Allan West speaking on 1070AM: post questions here


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Corrected spelling thanks to G5000:

Dear USMB:

Allen West will be speaking this week (scheduled for Thursday) on 1070AM.
This is a conservative station, while the host Chris X is a secular moderate
who leans Republican but is more libertarian/prochoice.

If you have questions or issues to present to Col. West,
if you please post here, I can direct these to Chris X attention.

Or you can contact them directly by email:

West official website is
Chris X website is Home Page
1070Am is The Leading Am Site on the Net or Home Page - KNTH AM

I already forwarded this link to Chris X asking if West had looked into the case
(Stand Your Ground case of Michael Giles, military on active duty, in Florida)

Any other issues you would like to weigh in on?
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Allen (with an e, not an a), why do you keep manufacturing bullshit? Is the money that good?
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Dear USMB:

Allan West will be speaking this week (scheduled for Thursday) on 1070AM.
This is a conservative station, while the host Chris X is a secular moderate
who leans Republican but is more libertarian/prochoice.

If you have questions or issues to present to Col. West,
if you please post here, I can direct these to Chris X attention.

Or you can contact them directly by email:

West official website is
Chris X website is Home Page
1070Am is The Leading Am Site on the Net or Home Page - KNTH AM

I already forwarded this link to Chris X asking if West had looked into the case
(Stand Your Ground case of Michael Giles, military on active duty, in Florida)

Any other issues you would like to weigh in on?

Would you be in favor of abolishing the personal Income Tax in favor of having states fund the Federal government in amounts that are proportion to their respective Electoral College votes, so for example, California would have to fund 10.3% (55/535) of the total?

“To those whom much is given, much is expected.”
Speaking of manufactured bullshit:
and how about this 140% turnout in st lucie county. i mean, WTF?:evil:

They had a two-page ballot in St. Lucie County. The tabulation system (GEMS) counted turnout as the number of cards cast divided by the number of registered voters.

Thus, if 100 percent of the voters had voted, the GEMS tabulator would have said there was a 200% turnout.

If there was a 140% figure, then that means 70 percent of the voters turned out.

Hope that helps stop this stupid meme once and for all, but I know it won't.
Speaking of manufactured bullshit:
and how about this 140% turnout in st lucie county. i mean, WTF?:evil:

They had a two-page ballot in St. Lucie County. The tabulation system (GEMS) counted turnout as the number of cards cast divided by the number of registered voters.

Thus, if 100 percent of the voters had voted, the GEMS tabulator would have said there was a 200% turnout.

If there was a 140% figure, then that means 70 percent of the voters turned out.

Hope that helps stop this stupid meme once and for all, but I know it won't.

Thanks I mentioned this to Chris X before, but I don't count because "my friends are idiots"

Thanks for posting it here. If I'm not the only one saying it, maybe he'll listen!

And thanks for the spelling correction also.
I'll see if I can fix that in the OP.

this is the most extreme numbers I found posted online: 900 ballots where 7 were registered.
Should we ask about that? If this is confirmed or inflated?
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Corrected spelling thanks to G5000:

Dear USMB:

Allen West will be speaking this week (scheduled for Thursday) on 1070AM.
This is a conservative station, while the host Chris X is a secular moderate
who leans Republican but is more libertarian/prochoice.

If you have questions or issues to present to Col. West,
if you please post here, I can direct these to Chris X attention.

Or you can contact them directly by email:

West official website is Allen B. West - | The Official Website of Colonel Allen West
Chris X website is Home Page
1070Am is The Leading Am Site on the Net or Home Page - KNTH AM

I already forwarded this link to Chris X asking if West had looked into the case
(Stand Your Ground case of Michael Giles, military on active duty, in Florida)

Any other issues you would like to weigh in on?

Why did you get your ass kicked so badly in the last election and become such a total failure?

Wait, I found the answer....thanks anyway.

1. Progressives are “communists”: At a town hall meeting in April, West said that 80 House Democrats were “members of the Communist Party.” He later clarified that the 80 Democrats he was speaking about were those in the Progressive Caucus.

