An Explanation for the Infamous Tarmac Meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
An Explanation for the Infamous Tarmac Meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch

An Explanation for the Infamous Tarmac Meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch ā€“ Investment Watch
May 5, 2019 ~~ The following RedState article appeared online yesterday.
Leaked Transcript of Loretta Lynch's Testimony on Pre-Exoneration Tarmac Meeting With Bill Clinton Shows He Was 'Strangely Eager' to Speak to Her
Most people donā€™t believe in coincidences. Nor should they in this case. The following hypothetical discussion provides a viable explanation that could account for the ā€œsurpriseā€ encounter between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton on a Phoenix tarmac on June 27, 2016. The fact that the two met while the investigation of Billā€™s wife was still pending was sufficient in and of itself to accomplish what they set out to do. And it really doesnā€™t matter what they said to each other when they met.
It is quite possible that the infamous tarmac meeting was arranged between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton beforehand. And that it was set-up so that Lynch could use the ā€œchanceā€ meeting as a pretext to step aside (if not formally recuse herself) from the Clinton ā€œmatterā€ and pass the baton to FBI Director James Comey to complete the foreordained whitewash so that Hillary Clinton could run for president unfettered by an ongoing FBI investigation.ā€¦ The prearranged meeting on the tarmac successfully achieved its intended objective. Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch had the motives and the means to pull it off. It was so easy a caveman could do it. All Bill Clinton had to do was glad-hand his way into the presence of Lynch, who was waiting for him. There was no way the meeting of a former U.S. President and a U.S. Attorney General would go unnoticed at a public airport. And it didnā€™t, which is exactly what the two of them wanted to happen. Their preplanned encounter began the final chapter of the FBIā€™s bogus investigation of Clintonā€™s emails. A few days after the June 27th tarmac meeting, Hillary Clinton attended a laughable softball interview with the FBI on July 1st, and then she was cleared by Comey during a televised press conference held on July 5th. One, two, three and it was all over.
If there is any justice, all the perpetrators of this elaborate fraud at the FBI and the DOJ will be brought to justice and made to stand trial. Now that the Mueller report has been completed and President Trump has been cleared of all charges, the focus has shifted to the deep-state Praetorians who thought, and still think, they are above the law.

In reading parts of the leaked Lynch testimony to Congress and the statements made by Real Clear Investigationā€™s Eric Felten, all Bill Clinton had to do was spend those non-sensical ten minutes speaking to the now former A.G. Lynch.
That investigation had already been ā€˜Fixedā€™ months earlier, there was no need for a sensitive meeting. This was as close to Obstruction of Justice Clinton could get without openly doing so. He did however compromise Lynch. He manipulate a situation and try to put an influential person into a difficult situation if it served his purposes? Sure, he would. Bill Clinton has spent a lifetime perfecting his skills. He is the master of the game."
Should we assume that Lynch's account of the meeting is truthful? Lynch's testimony has a whiff of CYA about it, since it exculpates both Slick and herself from any suspicion of collusion to affect the outcome of Comey's "investigation." This still doesn't explain why she downgraded "An Investigation" to "A Matter," which put a toothless spin on it. If anything, this leaked transcript smells like a carefully crafted effort to discourage further inquiry into what looked like highly inappropriate behavior on the part of both Lynch, Clinton and obstruction of Justice.
Remember, It was not Comey's normally job, but this report suggests that it was Bill Clinton's interference which prompted Lynch to back out of the process. When she announced she'd accept the FBI's recommendations, that put Comey in the position of announcing his recommendation. Another option would have been to recuse and put one of her deputies in charge like Sessions did with Rosenstein. Not sure who that would have been the right thing to do at the time..
It's clear this was no walk thru the park. This was a complete setup for some reason. It would seem it was to shut the DOJ down and rely on Comey. Talk about collusion, time for a Special Council to look at what really happened in 2016.
That meeting freaks out cons but they are cool with all the shit Trump did when it came to the mueller report.

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