America’s 1st Female VP Silent on Plight of Afghan Women and Girls

The women’s movement is getting women into positions of power where they won’t fuck everything up like the men have done for the past 2000 years.
You morons can’t even call it a women’s movement anymore. You fucked your own brand. Birthing persons? STFU. You’ve screwed it all up. You can’t even call women women any longer. You let the queer freaks take over. You’re third class citizens and did it to yourselves.
You hate Nazi are a joke. at least the left supports women other then keeping them pregnant and barefoot. Heres the fact ,they care about those women and your hate party thinks they are objects. You people are total hypocritical clowns , nothing else.
Did you just do the barefoot and pregnant thingy? You’re hilarious!
You seem to have arrived very late to the cause of women and girls? Are you ready to fight with us against fundie tyranny here in the U.S.? You do support organizations like Planned Parenthood financially and using your political voice, no?
We sure as hell don't side with the terrorists in the middle east. Anti-war liberals don't realize how important it is that we have a strong military presence in the middle east. Any day that we are dropping bombs in the middle east is a good day. I bet we have troops back in Afghanistan within five years.
She’s not the vice president of Afghanistan and she’s not responsible for the Afghan women. The Afghan men are responsible for the Afghan women. If you want to help them go over there and help them. If not shut the fuck up
If a U.S. man were so sympathetic with the plight of enemy male combatants, he'd be considered a traitor. At least AOC knows to zip her lips when the enemy whores are spreading their legs.
Once again, you prove you're a complete asshole. Lying about a woman whose shoes you're not fit to clean.
Apparently those shoes aren’t worth much. They could be on the feet of a six foot man and be size 12. And you still think that’s a woman? WTF is wrong with you. You destroyed the women’s movement the moment you decided any guy swinging a dick could claim to be one. You did it. Because you were too fucking pc/progressive to stop that shit in its tracks. There’s no such thing as a woman when men claiming to be one win all of your sports competitions and even your beauty pageants and you fucking cheered for it. You bitches are third class. By your own doing.
We sure as hell don't side with the terrorists in the middle east. Anti-war liberals don't realize how important it is that we have a strong military presence in the middle east. Any day that we are dropping bombs in the middle east is a good day. I bet we have troops back in Afghanistan within five years.
Ok killer , your micro penis group are always big on guns and killing. You half men macho types are a joke. Why would we go back, they already beat the shit out of us , just like Vietnam . They will beat US again if we give them another chance.. No one can beat a group like that, ever. Now tell us about dropping the bomb on them, The idiots world of the right.
We sure as hell don't side with the terrorists in the middle east. Anti-war liberals don't realize how important it is that we have a strong military presence in the middle east. Any day that we are dropping bombs in the middle east is a good day. I bet we have troops back in Afghanistan within five years.
You have two choices in the world , being anti war liberals or ass hole pro-war magat, There are no other sensible options. Only the brain dead support war. We have been in over 200 wars. maybe 4 have been justified , the rest were started by ass holes like all pro-war magat's. You go to a war that is a lie . Like the Bush liars war and your aren't protecting the country , you are just murdering people.
Outside of another military invasion into Afghanistan there is little if anything that we can do to stop what is happening to women in Afghanistan. Now having said that I can not help but note the irony in the fact the party that loves to use the talking point war on women when ever they think it will be to there political advantage played a major role in creating a true war on women in Afghanistan.
She’s not the vice president of Afghanistan and she’s not responsible for the Afghan women. The Afghan men are responsible for the Afghan women. If you want to help them go over there and help them. If not shut the fuck up
How's that working out for you? You know, telling people on debate boards to shut up.
Harris just wants to be a celebrity. She is no different than Paris Hilton in that they both are famous for doing nothing and didn't earn their fame.

Everything she has ever said or done all shows she doesn't care about the country, it's citizens or anyone really. She only cares about herself.

She is a political good digger.
The women’s movement is getting women into positions of power where they won’t fuck everything up like the men have done for the past 2000 years.
Dude. You don't graft a dick and balls onto a woman's pussy, cut off her breasts, cause her to grow a beard, and call her "powerful."

It doesn't work that way. And the Chinese have trying it for all their worth ever since the days of binding girls' feet.
Harris just wants to be a celebrity. She is no different than Paris Hilton in that they both are famous for doing nothing and didn't earn their fame.

Everything she has ever said or done all shows she doesn't care about the country, it's citizens or anyone really. She only cares about herself.

She is a political good digger.
This is just stupid

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