2. Opposed early voting as an “entitlement”: In an interview with ThinkProgress, West objected to early voting in Florida because “people see it as an entitlement.” He ultimately lost his seat, in part, because of high Democratic early voting turnout.

3. Said Obama’s campaign slogan had a “Marxist-Socialist” meaning: West found hidden meaning in Obama’s “Forward” slogan. “They want to bring out an old Soviet Union, Marxist-Socialist theme for their campaign called “Forward”.”

4. Obama’s DREAM initiative was a voter fraud conspiracy: Appearing on Fox News, West saw a more nefarious effort beneath Obama’s deferred action immigration policy. “Is this one of those backdoor opportunities to allow people in the next five months to get the opportunity to vote?” he asked.

5. Food stamps “enslave the American people”: West lamented the rise in available food stamps for Americans. “That’s not how you empower the American people,” West said. “That’s how you enslave the American people.”

6. Social Security enslaves the American people: Appearing on Fox News, West criticized Social Security disability benefits. “Once again we are creating the sense of economic dependence, which to me is a form of modern, 21st century slavery.”

7. Obama wants to enslave people: West argued at a campaign event that Obama “does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning and having that title of American. He’d rather you be his slave.”

8. Said Barney Frank should be in a “pink jumpsuit”: West criticized openly gay Rep. Barney Frank’s (D-MA) congressional tenure earlier this year. “[He's] a guy who for all practical purposes should be in a pink jumpsuit for what he did.”

9. Called undocumented immigration an “invasion”: In a newspaper interview, West likened undocumented immigrants to an enemy force. “You have to repel invasions,” West said.

10. Told congresswoman, “You are not a lady”: West blasted nearby congresswoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) after a dispute, scolding her in a letter, “You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!”

11. Called for censoring news outlets: After Wikileaks released thousands of pages of documents, West argued that “we also should be censoring American news agencies” who reported on the cables.

12. Obama supporters are a “threat to the gene pool: West wrote on a conservative website, “I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”

13. Religious coexistence “would give away our country”: West blasted “Coexist” bumper stickers at a March 2011 town hall, saying people who have them represent “something that would give away our country, would give away who we are.”

14. Said Nazi leader would be “very proud” of Democrats: In December 2011, West told reporters that “If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat party, because they have an incredible propaganda machine.”

15. Criticized rise of feminism: West told a conservative conference that liberal women “have been neutering American men and bringing us to the point of this incredible weakness — to let them know that we are not going to have our men become subservient.”

16. Told liberals to “get the hell out of the United States”: At a Republican dinner, West had harsh words for his Democratic counterparts. “Take your message of equality of achievement. … You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.”

Why Allen West Lost: 16 Of His Worst Moments In Congress | ThinkProgress
Allen (with an e, not an a), why do you keep manufacturing bullshit? Is the money that good?

Hi G5000 If you are asking me, I do all my media outreach as a community volunteer and Constitutionalist trying to reform the Democrat Party to correct all the damages done by political abuses, and hopefully set a better system for restitution and deterrence for similar political and corporate abuses by other parties. Clean up starts with home base,and Democrats will only listen to fellow constituents, if anyone.

I am not paid except for when I work my two jobs.
Instead of anyone paying me, I'm the one paying for the costs and debts of nonprofit volunteers also struggling
to save a national African American historic district, Freedmen's Town, destroyed by corporate corruption under Democrat leadership
at taxpayers expense. Before I lost count, I spent over 60,000 trying to keep nonprofits from going under that were
struggling to save two districts in Houston: North Forest and Freedmen's Town from corruption and abuses of govt funds and authority to wipe out the local communities and programs.
These were seen as competing with bureaucrats controlling public schools and housing, so the political battle was AGAINST the poor who had no legal resources to defend our interests.

