Amazon's Jeff Bezos is having a $5B day


Now fill in the blanks and amazingly, the point still stands.
It's $32,467 when divided by 5 billion, and even then, it's disgusting.
Less than the median household income:

Median income is on the rise ... finally - Aug. 20 2014
The Median HOUSEHOLD income; what about houses with 2 wage earners, at least? HOUSEHOLD.
Also, I don't claim to know amazon's wages, but I'm just showing the horrid inequality.
Here are five reasons why you are a stupid fuck... administered to the backside of your head, simultaneously... :slap:
A stupid fuck? Thanks for your great insight, are you ready to refute my point?
$32+K is "disgusting"?

Again your bullshit is lower than the Median Household Income. As quoted.

Go shine your knob, Cub Scout.
It's $32,467 when divided by 5 billion, and even then, it's disgusting.
Less than the median household income:

Median income is on the rise ... finally - Aug. 20 2014
The Median HOUSEHOLD income; what about houses with 2 wage earners, at least? HOUSEHOLD.
Also, I don't claim to know amazon's wages, but I'm just showing the horrid inequality.
Here are five reasons why you are a stupid fuck... administered to the backside of your head, simultaneously... :slap:
A stupid fuck? Thanks for your great insight, are you ready to refute my point?
$32+K is "disgusting"?

Again your bullshit is lower than the Median Household Income. As quoted.

Go shine your knob, Cub Scout.
Bullshit regarding two income earners as a median income? Ok.
No, 32k+ is not disgusting.. When did I say that? More like 5 billion.
It's $32,467 when divided by 5 billion, and even then, it's disgusting.
Less than the median household income:

Median income is on the rise ... finally - Aug. 20 2014
The Median HOUSEHOLD income; what about houses with 2 wage earners, at least? HOUSEHOLD.
Also, I don't claim to know amazon's wages, but I'm just showing the horrid inequality.
I hope liberals continue to not put in effort at work because they don't think it will change anything while I will rise above them.
Assuming liberals don't put in effort, assuming that if everyone just works hard, they'll all become capitalists, since that's clearly how it works. /sarcasm by the way, anyone with a brain knows capitalists are always the minority.
People that work towards a truly better life and stand out from the rest are in the minority. The rest of the people are complacent and liberals that bitch about capitalists holding them back.
The problem with your analysis is that no matter what happens, only the minority can be capitalist. Imagine 100 people all trying their hardest to become capitalists, the odds of one of them becoming a massive CEO are? Maybe small business success is better, but those are failing these days. Liberals that bitch? Go on honey, keep ranting.
The Median HOUSEHOLD income; what about houses with 2 wage earners, at least? HOUSEHOLD.
Also, I don't claim to know amazon's wages, but I'm just showing the horrid inequality.
Here are five reasons why you are a stupid fuck... administered to the backside of your head, simultaneously... :slap:
A stupid fuck? Thanks for your great insight, are you ready to refute my point?
$32+K is "disgusting"?

Again your bullshit is lower than the Median Household Income. As quoted.

Go shine your knob, Cub Scout.
Bullshit regarding two income earners as a median income? Ok.
No, 32k+ is not disgusting.. When did I say that? More like 5 billion.
I'll see that 5 billion and raise you five fingers... to the back of your skull-fucked brain. :slap:
The Median HOUSEHOLD income; what about houses with 2 wage earners, at least? HOUSEHOLD.
Also, I don't claim to know amazon's wages, but I'm just showing the horrid inequality.
Here are five reasons why you are a stupid fuck... administered to the backside of your head, simultaneously... :slap:
A stupid fuck? Thanks for your great insight, are you ready to refute my point?
$32+K is "disgusting"?

Again your bullshit is lower than the Median Household Income. As quoted.

