America, why haven't you revolted yet?

I'm just curious, because all the news I see says that your economy is in the toilet due to out of control defense spending that nobody seems to want, your politicians seem to be a collection of the finest assholes known to mankind, your healthcare system is so bad that people can't afford to get sick in any way, every year your educational system seems to get worse, unemployment or under-employment plagues every state, and people are in debt up to their eyeballs. On top of this, your police force is getting more aggressive against the common man who wants to voice his displeasure at this system that is leaving the populace to starve, and the freedoms that the rest of the world used to admire about America are being stripped from you. Why do you suffer all these troubles? Where is your reaction?

Our economy is not in the toilet due to out of control defense spending.
It's because of our Social Programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, but the Democrat party refuses to recognize that and fight the Republicans tooth and nail on any reforms to keep them solvent.
The Police force is not getting more aggressive. This a political move by blacks who think they are unfairly targeted rather than admitting that their welfare programs has caused the breakup of families and makes many young black men not responsible for their actions.
Democrats are also fighting reforms for our education system and our health care is still affordable and the best in the world that was until our President pushed a really bad health care bill on the people.
Our people are not starving either.
It's a lot of political hype.
Our fight is about if we will go more toward socialism or freedom.
It gives the Wall Street Journal no pleasure in reporting Obama's successes. None at all. So I am surprised and pleased that they are reporting this information now. I wonder what page 9 has to say now. That's the Op-Ed section that I have affectionately called the "Why We Hate Obama" column.

Labor Makes a Strong Case for U.S. Growth
January Jobs Report Hints That Wages May Be Starting to Heat Up
Labor Makes a Strong Case for U.S. Growth--Heard on the Street - WSJ

Feb. 6, 2015 4:32 p.m. ET

The labor market is gaining strength. The big question for the Federal Reserve is when to get in the way.

Friday’s employment report was a lot stronger than expected. U.S. payrolls rose 257,000 last month, above the 237,000 consensus forecast, while revisions boosted the new-jobs count for November and December by a combined 147,000 jobs. That put the average monthly jobs gain over the past three months at 336,000, the fastest pace since 1997.

That seems out of step with how fast the economy seems to be expanding. A week ago, the Commerce Department reported that gross domestic product expanded at a 2.6% annual rate in the fourth quarter. Recent trade data suggest that figure will be revised down. Meanwhile, available data suggest that GDP will expand 2.4% in the first quarter, according to forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisers.

The combination of strong hiring and slow economic growth suggests that productivity, as measured by how much the average worker produces in an hour, might not be increasing slowly but may be contracting. The more likely answer, though, is that the economy is expanding quicker than the available data indicate, and that over time the GDP figures will be revised up.
I'm just curious, because all the news I see says that your economy is in the toilet due to out of control defense spending that nobody seems to want, your politicians seem to be a collection of the finest assholes known to mankind, your healthcare system is so bad that people can't afford to get sick in any way, every year your educational system seems to get worse, unemployment or under-employment plagues every state, and people are in debt up to their eyeballs. On top of this, your police force is getting more aggressive against the common man who wants to voice his displeasure at this system that is leaving the populace to starve, and the freedoms that the rest of the world used to admire about America are being stripped from you. Why do you suffer all these troubles? Where is your reaction?

Our economy is not in the toilet due to out of control defense spending.
It's because of our Social Programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid,
but the Democrat party refuses to recognize that and fight the Republicans tooth and nail on any reforms to keep them solvent.
The Police force is not getting more aggressive. This a political move by blacks who think they are unfairly targeted rather than admitting that their welfare programs has caused the breakup of families and makes many young black men not responsible for their actions.
Democrats are also fighting reforms for our education system and our health care is still affordable and the best in the world that was until our President pushed a really bad health care bill on the people.
Our people are not starving either.
It's a lot of political hype.
Our fight is about if we will go more toward socialism or freedom.

Oh yes it is. We spend WAAAY more on GI Joe toys than those Peach, and WAAAY more than anybody else does.

Eisenhower warned us. We didn't listen.
When everyone is employed for $8 an hour, then there may be a revolt. The middle class is watching their benefits and salaries get cut while the CEO's get a raise/. Its coming.

People don't revolt until they get hungry.

That's coming too.



Average Prediction # 37: Bet against America's next generation and you will lose.

I'm just curious, because all the news I see says that your economy is in the toilet due to out of control defense spending that nobody seems to want, your politicians seem to be a collection of the finest assholes known to mankind, your healthcare system is so bad that people can't afford to get sick in any way, every year your educational system seems to get worse, unemployment or under-employment plagues every state, and people are in debt up to their eyeballs. On top of this, your police force is getting more aggressive against the common man who wants to voice his displeasure at this system that is leaving the populace to starve, and the freedoms that the rest of the world used to admire about America are being stripped from you. Why do you suffer all these troubles? Where is your reaction?

Our economy is not in the toilet due to out of control defense spending.
It's because of our Social Programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid,
but the Democrat party refuses to recognize that and fight the Republicans tooth and nail on any reforms to keep them solvent.
The Police force is not getting more aggressive. This a political move by blacks who think they are unfairly targeted rather than admitting that their welfare programs has caused the breakup of families and makes many young black men not responsible for their actions.
Democrats are also fighting reforms for our education system and our health care is still affordable and the best in the world that was until our President pushed a really bad health care bill on the people.
Our people are not starving either.
It's a lot of political hype.
Our fight is about if we will go more toward socialism or freedom.

Oh yes it is. We spend WAAAY more on GI Joe toys than those Peach, and WAAAY more than anybody else does.

Eisenhower warned us. We didn't listen.