Until I can get leaders such as Allen West or Herman Cain to hold
Black church and govt leaders accountable to restore the integrity
of the political history our district represents,

I've been having to pay for any and all outreach work myself,
along with Gladys House (R) who has been doing this for even longer.
Expenses our volunteers couldn't pay, I've had to cover to prevent the community
from crashing, which is what the competing interests are waiting for; deliberately
evicting and tearing down houses, to gain more control of the property to weed out the
community groups who are denied grants while the money goes to developers destroying the history.

Even if you can't stand me as a progressive Asian American Democrat, criticizing my own party
for selling out Constitutional principles for election campaigns,
maybe you might like Gladys better as a Black Republican fighting racism.
I've been called racist for helping poor Black communities destroyed by Democrat corruption,
but Gladys believes Black people can't be racist because only Whites have positions of power.

Maybe you would respect her; she works two jobs also but volunteers more than I do.
We are both the wrong gender, color or party for what we are trying to achieve, but that doesn't stop her from fighting
to defend her birthright to preserve Freedmen's Town. I just volunteer trying to defend Constitutional rights
I witness destroyed for party politics.

I am not expecting to get paid for volunteering promoting fellow Constitutionalists.
I just want taxpayers to "get paid back" for corruption, so that money can be re invested in restoration
and sustainable development to save the residents' business and campus plans for the district.

I am happy just to find people willing to claim back restitution owed for millions
in taxmoney wasted or abused to destroy national African American history,
so the resident can fulfill their original plans to restore the district as a campus:
Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

If Allen West and Chris X do not respond to this request for help for
Gladys House as a Black Republican fighting to save Freed Slave
church and Civil Rights history in Sheila Jackson Lee's district,

maybe you could join us in this battle and expose any of these
"male leaders" with no shame in letting two women work two jobs
each to save national history while the political parties spend millions fighting each other.

I am curious to see how much longer this goes on.

I am exhausted and broke, so I give all the credit to Gladys House
(and also Lenwood Johnson who coauthored the campus plans
though he is broke also) who volunteer full time trying to save this historic landmark (while Obama spends 6 billion getting reelected, 130 million on ACA ads, the Democrat Mayor and her previous Democrat challenger each spent over 1 million dollars each in a run off,
but none of these Democrats can come up with the 1 million to purchase
the last block of rowhouses for vets as Gladys wrote out a budget plan for HUD and VA.

Instead Democrat leaders in Houston have given
3.4 million to corporate friends to buy out and destroy historic houses
in a blatant conflict of interest that was treated as legal use of a nonprofit;
and arranged other deals where developers profited
est. 8-10 million off the sale, demolition and flipping of historic property
to the federal reserve at taxpayer's expense;
and redirected another 15 million in taxes from the fed to support private developers moving in, again instead of supporting the residents business plans to create
a campus where all this development could be built under
an educational program to train Vets, church and preservation workers
how to generate sustainable income to fund the district instead of
depending on taxpayers money for social or corporate welfare.

No, I am not paid to defend Constitutional rights to assemble and petition to
redress grievances.

but other Democrats manage to raise millions to run for office
and then have to pay millions more to financiers to destroy national history
left to unpaid volunteers to try to save.

our money, our laws and political parties, and our media are all used against us.

whatever resources we have left, that is what we use to try to address
the damage done using millions of tax money that could have been invested
in sustainable business plans in order to pay the public back.

those plans are silenced and censored.

And people like Chris X with access to political leaders such as Allen West
are too afraid to bring this up because it's too much responsibility.

so each to bitch about problems in the media, blame this group, blame that one.

but to present a solution, that actually take work to fix things.
you wonder why we never hear of them. it took me years to compile these
solutions from all the residents and community leaders contributing to it.

let's see who is the first to figure out it's better to invest directly
in longterm solutions than political campaigns that don't solve anything.

None of the top Democrat leaders have figured it out. They keep funding corporate interests that get them elected and keep them in office.
I'd like to see if any of the Republican leaders can do better, and back up Gladys. She is more deserving than I am, as just another unpaid volunteer.
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Would you be in favor of abolishing the personal Income Tax in favor of having states fund the Federal government in amounts that are proportion to their respective Electoral College votes, so for example, California would have to fund 10.3% (55/535) of the total?