Go shine your knob, Cub Scout.
Bullshit regarding two income earners as a median income? Ok.
No, 32k+ is not disgusting.. When did I say that? More like 5 billion.
I'll see that 5 billion and raise you five fingers... to the back of your skull-fucked brain. :slap:
The Median HOUSEHOLD income; what about houses with 2 wage earners, at least? HOUSEHOLD.
Also, I don't claim to know amazon's wages, but I'm just showing the horrid inequality.
I hope liberals continue to not put in effort at work because they don't think it will change anything while I will rise above them.
Assuming liberals don't put in effort, assuming that if everyone just works hard, they'll all become capitalists, since that's clearly how it works. /sarcasm by the way, anyone with a brain knows capitalists are always the minority.
People that work towards a truly better life and stand out from the rest are in the minority. The rest of the people are complacent and liberals that bitch about capitalists holding them back.
The problem with your analysis is that no matter what happens, only the minority can be capitalist. Imagine 100 people all trying their hardest to become capitalists, the odds of one of them becoming a massive CEO are? Maybe small business success is better, but those are failing these days. Liberals that bitch? Go on honey, keep ranting.
Your theory has holes because all 100 people will never try there hardest. If hypothetically you found a nonexistent group of try hards, it would then come down to intelligence. The smarter ones would win out as they should.
"Effort into the wrong things" You have already admitted that it is essentially impossible for one to become a capitalist of his standing, so let's go from there.

First of all, you're using "capitalist" incorrectly. Being a capitalist is about beliefs and behaviors. Anyone can be capitalist. So you need to correct your statement and apply the correct descriptor.

Working people who work hard all day should receive the value of what they produce

The problem is that you are this silly idea of "should" which is completely useless. The only way you will accomplish anything in life is by focusing on what IS. Working people who work hard all day receive the pay they have agreed to accept. That is what does happen. If you want to change your situation in life, focus on that, and dealing in the realities instead of the dreams.

or what their work is worth

According to whom?

unfortunately, capitalists rely on surplus value that does not go back to the worker.

Without surplus value, there is nothing available to pay the worker. If I sell $10 widgets at $6 surplus value, I have money available to pay the worker. Without surplus value, I go out of business and the worker goes unemployed and unpaid.

A job is a vehicle to income for the capitalist, it's a necessity for those who want food, shelter, water, clothing, toys for their children.

All you have done here is double down on your own misunderstanding. You need to break free of your stagnant, failing way of thinking that is keeping you poor and unable to move forward in the world.

So let's start again. Your job is how you make money. But your job is not what makes you money. You need to get this through your head. Most people think of their job as what makes them money. You come in, you punch the clock, you put forth your hard work for 8 hours, and you punch out at the end of the day. Many people have a misconception that their work at their job is the direct mechanism that earns them money. It's an understandable, but sorely mistaken belief. So what happens is that people put a great deal of effort into the execution of their job, and then believe that they "should" be paid based on how hard they worked at executing that job.

If you can manage to break your mind free of this misguided notion, and start perceiving your job as merely the vehicle through which you make your money instead of the direct cause, you'll have the opportunity to start understanding what the real direct causes of your income are, and how you can wield those causes to your advantage to maximize your income.

unless they somehow manage to become a capitalist, which obviously happens at a massive rate.

Again, you are misusing the word "capitalist." You seem to be mistaking it for "business owner." In which case, it is entirely unnecessary to be a business owner in order to be able to take control of your income.

Listen, if I told you that I will give you a job collecting cheese in a field at $100/hr would you take it? I'm sure you would. Now, if I train you to go to Cobb's field and pick up all the cheese, you could do that for a while and I'd pay you what we agreed. But what happens when Cobb's field runs out of cheese? You have two choices, you can either walk around Cobb's field and look for cheese in futility, and eventually loose your job because your production suffers. Or, you can choose to pursue the money and start collecting cheese from Baker's field.

The field is your job. It doesn't really make you your money. It's the cheese that makes you your money. It doesn't matter how hard you work looking for cheese in an empty field, you're not going to get paid if you don't bring me cheese. If you learn what the cheese is in the modern workplace, you will be able to start understanding how to pursue it.
Last edited:
Here are five reasons why you are a stupid fuck... administered to the backside of your head, simultaneously... :slap:
A stupid fuck? Thanks for your great insight, are you ready to refute my point?
$32+K is "disgusting"?

Again your bullshit is lower than the Median Household Income. As quoted.

Go shine your knob, Cub Scout.
Bullshit regarding two income earners as a median income? Ok.
No, 32k+ is not disgusting.. When did I say that? More like 5 billion.
I'll see that 5 billion and raise you five fingers... to the back of your skull-fucked brain. :slap:
Negro, behave. :slap:
"Effort into the wrong things" You have already admitted that it is essentially impossible for one to become a capitalist of his standing, so let's go from there.

