All of you defenders of Islamic terrorist groups... TAKE A LOOK at what you defend!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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ISIS jihadis film a CHILD carrying out a beheading for the first time Daily Mail Online
Seriously you defenders as Obama being so afraid to be honest and recognize these barbarians for what they are!
This is going on TODAY... Not 1,000 years ago, 500 years ago, as Obama criticized Christians but today!
“And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ,” Obama said in that speech. “So this is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith.”

President Obama Steers Clear of Blaming Christians at Easter Breakfast

He isn't talking about Today's Christians.... Haven't seen these types of executions by Western Civilized Christians....
YES before you idiots say NOT true ... yes there are infrequent, very rare, ignorant naive first generation Christians do brutal things...

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.
Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic - The Washington Post
There are no defenders of Islamist terrorist groups on USMB.

OK... I believe you.

But many of you FFOs defend Obama when he said:
And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ,” Obama said in that speech. “So this is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith.”
Obama Get Off Your High Horse and Stop Criticizing Islamic Terror
There was NO reason to ATTACK Christians in this way.

For being the supposedly "smartest President..ever"... why would anyone much less the President go to a Christian National Prayer Conference and make the above?
What value other then showing supposedly Obama's "cosmopolitan" worldly, knowledge criticize people that are so far removed from such ancient and barbaric actions?

And today... Obama's administration still hesitates to identify the distinction of Extremist Islamic groups..even though these groups proudly proclaim their Muslim belief!
There are no defenders of Islamist terrorist groups on USMB.

OK... I believe you.

But many of you FFOs defend Obama when he said:
And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ,” Obama said in that speech. “So this is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith.”
Obama Get Off Your High Horse and Stop Criticizing Islamic Terror
There was NO reason to ATTACK Christians in this way.

For being the supposedly "smartest President..ever"... why would anyone much less the President go to a Christian National Prayer Conference and make the above?
What value other then showing supposedly Obama's "cosmopolitan" worldly, knowledge criticize people that are so far removed from such ancient and barbaric actions?

And today... Obama's administration still hesitates to identify the distinction of Extremist Islamic groups..even though these groups proudly proclaim their Muslim belief!

Was that an attack, or a comparison?

If anything, this is criticism about being human.
Thank you for admitting no one is defending Islamic terrorist groups in America on USMB. I do believe there are some defending Hamas or Hezbollah.
There are no defenders of Islamist terrorist groups on USMB.

OK... I believe you.

But many of you FFOs defend Obama when he said:
And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ,” Obama said in that speech. “So this is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith.”
Obama Get Off Your High Horse and Stop Criticizing Islamic Terror
There was NO reason to ATTACK Christians in this way.

For being the supposedly "smartest President..ever"... why would anyone much less the President go to a Christian National Prayer Conference and make the above?
What value other then showing supposedly Obama's "cosmopolitan" worldly, knowledge criticize people that are so far removed from such ancient and barbaric actions?

And today... Obama's administration still hesitates to identify the distinction of Extremist Islamic groups..even though these groups proudly proclaim their Muslim belief!

Was that an attack, or a comparison?

If anything, this is criticism about being human.

And Obama being the Messiah to many of you FFOs... he CAN make these criticisms right?

I just can't see why people continue to defend Obama when since 1995 Obama has told us he was fooling us. He was tricking us. He was using tactics.
The above statement by Obama about Christians while he was correct in events totally ignored these were historical...not happening today.
But Obama can criticize Americans.... but not Islam.
Obama will not declare this current killing of 4 marines an Islamic terrorist attack. Why is he so afraid of admitting what the rest of the world knows,
that these Islamic terrorists ...yes while NOT representing 99% of all Muslims is still leaves a war declared by these Islamic terrorists.
BHO was correct about the sinful nature of mankind. The Christians hit all time highs in the Crusades and during WWII, while worst of the Muslims are doing it now.

hm, we tried treating it as a war in Iraq, and we failed when Bush could not get a SOFA: not because of Bush ineptness but because of Iraqi unwillingness. They only gave it to Obama so we would send him some troops to keep Baghdad from falling.

