American Revolution happened in the 16th Century....


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
At least........according to Rick Perry........

Texas Gov. Rick Perry would like to avoid being compared to his gaffe-prone predecessor, former President George W. Bush, but he didn't help himself late Tuesday when he suggested that the American Revolution took place in the 16th century.

Following a Republican presidential candidate debate at Dartmouth College, Perry made a stop at the school's Beta Theta Pi fraternity house a few blocks away, where he spoke briefly with students and answered a few questions. One participant pressed the governor on the issue of states' rights.

Perry, a favorite of Tea Party Republicans, replied, "Our Founding Fathers never meant for Washington, D.C. to be the fount of all wisdom. As a matter of fact, they were very much afraid of that because they'd just had this experience with this far-away government that had centralized thought process and planning and what have you, and then it was actually the reason that we fought the revolution in the 16th century, was to get away from that kind of onerous crown if you will."

Tea Party favorite Perry flubs date of U.S. revolution - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Ya really gotta wonder about someone running for President, if they don't know much about how this country got started (or when).
Perry's basically done. He's in Bachmann territory now.

Unless something crazy happens..Romney's got this.
But........I thought Perry was supposed to be the "Great White Hope" for the teabaggers.

Guess he turned out to be the Great White Dope.
But........I thought Perry was supposed to be the "Great White Hope" for the teabaggers.

Guess he turned out to be the Great White Dope.

To be honest..I've never seen him debate, but I have seen him on the news making public appearences. He's fine up until he opens his mouth. He's got a bad temper and said really stupid Texas has the option to secede.

I thought that would be the end of it. But he threw his hat in the ring. He sealed the deal with those debates.

But he was never ready for prime time.
But........I thought Perry was supposed to be the "Great White Hope" for the teabaggers.

Guess he turned out to be the Great White Dope.

To be honest..I've never seen him debate, but I have seen him on the news making public appearences. He's fine up until he opens his mouth. He's got a bad temper and said really stupid Texas has the option to secede.

I thought that would be the end of it. But he threw his hat in the ring. He sealed the deal with those debates.

But he was never ready for prime time.

Yeah.......and let's not forget his prayer rally, or when he said that if Bernanke ever showed up in Texas, he'd "not treat them nice", meaning (in Texas redneck code) he'd string up the sneaky Jew for stealing money from the government.
But........I thought Perry was supposed to be the "Great White Hope" for the teabaggers.

Guess he turned out to be the Great White Dope.

To be honest..I've never seen him debate, but I have seen him on the news making public appearences. He's fine up until he opens his mouth. He's got a bad temper and said really stupid Texas has the option to secede.

I thought that would be the end of it. But he threw his hat in the ring. He sealed the deal with those debates.

But he was never ready for prime time.

Yeah.......and let's not forget his prayer rally, or when he said that if Bernanke ever showed up in Texas, he'd "not treat them nice", meaning (in Texas redneck code) he'd string up the sneaky Jew for stealing money from the government.


Well he didn't call him a "sneaky Jew" but the treason charge was over the top.

Anyhoo..they are all saying crazy things..Romney comes off the least crazy.
What's the matter Skidmark........finally figure out your first post was WRONG? You're lucky you changed it before I was able to quote it.

No........the 16th Century was actually during the 1500's. The American Revolution was actually started in 1776, i.e. the 18th Century.

Try again stupid.
But........I thought Perry was supposed to be the "Great White Hope" for the teabaggers.

Guess he turned out to be the Great White Dope.

Perhaps you should expand your study on conservativism outside the Liberal Media. Just an idea.
Indeed. And worthy of note? Many of the Ideas of the Founders came from the Magna Carta...but hey? I guess it's easier to be a Partisan hack.
But........I thought Perry was supposed to be the "Great White Hope" for the teabaggers.

Guess he turned out to be the Great White Dope.

I lived in Texas for a long time, under Perry, and I could have told you (in fact I did tell many people) back before he declared his candidacy that he would have no chance. The style of politics in Texas nowadays does not equate to a viable national candidate. Especially after people had the chance to see what Bush was like. Perry's support for taxpayer subsidized education for illegals alone is enough to prevent him from being nominated. But more than anything, Perry's tenure in office has always been due to a lack of any real competition. The one time when there was serious opposition to his re-election, that opposition was divided amongst three other candidates. Texas is a GOP stronghold, largely because the Texas GOP operates under an extreme bully approach. Since they have power, they can easily keep power, often times by strattling both sides of the ideological fence for populist support, like immigration for example. Or, by repeated gerrymandering in any given year they so wish whenever support for Democrats starts to become a potential threat to their control.

Ironically, the immigration situation in Texas, which they decry about to the federal government, but they enable and depend on at the state level, is a major contributor to the GOP's continued stronghold. All the GOP has to do is say "Jesus" and many Hispanics will fall right in line. The cultural pollution from Mexico drives something even worst than an apathy toward politics and the government. It gives rise to an outright acceptance and preference for the vast corruption in Texas politics. "Because it's better than in Mexico."

This is they way that Perry has stayed in the game in Texas. Not by being a brilliant politician, not by service to his constituency. But simply by being present as the Governor heading a corrupt totalitarian-lite party.
But........I thought Perry was supposed to be the "Great White Hope" for the teabaggers.

Guess he turned out to be the Great White Dope.

Perhaps you should expand your study on conservativism outside the Liberal Media. Just an idea.
Indeed. And worthy of note? Many of the Ideas of the Founders came from the Magna Carta...but hey? I guess it's easier to be a Partisan hack.

and that has what to do with fucking up what century the revolution took place in?

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