First of all, you're using "capitalist" incorrectly. Being a capitalist is about beliefs and behaviors. Anyone can be capitalist. So you need to correct your statement and apply the correct descriptor.

Working people who work hard all day should receive the value of what they produce

The problem is that you are this silly idea of "should" which is completely useless. The only way you will accomplish anything in life is by focusing on what IS. Working people who work hard all day receive the pay they have agreed to accept. That is what does happen. If you want to change your situation in life, focus on that, and dealing in the realities instead of the dreams.

or what their work is worth

According to whom?

unfortunately, capitalists rely on surplus value that does not go back to the worker.

Without surplus value, there is nothing available to pay the worker. If I sell $10 widgets at $6 surplus value, I have money available to pay the worker. Without surplus value, I go out of business and the worker goes unemployed and unpaid.

A job is a vehicle to income for the capitalist, it's a necessity for those who want food, shelter, water, clothing, toys for their children.

All you have done here is double down on your own misunderstanding. You need to break free of your stagnant, failing way of thinking that is keeping you poor and unable to move forward in the world.

So let's start again. Your job is how you make money. But your job is not what makes you money. You need to get this through your head. Most people think of their job as what makes them money. You come in, you punch the clock, you put forth your hard work for 8 hours, and you punch out at the end of the day. Many people have a misconception that their work at their job is the direct mechanism that earns them money. It's an understandable, but sorely mistaken belief. So what happens is that people put a great deal of effort into the execution of their job, and then believe that they "should" be paid based on how hard they worked at executing that job.

If you can manage to break your mind free of this misguided notion, and start perceiving your job as merely the vehicle through which you make your money instead of the direct cause, you'll have the opportunity to start understanding what the real direct causes of your income are, and how you can wield those causes to your advantage to maximize your income.

unless they somehow manage to become a capitalist, which obviously happens at a massive rate.

Again, you are misusing the word "capitalist." You seem to be mistaking it for "business owner."
Capitalist: a wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.
I can't expect you to listen when we have the means to give workers what they are worth, and not let the capitalist exploit the workers. Although, I can't expect you to understand, and don't expect you to either. "keeping you poor and unable to move forward in the world. " Then billions are unable to move forward, and millions have tried, and failed, and do actively.
So let's start again. Your job is how you make money. But your job is not what makes you money. You need to get this through your head. Most people think of their job as what makes them money. You come in, you punch the clock, you put forth your hard work for 8 hours, and you punch out at the end of the day. Many people have a misconception that their work at their job is the direct mechanism that earns them money. It's an understandable, but sorely mistaken belief. So what happens is that people put a great deal of effort into the execution of their job, and then believe that they "should" be paid based on how hard they worked at executing that job.

If you can manage to break your mind free of this misguided notion, and start perceiving your job as merely the vehicle through which you make your money instead of the direct cause, you'll have the opportunity to start understanding what the real direct causes of your income are, and how you can wield those causes to your advantage to maximize your income.
So essentially, you produce surplus value for the capitalist at your job, and then they pay you less then what you're worth.
The Median HOUSEHOLD income; what about houses with 2 wage earners, at least? HOUSEHOLD.
Also, I don't claim to know amazon's wages, but I'm just showing the horrid inequality.
I hope liberals continue to not put in effort at work because they don't think it will change anything while I will rise above them.
Assuming liberals don't put in effort, assuming that if everyone just works hard, they'll all become capitalists, since that's clearly how it works. /sarcasm by the way, anyone with a brain knows capitalists are always the minority.
People that work towards a truly better life and stand out from the rest are in the minority. The rest of the people are complacent and liberals that bitch about capitalists holding them back.
The problem with your analysis is that no matter what happens, only the minority can be capitalist. Imagine 100 people all trying their hardest to become capitalists, the odds of one of them becoming a massive CEO are? Maybe small business success is better, but those are failing these days. Liberals that bitch? Go on honey, keep ranting.
Your theory has holes because all 100 people will never try there hardest. If hypothetically you found a nonexistent group of try hards, it would then come down to intelligence. The smarter ones would win out as they should.
Oh jesus.. It has no holes unless you assume billions of people will never try there hardest. You assume all capitalists try hard to, which is funny to consider, gives me quite a good laugh. "Smarter ones" Oh boy.
A stupid fuck? Thanks for your great insight, are you ready to refute my point?
$32+K is "disgusting"?

