An interview with a fruit cake AGW scientist..

Was reading this article and this Question and answer cracked me the hell up.....

Global warming won’t just change the weather—it could trigger massive earthquakes and volcanoes

What do we need to show that climate change definitely caused such a natural disaster to occur?

There have been a number of studies where you can model the probability of natural disasters occurring in presence and absence of climate change. You get results like 90% probability of some floods not occurring without climate change. So you can say that the flood was almost certainly caused by climate change.

Uhm I have a question for you professor screw ball...

Please tell us a time in eaths history when the climate did not change?

Retarded nonsense (and very retarded questions) from the bare-butt cretin. Climate scientists are well aware that the Earth's climate patterns have changed naturally in the past, moron. What is currently happening however is a very un-natural and very, very rapid climate change brought on by the global warming created by the over 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 levels levels since the Industrial Revolution. A new situation....sometime feeble minded conservatives like yourself are apparently unable to comprehend.

Gee s0n..........for a guy so self-assured of his position, whats up with the perpetual anger in the posts?? The meltdown posts? Whats up with that? much fun do the skeptics have around here? We're laughing our balls off ALL THE TIME!!

Like THIS :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: >>>


Now....if you are a social invalid as we all suspect, you wont get it!!:gay:

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