Before the invasion we were told that Saddam Hussein is a serious threat to the world because he could kill every one of us with his satanic weapons of mass destruction. The Bush administration told stories of Iraqs links to al Qaeda and misled the American people into thinking that Saddam had something to do with 9/11. Unfortunately most Americans are too gullible to realize the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror. The Bush administration and the mainstream media claims that US troops are in Iraq because the US is fighting for peace, democracy and freedom but thats bullshit. The US is in Iraq because neoconservatives want to remake the Middle East to serve its own interests. In other words, the US wants to control the Middle East. Why Middle East? Because the US is dependent on Middle East oil, thats why. Saudi Arabia has the largest reserves of oil in the world and Iraq has the second largest. An energy task force led by Dick Chaney was examining Iraqs oil assets 2 years before the war and neoconservatives such as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Chaney (Dick again) sent a letter to Bill Clinton in 1998 (Note, 3 years before 9/11) urging war against Iraq because Saddam Hussein was a hazard to a significant portion of the worlds supply of oil. Halliburton Co. got its first billion-dollar contract just 8 days after the invasion. Halliburtons 7 billion dollar contract to repair Iraqs oil fields, which was awarded without competition, gives it the power to run all phases of Iraqs oil industry, including oil distribution. Dick Chaney is the former CEO of Halliburton and he also has ties to energy giant Enron Corp, a major financial backer of Bushs campaigns. Both companies are now under federal investigation.
Neoconservatives such as Bill Kristol have said America should remake the world to serve its own interests. Their ideological godfather is a German philosopher Leo Strauss who said, Those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right, the right of the superior to rule over the inferior. This is what the war in Iraq is all about. Weapons of mass destruction and Iraqs alleged ties to al Qaeda are just a smokescreen and a way to sell the war to the gullible masses.
Neoconservatives such as Bill Kristol have said America should remake the world to serve its own interests. Their ideological godfather is a German philosopher Leo Strauss who said, Those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right, the right of the superior to rule over the inferior. This is what the war in Iraq is all about. Weapons of mass destruction and Iraqs alleged ties to al Qaeda are just a smokescreen and a way to sell the war to the gullible masses.