Again your bullshit is lower than the Median Household Income. As quoted.

Go shine your knob, Cub Scout.
Bullshit regarding two income earners as a median income? Ok.
No, 32k+ is not disgusting.. When did I say that? More like 5 billion.
I'll see that 5 billion and raise you five fingers... to the back of your skull-fucked brain. :slap:
Negro, behave. :slap:
:itsok: It's ok, I'll still want you to receive free healthcare.
I hope liberals continue to not put in effort at work because they don't think it will change anything while I will rise above them.
Assuming liberals don't put in effort, assuming that if everyone just works hard, they'll all become capitalists, since that's clearly how it works. /sarcasm by the way, anyone with a brain knows capitalists are always the minority.
People that work towards a truly better life and stand out from the rest are in the minority. The rest of the people are complacent and liberals that bitch about capitalists holding them back.
The problem with your analysis is that no matter what happens, only the minority can be capitalist. Imagine 100 people all trying their hardest to become capitalists, the odds of one of them becoming a massive CEO are? Maybe small business success is better, but those are failing these days. Liberals that bitch? Go on honey, keep ranting.
Your theory has holes because all 100 people will never try there hardest. If hypothetically you found a nonexistent group of try hards, it would then come down to intelligence. The smarter ones would win out as they should.
Oh jesus.. It has no holes unless you assume billions of people will never try there hardest. You assume all capitalists try hard to, which is funny to consider, gives me quite a good laugh. "Smarter ones" Oh boy.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top. You're one of those victimized people who thinks he's too weak and stupid to ever accomplish anything. Don't worry I'm sure many other people agree.
Assuming liberals don't put in effort, assuming that if everyone just works hard, they'll all become capitalists, since that's clearly how it works. /sarcasm by the way, anyone with a brain knows capitalists are always the minority.
People that work towards a truly better life and stand out from the rest are in the minority. The rest of the people are complacent and liberals that bitch about capitalists holding them back.
The problem with your analysis is that no matter what happens, only the minority can be capitalist. Imagine 100 people all trying their hardest to become capitalists, the odds of one of them becoming a massive CEO are? Maybe small business success is better, but those are failing these days. Liberals that bitch? Go on honey, keep ranting.
Your theory has holes because all 100 people will never try there hardest. If hypothetically you found a nonexistent group of try hards, it would then come down to intelligence. The smarter ones would win out as they should.
Oh jesus.. It has no holes unless you assume billions of people will never try there hardest. You assume all capitalists try hard to, which is funny to consider, gives me quite a good laugh. "Smarter ones" Oh boy.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top. You're one of those victimized people who thinks he's too weak and stupid to ever accomplish anything. Don't worry I'm sure many other people agree.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top.
This is actually the mindset some people have, I find this disgusting. Victimized? Honey, even if I wasn't to weak and tried to become a capitalist, what is my success rate? 1/10 I heard from someone else, and that's in fucking America, assuming you have the initial money, live in a good area, etc, etc, etc.. Saying the majority of the world is stupid shows the mindset of yourself.
Capitalist: a wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.

That is not the definition of "capitalist." Do not butcher the English language in order to make a rhetorical argument.

I can't expect you to listen when we have the means to give workers what they are worth

According to whom?

So essentially, you produce surplus value for the capitalist at your job, and then they pay you less then what you're worth.