“To those whom much is given, much is expected.”

Hi CF: Thanks for a good question.
One of my libertarian friends brought up some system of delegating OUT the tax money received in proportion to what the states generate.

I like this and have fwd it to Chris X.

If he luses your question, and West answers it, can I send you a Constitutional baseball or a book on the Origin of the Bill of Rights.

We need to have fun with this guy.

Maybe give out a We the People baseball to whoever asks the best question he
picks to answer; and give out the book to whoever needs to seriously study what the govt
really should be following instead of just playing political games in the media.

We have the internet and all these specialized forums.

If we could develop one on one relations with our reps, candidates and leaders, maybe we'd have accountability and representation by party, to do most of the work and leave just the part to federal govt that needs to be done on that level. Really think we should do more with our resources.
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Speaking of manufactured bullshit:
and how about this 140% turnout in st lucie county. i mean, WTF?:evil:

They had a two-page ballot in St. Lucie County. The tabulation system (GEMS) counted turnout as the number of cards cast divided by the number of registered voters.

Thus, if 100 percent of the voters had voted, the GEMS tabulator would have said there was a 200% turnout.

If there was a 140% figure, then that means 70 percent of the voters turned out.

Hope that helps stop this stupid meme once and for all, but I know it won't.

Speaking of manufactured bullshit:
and how about this 140% turnout in st lucie county. i mean, WTF?:evil:

They had a two-page ballot in St. Lucie County. The tabulation system (GEMS) counted turnout as the number of cards cast divided by the number of registered voters.

Thus, if 100 percent of the voters had voted, the GEMS tabulator would have said there was a 200% turnout.

If there was a 140% figure, then that means 70 percent of the voters turned out.

Hope that helps stop this stupid meme once and for all, but I know it won't.


^ is from quebec, but shares in my Allen West enthusiasm.
I think this is more a question for Chris X:
so given these 16 reasons, tell us again why you think this guy is such a hero?

Are we talking about the same man? parallel words?
Should we divide funding by party agenda
so all people can continue living in their own separate realities?

how else can we defend our interests if we see
each other as enemies imposing conflicting beliefs from other dimensions?
As for number 15: if you oppose feminism making men subservient

then why are you and other male leaders of BOTH parties
letting two working class women, a Democrat and a Republican,
struggle to keep two jobs each to save African American history in Freedmen's Town,
volunteering as well as paying to support other nonprofits, while Black male church and govt leaders support millions spent on elections to compete for office and credit for serving the public, NOT doing any of this work to correct damages by govt abuses.

is this a case of men being subservient to women like Gladys House taking charge of leadership while men in the district volunteer without working full time jobs as she does.

or is this the Black male's ideal of being in charge while letting women do all the work?

is this feminism or is it demasculating?
is it Black male sexism?

is it empowerment to push women to work two jobs to support a whole community?

or is it involuntary servitude because we didn't agree to work two jobs while watching millions of taxes go into destroying the historic church community when it could fund plans to restore it on a sustainable basis.

are all males this sexist, or is it just Black Democrats?

Why did you get your ass kicked so badly in the last election and become such a total failure?

Wait, I found the answer....thanks anyway.

1. Progressives are “communists”: At a town hall meeting in April, West said that 80 House Democrats were “members of the Communist Party.” He later clarified that the 80 Democrats he was speaking about were those in the Progressive Caucus.

2. Opposed early voting as an “entitlement”: In an interview with ThinkProgress, West objected to early voting in Florida because “people see it as an entitlement.” He ultimately lost his seat, in part, because of high Democratic early voting turnout.

3. Said Obama’s campaign slogan had a “Marxist-Socialist” meaning: West found hidden meaning in Obama’s “Forward” slogan. “They want to bring out an old Soviet Union, Marxist-Socialist theme for their campaign called “Forward”.”

