Americans are quitting their jobs — and women are leading "the Great Resignation"

In two-earner households, one of them lost a job due to the Cajuna Virus - usually it was a crappy job. They then realized that (a) the second income could be done without, and (b) it was not worthwhile unless it was a good income. So the holder of that second, crappy job has resigned in the hope of finding something much more gooder, in the current hiring environment.

No surprises.

Union membership in the US keeps on falling, like almost everywhere else

Good thing US workers have noticed they no longer need unions to strike.

OCTOBER 13, 2021

The Great Strike of 2021

Worker walkouts over vax mandates will be followed by walkouts over wages, working conditions, etc.
"The best definition of a strike is when ‘workers withhold their labor’ for better wages and working conditions.

"The conventional wisdom is that unions go on strike.

"But that is incorrect.

"Workers go on strike and they don’t necessarily need to be members of unions.

"That fact is evident today as millions of US workers are refusing to return to their jobs.

"They are ‘withholding their labor’ searching for better pay and a future."

OCTOBER 13, 2021

The Great Strike of 2021

There may be another "Great" aspect to capitalism's latest failure:

OCTOBER 13, 2021

The Great Strike of 2021


"We are witnessing the ‘Great Strike of 2021’ and it’s composed mostly of millions low paid non-unionized workers!..."

"So there are somewhere around 8 to 10 million workers in the US still without any work at all, (which doesn’t account for the millions more who are underemployed working part time or a few hours a week here and there).

"Many of the 9 million or so are not returning to work out of choice—i.e. they are ‘withholding their labor’.

"They are in effect on strike for something better."

Something better than an economic system that has gifted a few parasites additional trillion$ during a once-a-century pandemic.
Infographic: U.S. Billionaires Gained $1 Trillion Since The Pandemic Started
Lots of Democrats on that list.
Rich Democrats threaten democracy just as efficiently as rich Republicans which is a good reason to stop voting for either wing of the Corporate Party.
You may be correct, but, just listen to a democrat. And you will ask yourself, wow, do I wanna be a democrat or an American?
You may be correct, but, just listen to a democrat. And you will ask yourself, wow, do I wanna be a democrat or an American?
Do you consider Donald Trump a lifelong donor to the Democrat Party or American?

Personally, I haven't voted for a national office candidate from the Democrat or Republican parties for decades, and I can't imagine how any American (who isn't among the richest ten percent) voting for a lifelong conman like Trump for the highest office in the land?

What We Know So Far About The Trump Organization Criminal Investigation
Conservative women should stay home and have as many children as they are able and home school them all.

A target range should be one of the classes.

It will change America.
I know many children with conservative parents who are flaming LibBots and vice versa.

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