All you "the races are equal" idiots , explain this graph.

Explaining the chart is easy and (I'd think) obvious.

Our intellectual elasticity (my own term there) is formed in our younger years, and our parenting plays an out-sized role in that process. Another contributing factor is the culture and environment in which we are raised, and that is further intensified over generations.

American Black children are, far too often and far more than white children, raised without fathers and within a culture that says:
  • Other people are out to get you
  • Hard work, self discipline and sacrifice will not work for you
  • Standards & expectations will be lowered for you at every opportunity
  • People will deflect, excuse, ignore and defend (and thereby enable) your poorer behaviors
  • You need other people to make life fair for you
In other words, these kids are handicapped and victimized by the above messages and conditions from the day they're born. And we're expecting them to perform as well as white kids on testing, or in other areas?

No. Absurd.
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The intellectual distinction between races is the elephant in the corner no one wants to talk about. I have no idea how inequity can really be addressed or ameliorated without facing fact. It is then reduced to politically correct platitudes about equality.

Yup - everyone knows blacks are much mentally inferior to everyone else, but no one is allowed to say that. That attitude is actually holding blacks back. It would benefit blacks greatly if they had their own schools where they could learn at their own pace. Schooling them alongside whites and asians is too embarrassing for blacks - that's why they don't even try.
Your graph says exactly the opposite to what you claim.
The Black and White curves both show an approximately 30% increase in scores.

Yes - black performance improves if the parents are educated and well off. We all know that. But the black scores are still way behind the whites and asians no matter what the parents are like. Liberals tell us blacks would do as well in school as whites if they did NOT come from impoverished families The graph shows that is not the case.
American Black children are, far too often and far more than white children, raised without fathers and within a culture that says:
  • Other people are out to get you
  • Hard work, self discipline and sacrifice will not work for you
  • Standards & expectations will be lowered for you at every opportunity
  • People will deflect, excuse, ignore and defend (and thereby enable) your poorer behaviors
  • You need other people to make life fair for you
In other words, these kids are handicapped and victimized by the above messages and conditions from the day they're born. And we're expecting them to perform as well as white kids on testing, or in other areas?

But then the blacks that come from educated families should do as well as whites. But they don't. The achievement gap stays the same no matter what. Proof that blacks are born mentally inferior. Good parents help but it doesn't come close to closing the gap.
American Black children are, far too often and far more than white children, raised without fathers and within a culture that says:
  • Other people are out to get you
  • Hard work, self discipline and sacrifice will not work for you
  • Standards & expectations will be lowered for you at every opportunity
  • People will deflect, excuse, ignore and defend (and thereby enable) your poorer behaviors
  • You need other people to make life fair for you
In other words, these kids are handicapped and victimized by the above messages and conditions from the day they're born. And we're expecting them to perform as well as white kids on testing, or in other areas?

But then the blacks that come from educated families should do as well as whites. But they don't. The achievement gap stays the same no matter what. Proof that blacks are born mentally inferior. Good parents help but it doesn't come close to closing the gap.
I'd like to see those numbers if black kids, on a macro scale, were not brought up with the disadvantages I listed.

We're so far from that right now, that all I can do is guess. But I'd guess they'd be right in there with everyone else.
Your graph says exactly the opposite to what you claim.
The Black and White curves both show an approximately 30% increase in scores.

Yes - black performance improves if the parents are educated and well off. We all know that. But the black scores are still way behind the whites and asians no matter what the parents are like. Liberals tell us blacks would do as well in school as whites if they did NOT come from impoverished families The graph shows that is not the case.
So, now you're changing your interpretation of the graph.
Your graph says exactly the opposite to what you claim.
The Black and White curves both show an approximately 30% increase in scores.

Yes - black performance improves if the parents are educated and well off. We all know that. But the black scores are still way behind the whites and asians no matter what the parents are like. Liberals tell us blacks would do as well in school as whites if they did NOT come from impoverished families The graph shows that is not the case.
So, now you're changing your interpretation of the graph.

Nope - you don't understand what the board is saying.
This graph plots SAT scores versus the education level of the parents. Blacks still show no gain versus the other races. Even when the black parents have graduate degrees, their kids still do awful So much for the theory that black do poorly for socioeconomic reasons. This is 1995 data unfortunately - if anyone has anything more recent, i'd like to see it.

File:1995-SAT-Education2.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Simple explanation. You are retarded and think a graph means people are not equal. That would be like me posting a graph of the best athletes in the NBA and saying people are not equal.
Simple explanation. You are retarded and think a graph means people are not equal. That would be like me posting a graph of the best athletes in the NBA and saying people are not equal.

HAHAHA. More lliberal gibberish but then - that's all you have. Even you know the evidence for black mental inferiority is overwhelming.

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