4. Obama’s DREAM initiative was a voter fraud conspiracy: Appearing on Fox News, West saw a more nefarious effort beneath Obama’s deferred action immigration policy. “Is this one of those backdoor opportunities to allow people in the next five months to get the opportunity to vote?” he asked.

5. Food stamps “enslave the American people”: West lamented the rise in available food stamps for Americans. “That’s not how you empower the American people,” West said. “That’s how you enslave the American people.”

6. Social Security enslaves the American people: Appearing on Fox News, West criticized Social Security disability benefits. “Once again we are creating the sense of economic dependence, which to me is a form of modern, 21st century slavery.”

7. Obama wants to enslave people: West argued at a campaign event that Obama “does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning and having that title of American. He’d rather you be his slave.”

8. Said Barney Frank should be in a “pink jumpsuit”: West criticized openly gay Rep. Barney Frank’s (D-MA) congressional tenure earlier this year. “[He's] a guy who for all practical purposes should be in a pink jumpsuit for what he did.”

9. Called undocumented immigration an “invasion”: In a newspaper interview, West likened undocumented immigrants to an enemy force. “You have to repel invasions,” West said.

10. Told congresswoman, “You are not a lady”: West blasted nearby congresswoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) after a dispute, scolding her in a letter, “You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!”

11. Called for censoring news outlets: After Wikileaks released thousands of pages of documents, West argued that “we also should be censoring American news agencies” who reported on the cables.

12. Obama supporters are a “threat to the gene pool: West wrote on a conservative website, “I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”

13. Religious coexistence “would give away our country”: West blasted “Coexist” bumper stickers at a March 2011 town hall, saying people who have them represent “something that would give away our country, would give away who we are.”

14. Said Nazi leader would be “very proud” of Democrats: In December 2011, West told reporters that “If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat party, because they have an incredible propaganda machine.”

15. Criticized rise of feminism: West told a conservative conference that liberal women “have been neutering American men and bringing us to the point of this incredible weakness — to let them know that we are not going to have our men become subservient.”

16. Told liberals to “get the hell out of the United States”: At a Republican dinner, West had harsh words for his Democratic counterparts. “Take your message of equality of achievement. … You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.”

Why Allen West Lost: 16 Of His Worst Moments In Congress | ThinkProgress
if you need to have fun with this guy you could fire a pistol near his ear. to get directions to the airport.

I like my own question are all Black males sexist, where they only respect Black males as leaders and show no respect for women do all the work, or just Democrats who expect everyone else to serve them reparations on a platter.

Seriously, I'd love him to talk with Gladys House in Freedmen's Town and answer her question: is it because Democrats are corrupt and waiting for govt to fix this historic mess of destruction; or is it because Black men will only listen to Black men, so the women get run over and not respected when petitioning to save the district. Is it the legal system? Is it the political system? Why weren't any of the grievances or petitions answered, but the corruption and destruction allowed to keep going on as if that is the plan and the residents' and history don't count. Is it racism against Black history? These are churches and military history. Why is this treated like blight when it is nationally registered history, and the only site of Freed Slave church anywhere in the entire country. If this corruption is the Democrats' fault, then where are the Republicans?
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if you need to have fun with this guy you could fire a pistol near his ear. to get directions to the airport.

I like my own question are all Black males sexist, where they only respect Black males as leaders and show no respect for women do all the work, or just Democrats who expect everyone else to serve them reparations on a platter.

Seriously, I'd love him to talk with Gladys House in Freedmen's Town and answer her question: is it because Democrats are corrupt and waiting for govt to fix this historic mess of corruption; or is it because Black men will only listen to Black men, so the women get run over and not respected when we petition for help to save the district. Is it the legal system? Is it the political system? Why weren't any of the grievances or petitions answered, but the corruption and destruction is allowed to keep going on as if that is the plan.

dear emily, i think you mean well.

but i cannot decipher what you are trying to convey. i can only see remnants of leading questions that serve no purpose. probably perfect for talk radio.

if you want attention, fire a gun near his head and see what happens.

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