
Judea was under direct Roman rule (remember Pontius Pilate, the governor of the province). So, if like many Christians, one considers Jesus the first Christian, then he was a Roman subject and Christian. Is that too difficult for you to understand?

Jesus didn't consider himself a Christian, or a Roman, or Palestinian, or Arab...he considered himself a devout Jew who also loved his nation, Israel. That made him a Zionist.

Devastating for a Jew hating orangutan like you, but nevertheless, true. :clap2:

What nation was that? There was no Israel at the time. And, of course he was a Roman subject.

And here you were telling us a few posts ago that Jesus was a Judean Jew.

That's the problem with you liars. You loose track of your own bullshit. Gotten used to the taste of your foot in your mouth yet?

Try to keep up. Israel is one thing and Judea is another. Jesus was, in fact, born in Judea. You do understand that there is a difference.

By the way, do you believe Mohammed was the first Muslim?

Jesus did not set about to create another faith but Mohammad did.

Jesus was a Jew who preached Judaism, and like his Judean Jewish brethren he was distraught over the Roman occupation. He would be insulted if someone called him a "Roman".

You even mutilate and insult the Christian religion. Typical.

You deny that Christianity exists by your assertions. You practice a very unusual type of Christianity, And, you are making things up and/or interpreting Christianity from Jew point of view. Jews are not Christians.

"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

Matthew 16:18
Jesus was a Jew who preached Judaism...

Did he? If that was the case why did the supreme Jewish religious and legal body, the Sanhedrin, want him dead?

What religion do you think he preached, dufus, Islam? Is that why his Jewish deciples called him rabbi? You antisemites are hilarious.

Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.
Jesus didn't consider himself a Christian, or a Roman, or Palestinian, or Arab...he considered himself a devout Jew who also loved his nation, Israel. That made him a Zionist.

Devastating for a Jew hating orangutan like you, but nevertheless, true. :clap2:

What nation was that? There was no Israel at the time. And, of course he was a Roman subject.

And here you were telling us a few posts ago that Jesus was a Judean Jew.

That's the problem with you liars. You loose track of your own bullshit. Gotten used to the taste of your foot in your mouth yet?

Try to keep up. Israel is one thing and Judea is another. Jesus was, in fact, born in Judea. You do understand that there is a difference.

By the way, do you believe Mohammed was the first Muslim?

Jesus did not set about to create another faith but Mohammad did.

Jesus was a Jew who preached Judaism, and like his Judean Jewish brethren he was distraught over the Roman occupation. He would be insulted if someone called him a "Roman".

You even mutilate and insult the Christian religion. Typical.

You deny that Christianity exists by your assertions. You practice a very unusual type of Christianity, And, you are making things up and/or interpreting Christianity from Jew point of view. Jews are not Christians.

"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

Matthew 16:18

Yada yada yada. Jesus during his life was a Jewish rabbi.

""Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them"

You hear that, you Jew hater?
Jesus was a Jew who preached Judaism...

Did he? If that was the case why did the supreme Jewish religious and legal body, the Sanhedrin, want him dead?

What religion do you think he preached, dufus, Islam? Is that why his Jewish deciples called him rabbi? You antisemites are hilarious.

Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.

He's saying that Jesus was a Jew, but a radical one at that. This is apparent from the opening geneology that traces him to King David. I've been following this thread and it's really hilarious. Like Challenger/Rodent saying that Jesus spoke with a distinct Galilean accent. Was Jesus a buddy of his and was he there? It reminds me of a Jeannie episode where the 2000 year old Jeannie knew Cleopatra and Alexander the Great personally.
Jesus was a Jew who preached Judaism...

Did he? If that was the case why did the supreme Jewish religious and legal body, the Sanhedrin, want him dead?

What religion do you think he preached, dufus, Islam? Is that why his Jewish deciples called him rabbi? You antisemites are hilarious.

Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.

Christianty was created by Jews who mixed Judaism with the Roman belief of Mithraism to make it more palatable. It is based on the life of a Jew in occupied Judeah who in essence Christians believe to be the Messiah of the Old Testament. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc. always considered their leaders to be "sons of God." It is not new concept in history.

The NT is an addition to the OT. You cannot be a Christian if you don't believe in the OT.
Jesus was a Jew who preached Judaism...

Did he? If that was the case why did the supreme Jewish religious and legal body, the Sanhedrin, want him dead?

What religion do you think he preached, dufus, Islam? Is that why his Jewish deciples called him rabbi? You antisemites are hilarious.

Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.

He's saying that Jesus was a Jew, but a radical one at that. This is apparent from the opening geneology that traces him to King David. I've been following this thread and it's really hilarious. Like Challenger/Rodent saying that Jesus spoke with a distinct Galilean accent. Was Jesus a buddy of his and was he there? It reminds me of a Jeannie episode where the 2000 year old Jeannie knew Cleopatra and Alexander the Great personally.

