Americans are close to losing everything our ancestors fought & died for

I’m going to make a move in the city I’m in to save it.. I can’t live like this
Already lost. This country can't even be bothered to protect its own schoolchildren from faggot NAMBLA Democrat deviant sickos any more, you know, basic civilized stuff like that, so who cares if it collapses even further? In the coming anarchy, the sniveling fat ass Burb Brat whiners will be slaughtered like feed lot cattle, and the whole thing will eventually take care of itself, all kinds of Darwin Awards will be handed out, just like they are in Chicago's black Hoods every week end. No problem.
Reese also points out the fact that the entire world looks to America as a beacon of liberty, so we cannot allow ourselves to let down our forefathers or fellow humans.

Reese ain't real bright- the US is a laughing stock not a beacon of Liberty- the red, white and blue blinders do a wonderful job of blinding- neither voters nor empty suits in the District of Criminals give a flying fuck about Liberty (except their own)- being an acolyte to the godvernment is preferring to restrict Liberty- there are so many federal laws they can't be counted- that ain't Liberty and is, in fact, the antithesis of- and anyone who believes laws protect Liberty would do well to look up the definition of both prior to being a laughing stock.
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May I suggest?

The Ink was barely dry

I see..... and with the deepest affliction, the rapid strides with which the federal branch of our government is advancing towards the usurpation of all the rights reserved to the States, and the consolidation of itself of all powers, foreign and domestic; and that, too, by constructions which, if legitimate, leave no limits to their power.... It is but too evident that the three ruling branches of [the Federal Government] are in combination to strip their colleagues, the State authorities, of the powers reserved by them, and to exercise themselves all functions foreign and domestic.

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to William Branch Giles [1825]
Reese also points out the fact that the entire world looks to America as a beacon of liberty, so we cannot allow ourselves to let down our forefathers or fellow humans.

I'd like to think we can live up to being the example Gdjjr....

we owe that ideal to the FF & those that followed>>>


I'd like to think we can live up to being the example Gdjjr....

we owe that ideal to the FF & those that followed>>>
too late-

The Ink was barely dry

I see..... and with the deepest affliction, the rapid strides with which the federal branch of our government is advancing towards the usurpation of all the rights reserved to the States, and the consolidation of itself of all powers, foreign and domestic; and that, too, by constructions which, if legitimate, leave no limits to their power.... It is but too evident that the three ruling branches of [the Federal Government] are in combination to strip their colleagues, the State authorities, of the powers reserved by them, and to exercise themselves all functions foreign and domestic.

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to William Branch Giles [1825]

And not just States rights- people, especially the empty suits in the District of Criminals don't believe in rights, State or Individual- they fear Liberty- and detest freedom- like Porter Rockwell pointed out the 14th amendment did away with the word unalienable and invoked inalienable- for the entitlement of grants and privileges, which is obvious to even a casual observer that is what they act on- oh sure, they pay lip service but that's the end of it- liberty is now what godvernment says you can do- period.

As for what "we" can do- I know what "I" do and have been for the last 16 years- if others join in good for them- if not it's their loss- there is no law requiring it and no law, State or Federal, will prove it more effective- Individual effort- it, like anything else can perpetuate itself creating the Greater Good Naturally, no law, no super natural entity, or omnipotent dictator no matte how benevolent or malevolent can change it- being blinded with bumper sticker sentiment will fix nothing.
Obviously we still have the right to post videos saying we've lost all our rights ... so that's good ...

I've always thought that was called the Iwo Jima Memorial ... my dad was in the rear during that battle if I remember correctly ... he was in a DD squadron holding the east flank when we crossed the tee at Layte ... he fought for good music, good friends and good times ... that's not going away anytime soon ... he would have been pleased to be a young man in these times, very pleased indeed ...
I'm unsure of what makes this better Gdjjr.....
I like you Sparky- your honesty and forthrightness and inquisitiveness- (that and a buck fifty will get you a cup of coffee somewhere:coffee:) - that said, I don;t know what to tell you- be specific and I'll give my opinion, based on my observations, which are hopefully objective in the vein of Liberty which I am all about-
Obviously we still have the right to post videos saying we've lost all our rights ... so that's good ...

I've always thought that was called the Iwo Jima Memorial ... my dad was in the rear during that battle if I remember correctly ... he was in a DD squadron holding the east flank when we crossed the tee at Layte ... he fought for good music, good friends and good times ... that's not going away anytime soon ... he would have been pleased to be a young man in these times, very pleased indeed ...
Not to be nit picking, but rights can't be lost- only restricted. They can't be given, taken, passed on etc. They are inherent and not tangible-
We do live in interesting times-

But consider, those your Dad was fighting against were fighting for the same thing for themselves- which is their right, if not obligation, as would it be ours if our homes were invaded by a military- it was a war that could have been avoided- but, poor men fight rich mens wars and young men fight old mens wars- for what? Pride? Whose? Those who died don't get to enjoy life- only the survivors do- that they die with pride doesn't mean they can use it, and the ones left behind wonder if they died with honor- honor is determined by the actor, but judged by the audience- how meaningful is that?
The only moral war is self defense- yes, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, but, the back story is because the US was interfering between China and Japan's commerce over oil which the Japanese wanted and China didn't want to sell it to them- what right did we have to get involved? What authority, in the rules for our gov't, was used to intervene in others commerce? What moral authority, never mind legal authority, was contrived to justify our invading someone else's homes?

And don't misunderstand- your Dad (like so many) did what he was told to do believing it was the right thing to do- but, as with all knowledge it evolves and gives opportunity to question in hind sight- but only by those who were left behind, be they buddies that didn't die, or families grieving the waste of the most precious tangible we possess- life. We like to think History is learned from- fast forward to Vietnam- completely contrived- to the ME- completely contrived and how many have been lost? After 1000's of years and millions lost to war you would think that out fearless leaders would learn something, but, apparently the best lesson they learned was to so entrench our economy in the MIC which employs so many it's unbelievable- it's equally unbelievable that those who cry about welfare praise the MIC which is welfare on a much larger scale- it is paid through taxes = welfare-
Yes, we live in interesting times.
I don;t know what to tell you- be specific and I'll give my opinion, based on my observations,

I'll try Gdjjr....

But i'm unsure of just what this country was like in 1825?

By that time, it appears Jefferson was rather convinced 'big government' would eventually become totalitarian , despite the declaration of independence.

Was he opining from historical knowledge of the many euro monarchies in his time ?, or from actually being witness to our own direction since being a signatory of our Independence 1/2 century prior to 1825?

I'm told any doctrine can be infiltrated by those who seek control , power, money, ego, insidious ways we don't even inalienable vs unalienable

Makes me wonder what Jefferson, along with the rest of the FF's would have thought of America in 1925....2025.....least of all our MIC....

Objectively , take away the flags, pledges, oaths and badges ......what are we now? Would we look like the English / Dutch / Spanish empires of the past to them?

Do we have an identity crisis?

Maybe our troops have already figured that out?



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