Allow me to sum up what leftwing economic goals are

Whatever bullshit claims you or anyone else might make about what “leftwing economic goals” might be, we are now seeing the reality of what leftwing policies create.
So leftwing American policy is the reason why inflation is high all over the world?
OK, NK, USSR, Cambodia, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Communist China, Argentina of yore. You want more?

FFS, they were all premised on the OP's wishes.

It is not our first rodeo.
So wanting to make sure no one making 40 hours a week is impoverished is a Zimbabwe thing?
1) Policy to work towards anyone working 40 hours a week is not living in poverty.

2) Unions to ensure good compensation and benefits.

3) Ending the ridiculous loopholes that allows the wealthy and corporations to not pay taxes. See, the OFFICIAL tax rate that corporations are supposed to pay is not the EFFECTIVE tax rate they actually pay.

4) Improving US infrastructure. It’s something that republicans agree with yet they won’t give democrats credit for it even though Biden passed signature legislation for it.

Now I’m not suggesting that democrats in office are doing enough for the above, but they are still goals progressive voters want.

Notice how none of the above has anything to do with ending capitalism or able bodied adults just mooching off the government full time.

Profound Ignorance
I already gave you the source about what corporations effectively pay. You’re not getting anything else because 1) it doesn’t matter for me to name these loopholes and deductions if they clearly exist either way and 2) Your dumbass demands sources but never provides your own. It is childish, stupid, and you should feel embarrassed.
We could easily cut defense spending.
Childish and stupid Profound Ignorance
You can work 80 hours a week in a socialist shithole and still be impoverished. That's the primary reason they're shitholes.
But only you are making this about Zimbabwe lol. I said absolutely nothing about it being better there.
Zimbabwe was just one of several socialist shitholes I listed because some snowflake took umbrage at my mention of Venezuela.
Well I didn’t mention that country either. Of course you should know that Venezuela has a private economy. You republicans like to think it’s completely socialist but it actually isn’t.
1) Policy to work towards anyone working 40 hours a week is not living in poverty.

2) Unions to ensure good compensation and benefits.

3) Ending the ridiculous loopholes that allows the wealthy and corporations to not pay taxes. See, the OFFICIAL tax rate that corporations are supposed to pay is not the EFFECTIVE tax rate they actually pay.

4) Improving US infrastructure. It’s something that republicans agree with yet they won’t give democrats credit for it even though Biden passed signature legislation for it.

Now I’m not suggesting that democrats in office are doing enough for the above, but they are still goals progressive voters want.

Notice how none of the above has anything to do with ending capitalism or able bodied adults just mooching off the government full time.

Well 1, 2, 3 and 4 are full of rampant Dem corruption.
Obozo in his first year in office talked about shovel ready infrastructure jobs being a top priority of his agenda. Two terms in office and he did nothing.
A dozen years later and the Democrats are back in office with Biden and they're still talking about addressing the country's infrastructure problems. ... :cuckoo:
IHTM - Obama admits there were no “shovel ready jobs,” › home › obama admits there were no “shovel ready jobs,” krauthammer pounces
October 14, 2010 - by editor on October 14, 2010 After all his talk about “shovel ready jobs,” President Obama admitted yesterday that there really never were any shovel ready projects nor any shovel ready jobs. Does that surprise you? It shouldn’t. We’re willing to bet this guy’s never owned a shovel.
Leftwing policies FUEL inflation, period. Now grow a pair of balls and accept responsibility for leftwing policies you gutless cowards.
So for this logic to make any sense, inflation would be a problem globally all the time.
So leftwing American policy is the reason why inflation is high all over the world?
Many civilized countries have a much lower inflation rate than we do.

A lot of those rates don’t seem very high....

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