Correct. My personal opinion is that Jesus, in today's terminology would be considered a "reform Jew" of which most American Jews and Israelis consider themselves to be. Many of the practices of the reform Jews are not acceptable to other more conservative / Orthodox Jews. For example eating non Kosher, working on Sabbath, converts, mixed marriages, women rabbis, gays, etc.
Jesus was a Jew who preached Judaism...

Did he? If that was the case why did the supreme Jewish religious and legal body, the Sanhedrin, want him dead?

What religion do you think he preached, dufus, Islam? Is that why his Jewish deciples called him rabbi? You antisemites are hilarious.

Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.

Christianty was created by Jews who mixed Judaism with the Roman belief of Mithraism to make it more palatable. It is based on the life of a Jew in occupied Judeah who in essence Christians believe to be the Messiah of the Old Testament. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc. always considered their leaders to be "sons of God." It is not new concept in history.

The NT is an addition to the OT. You cannot be a Christian if you don't believe in the OT.

That's true. Sherri and monte don't believe in the Old Testament (three-quarters of their Bible), besides knowing nothing of their contents.
Mohammed was a Hanif prophet/preacher his intention was to reform the religion (Hanif followed the teachings of Abraham). He was a radical too.
Jesus was a Jew who preached Judaism...

Did he? If that was the case why did the supreme Jewish religious and legal body, the Sanhedrin, want him dead?

What religion do you think he preached, dufus, Islam? Is that why his Jewish deciples called him rabbi? You antisemites are hilarious.

Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.

Christianty was created by Jews who mixed Judaism with the Roman belief of Mithraism to make it more palatable. It is based on the life of a Jew in occupied Judeah who in essence Christians believe to be the Messiah of the Old Testament. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc. always considered their leaders to be "sons of God." It is not new concept in history.

The NT is an addition to the OT. You cannot be a Christian if you don't believe in the OT.

That's true. Sherri and monte don't believe in the Old Testament (three-quarters of their Bible), besides knowing nothing of their contents.

Anti Semites will often tell you that Jesus' message was "out with the old in with the new". In fact they will even try to convince you that Jesus hated Jews, and act like he wasn't even Jewish. If you recall this is what Sherri and Monte and other sick Jew haters like them have repeatedly said.
Mohammed was a Hanif prophet/preacher his intention was to reform the religion (Hanif followed the teachings of Abraham). He was a radical too.

Hardly, but since you're a convert to Islam it is predictable that you would speak of Mohammad in this way.

Mohammad asked that Jews in Medina agree that he's the true and final messenger. When they disagreed, he massacred all of them and stole their belongings to finance his other invasions and massacres. You are mixing radical with terrorist.
Jesus was a Jew who preached Judaism...

Did he? If that was the case why did the supreme Jewish religious and legal body, the Sanhedrin, want him dead?

What religion do you think he preached, dufus, Islam? Is that why his Jewish deciples called him rabbi? You antisemites are hilarious.

Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.

Christianty was created by Jews who mixed Judaism with the Roman belief of Mithraism to make it more palatable. It is based on the life of a Jew in occupied Judeah who in essence Christians believe to be the Messiah of the Old Testament. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc. always considered their leaders to be "sons of God." It is not new concept in history.

The NT is an addition to the OT. You cannot be a Christian if you don't believe in the OT.

That's true. Sherri and monte don't believe in the Old Testament (three-quarters of their Bible), besides knowing nothing of their contents.

Certain tenants of the Old Testament run counter to Christian teachings, that's why it can't be accepted without critical review. The most basic example you will get in Catechism class is:

"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.'39"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

Matthew 5:38

In any case, you will not convince Christians they are Jews.
Did he? If that was the case why did the supreme Jewish religious and legal body, the Sanhedrin, want him dead?

What religion do you think he preached, dufus, Islam? Is that why his Jewish deciples called him rabbi? You antisemites are hilarious.

Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.

Christianty was created by Jews who mixed Judaism with the Roman belief of Mithraism to make it more palatable. It is based on the life of a Jew in occupied Judeah who in essence Christians believe to be the Messiah of the Old Testament. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc. always considered their leaders to be "sons of God." It is not new concept in history.

The NT is an addition to the OT. You cannot be a Christian if you don't believe in the OT.

That's true. Sherri and monte don't believe in the Old Testament (three-quarters of their Bible), besides knowing nothing of their contents.

Certain tenants of the Old Testament run counter to Christian teachings, that's why it can't be accepted without critical review. The most basic example you will get in Catechism class is:

"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.'39"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

Matthew 5:38

In any case, you will not convince Christians they are Jews.

Yeah yeah yeah. Those teachings of peace, love and forgiveness all come from Judaism. Yom Kippur the day of fasting is all about forgiving those who have committed sins against you, and asking God for forgiveness for your sins. "Turning the other cheek" would be a typical sermon given by a Rabbi on Yom Kippur.
Mohammed was a Hanif prophet/preacher his intention was to reform the religion (Hanif followed the teachings of Abraham). He was a radical too.

