidence of this, or is it just what you think happened?

Make an example? How so?

That would be more of a voter thing....You do realize that you are arguing against your "retribution" argument when you type this right?

It's not up to the jury to make the case...That was the House's job...They failed.

The Senate allowed everything the House managers brought to them....They omitted nothing.

Which is why you people will loose in November. Oh, and mistyping Trump's name make you feel better?

What is it exactly you think the President could do to them had they voted to remove him?

Your problem seems to be that you think everyone else believes the way that you do...

HA!!!! That's a hoot!

Wise up man...This President isn't doing anything that would please you people, Hell, he could have a cure for cancer, and you would probably post that he is destroying jobs in the Pharma industry.

Simple response. Rump IS Cancer and the cure for that form of cancer is to remove Rump.
I wish you children would grow up...or at least take a nap.

Sadly, all you seem to have done is gotten older. You stopped maturing mentally and emotionally at age 4.

And you are just part of that cancer. But when the Cancerous Rump and his merry band of criminals are gone, what do you do then? I notice that Rump is grooming his Daughter to take over as the next President. She only has a chance if it includes a Swim Suit competition. But I believe Gabbard will run away with that.
I guess we'll find out in 4 years. Have you been given the excuse for Trump's victory this November? Because the Democrats don't have a single credible candidate.

Boy, you had better worry about less than 10 months from now first. You keep banking on Barr and Rudy to release what they claim they have. Hate to break it to you, we've been there before. Remember the Republican Healthy Care replacement that was supposed to be introduced right after the 2016 election? Now, it's "Reelect me and we have this nice shiny new......) That ship sailed. Then there are the two Rudy Henchmen that turned information over to Barr and his merry band of criminals. That normally would have just buried it but they also released copies to the House in Congress. Now, add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way. And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate above an beyond the give and take for election year. The Dems will keep the house by a smaller margin but your last little "Business Dealing" either cost you a narrow keeping of the Senate or allow the Dems to wrest control using the 3 seats of the Indies that votes with the Dems.

Now, I want to see the Senate grow a pair and stop being deathly afraid of Rump who is pretty much a goner. The last thing I want to see is for the Dems to control a 3. But if the Senate Republicans don't stop this nonsense then I guess the alternative where the Dems control the Senate for a couple of years may be more tolerable than the alternative.

Like said, it's going to be a fun filled 10 months and Rump is driving the insanity. To help him along with that insanity, we'll just feed it. Considering many of the Senate Republicans hope that Rump learned something from this, they are mistaken. He's going into full King Mode. Get ready for some real doozy "Here Hold my Beer" moments. And get ready for another Impeachment. This time it won't be just Romney that will vote to convict to have him removed from office.

Rump just earned something NO President has ever earned. He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him. And you wonder why he's frothing at the mouth right now?

And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate

Foregone conclusion?

He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him.

48 votes to convict? So what?
Then do at the Ballot Box.

I have already seen Rump manipulate the Ballot Box. Of course, with the assistance of many in here as well. He all but took out one candidate. Next he goes after 3 others using much the same methods. At some point, the General Public is going to sicken from it. It's like everything else, you can't keep going to the well over and over. But Rump will. It's going to be a very long 10 months for you "The Party of the Rumpers".
How'd Iowa work out for you? Your precious and oh-so-superior Democrats can't even fucking count. America sees you all being incompetent and corrupt.

You can't blame Trump for Democrats being Democrats, no matter what you're told to say.

I ain't a Democrat. I am a Republican. You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump". Right now, all 4 front runner Dems score better than Rump in all but a handful of states. And those few states don't carry enough ECs to do the job. The Swing States that Rump carried have gone into the negatives for Rump. Meaning, a Ham Sandwich can defeat him. It's too bad that the Democrats figured that out and offered 4 hand sandwiches. I was hoping they would at least offer a Pastrami in Rye.
I'm a conservative.

You are not. You will vote for whatever Democrat you're told to vote for, and that's that.

You are the "Party of the Rump". Not even remotely Conservative. Us Conservatives want Rump gone. Not in 5 years, not even in 1 year. We want him gone now. But we'll take 11 months. At the same time, we also get rid of his merry band of criminals and you. Too bad it won't be a Conservative that will fill that spot so we'll have to settle for a Democrat for 4 years. But knowing you and yours, you will be busy trying to burn everything to the ground.

Not even remotely Conservative. Us Conservatives want Rump gone. Not in 5 years, not even in 1 year. We want him gone now.

You're a conservative? Hilarious!!!
That is among the most delusional take on things I think I've ever read.

The fact that you find it delusional tells me that it's dead on. Thanks for confirming it.

I hope you go right on thinking that....It's going to be epic in November when you start typing how you just don't understand....