Pensions is 20%
Health Care is 22%
Defense is 13%
United States Total Spending Pie Chart for 2015 - Charts
How much of those pensions and health cares are funneled through the Veterans Administration?

SSI comprises next to nothing and Social Security has a dedicated tax.

Eisenhower pegged it.
Education is the key..invest in education and a more educated workforce means less low wage jobs for working for minimum wage means not getting a paycheck, so to speak. have an over-educated workforce with no jobs. You cannot have it all. You cannot have the immigration that we have that deliberately lowers wages, H1B visas, outsourcing and Right to Work laws and call this a success at any level. It's way past time for folks to end the partisan sha-na-na.
I'm just curious, because all the news I see says that your economy is in the toilet due to out of control defense spending that nobody seems to want, your politicians seem to be a collection of the finest assholes known to mankind, your healthcare system is so bad that people can't afford to get sick in any way, every year your educational system seems to get worse, unemployment or under-employment plagues every state, and people are in debt up to their eyeballs. On top of this, your police force is getting more aggressive against the common man who wants to voice his displeasure at this system that is leaving the populace to starve, and the freedoms that the rest of the world used to admire about America are being stripped from you. Why do you suffer all these troubles? Where is your reaction?
Because 99% of the people have no interest in overthrowing the government. As long as people are well fed, have a roof over their head and enjoy a standard of living envied by most the world, they're not going to turn against the government.
I took a look around the area and trust me, it was already revolting.

We just went through a Revolution the American way. The Reps took over Congress. In 2016, we will have another revolt and this one won't be pretty at all. 2016 is going to be very revolting.
I'm just curious, because all the news I see says that your economy is in the toilet due to out of control defense spending that nobody seems to want, your politicians seem to be a collection of the finest assholes known to mankind, your healthcare system is so bad that people can't afford to get sick in any way, every year your educational system seems to get worse, unemployment or under-employment plagues every state, and people are in debt up to their eyeballs. On top of this, your police force is getting more aggressive against the common man who wants to voice his displeasure at this system that is leaving the populace to starve, and the freedoms that the rest of the world used to admire about America are being stripped from you. Why do you suffer all these troubles? Where is your reaction?
TIL America is the only country with tv and Mcdonalds.
Because sitting in front of my computer all day on US Message Board is easier.
Enjoy your time here.
I took a look around the area and trust me, it was already revolting.

We just went through a Revolution the American way. The Reps took over Congress. In 2016, we will have another revolt and this one won't be pretty at all. 2016 is going to be very revolting.
Maybe so, but control of government from left to right has been going on for a long time. That's not a revolution, that's the American way.. Voters go one direction for a while then swing back the other direction. Neither side every stays in power. Nation in which one party is permanently in control are pretty crappy places to live.
When everyone is employed for $8 an hour, then there may be a revolt. The middle class is watching their benefits and salaries get cut while the CEO's get a raise/. Its coming.
Middle class has had its head up its apathetic ass since the '60s, pulling it out to find the politicians sold them out long ago.
Education is the key..invest in education and a more educated workforce means less low wage jobs for working for minimum wage means not getting a paycheck, so to speak.
We have "invested" trillions in bullshit education that produces HS grads that cannot even get a minimum wage job they are so clueless.
Education is the key..invest in education and a more educated workforce means less low wage jobs for working for minimum wage means not getting a paycheck, so to speak.
We have "invested" trillions in bullshit education that produces HS grads that cannot even get a minimum wage job they are so clueless.
Invest in education...WTF have we been doing for decades? More money is clearly not the answer.

The state controls education and the State always ultimately fails.

We can't blame students for failing. We must blame the State and their leftist controlled government schools.
I'm just curious, because all the news I see says that your economy is in the toilet due to out of control defense spending that nobody seems to want, your politicians seem to be a collection of the finest assholes known to mankind, your healthcare system is so bad that people can't afford to get sick in any way, every year your educational system seems to get worse, unemployment or under-employment plagues every state, and people are in debt up to their eyeballs. On top of this, your police force is getting more aggressive against the common man who wants to voice his displeasure at this system that is leaving the populace to starve, and the freedoms that the rest of the world used to admire about America are being stripped from you. Why do you suffer all these troubles? Where is your reaction?
You should try a little reality.
Education is the key..invest in education and a more educated workforce means less low wage jobs for working for minimum wage means not getting a paycheck, so to speak.
We have "invested" trillions in bullshit education that produces HS grads that cannot even get a minimum wage job they are so clueless.
Invest in education...WTF have we been doing for decades? More money is clearly not the answer.

The state controls education and the State always ultimately fails.

We can't blame students for failing. We must blame the State and their leftist controlled government schools.
Yes, to an extent you can blame the students.

If you get a kid at 5 that has been parked in front of cable TV since he got home from the hospital, raised in a dysfunctional family with no responsible role models, with a vocabulary of four letter words that would rival a sailor, but no idea of basic colors, you have gotten a kid with a brain that was stunted before it entered school.

An atrophied brain cannot be restored.

Why do you think Special Ed is so big?
Education is the key..invest in education and a more educated workforce means less low wage jobs for working for minimum wage means not getting a paycheck, so to speak.
We have "invested" trillions in bullshit education that produces HS grads that cannot even get a minimum wage job they are so clueless.
Invest in education...WTF have we been doing for decades? More money is clearly not the answer.

The state controls education and the State always ultimately fails.

We can't blame students for failing. We must blame the State and their leftist controlled government schools.
Nations with educational systems that outperform the US have far more central government control than the US. Curriculum in the US is not standardized which is a major problem for many kids attending college. Proven successful programs are often not implemented because of either lack of local funding or clashes between federal, state, and local bureaucracies.

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