The war in the ME will be a Muslim affair over all: either the Iraqis and Kurds and Turks will save their asses or lose their asses. We can help, but we can't do it for them.

Here, it is a LEO problem.
The only way a retard like healthmyths could mistake someone as a "defender of terrorists" is by coming from a starting position that all Muslims are terrorists.
The only way a retard like healthmyths could mistake someone as a "defender of terrorists" is by coming from a starting position that all Muslims are terrorists.
Come on, there. It is not as if we are giving hm the benefit of the doubt when it comes to shuffling with a full deck.

The real argument, in the end, is that Chattanooga killer was a LEO problem, which the solved correctly.
BHO was correct about the sinful nature of mankind. The Christians hit all time highs in the Crusades and during WWII, while worst of the Muslims are doing it now.

hm, we tried treating it as a war in Iraq, and we failed when Bush could not get a SOFA: not because of Bush ineptness but because of Iraqi unwillingness. They only gave it to Obama so we would send him some troops to keep Baghdad from falling.

The war in the ME will be a Muslim affair over all: either the Iraqis and Kurds and Turks will save their asses or lose their asses. We can help, but we can't do it for them.

Here, it is a LEO problem.

The Crusades were in direct response to MUSLIM atrocities. You should actually learn history instead of getting it from the fraud Obungles.
BHO was correct about the sinful nature of mankind. The Christians hit all time highs in the Crusades and during WWII, while worst of the Muslims are doing it now.

hm, we tried treating it as a war in Iraq, and we failed when Bush could not get a SOFA: not because of Bush ineptness but because of Iraqi unwillingness. They only gave it to Obama so we would send him some troops to keep Baghdad from falling.

The war in the ME will be a Muslim affair over all: either the Iraqis and Kurds and Turks will save their asses or lose their asses. We can help, but we can't do it for them.

Here, it is a LEO problem.

The Crusades were in direct response to MUSLIM atrocities. You should actually learn history instead of getting it from the fraud Obungles.
You obviously do not know your history. The Muslims and Christians had been struggling for three hundred years with atrocities for all. The Crusades were no more justified and no more carried out in a Christian way than are the ways of the jihadists today. You need to stay in context.

No one is defending the attack here and no one is defending the Muslim and Crusade atrocities of a millennial ago.
BHO was correct about the sinful nature of mankind. The Christians hit all time highs in the Crusades and during WWII, while worst of the Muslims are doing it now.

hm, we tried treating it as a war in Iraq, and we failed when Bush could not get a SOFA: not because of Bush ineptness but because of Iraqi unwillingness. They only gave it to Obama so we would send him some troops to keep Baghdad from falling.

The war in the ME will be a Muslim affair over all: either the Iraqis and Kurds and Turks will save their asses or lose their asses. We can help, but we can't do it for them.

Here, it is a LEO problem.
Explain what did the Christians do during WWII especially that was worst then Muslims doing now?
Are you comparing German Christians?
That wasn't done in the name of Christianity.
Never EVER heard Hitler use his Christian belief as the reason for ovens.
Are you talking about the atomic bombs?
They were never used in the name of Christianity but HUMANITY!
One million people would have died in the invasion of Japan.
Even the Japanese never used their belief structure as justification as the Islamic terrorists do today.
So again your comparison is invalid if those are your examples of "Christians" behaving badly in WWII.
BHO was correct about the sinful nature of mankind. The Christians hit all time highs in the Crusades and during WWII, while worst of the Muslims are doing it now.

hm, we tried treating it as a war in Iraq, and we failed when Bush could not get a SOFA: not because of Bush ineptness but because of Iraqi unwillingness. They only gave it to Obama so we would send him some troops to keep Baghdad from falling.

