And now, a truly relevant opinion on monuments to the Confederacy


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
When the question is of monuments to those who fought against the "Perpetual Union", the issue remains clear. As usual, however, the debate had deteriorated into everyone's particular hate being justified. The silliness of it all is exasperating. Where is the intelligence in America today?
When the question is of monuments to those who fought against the "Perpetual Union", the issue remains clear. As usual, however, the debate had deteriorated into everyone's particular hate being justified. The silliness of it all is exasperating. Where is the intelligence in America today?

It's all just more evidence that the inescapable truth is that the history of America, at its core, is the history of race relations.
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
He knew that the Democrats needed to keep reminding those that wanted slavery, to be held as hero's for the cause. Even today, we have Woodrow Wilson, a confirmed racist and supporter of the KKK honored with a bridge that has 100s of 1000s of blacks crossing every day, and a museum near the Ronald Reagan building in the heart of DC. Margaret Sanger another racist, was honored by Hillary Rotten Clinton, for her works about killing black babies by the 10s of 1000s through planned parenthood. Democrats were racists, are racists, and always will be racists, for it is their nature to be Racists, Bigots and Sexists. Immorality is the root of the Democrat Party.. | Planned Parenthood
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
He knew that the Democrats needed to keep reminding those that wanted slavery, to be held as hero's for the cause. Even today, we have Woodrow Wilson, a confirmed racist and supporter of the KKK honored with a bridge that has 100s of 1000s of blacks crossing every day, and a museum near the Ronald Reagan building in the heart of DC. Margaret Sanger another racist, was honored by Hillary Rotten Clinton, for her works about killing black babies by the 10s of 1000s through planned parenthood. Democrats were racists, are racists, and always will be racists, for it is their nature to be Racists, Bigots and Sexists. Immorality is the root of the Democrat Party.. | Planned Parenthood
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

So you view Robert E. Lee as fundamentally immoral and racist. Interesting. And yet you want him honored with statues?
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
He knew that the Democrats needed to keep reminding those that wanted slavery, to be held as hero's for the cause. Even today, we have Woodrow Wilson, a confirmed racist and supporter of the KKK honored with a bridge that has 100s of 1000s of blacks crossing every day, and a museum near the Ronald Reagan building in the heart of DC. Margaret Sanger another racist, was honored by Hillary Rotten Clinton, for her works about killing black babies by the 10s of 1000s through planned parenthood. Democrats were racists, are racists, and always will be racists, for it is their nature to be Racists, Bigots and Sexists. Immorality is the root of the Democrat Party.. | Planned Parenthood
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

So the neo-Nazis out now expressing their support for the statue, AND their support for Trump, AND their hatred of liberals,

are all Democrats?
When the question is of monuments to those who fought against the "Perpetual Union", the issue remains clear. As usual, however, the debate had deteriorated into everyone's particular hate being justified. The silliness of it all is exasperating. Where is the intelligence in America today?

It's all just more evidence that the inescapable truth is that the history of America, at its core, is the history of race relations.
That is not how this poster sees the history of America. Rather, it is the story of decentralization of power in response to ages of central government dominance, and how centralization re-established itself. It is the tragic tale of potential freedom deteriorating into acceptance of diminished existence. The lack of a unifying, fresh, American ideology led to the infiltration by insidious elements of every hue. Religion, politics, economics and social 'order' replaced individual intelligence and reason.
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
He knew that the Democrats needed to keep reminding those that wanted slavery, to be held as hero's for the cause. Even today, we have Woodrow Wilson, a confirmed racist and supporter of the KKK honored with a bridge that has 100s of 1000s of blacks crossing every day, and a museum near the Ronald Reagan building in the heart of DC. Margaret Sanger another racist, was honored by Hillary Rotten Clinton, for her works about killing black babies by the 10s of 1000s through planned parenthood. Democrats were racists, are racists, and always will be racists, for it is their nature to be Racists, Bigots and Sexists. Immorality is the root of the Democrat Party.. | Planned Parenthood
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

So the neo-Nazis out now expressing their support for the statue, AND their support for Trump, AND their hatred of liberals,

are all Democrats?

Yet you think anyone who voted for Trump, is a Neo Nazi.

Do you ever tire of being a hypocrite?
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
He knew that the Democrats needed to keep reminding those that wanted slavery, to be held as hero's for the cause. Even today, we have Woodrow Wilson, a confirmed racist and supporter of the KKK honored with a bridge that has 100s of 1000s of blacks crossing every day, and a museum near the Ronald Reagan building in the heart of DC. Margaret Sanger another racist, was honored by Hillary Rotten Clinton, for her works about killing black babies by the 10s of 1000s through planned parenthood. Democrats were racists, are racists, and always will be racists, for it is their nature to be Racists, Bigots and Sexists. Immorality is the root of the Democrat Party.. | Planned Parenthood
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

So you view Robert E. Lee as fundamentally immoral and racist. Interesting. And yet you want him honored with statues?

