alt right


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2023
in another thread it seems that "conservatives" deny the existance of, or claim that we do not ujnderstand, the "alt right."

here is brietbart's handy reference

if bannon is wrong about this, i need a better reference, or at least tell us where we need to "do our own research" on this important (or maybe imaginary) movement .

and whatever happened to that obnoxious frog?

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in another thread it seems that "conservatives" deny the existance of, or claim that we do not ujnderstand, the "alt right."

here is brietbart's handy reference

if bannon is wrong about this, i need a better reference, or at least tell us where we need to "do our own research" on this important (or maybe imaginary) movement .

Is it that they deny the existence of it, or they deny the lefts categorization that every Republican is “alt right”?
The term "alt-right" hasn't been used since 2016, which was the year that article was written.

Where the hell have you been? :laughing0301:
no need to have a different name for the movement that owns the republican party. the frog worshippers are now merely "republicans."
in another thread it seems that "conservatives" deny the existance of, or claim that we do not ujnderstand, the "alt right."

here is brietbart's handy reference

if bannon is wrong about this, i need a better reference, or at least tell us where we need to "do our own research" on this important (or maybe imaginary) movement .

and whatever happened to that obnoxious frog?

View attachment 889672
They know. They just know how toxic the phrase is, so they've abandoned it.

The tenets remain the same. Rage, ignorance, victimhood, paranoia, hate.
Is it that they deny the existence of it, or they deny the lefts categorization that every Republican is “alt right”?
hhhhm now that is an interesting question. i pretty much just answered JGalt that the alt right are now republicans.

the question then becomes "who absorbed who"

trump's 2016 victory was a victory for bannon and the alt right, at which point traditional conservatives such as cheney and kinzinger became "rinos."
hhhhm now that is an interesting question. i pretty much just answered JGalt that the alt right are now republicans.

the question then becomes "who absorbed who"

trump's 2016 victory was a victory for bannon and the alt right, at which point traditional conservatives such as cheney and kinzinger became "rinos."

Cheney, McCain, and Kinzinger aren't conservatives, they're military-industrial loving war-mongers. No different that Democrats. Nobody "absorbed" anyone, we just kicked them out of the party.
in another thread it seems that "conservatives" deny the existance of, or claim that we do not ujnderstand, the "alt right."

here is brietbart's handy reference

if bannon is wrong about this, i need a better reference, or at least tell us where we need to "do our own research" on this important (or maybe imaginary) movement .

and whatever happened to that obnoxious frog?

View attachment 889672

Unfortunately, tha alt-right succeeded in overtaking the right. They are no longer alt. They have become the main stream right. Same absurd, childish behavior as the old alt, but now generally accepted as standard. .
hhhhm now that is an interesting question. i pretty much just answered JGalt that the alt right are now republicans.

the question then becomes "who absorbed who"

trump's 2016 victory was a victory for bannon and the alt right, at which point traditional conservatives such as cheney and kinzinger became "rinos."

And here we have an example of what I just said. The left wants to lump everyone together, which is what I was making a point of.

And Cheney and kinsinger didn’t become rinos because the right moved away from them, they became rinos because they chose to turn their back on their party and try to hurt the party by joining the dems, something the left would certainly never do. Does this mean the right should call you all “alt-left”?

It’s kinda like how the left dismissed manchin and sinema when they started doing things the left didn’t like.
Every republican is now what was once called alt. The once proud and honorable republican party has degraded that much.

You’re wrong. Most republicans are normal everyday people. What you see is an extreme few that lefty media likes to splash all over their “news”, and most on the left look at that and believe that is “the Republican Party”.

There are extremists on both sides, but that doesn’t represent their respective parties as a whole.
Every republican is now what was once called alt. The once proud and honorable republican party has degraded that much.

And here we have an example of what I just said. The left wants to lump everyone together, which is what I was making a point of.

And Cheney and kinsinger didn’t become rinos because the right moved away from them, they became rinos because they chose to turn their back on their party and try to hurt the party by joining the dems, something the left would certainly never do. Does this mean the right should call you all “alt-left”?

It’s kinda like how the left dismissed manchin and sinema when they started doing things the left didn’t like.
there is an alt left and a new left and several other flavors, many are greens if you are looking for them. progressives are fragmented into the economic branch (bernie sanders or maybe liz warren) and the culture war crazies you guys love to bash (aoc and the squad)

and many others, for a party accused of "lock step." (a luxury of multi party systems, we will pretty much take anyone who can reach a voting machine. ) dems are quite diverse.
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The term "alt-right" hasn't been used since 2016, which was the year that article was written.

Where the hell have you been? :laughing0301:
These are the types of posts that make me smile. In the 00's, the Alt-Right (capitalize it please) was specifically the domain of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. It was fringe. It existed but it wasn't widespread.
Then, came the night of November 4, 2008. Barack Hussein Obama was elected President...and..the..shit..hit the Alt-Right fan. :) A black man was elected to the White House...(I says WHITE House). Up rose a thinly veiled attempt at outright racism and bigotry, the Tea Party (taxes my ass. :auiqs.jpg:). A whole cottage industry of blogs, websites, media pundits started the most vicious campaign of vitriol and bile that I have ever seen another human being have to endure. For 8 years. Trump deserves everything that he gets. Obama, a moderate, while deserving plenty of blame for continuing Afghanistan and several other missteps (largely due to the fact that he had to appease white conservatives in Congress), was labeled with the most vile names, cartoons, effigies hung at Tea Party protests (again, just a front), and hounded for his entire 8 year term in office.

And here is where you see the slow adoption of Alt-Right beliefs start to slowly consume mainstream conservatism and the Republican party. The hatred of immigrants, minorities, LGBTQ+. The belief in conspiracy theories that the Obama was trying to replace the white race (yes kiddies, that's where replacement theory came from). Lo and behold, this adoption of extreme and whack-a-doodle beliefs is what allows Donald John Trump to back into the White House.

As another poster pointed out, there are no real conservatives or moderates left in the Republican party. They've been driven out or silenced with threats of no political future.
Every single "Republican". Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Sununu..yes, even Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis are going to bow and cuck themselves to Trump. And it's very satisfying for me.
This is why I refer to the right wing as ALT-RIGHT NATION.

There is no more distinction of moderate, conservative, Republican. It is all ALT-RIGHT!
You’re wrong. Most republicans are normal everyday people. What you see is an extreme few that lefty media likes to splash all over their “news”, and most on the left look at that and believe that is “the Republican Party”.

There are extremists on both sides, but that doesn’t represent their respective parties as a whole.
Not really. You need dig deeper and see past the "every day". Most Republicans really are this gullible and pliant. I see this is my own immediate family and friends.
They may seem normal to you, but they aren't. They really believe this stuff.

I'm sorry, there are no "both sides" here. The extreme, falls primarily on the right. ^Shrug^.
And here we have an example of what I just said. The left wants to lump everyone together, which is what I was making a point of.

And Cheney and kinsinger didn’t become rinos because the right moved away from them, they became rinos because they chose to turn their back on their party and try to hurt the party by joining the dems, something the left would certainly never do. Does this mean the right should call you all “alt-left”?

It’s kinda like how the left dismissed manchin and sinema when they started doing things the left didn’t like.
There is no such thing as "alt-left". It's a kneejerk term used by members of the right to justify..."see, see, see, alt-left".
Manchin and Sinema are Republicans. They just don't have the courage...or the state support to declare it. :)

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