All you "the races are equal" idiots , explain this graph.

besides being irrelevant, the racial make up of the nba is based on profits not "racial equality"
It's unfair that ANY business puts profits before people and Racial Equality. Any Social Justice Warrior will tell you that.
besides being irrelevant, the racial make up of the nba is based on profits not "racial equality"
It's unfair that ANY business puts profits before people and Racial Equality. Any Social Justice Warrior will tell you that.
fair is not a word used in business unless the said business is not getting what it claims to be a fair profit .
You see what Liberals are saying: "It's unfortunate that you weren't born White". So they implicitly agree that Whites are superior.

I was born White and I have all the advantages of being White like a 6 figure job, a Model wife, Straight A kids and a few Apartment complexes filled with Minorities that I can oppress.

If the renter is late and is a good looking female, I make her svck mah dik. Because you know, non whites are only good for labor and service jobs. If it's a man I just say "Well, go out and sell drugs for the rent like you probably did in the hood".

True story.
false! the color of the ruling class is irrelevant.
what is relevant is the idea that because of their pigment they believe themselves to be superior .
if another "race" is living a "better life" than the "I'm entitled because I'm white race" pull from their ass " those (place race or gender or sexuality here) are getting special treatment..
People should be able to advance based on their skills, knowledge and aptitude. However they need a decent education to give them these skills etc in the first place. What's happening is the middle and upper class kids are getting these and poorer kids aren't. So, poorer kids CAN'T rise up based on something they haven't been given because they were unlucky enough to be born into an area that isn't fit for habitation and growing up.

You don't understand what this thread is about. Even the blacks who come from rich well-educated parents do terrible on the SAT. Blacks are mentally inferior and everybody knows it.
People should be able to advance based on their skills, knowledge and aptitude. However they need a decent education to give them these skills etc in the first place. What's happening is the middle and upper class kids are getting these and poorer kids aren't. So, poorer kids CAN'T rise up based on something they haven't been given because they were unlucky enough to be born into an area that isn't fit for habitation and growing up.

You don't understand what this thread is about. Even the blacks who come from rich well-educated parents do terrible on the SAT. Blacks are mentally inferior and everybody knows it.
who's been reduced to name calling again?
]false! the color of the ruling class is irrelevant.
what is relevant is the idea that because of their pigment they believe themselves to be superior .

Color is irrelevant? So why is all of black africa stuck in the stone age while most white countries are rich and hi-tech.?
This graph plots SAT scores versus the education level of the parents. Blacks still show no gain versus the other races. Even when the black parents have graduate degrees, their kids still do awful So much for the theory that black do poorly for socioeconomic reasons. This is 1995 data unfortunately - if anyone has anything more recent, i'd like to see it.

File:1995-SAT-Education2.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Got any thing more recent. ?

So you think they've gotten smarter over the years?
How about you take a look at the most successful countries around the world.
You should notice an obvious trait among them.
The intellectual distinction between races is the elephant in the corner no one wants to talk about. I have no idea how inequity can really be addressed or ameliorated without facing fact. It is then reduced to politically correct platitudes about equality.
The intellectual distinction between races is the elephant in the corner no one wants to talk about. I have no idea how inequity can really be addressed or ameliorated without facing fact. It is then reduced to politically correct platitudes about equality.

most blacks are just stupid. Having no father at home or not finishing school does not help either.
Define white.
(wīt, hwīt)
1. The achromatic color of maximum lightness; the color of objects that reflect nearly all light of all visible wavelengths; the complement or antagonist of black, the other extreme of the neutral gray series. Although typically aresponse to maximum stimulation of the retina, the perception of white appears always to depend on contrast.
2. The white or nearly white part, as:
a. The albumen of an egg.
b. The white part of an eyeball.
c. A blank or unprinted area, as of an advertisement.
3. One that is white or nearly white, as:
a. whites Pieces of laundry having a white or nearly white color.
b. whites White trousers or a white outfit of a special nature: tennis whites.
c. whites The white dress uniform of the US Navy or Coast Guard.
d. A white wine.
e. A white pigment.
f. A white breed, species, or variety of animal.
g. Any of various butterflies of the subfamily Pierinae, characteristically having chiefly white wings often with black markings.
h. also White A member of a racial group having light-colored skin, especially when of European origin and in some classifications also when of Middle Eastern or North African origin.
i. often whites Products of a white color, such as flour, salt, and sugar.
4. Games
a. The white or light-colored pieces, as in chess.
b. The player using these pieces.
The outermost ring of an archery target.
b. A hit in this ring.
6. whites Medicine Leukorrhea.
7. White A member of a conservative or counterrevolutionary faction, especially one opposing the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war.
adj. whit·er, whit·est
Being of the color white; devoid of hue, as new snow.
2. Approaching the color white, as:
a. Weakly colored; almost colorless; pale: white wine.
b. Pale gray; silvery and lustrous: white hair.
c. Bloodless; blanched.
3. Light or whitish in color or having light or whitish parts. Used with animal and plant names.
4. also White Of or belonging to a racial group of people having light-colored skin, especially when of European origin, and in some classifications also when of Middle Eastern or North African origin: voting patterns within the whitepopulation.
5. Habited in white: white nuns.
6. Accompanied by or mantled with snow: a white Christmas.
Incandescent: white flames.
b. Intensely heated; impassioned: white with fury.
8. White Of or relating to a conservative or counterrevolutionary faction, especially one opposing the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war.
9. With milk added. Used of tea or coffee.
10. Archaic Unsullied; pure.
This graph plots SAT scores versus the education level of the parents. Blacks still show no gain versus the other races. Even when the black parents have graduate degrees, their kids still do awful So much for the theory that black do poorly for socioeconomic reasons. This is 1995 data unfortunately - if anyone has anything more recent, i'd like to see it.

File:1995-SAT-Education2.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your graph says exactly the opposite to what you claim.
The Black and White curves both show an approximately 30% increase in scores.

Can't you figure that out?
This graph plots SAT scores versus the education level of the parents. Blacks still show no gain versus the other races. Even when the black parents have graduate degrees, their kids still do awful So much for the theory that black do poorly for socioeconomic reasons. This is 1995 data unfortunately - if anyone has anything more recent, i'd like to see it.

File:1995-SAT-Education2.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Got any thing more recent. ?

So you think they've gotten smarter over the years?
How about you take a look at the most successful countries around the world.
You should notice an obvious trait among them.
So. Can we assume the most successful, stable , safe, prosperous countries in the world are led by LEADERS that bare no resemblance to Barokky Hoosayin' Osama ?
You win too !
This graph plots SAT scores versus the education level of the parents. Blacks still show no gain versus the other races. Even when the black parents have graduate degrees, their kids still do awful So much for the theory that black do poorly for socioeconomic reasons. This is 1995 data unfortunately - if anyone has anything more recent, i'd like to see it.

File:1995-SAT-Education2.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


How much education does one really need to sell crack on the street corner anyway?

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