Amazon's Jeff Bezos is having a $5B day

Your belief that you will fail holds you back. I'm not saying you can have a billion dollars, but investing in property and stocks is for the average person.
I don't have a belief that I will fail, in fact, I will try to advance in society, I already have scholarships to college, a decent job... Yeah, property and stock investments, in first world countries, with what success rate? What, making an extra 1k a year?
You mentioning 1/10 and acting like it's not something that you could do is stupid. Having a $100,000 salary you can easily invest in random shit. Sure being at the top I agree probably won't happen but anyone who plans on retiring should invest at an early age.

I don't remember the exact numbers but something like 20k at age 24 will give you over 1 mil at age 60 assuming a 10 percent interest rate which isn't that crazy.
Yeah, we've all heard those funny claims that assume nothing changes over that time span, a set inflation, no resource crisis, no personal crisis... Come on man. 1/10, and that is pathetic, that's just for small business success, let alone the hardship they face. $100,000 salary. Oh, the real talk comes out, hm, what countries have the majority making this much? *crickets*
100k is upper middle class but you can invest with far less. It's really just about living within your means which most people don't do by evidence of the cars they drive along with tvs, video games, and eating out. Credit card debt is ridiculous right now. People just spend with no regard for the future so they have no money to invest.
You keep referring to these minority, specific situations in an imperialist first world country. Yeah, the culture under capitalism and motivated by capitalists is a shitty thing, isn't it?
It's shitty because most people are too stupid to realize that spending more than you make has consequences and people become trapped in credit card debt. It's no one to blame but their own and it is the price of freedom. They can always declare bankruptcy. Capitalism is to thank for most modern progress and ingenuity. The USA wouldn't have as much wealth without capitalism.
$5 BIL is enough money to give every employee of the company (~154,100) about a $32,446 bonus or, alternatively, store it in a massive Money Bin overlooking the city of Duckburg. But he will never do you it. I bet you know why...
Why is it that Democrats believe the only way to achieve equality is to make everybody equally poor? Impossible for them to even think about achieving equality by allowing everybody to make themselves rich.

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