Let's see. Rump lost some of the States that got him elected in the first place. He can only lie so many times before it comes home to roost. hes' lost some of the religious types for the same reason. He's lost some of the Republicans for the same reason. No matter what figures you dig up, he barely came off with the win in 2016. And I hope he has to face Biden.; That's only fitting. That way Congress can get rid of Barr before November and lock Rudy up which both will continue following Rumps directives. And those Directives will just get more insane as each day passes. Yes, it's going to be an entertaining 10 months.

Wanna make a donation bet on the election?

I already donated. Can you guess where that donation went? If you donated, it went to something supporting Rump and his merry band of criminals. Guess where my donation went?

Really? You're that thick? I was talking about a bet on the election, with a donation to USMB as the wager, idiot....Good grief.
I have already seen Rump manipulate the Ballot Box. Of course, with the assistance of many in here as well. He all but took out one candidate. Next he goes after 3 others using much the same methods. At some point, the General Public is going to sicken from it. It's like everything else, you can't keep going to the well over and over. But Rump will. It's going to be a very long 10 months for you "The Party of the Rumpers".
How'd Iowa work out for you? Your precious and oh-so-superior Democrats can't even fucking count. America sees you all being incompetent and corrupt.

You can't blame Trump for Democrats being Democrats, no matter what you're told to say.

I ain't a Democrat. I am a Republican. You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump". Right now, all 4 front runner Dems score better than Rump in all but a handful of states. And those few states don't carry enough ECs to do the job. The Swing States that Rump carried have gone into the negatives for Rump. Meaning, a Ham Sandwich can defeat him. It's too bad that the Democrats figured that out and offered 4 hand sandwiches. I was hoping they would at least offer a Pastrami in Rye.
I'm a conservative.

You are not. You will vote for whatever Democrat you're told to vote for, and that's that.

You are the "Party of the Rump". Not even remotely Conservative. Us Conservatives want Rump gone. Not in 5 years, not even in 1 year. We want him gone now. But we'll take 11 months. At the same time, we also get rid of his merry band of criminals and you. Too bad it won't be a Conservative that will fill that spot so we'll have to settle for a Democrat for 4 years. But knowing you and yours, you will be busy trying to burn everything to the ground.

Not even remotely Conservative. Us Conservatives want Rump gone. Not in 5 years, not even in 1 year. We want him gone now.

You're a conservative? Hilarious!!!

He's a stone cold lib, all they do is lie their asses off....Plus, he has the IQ of 12....
Why? Because you didn't get the vote that you wanted?

Oh? Can you list those that you think should have voted in favor to remove, then tell us why you think they didn't?

Do you have documented evidence of this, or is it just what you think happened?

Make an example? How so?

That would be more of a voter thing....You do realize that you are arguing against your "retribution" argument when you type this right?

It's not up to the jury to make the case...That was the House's job...They failed.

The Senate allowed everything the House managers brought to them....They omitted nothing.

Which is why you people will loose in November. Oh, and mistyping Trump's name make you feel better?

What is it exactly you think the President could do to them had they voted to remove him?

Your problem seems to be that you think everyone else believes the way that you do...

HA!!!! That's a hoot!

Wise up man...This President isn't doing anything that would please you people, Hell, he could have a cure for cancer, and you would probably post that he is destroying jobs in the Pharma industry.

Simple response. Rump IS Cancer and the cure for that form of cancer is to remove Rump.

Then do at the Ballot Box.

I have already seen Rump manipulate the Ballot Box. Of course, with the assistance of many in here as well. He all but took out one candidate. Next he goes after 3 others using much the same methods. At some point, the General Public is going to sicken from it. It's like everything else, you can't keep going to the well over and over. But Rump will. It's going to be a very long 10 months for you "The Party of the Rumpers".
How'd Iowa work out for you? Your precious and oh-so-superior Democrats can't even fucking count. America sees you all being incompetent and corrupt.

You can't blame Trump for Democrats being Democrats, no matter what you're told to say.

I ain't a Democrat. I am a Republican. You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump". Right now, all 4 front runner Dems score better than Rump in all but a handful of states. And those few states don't carry enough ECs to do the job. The Swing States that Rump carried have gone into the negatives for Rump. Meaning, a Ham Sandwich can defeat him. It's too bad that the Democrats figured that out and offered 4 hand sandwiches. I was hoping they would at least offer a Pastrami in Rye.
You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump".
And the six percent that do not support Trump are the Republican party?
The fact that you find it delusional tells me that it's dead on. Thanks for confirming it.

I hope you go right on thinking that....It's going to be epic in November when you start typing how you just don't understand....