Never said the thing. Those Democrats of the South wanted to keep slavery going and even into the new territories that were opened up by Andrew Jackson(Democrat) with his Manifest Destiny(war on Native Americans) but the Northern Republicans and not one Northern Democrats voted for ending slavery. So off wen the south to secede from the Union, with many uninformed southerners who thought they were fighting for states rights. The public education system which has mostly liberals in charge, started changing history to reflect the states rights idea, yet when you look at real history , it is clear the Democrat Politicians were fighting to keep their slaves. Even after the civil war, those on the left wanted to white wash history such as Woodrow Wilson and LBJ, and used KKK members like Robert Byrd to go against blacks and terrorize them as they did back in the late 1800's. The book below shows with bullet points and pictures what the Democrats of old and new thought about black people. Just like Hillary though about black people when she honored Margaret Sanger..
When the question is of monuments to those who fought against the "Perpetual Union", the issue remains clear. As usual, however, the debate had deteriorated into everyone's particular hate being justified. The silliness of it all is exasperating. Where is the intelligence in America today?

It's all just more evidence that the inescapable truth is that the history of America, at its core, is the history of race relations.
95% of southerners did not own slaves when the Civil War was fought. The rich elites and the pols who were funded by them were fighting to keep slavery legal because it would have broken their piggy banks. The majority of Confederates were fighting because the Union army was marching into their fields, stealing their livestock, blowing up their railroad tracks and stopping shipping commerce, including every day necessities. Then it became personal and the two sides began hating each other.
I don't think it is necessary to take down the statues of confederate soldiers unless a community votes to do so. This is their ancestors. We forgave the south when the war ended. We did not brand them all haters and enemies forever more. Ugly racism still exists, but it sure as hell doesn't exist only in the south. I think this is going too far.
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
He knew that the Democrats needed to keep reminding those that wanted slavery, to be held as hero's for the cause. Even today, we have Woodrow Wilson, a confirmed racist and supporter of the KKK honored with a bridge that has 100s of 1000s of blacks crossing every day, and a museum near the Ronald Reagan building in the heart of DC. Margaret Sanger another racist, was honored by Hillary Rotten Clinton, for her works about killing black babies by the 10s of 1000s through planned parenthood. Democrats were racists, are racists, and always will be racists, for it is their nature to be Racists, Bigots and Sexists. Immorality is the root of the Democrat Party.. | Planned Parenthood
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

Funny thing is.....this issue wouldn't even exist without the actions of Democrats.
Democrats put the damned things up and now they want to tear them down and blame them on Republicans.
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
He knew that the Democrats needed to keep reminding those that wanted slavery, to be held as hero's for the cause. Even today, we have Woodrow Wilson, a confirmed racist and supporter of the KKK honored with a bridge that has 100s of 1000s of blacks crossing every day, and a museum near the Ronald Reagan building in the heart of DC. Margaret Sanger another racist, was honored by Hillary Rotten Clinton, for her works about killing black babies by the 10s of 1000s through planned parenthood. Democrats were racists, are racists, and always will be racists, for it is their nature to be Racists, Bigots and Sexists. Immorality is the root of the Democrat Party.. | Planned Parenthood
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

So you view Robert E. Lee as fundamentally immoral and racist. Interesting. And yet you want him honored with statues?

Never said the thing. Those Democrats of the South wanted to keep slavery going and even into the new territories that were opened up by Andrew Jackson(Democrat) with his Manifest Destiny(war on Native Americans) but the Northern Republicans and not one Northern Democrats voted for ending slavery. So off wen the south to secede from the Union, with many uninformed southerners who thought they were fighting for states rights. The public education system which has mostly liberals in charge, started changing history to reflect the states rights idea, yet when you look at real history , it is clear the Democrat Politicians were fighting to keep their slaves. Even after the civil war, those on the left wanted to white wash history such as Woodrow Wilson and LBJ, and used KKK members like Robert Byrd to go against blacks and terrorize them as they did back in the late 1800's. The book below shows with bullet points and pictures what the Democrats of old and new thought about black people. Just like Hillary though about black people when she honored Margaret Sanger..

