"We have to increase taxes on the wealthy"

Then you know that the reductions benefitted all. Please clarify rich, anyone compared to the world earning above $32,000 is in the top 1%. Do you have a link, not a newspaper article, that shows the rich (whoever that is) kept their cut? Which rich, who, how, and what value? How did folk below give theirs up? Did they hand it over to someone? Do you have investments/savings?

Not being funny, but you're just talking hot air gobbledygook. People need facts, figures, links. More importantly, who are they? How did you "give yours up"? Run that through with me on how you did it?

The middle class break was only temporary, compared to the richies' permanent breka.
Hey stupid, Trump has said he will make them permanent as part of his next tax cuts. Why didn't your Vegetable Messiah do that when Dimtards controlled everything for two years?
Hey, stupid. The MAGAterds did not do it before, and they won't do it now.,
False. All the brackets and tax credits from the TCJA will revert at the end of 2025, to the 2016 levels. The standard deduction will halve, the child tax credit will halve. The caps on the SALT deduction and MID will be eliminated. (that's a big tax cut for the wealthy right there)

Small businesses will lose the QBI deduction and bonus depreciation. That's a big tax increase on the middle class.

Every taxpayer will see a tax hike, but it will hit the middle and lower quintiles hardest, because they were the largest beneficiaries of the Trump tax cuts.

The only part of the TCJA that was permanent was the corporate rate reduction, and that will stay in place. (21% flat rate regardless of income).
Already answered. You are overruled. Sit down,
Tax the hell out of successful people and give it to the others, who don't have as much. Sort of like

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need​

where have I heard that before?
Already answered. You are overruled. Sit down,
No. You said:

"The rich keep their cut, and those below give theirs up."

That is plainly not true. All of the provisions for individual taxpayers expire at the same time. There is no "rich keeping their cut" happening.

The top rate will revert to 39.6% from the current 37%, and all the caps on deductions will be removed.

That is a tax increase for the rich too (though largely offset by the new deductions they will get). It just won't hit them as hard as the tax increases to the lower quintiles, iow the losses in the child tax credit and standard deductions.

You may not understand this, but I assure you that every small business owner is well aware of what will happen if the TCJA does not get extended.
Sit down, para bellum, until you can tell the whole truth.
I posted the whole truth. You are uninformed. That's not my fault.

The entirety of the individual taxpayer provisions of the TCJA will expire on December 31, 2025.

All rates revert to the 2016 rates. All deductions and credits revert to the 2016 levels, with certain credits adjusted for inflation.

There are no carve-outs for the wealthy. If you think there are, you need to post them, because your insistence is not proof of anything but your own ignorance.
Another pathetic dodge.

Nostra and Para Bellum, here you go. Remember that you can order scheduled delivery so you will never be out of stock.
Keep using the butt cream, and you will able to function, para bellum.
I already accepted your surrender, you can direct your TDS elsewhere.

The TCJA is set to expire all individual tax provisions, and you are unable to support your claim because it is a figment of your imagination. Very simple.

Your deflection is noted and ignored.
I already accepted your surrender, you can direct your TDS elsewhere.

The TCJA is set to expire all individual tax provisions, and you are unable to support your claim because it is a figment of your imagination. Very simple.

Your deflection is noted and ignored.
You keep, deliberately, misinterpreting, but people generally know you are wrong.
You keep, deliberately, misinterpreting, but people generally know you are wrong.
I am not misinterpreting, you are misstating.

The middle class break was only temporary, compared to the richies' permanent breka.
^^^ That is false. All provisions expire on the same day.

And lifting the caps on SALT and MID are windfalls to the rich- the exact opposite of what you claim.

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