An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?

An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?


You know how you can spot fake shit? Even if it's from Forbes. It always starts out as a question to instill something nefarious is going on.

That's how you spot Fake News.

Real journalists headline their articles stating a fact.
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A surprising amount of the National Debt is held by the Social Security Administration ... the rip off the Fund, first you'll have to pay off all those T-bonds ... which kinda defeats the purpose of ripping off SS ...

Federal Courts have the power to stay Executive Orders ... we learned that from Obama's generous immigration EO's ... and the whole notion of The Donald stiffing his power base is stupid ... it's the elder who put him in office, and he knows it ...

I don't have a stake in this fire ... Social Security is for people too stupid to plan their own retirement ... so the stupid should be thankful for the morsels they do get ...
An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?

What a BS thread! There is absolutely no evidence that President Trump ever has-or would-even consider such an atrocity.
There is not now, and there never has been, a "trust fund." Social Security is two things: A tax, and an entitlement.

Because Congress has NO POWER under the Constitution to establish a compulsory retirement system, the fiction of a "trust fund" was created. If the money was going into a trust fund, then just sent back to the depositors when necessary, then the Constitution issue was sidestepped.

Unfortunately, the USSC rained all over this parade many years ago, and clearly established the fact that it is not a Trust Fund,and it is indeed a Tax. Therefore, Congress has the power (not the President) to increase benefits, decrease benefits, or eliminate them altogether. And as long as it is done without unlawful discrimination (e.g., women get less than men), there is nothing anyone can do about it.

The best defense old bastards have against anyone fucking with their "welfare" checks is the fact that old bastards vote, in very high numbers. Any politician who fucks with Social Security will surely die (politically) at or before the next election cycle.

But as always, demagogues abound, and those fukkers often try to generate anger over one politician or another by claiming that they are going to REDUCE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY! This is rubbish and always a lie. The WORST that might happen to beneficiaries is that their COLA calculation might be adjusted in the future.

I don't know whether the OP is ill-informed, stupid, or simply lying. Regardless this thread is bullshit.
An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?


After we dispatch of the current crop of GOP criminals that currently squat in the chambers of Congress. We will beging undoing 40 years of Reaganism, and those billionaires are going to find themselves with the same tax rates, and regulatory policies that existed before 1980.
So you support the new 7 trillion in debt under Trump?

People paid into S.S. and it is owed them. Do we really owe billionaires millions in stimulus?

Support it? NOPE! On the other hand, do you fully accept what would have happened WITHOUT the Rescue?
So you support the new 7 trillion in debt under Trump?

People paid into S.S. and it is owed them. Do we really owe billionaires millions in stimulus?

Support it? NOPE! On the other hand, do you fully accept what would have happened WITHOUT the Rescue?

We would be in better condition as a country.
An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?

An Executive Order Is Needed To Confiscate The Social Security Trust Fund

For decades retired and disabled Americans have watched with concern as the GOP and many Democrats salivated at the prospect of ending Social Security and Medicare.

Yes, possessing the power to make life miserable for many disabled and elderly men, women, and children has long been a pleasing thought for these politicians. But the important goal has always been to transfer the Social Security Trust Fund into the pockets of the, approximately, 600 American billionaires.

Congress has permitted the impeached president trump immense governing power over and above the maximums granted by the U.S. Constitution. So no impediment remains to block an executive order issued by the impeached president trump, to confiscate all moneys associated with Social Security and Medicare.

The COVID-19 crisis provides an excellent opportunity for the impeached president trump to included in this executive order instructions for the method to be used in the distribution of these funds as a stimulus package: Said funds to be divided equally, as tax free grants, among the top 600 families whose wealth exceeds $1 billion. (A windfall worth over two billion dollar to each billionaire. Now, that’s stimulating!)

Happily, no one of any significance will complain or condemn the impeached president trump or the members of congress for this stimulus package using federally owned funds rather than borrowed.

With the elections just around the corner, time could be growing short to acheive this long-sought goal.

Is Trump Using Next Stimulus Package To Undermine Funding Of Social Security And Medicare?

If you confiscated every dime in SS today you would have nothing but iOU’s In your hand.
So you support the new 7 trillion in debt under Trump?

People paid into S.S. and it is owed them. Do we really owe billionaires millions in stimulus?

Support it? NOPE! On the other hand, do you fully accept what would have happened WITHOUT the Rescue?

We would be in better condition as a country.

Wow! Just WOW!

Why wish that on American workers?

Workers are going to suffer if Bezo's doesn't get billions in corporate welfare?


The “Mitt-wit” Romney has been pushing publicly for including a bill of his in the relief package called the TRUST Act. Written with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV). It would provide an invaluable tool to the members of congress, both Republican and Democrat, determined to wreck Social Security and Medicare.

But Romney’s plan would take much longer to transfer the federally held funds into the pockets of the ruling billionaire class than an executive order as described in the OP.

Congress should take advantage of the impeached president trump’s unlimited ability to abuse presidential authority while they still can. With Election Day rapidly approaching, the civil unrest the impeached president trump’s expected disregard of election results will cause, the door could very well be closed to this amazing opportunity, which will quickly add a couple of tax free billions into the pockets of 600 billionaires, and put millions of disabled and elderly Americans out of their homes and into the streets. (Which conservatives and most centrists will claim was the choice made by these newly homeless families and individuals.)

Unsanitized: Mitt Romney Wants to Use the Crisis to Cut Your Social Security

There is no trust fund. S.S. is a ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes don't last almost a hundred years like our S.S. system has, but trump and the republicans would like to end it. Even the fools that kiss trump's ass even though many of them would be living like paupers were it not for FDR and the democrats.

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