Ancient poop...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...sheds light on 2,700 year old diet.

...sheds light on 2,700 year old diet.

Ancient Poop...
...sheds light on 2,700 year old diet.

Yeah I watched a show on how vikings and such back in the good old days survived winters. I probably would have rather just died. Their "beer" didn't seem in anyway to resemble what we know it as today.
Yeah I watched a show on how vikings and such back in the good old days survived winters. I probably would have rather just died. Their "beer" didn't seem in anyway to resemble what we know it as today.
I visited my ancestors home of Scotland and they drank beer and wine, over the local water. Even the young kids were drinking either milk or wine/beer. Of course they got to play a lot, instead of sit in the parents home playing on their phones, getting fat as hell...

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