Let's see. Rump lost some of the States that got him elected in the first place. He can only lie so many times before it comes home to roost. hes' lost some of the religious types for the same reason. He's lost some of the Republicans for the same reason. No matter what figures you dig up, he barely came off with the win in 2016. And I hope he has to face Biden.; That's only fitting. That way Congress can get rid of Barr before November and lock Rudy up which both will continue following Rumps directives. And those Directives will just get more insane as each day passes. Yes, it's going to be an entertaining 10 months.

Wanna make a donation bet on the election?

I already donated. Can you guess where that donation went? If you donated, it went to something supporting Rump and his merry band of criminals. Guess where my donation went?

Really? You're that thick? I was talking about a bet on the election, with a donation to USMB as the wager, idiot....Good grief.

I already donate to USMB. You spend so much time flapping yer fingers in here making a damned fool of yourself, you need to send them 25 bucks and stop being a freeloader.
Simple response. Rump IS Cancer and the cure for that form of cancer is to remove Rump.

Then do at the Ballot Box.

I have already seen Rump manipulate the Ballot Box. Of course, with the assistance of many in here as well. He all but took out one candidate. Next he goes after 3 others using much the same methods. At some point, the General Public is going to sicken from it. It's like everything else, you can't keep going to the well over and over. But Rump will. It's going to be a very long 10 months for you "The Party of the Rumpers".
How'd Iowa work out for you? Your precious and oh-so-superior Democrats can't even fucking count. America sees you all being incompetent and corrupt.

You can't blame Trump for Democrats being Democrats, no matter what you're told to say.

I ain't a Democrat. I am a Republican. You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump". Right now, all 4 front runner Dems score better than Rump in all but a handful of states. And those few states don't carry enough ECs to do the job. The Swing States that Rump carried have gone into the negatives for Rump. Meaning, a Ham Sandwich can defeat him. It's too bad that the Democrats figured that out and offered 4 hand sandwiches. I was hoping they would at least offer a Pastrami in Rye.
You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump".
And the six percent that do not support Trump are the Republican party?

Its' now over 10% and rising.
Then do at the Ballot Box.

I have already seen Rump manipulate the Ballot Box. Of course, with the assistance of many in here as well. He all but took out one candidate. Next he goes after 3 others using much the same methods. At some point, the General Public is going to sicken from it. It's like everything else, you can't keep going to the well over and over. But Rump will. It's going to be a very long 10 months for you "The Party of the Rumpers".
How'd Iowa work out for you? Your precious and oh-so-superior Democrats can't even fucking count. America sees you all being incompetent and corrupt.

You can't blame Trump for Democrats being Democrats, no matter what you're told to say.

I ain't a Democrat. I am a Republican. You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump". Right now, all 4 front runner Dems score better than Rump in all but a handful of states. And those few states don't carry enough ECs to do the job. The Swing States that Rump carried have gone into the negatives for Rump. Meaning, a Ham Sandwich can defeat him. It's too bad that the Democrats figured that out and offered 4 hand sandwiches. I was hoping they would at least offer a Pastrami in Rye.
You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump".
And the six percent that do not support Trump are the Republican party?

Its' now over 10% and rising.
No it isn't.
I though quid quo pro was evil

If I bought a car from you that is a quid pro quo. I give you money you give me a car. Not illegal or corrupt

If I pay you to kill my boss that is a quid pro quo. Not legal, very corrupt.

The policy Biden was carrying out was not an attempted attack the other half of our country.
nahhh he was just using tax payer dollars as leverage to enrich his family ....

Thank you for the Russian perspective. What's next? The Ukrainian StrikerCrowd hacked the DNC to help Hillary by framing Russia by making is seem that they were ones helping "The Don" by publishing damning DNC emails, not the Ukraine. They're the guilty ones your honor.
this is next !View attachment 305384

I've already turn Grey. Fuck, does that mean I gotta go bald now?

Oh wait, you meant the next "We got'um now" moment?

Only if you're too sexy for your hair. See me, I'm too sexy for my hair, that's why it isn't there, too sexy for my hair.
Why? Because you didn't get the vote that you wanted?

Oh? Can you list those that you think should have voted in favor to remove, then tell us why you think they didn't?

Do you have documented evidence of this, or is it just what you think happened?

Make an example? How so?

That would be more of a voter thing....You do realize that you are arguing against your "retribution" argument when you type this right?

It's not up to the jury to make the case...That was the House's job...They failed.

The Senate allowed everything the House managers brought to them....They omitted nothing.

Which is why you people will loose in November. Oh, and mistyping Trump's name make you feel better?

What is it exactly you think the President could do to them had they voted to remove him?

Your problem seems to be that you think everyone else believes the way that you do...

HA!!!! That's a hoot!

