An Interesting Link From Rasmussen Reports.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
The link below may come or may not come as a surprise to our board members. It looks like there may be more action coming from the Trump administration than was expected. As for me I am not surprised by this move as it's been a topic of concern for a long long time to many of my fellow Americans. Depending on the preparedness of the Trump admin. & the depth of the investigation this could drag our for quite some time. One can safely bet the farm that when this investigation goes active that there will be some BIG NAMES in the political arena that we will be hearing about!

The link below may come or may not come as a surprise to our board members. It looks like there may be more action coming from the Trump administration than was expected. As for me I am not surprised by this move as it's been a topic of concern for a long long time to many of my fellow Americans. Depending on the preparedness of the Trump admin. & the depth of the investigation this could drag our for quite some time. One can safely bet the farm that when this investigation goes active that there will be some BIG NAMES in the political arena that we will be hearing about!

That dude needs to find a new job, he's about as exciting as watching paint dry. His graphics leave a lot to be desired.

I give accountability at most a 5% chance. They don't call it the Washington swamp for no reason. Watch them circle the wagons and get away with it like always.
Both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were caught red handed, dead to rights breaking multiple federal laws that would land any common citizen in prison and what happened? Yeah they both got off scott free.

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