The war in the ME will be a Muslim affair over all: either the Iraqis and Kurds and Turks will save their asses or lose their asses. We can help, but we can't do it for them.

Here, it is a LEO problem.

The Crusades were in direct response to MUSLIM atrocities. You should actually learn history instead of getting it from the fraud Obungles.
You obviously do not know your history. The Muslims and Christians had been struggling for three hundred years with atrocities for all. The Crusades were no more justified and no more carried out in a Christian way than are the ways of the jihadists today. You need to stay in context.

No one is defending the attack here and no one is defending the Muslim and Crusade atrocities of a millennial ago.

I repeat, the Crusades were in response to Muslim atrocities. The Christians said enough is enough and kicked their smelly asses
BHO was correct about the sinful nature of mankind. The Christians hit all time highs in the Crusades and during WWII, while worst of the Muslims are doing it now.

hm, we tried treating it as a war in Iraq, and we failed when Bush could not get a SOFA: not because of Bush ineptness but because of Iraqi unwillingness. They only gave it to Obama so we would send him some troops to keep Baghdad from falling.

The war in the ME will be a Muslim affair over all: either the Iraqis and Kurds and Turks will save their asses or lose their asses. We can help, but we can't do it for them.

Here, it is a LEO problem.

The Crusades were in direct response to MUSLIM atrocities. You should actually learn history instead of getting it from the fraud Obungles.
You obviously do not know your history. The Muslims and Christians had been struggling for three hundred years with atrocities for all. The Crusades were no more justified and no more carried out in a Christian way than are the ways of the jihadists today. You need to stay in context.

No one is defending the attack here and no one is defending the Muslim and Crusade atrocities of a millennial ago.

But why bring up Christian atrocities of 300 years ago?
We are talking about EXTREME Islamic terrorists using children to behead people!
Isn't that just a little overboard? Why are you defending these Islamic Terrorists who are doing this TODAY by comparing it to things that happened 300 years ago?
Makes no sense. I'm pointing out that obviously people like you and Obama still fail to see the global threat EXTREME Islamic terrorists are to the entire civilized world.
You are being very naive in trying to be so eclectic.

Perhaps you should tell us who the defenders of terrorists are before you continue to make an ass of yourself.
Any of you that are making a "moral equivalency" of Christian crusaders of 300 years ago with "EXTREME" Islamic terrorists using children to behead people TODAY!
If you continue to bring up events that occurred 300 years ago as equal to or greater then using children to behead others today... way way off base and YOU
are defending the "EXTREME" Islamic terrorists.
BHO was correct about the sinful nature of mankind. The Christians hit all time highs in the Crusades and during WWII, while worst of the Muslims are doing it now.

hm, we tried treating it as a war in Iraq, and we failed when Bush could not get a SOFA: not because of Bush ineptness but because of Iraqi unwillingness. They only gave it to Obama so we would send him some troops to keep Baghdad from falling.

The war in the ME will be a Muslim affair over all: either the Iraqis and Kurds and Turks will save their asses or lose their asses. We can help, but we can't do it for them.

Here, it is a LEO problem.
Explain what did the Christians do during WWII especially that was worst then Muslims doing now?
Are you comparing German Christians?
That wasn't done in the name of Christianity.
Never EVER heard Hitler use his Christian belief as the reason for ovens.
Are you talking about the atomic bombs?
They were never used in the name of Christianity but HUMANITY!
One million people would have died in the invasion of Japan.
Even the Japanese never used their belief structure as justification as the Islamic terrorists do today.
So again your comparison is invalid if those are your examples of "Christians" behaving badly in WWII.
You have no context at all.

Yes, Hitler used his connections to Christianity as the shining knight of Christianity against the mongrel hordes of Europe.

I won't be drawn into your deflection of atomic bombings.

My illustrations about crusaders are accurate; my comments about Hitler is accurate.

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