Nobody pays me less than what I'm worth. I make damn sure of that. I would not tolerate it. Do you know how to go about accomplishing the same thing for yourself? I'll give you a hint, it has to do with cheese.
People that work towards a truly better life and stand out from the rest are in the minority. The rest of the people are complacent and liberals that bitch about capitalists holding them back.
The problem with your analysis is that no matter what happens, only the minority can be capitalist. Imagine 100 people all trying their hardest to become capitalists, the odds of one of them becoming a massive CEO are? Maybe small business success is better, but those are failing these days. Liberals that bitch? Go on honey, keep ranting.
Your theory has holes because all 100 people will never try there hardest. If hypothetically you found a nonexistent group of try hards, it would then come down to intelligence. The smarter ones would win out as they should.
Oh jesus.. It has no holes unless you assume billions of people will never try there hardest. You assume all capitalists try hard to, which is funny to consider, gives me quite a good laugh. "Smarter ones" Oh boy.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top. You're one of those victimized people who thinks he's too weak and stupid to ever accomplish anything. Don't worry I'm sure many other people agree.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top.
This is actually the mindset some people have, I find this disgusting. Victimized? Honey, even if I wasn't to weak and tried to become a capitalist, what is my success rate? 1/10 I heard from someone else, and that's in fucking America, assuming you have the initial money, live in a good area, etc, etc, etc.. Saying the majority of the world is stupid shows the mindset of yourself.
Your belief that you will fail holds you back. I'm not saying you can have a billion dollars, but investing in property and stocks is for the average person.
The problem with your analysis is that no matter what happens, only the minority can be capitalist. Imagine 100 people all trying their hardest to become capitalists, the odds of one of them becoming a massive CEO are? Maybe small business success is better, but those are failing these days. Liberals that bitch? Go on honey, keep ranting.
Your theory has holes because all 100 people will never try there hardest. If hypothetically you found a nonexistent group of try hards, it would then come down to intelligence. The smarter ones would win out as they should.
Oh jesus.. It has no holes unless you assume billions of people will never try there hardest. You assume all capitalists try hard to, which is funny to consider, gives me quite a good laugh. "Smarter ones" Oh boy.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top. You're one of those victimized people who thinks he's too weak and stupid to ever accomplish anything. Don't worry I'm sure many other people agree.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top.
This is actually the mindset some people have, I find this disgusting. Victimized? Honey, even if I wasn't to weak and tried to become a capitalist, what is my success rate? 1/10 I heard from someone else, and that's in fucking America, assuming you have the initial money, live in a good area, etc, etc, etc.. Saying the majority of the world is stupid shows the mindset of yourself.
Your belief that you will fail holds you back. I'm not saying you can have a billion dollars, but investing in property and stocks is for the average person.
I don't have a belief that I will fail, in fact, I will try to advance in society, I already have scholarships to college, a decent job... Yeah, property and stock investments, in first world countries, with what success rate? What, making an extra 1k a year?
Your theory has holes because all 100 people will never try there hardest. If hypothetically you found a nonexistent group of try hards, it would then come down to intelligence. The smarter ones would win out as they should.
Oh jesus.. It has no holes unless you assume billions of people will never try there hardest. You assume all capitalists try hard to, which is funny to consider, gives me quite a good laugh. "Smarter ones" Oh boy.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top. You're one of those victimized people who thinks he's too weak and stupid to ever accomplish anything. Don't worry I'm sure many other people agree.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top.
This is actually the mindset some people have, I find this disgusting. Victimized? Honey, even if I wasn't to weak and tried to become a capitalist, what is my success rate? 1/10 I heard from someone else, and that's in fucking America, assuming you have the initial money, live in a good area, etc, etc, etc.. Saying the majority of the world is stupid shows the mindset of yourself.
Your belief that you will fail holds you back. I'm not saying you can have a billion dollars, but investing in property and stocks is for the average person.
I don't have a belief that I will fail, in fact, I will try to advance in society, I already have scholarships to college, a decent job... Yeah, property and stock investments, in first world countries, with what success rate? What, making an extra 1k a year?
You mentioning 1/10 and acting like it's not something that you could do is stupid. Having a $100,000 salary you can easily invest in random shit. Sure being at the top I agree probably won't happen but anyone who plans on retiring should invest at an early age.

I don't remember the exact numbers but something like 20k at age 24 will give you over 1 mil at age 60 assuming a 10 percent interest rate which isn't that crazy.
Oh jesus.. It has no holes unless you assume billions of people will never try there hardest. You assume all capitalists try hard to, which is funny to consider, gives me quite a good laugh. "Smarter ones" Oh boy.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top. You're one of those victimized people who thinks he's too weak and stupid to ever accomplish anything. Don't worry I'm sure many other people agree.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top.
This is actually the mindset some people have, I find this disgusting. Victimized? Honey, even if I wasn't to weak and tried to become a capitalist, what is my success rate? 1/10 I heard from someone else, and that's in fucking America, assuming you have the initial money, live in a good area, etc, etc, etc.. Saying the majority of the world is stupid shows the mindset of yourself.
Your belief that you will fail holds you back. I'm not saying you can have a billion dollars, but investing in property and stocks is for the average person.
I don't have a belief that I will fail, in fact, I will try to advance in society, I already have scholarships to college, a decent job... Yeah, property and stock investments, in first world countries, with what success rate? What, making an extra 1k a year?
You mentioning 1/10 and acting like it's not something that you could do is stupid. Having a $100,000 salary you can easily invest in random shit. Sure being at the top I agree probably won't happen but anyone who plans on retiring should invest at an early age.