Are you even aware that Lee was a Democrat?
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
He knew that the Democrats needed to keep reminding those that wanted slavery, to be held as hero's for the cause. Even today, we have Woodrow Wilson, a confirmed racist and supporter of the KKK honored with a bridge that has 100s of 1000s of blacks crossing every day, and a museum near the Ronald Reagan building in the heart of DC. Margaret Sanger another racist, was honored by Hillary Rotten Clinton, for her works about killing black babies by the 10s of 1000s through planned parenthood. Democrats were racists, are racists, and always will be racists, for it is their nature to be Racists, Bigots and Sexists. Immorality is the root of the Democrat Party.. | Planned Parenthood
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

Funny thing is.....this issue wouldn't even exist without the actions of Democrats.
Democrats put the damned things up and now they want to tear them down and blame them on Republicans.

Lee was a Democrat, fuckwit.
Let me remind the slow learners here of what the topic is.

If you are sincere in wanting to honor Robert E. Lee, why won't you honor his desire that no monuments be put up, and that the Confederate flag not be displayed?
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?

Why would you care what Lee thought. You and your marxist friends are winning.

Bask in the glory

Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?

Your 'supported' link is broke. It goes to Yahoo spam page

Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?

Why would you care what Lee thought. You and your marxist friends are winning.

Bask in the glory


Why would you not care?

Isn't there something incredibly bizarre about having to throw Lee himself under the bus in order to satisfy your own selfish desires?
When the question is of monuments to those who fought against the "Perpetual Union", the issue remains clear. As usual, however, the debate had deteriorated into everyone's particular hate being justified. The silliness of it all is exasperating. Where is the intelligence in America today?

It's all just more evidence that the inescapable truth is that the history of America, at its core, is the history of race relations.
95% of southerners did not own slaves when the Civil War was fought. The rich elites and the pols who were funded by them were fighting to keep slavery legal because it would have broken their piggy banks. The majority of Confederates were fighting because the Union army was marching into their fields, stealing their livestock, blowing up their railroad tracks and stopping shipping commerce, including every day necessities. Then it became personal and the two sides began hating each other.
I don't think it is necessary to take down the statues of confederate soldiers unless a community votes to do so. This is their ancestors. We forgave the south when the war ended. We did not brand them all haters and enemies forever more. Ugly racism still exists, but it sure as hell doesn't exist only in the south. I think this is going too far.
I guess you are giving the revisionist theory about the civil war. Bet you never bothered to read the truth of the Democrats like it says in the book, I listed. Of course if you do read it, you will realize that your whole life has been 1 big Liberal Lie.
Robert E. Lee's own opinion. He opposed them.

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

"...As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn

He even
supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war...."

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

Does this mean that putting up and insisting on preserving a statue of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate monuments is an attempt to erase the history of what this man truly believed?
He knew that the Democrats needed to keep reminding those that wanted slavery, to be held as hero's for the cause. Even today, we have Woodrow Wilson, a confirmed racist and supporter of the KKK honored with a bridge that has 100s of 1000s of blacks crossing every day, and a museum near the Ronald Reagan building in the heart of DC. Margaret Sanger another racist, was honored by Hillary Rotten Clinton, for her works about killing black babies by the 10s of 1000s through planned parenthood. Democrats were racists, are racists, and always will be racists, for it is their nature to be Racists, Bigots and Sexists. Immorality is the root of the Democrat Party.. | Planned Parenthood
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

So you view Robert E. Lee as fundamentally immoral and racist. Interesting. And yet you want him honored with statues?

Never said the thing. Those Democrats of the South wanted to keep slavery going and even into the new territories that were opened up by Andrew Jackson(Democrat) with his Manifest Destiny(war on Native Americans) but the Northern Republicans and not one Northern Democrats voted for ending slavery. So off wen the south to secede from the Union, with many uninformed southerners who thought they were fighting for states rights. The public education system which has mostly liberals in charge, started changing history to reflect the states rights idea, yet when you look at real history , it is clear the Democrat Politicians were fighting to keep their slaves. Even after the civil war, those on the left wanted to white wash history such as Woodrow Wilson and LBJ, and used KKK members like Robert Byrd to go against blacks and terrorize them as they did back in the late 1800's. The book below shows with bullet points and pictures what the Democrats of old and new thought about black people. Just like Hillary though about black people when she honored Margaret Sanger..

Are you even aware that Lee was a Democrat?

And? Abraham Lincoln was a Republican that wanted the have blacks treated as equals. But you Democrats went out of your way to keep the blacks, Native Americans, German Americans, Japanese Americans, and any other American from being equal. It is the liberal elitist way to divide and conquer, that way the liberals elites can have the power. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat..

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