Wise up man...This President isn't doing anything that would please you people, Hell, he could have a cure for cancer, and you would probably post that he is destroying jobs in the Pharma industry.

Simple response. Rump IS Cancer and the cure for that form of cancer is to remove Rump.
I wish you children would grow up...or at least take a nap.

Sadly, all you seem to have done is gotten older. You stopped maturing mentally and emotionally at age 4.

And you are just part of that cancer. But when the Cancerous Rump and his merry band of criminals are gone, what do you do then? I notice that Rump is grooming his Daughter to take over as the next President. She only has a chance if it includes a Swim Suit competition. But I believe Gabbard will run away with that.
I guess we'll find out in 4 years. Have you been given the excuse for Trump's victory this November? Because the Democrats don't have a single credible candidate.

Boy, you had better worry about less than 10 months from now first. You keep banking on Barr and Rudy to release what they claim they have. Hate to break it to you, we've been there before. Remember the Republican Healthy Care replacement that was supposed to be introduced right after the 2016 election? Now, it's "Reelect me and we have this nice shiny new......) That ship sailed. Then there are the two Rudy Henchmen that turned information over to Barr and his merry band of criminals. That normally would have just buried it but they also released copies to the House in Congress. Now, add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way. And let's not leave out the 4 seats that are are a forgone conclusion that is lost to the Dems in the Senate above an beyond the give and take for election year. The Dems will keep the house by a smaller margin but your last little "Business Dealing" either cost you a narrow keeping of the Senate or allow the Dems to wrest control using the 3 seats of the Indies that votes with the Dems.

Now, I want to see the Senate grow a pair and stop being deathly afraid of Rump who is pretty much a goner. The last thing I want to see is for the Dems to control a 3. But if the Senate Republicans don't stop this nonsense then I guess the alternative where the Dems control the Senate for a couple of years may be more tolerable than the alternative.

Like said, it's going to be a fun filled 10 months and Rump is driving the insanity. To help him along with that insanity, we'll just feed it. Considering many of the Senate Republicans hope that Rump learned something from this, they are mistaken. He's going into full King Mode. Get ready for some real doozy "Here Hold my Beer" moments. And get ready for another Impeachment. This time it won't be just Romney that will vote to convict to have him removed from office.

Rump just earned something NO President has ever earned. He may be the 3rd President to be impeached but he's the ONLY one that had a Bi Partisan Vote against him. And you wonder why he's frothing at the mouth right now?
"...add to the fact rather than work to heal America, Rump is going after Revenge. Guess he would rather burn it to the ground to get his own way."

No, that's Democrats. Pay attention, you moron. You even said it yourself -- "And get ready for another Impeachment." Democrats want revenge for losing in 2016, and now they want revenge for him being acquitted by the Senate.

Trump will win, because there is no Democrat who can beat him, even including your own robotic vote. Democrats can't even count their primary votes in a rural state without fucking it up.

But I'm okay with Democrats wasting time on another impeachment that won't prove anything. Every minute Democrats waste on their stupid and useless hearings, that's a minute they can't use to fuck up America with their proto-Commie legislation.

Run along now, Dem Boi.
Then do at the Ballot Box.

I have already seen Rump manipulate the Ballot Box. Of course, with the assistance of many in here as well. He all but took out one candidate. Next he goes after 3 others using much the same methods. At some point, the General Public is going to sicken from it. It's like everything else, you can't keep going to the well over and over. But Rump will. It's going to be a very long 10 months for you "The Party of the Rumpers".
How'd Iowa work out for you? Your precious and oh-so-superior Democrats can't even fucking count. America sees you all being incompetent and corrupt.

You can't blame Trump for Democrats being Democrats, no matter what you're told to say.

I ain't a Democrat. I am a Republican. You aren't a Republican, you are a "Party of the Rump". Right now, all 4 front runner Dems score better than Rump in all but a handful of states. And those few states don't carry enough ECs to do the job. The Swing States that Rump carried have gone into the negatives for Rump. Meaning, a Ham Sandwich can defeat him. It's too bad that the Democrats figured that out and offered 4 hand sandwiches. I was hoping they would at least offer a Pastrami in Rye.
I'm a conservative.

You are not. You will vote for whatever Democrat you're told to vote for, and that's that.

You are the "Party of the Rump". Not even remotely Conservative. Us Conservatives want Rump gone. Not in 5 years, not even in 1 year. We want him gone now. But we'll take 11 months. At the same time, we also get rid of his merry band of criminals and you. Too bad it won't be a Conservative that will fill that spot so we'll have to settle for a Democrat for 4 years. But knowing you and yours, you will be busy trying to burn everything to the ground.
Oh, hush, you delusional buffoon. You're full of shit.

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