I don't remember the exact numbers but something like 20k at age 24 will give you over 1 mil at age 60 assuming a 10 percent interest rate which isn't that crazy.
Yeah, we've all heard those funny claims that assume nothing changes over that time span, a set inflation, no resource crisis, no personal crisis... Come on man. 1/10, and that is pathetic, that's just for small business success, let alone the hardship they face. $100,000 salary. Oh, the real talk comes out, hm, what countries have the majority making this much? *crickets*
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top. You're one of those victimized people who thinks he's too weak and stupid to ever accomplish anything. Don't worry I'm sure many other people agree.
People who sit at the bottom are stupid cause they can't reach the top.
This is actually the mindset some people have, I find this disgusting. Victimized? Honey, even if I wasn't to weak and tried to become a capitalist, what is my success rate? 1/10 I heard from someone else, and that's in fucking America, assuming you have the initial money, live in a good area, etc, etc, etc.. Saying the majority of the world is stupid shows the mindset of yourself.
Your belief that you will fail holds you back. I'm not saying you can have a billion dollars, but investing in property and stocks is for the average person.
I don't have a belief that I will fail, in fact, I will try to advance in society, I already have scholarships to college, a decent job... Yeah, property and stock investments, in first world countries, with what success rate? What, making an extra 1k a year?
You mentioning 1/10 and acting like it's not something that you could do is stupid. Having a $100,000 salary you can easily invest in random shit. Sure being at the top I agree probably won't happen but anyone who plans on retiring should invest at an early age.

I don't remember the exact numbers but something like 20k at age 24 will give you over 1 mil at age 60 assuming a 10 percent interest rate which isn't that crazy.
Yeah, we've all heard those funny claims that assume nothing changes over that time span, a set inflation, no resource crisis, no personal crisis... Come on man. 1/10, and that is pathetic, that's just for small business success, let alone the hardship they face. $100,000 salary. Oh, the real talk comes out, hm, what countries have the majority making this much? *crickets*
100k is upper middle class but you can invest with far less. It's really just about living within your means which most people don't do by evidence of the cars they drive along with tvs, video games, and eating out. Credit card debt is ridiculous right now. People just spend with no regard for the future so they have no money to invest.
This is actually the mindset some people have, I find this disgusting. Victimized? Honey, even if I wasn't to weak and tried to become a capitalist, what is my success rate? 1/10 I heard from someone else, and that's in fucking America, assuming you have the initial money, live in a good area, etc, etc, etc.. Saying the majority of the world is stupid shows the mindset of yourself.
Your belief that you will fail holds you back. I'm not saying you can have a billion dollars, but investing in property and stocks is for the average person.
I don't have a belief that I will fail, in fact, I will try to advance in society, I already have scholarships to college, a decent job... Yeah, property and stock investments, in first world countries, with what success rate? What, making an extra 1k a year?
You mentioning 1/10 and acting like it's not something that you could do is stupid. Having a $100,000 salary you can easily invest in random shit. Sure being at the top I agree probably won't happen but anyone who plans on retiring should invest at an early age.

I don't remember the exact numbers but something like 20k at age 24 will give you over 1 mil at age 60 assuming a 10 percent interest rate which isn't that crazy.
Yeah, we've all heard those funny claims that assume nothing changes over that time span, a set inflation, no resource crisis, no personal crisis... Come on man. 1/10, and that is pathetic, that's just for small business success, let alone the hardship they face. $100,000 salary. Oh, the real talk comes out, hm, what countries have the majority making this much? *crickets*
100k is upper middle class but you can invest with far less. It's really just about living within your means which most people don't do by evidence of the cars they drive along with tvs, video games, and eating out. Credit card debt is ridiculous right now. People just spend with no regard for the future so they have no money to invest.
You keep referring to these minority, specific situations in an imperialist first world country. Yeah, the culture under capitalism and motivated by capitalists is a shitty thing, isn't it?

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