Hardly, but since you're a convert to Islam it is predictable that you would speak of Mohammad in this way.

Mohammad asked that Jews in Medina agree that he's the true and final messenger. When they disagreed, he massacred all of them and stole their belongings to finance his other invasions and massacres. You are mixing radical with terrorist.

Radicals can be terrorists.
What religion do you think he preached, dufus, Islam? Is that why his Jewish deciples called him rabbi? You antisemites are hilarious.

Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.

Christianty was created by Jews who mixed Judaism with the Roman belief of Mithraism to make it more palatable. It is based on the life of a Jew in occupied Judeah who in essence Christians believe to be the Messiah of the Old Testament. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc. always considered their leaders to be "sons of God." It is not new concept in history.

The NT is an addition to the OT. You cannot be a Christian if you don't believe in the OT.

That's true. Sherri and monte don't believe in the Old Testament (three-quarters of their Bible), besides knowing nothing of their contents.

Certain tenants of the Old Testament run counter to Christian teachings, that's why it can't be accepted without critical review. The most basic example you will get in Catechism class is:

"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.'39"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

Matthew 5:38

In any case, you will not convince Christians they are Jews.

Yeah yeah yeah. Those teachings of peace, love and forgiveness all come from Judaism. Yom Kippur the day of fasting is all about forgiving those who have committed sins against you, and asking God for forgiveness for your sins. "Turning the other cheek" would be a typical sermon given by a Rabbi on Yom Kippur.

So, what have we been able to determine about Ruddy. He despises Christianity, Christianity is a false religion, we Christians should all become Jews (and renounce Jesus Christ as the Messiah) and the Jewish faith is the only true faith. Have I got that about right? How do you treat us differently than you treat Muslims?
Mohammed was a Hanif prophet/preacher his intention was to reform the religion (Hanif followed the teachings of Abraham). He was a radical too.

Hardly, but since you're a convert to Islam it is predictable that you would speak of Mohammad in this way.

Mohammad asked that Jews in Medina agree that he's the true and final messenger. When they disagreed, he massacred all of them and stole their belongings to finance his other invasions and massacres. You are mixing radical with terrorist.

Radicals can be terrorists.

Somehow I don't remember Jesus the Jew attacking caravans, slaughtering its passengers, looting and then raping, like Mohammad did.

Correct me if I'm wrong. :rofl:
Mohammed was a Hanif prophet/preacher his intention was to reform the religion (Hanif followed the teachings of Abraham). He was a radical too.

Hardly, but since you're a convert to Islam it is predictable that you would speak of Mohammad in this way.

Mohammad asked that Jews in Medina agree that he's the true and final messenger. When they disagreed, he massacred all of them and stole their belongings to finance his other invasions and massacres. You are mixing radical with terrorist.

Radicals can be terrorists.

Somehow I don't remember Jesus the Jew attacking caravans, slaughtering its passengers, looting and then raping, like Mohammad did.

Correct me if I'm wrong. :rofl:

You are absolutely right. Mohammed was a disgusting warlike figure, in my opinion. Jesus was a proponent of peace.
Ruddy isn't going to stop until he convinces us Christians that we are really Jews. The guy is demented.

Christianty was created by Jews who mixed Judaism with the Roman belief of Mithraism to make it more palatable. It is based on the life of a Jew in occupied Judeah who in essence Christians believe to be the Messiah of the Old Testament. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, etc. always considered their leaders to be "sons of God." It is not new concept in history.

The NT is an addition to the OT. You cannot be a Christian if you don't believe in the OT.

That's true. Sherri and monte don't believe in the Old Testament (three-quarters of their Bible), besides knowing nothing of their contents.

Certain tenants of the Old Testament run counter to Christian teachings, that's why it can't be accepted without critical review. The most basic example you will get in Catechism class is:

"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.'39"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

Matthew 5:38

In any case, you will not convince Christians they are Jews.

Yeah yeah yeah. Those teachings of peace, love and forgiveness all come from Judaism. Yom Kippur the day of fasting is all about forgiving those who have committed sins against you, and asking God for forgiveness for your sins. "Turning the other cheek" would be a typical sermon given by a Rabbi on Yom Kippur.

So, what have we been able to determine about Ruddy. He despises Christianity, Christianity is a false religion, we Christians should all become Jews (and renounce Jesus Christ as the Messiah) and the Jewish faith is the only true faith. Have I got that about right? How do you treat us differently than you treat Muslims?

Non of what you said is true but what else can we expect from a terrorist worshiping Jew hating troll who spends all time time spreading bullshit and lies in the Internet. You support Islamists who have declared open season on all Christians all over the world. Who do you think you're fooling? Ha ha ha.

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