An example of actual JOURNALISM that should have been done long ago


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

Watters questions, explores how Pelosi became so wealthy on a government salary​

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has served in Congress for nearly 34 years and presently presides in a top-tier position as one of the most powerful figures in the U.S. government. Amid a recent flurry of complicated decisions she's had to face as leader of her caucus, Fox News host Jesse Watters launched a "Watters' World" investigation into her financial dealings during her tenure in politics.

This ought to be something that makes headlines a lot more frequently than celebrities getting botox, divorcing, or getting arrested. The media is supposed to be the entity that exposes government corruption. I don't even care if it's biased, as long as it isn't BULLSHIT. As far back as 1796 during the first election campaign after Washington stepped down newspapers such as they were had a obvious bias. Yet there was bias across the board. There was not a sycophantic following of 90% of the publishers for one party or another.
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House Shithead Nanzi-Piglousy Dipshit-Commiefornia, has exploited a position ("served" my ass) in Congress for nearly 34 years and presently presides in a top-tier position as one of the most CORRUPT figures in the U.S. government. Amid a recent flurry of complicated decisions she's had to face as leader of her caucus (aww.. poor sociopath hag can't keep the mouth breathing commies in line..), Fox News host Jesse Watters launched a "Watters' World" investigation into her financial dealings during her tenure in politics.

"In 2018, the
Piglousi's' wealth has skyrocketed," he said. "That year, her financial disclosure report revealed a net worth of over $114 million. In 2019, Piglousi's assets total up to a whopping $271 million and in 2020, those numbers went up even more to as high as $315 million."

This reminds me of a recent asinine post by Turd Cather that asserted democrooks care about "people over profits". It drew much ridicule as it should have. This is not to say republicrats do not also benefit from the sort of corrupt insider trading and lobbying that is being exposed here. That's why NO ONE is ever held accountable for any of the crimes these people engage in on a regular basis. Our federal government is absolutely rotten to the core. We should be building a wall around DC and making it a massive prison until the last of these sociopaths are cannibalized by ghetto rats. A major part of the problem is that the media rarely if ever exposes this sort of corruption, and you know not a peep of this story will be seen or touched by any other network, nor will it make a difference.

Nothing was done to the political whores who caused the 2008 crash. Even after O'Reilly exposed the whole shit show. Nothing was done to Ted Kennedy after killing a woman. Anyone else would still be in prison if they were alive. No one paid for Ruby Ridge or Waco. Hitlary is still not in prison. Mclame never faced trial for damn near destroying an aircraft carrier. Bush never faced real scrutiny for following George Tenet's advice to invade Iraq. They just ran with the bullshit story. Let's not even get into the long list of the meat puppet faggot obozo's crimes.

The media is as much of an enemy of the republic as the elitist sociopaths in DC regardless of "party". Those who are actually loyal to the COTUS are too few and demonized by the media.

This has been a long term problem that applies to many of them. Quite a few years ago the story came out concerning our Rep Alan Mollohan making some big bucks on some investments that didn't look right. The next election he was gone.

Watters questions, explores how Pelosi became so wealthy on a government salary​

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has served in Congress for nearly 34 years and presently presides in a top-tier position as one of the most powerful figures in the U.S. government. Amid a recent flurry of complicated decisions she's had to face as leader of her caucus, Fox News host Jesse Watters launched a "Watters' World" investigation into her financial dealings during her tenure in politics.

This ought to be something that makes headlines a lot more frequently than celebrities getting botox, divorcing, or getting arrested. The media is supposed to be the entity that exposes government corruption. I don't even care if it's biased, as long as it isn't BULLSHIT. As far back as 1796 during the first election campaign after Washington stepped down newspapers such as they were had a obvious bias. Yet there was bias across the board. There was not a sycophantic following of 90% of the publishers for one party or another.

The Pelosis own several pieces of real estate including a mansion in Napa Valley valued up to $25 million, a DC waterfront condo worth over $2 million, and a red brick mansion in California's Pacific Heights.

Her husband owns commercial properties in San Francisco "combined, worth up to $50 million," Watters continued.

Her husband is a realestate magnate who owns millions of dollars worth of property in San Francisco, the most expensive city in the world.
The article notes that she might not be worth that much. It also notes it possible she is worth more. Still $100 million is a whole lot based upon her salary.
Her husband and her own Financial Leasing Services Inc ..What is her worth according to you?
The article notes that she might not be worth that much. It also notes it possible she is worth more. Still $100 million is a whole lot based upon her salary.
That's the whole point, and she is just one example of long term congress critters that end up way richer than the math could be rigged to explain it if it was done legit. Then you've got the political whores who leave congress, and end up in jobs they're not qualified for, or in lobbying jobs that pay 7+ figures.

I'm not just being biased here. While I make no bones about the depth of contempt I harbor for the democrook party, the republicrats are just as guilty in most cases. The only difference is they're not as hostile to the 2nd Amendment as most democrooks are.

The fact is, NO ONE should get rich as a result of being in government. That alone should have someone in prison. Yet corruption is never prosecuted. Rarely even reported on.

How does anyone become wealthy? Making the right choices...
Most of you Lefts Syndrome Retarded bed wetters insist that when it's done in the private sector it's result of greed, ruthlessness and deliberately fucking poor people out of money.

A massive investigation from more than 600 journalists across the globe sheds new light into the shadowy world of offshore banking and the high-powered elites who use the system to their benefit.

The exposé, dubbed the "Pandora Papers," shows how the world's wealthy hide their money and assets from authorities, their creditors and the public by using a network of lawyers and financial institutions that promise secrecy.

It's built on a trove of 11.9 million records leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which in turn shared them with partner media outlets such as The Washington Post and The Guardian for help conducting the large-scale investigation.

I must say I recall many media Lefts Syndrome apparatchiks accusing Romney of keeping his money in the Caymans to escape taxes back in 2012. Not only do uber wealthy political whores keep fuck tons of money there, and in Delaware (The Potato Puppet Pervert's State) they have accounts, phony corporations and lawyers keeping billions hidden from the public. Why do you suppose that is? Why was the meat puppet faggot obozo briefly so concerned with accounts in Switzerland that did the same for the same people?

Any guesses?

I only wondered because I briefly believed he was going to clean up a lot of the DC corruption and reign in the globalist elite.

He empowered and enriched them more.

If anyone cared about politicians enriching them self's at our expense we wouldn't be looking at what party they belonged to. We would be looking at all of them & how & why there actions impact our country.

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