Al Gore demands 15 trillion to fight climate change!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
I would be remiss not to add..........I fully support Gore's mission if its his followers who fund it. Not getting a penny from me......let all the progressives send in $$ all they want!! Go.....go!!!!!!:2up::rock::rock::rock:
This goofball needs to be locked up Id say.........

Of course, one would expect he'd come out of the woodwork after the laughable lack of effectiveness of the Science March this past weekend, the marchers who came off like a bunch of fascist nutters.

Oh....and how many personal jets does Gore have now?:2up:

Quote of Gore actually saying anything like this?


Kooks kontinues his klown kavalkade of desperation emoticons. Poor kooky klown. :itsok:
This goofball needs to be locked up Id say.........

Of course, one would expect he'd come out of the woodwork after the laughable lack of effectiveness of the Science March this past weekend, the marchers who came off like a bunch of fascist nutters.

Oh....and how many personal jets does Gore have now?:2up:

Quote of Gore actually saying anything like this?


Kooks kontinues his klown kavalkade of desperation emoticons. Poor kooky klown. :itsok:

but a klown that's winning!!:2up::rock::rock:
This goofball needs to be locked up Id say.........

Of course, one would expect he'd come out of the woodwork after the laughable lack of effectiveness of the Science March this past weekend, the marchers who came off like a bunch of fascist nutters.

Oh....and how many personal jets does Gore have now?:2up:

Quote of Gore actually saying anything like this?


Kooks kontinues his klown kavalkade of desperation emoticons. Poor kooky klown. :itsok:

but a klown that's winning!!:2up::rock::rock:

Soooooooooooooooo no link, no quote. Just channeling one's inner Charlie Sheen.

Aaaaaaall righty then.
Despite Its Oil-Industry Past, Energy Transitions Commission Foresees A Full-Renewables Future


Windmills emerge from the fog near Hanover, northern Germany. (Photo by Julian Stratenschulte AFP/Getty Images)

Renewables could provide nearly all the power in some regions in less than 20 years, reliably, and at a cost competitive with fossil fuels, according to a report released today by the Energy Transitions Commission.

The report's striking confidence in solar and wind is likely to surprise not only critics of those technologies but also environmentalists, who greeted the commission with skepticism when it was founded in 2015. The commission was launched by Royal Dutch Shell and includes executives from Shell, GE Oil and Gas, Australia's BHP Billiton, Norway's Statoil and other traditional-energy companies.

"We believe that close to zero-carbon power systems with very high levels of intermittent renewable penetration (up to 98% in countries like Germany) could deliver reliable power in many countries at a maximum of $70 per MWh by 2035," the commission states in its flagship report.

In 2015, Carbon Tracker's Anthony Hobley criticized the ETC because of its initial goal to study how to fuel half the power sector with zero-carbon energy sources by 2050, a path that Hobley said would put the world on course for 4˚C of warming. The ETC appears to have raised its ambitions since.

Worldwide, zero-carbon sources could represent 80 percent of the global power mix by 2040, the commission now says, with solar and wind comprising the majority of that. That still leaves 20 percent of the world power market to fossil fuels. But that's a big drop from the current state of affairs, in which fossil fuels provide about 80 percent of primary energy production.

“We are ambitious but realistic," said commission chairman Adair Turner, a British businessman, via email. "Despite the scale of the challenges facing us, we firmly believe the required transition is technically and economically achievable if immediate action is taken.”

Despite Its Oil-Industry Past, Energy Transitions Commission Foresees A Full-Renewables Future

Despite Its Oil-Industry Past, Energy Transitions Commission Foresees A Full-Renewables Future


Windmills emerge from the fog near Hanover, northern Germany. (Photo by Julian Stratenschulte AFP/Getty Images)

Renewables could provide nearly all the power in some regions in less than 20 years, reliably, and at a cost competitive with fossil fuels, according to a report released today by the Energy Transitions Commission.

The report's striking confidence in solar and wind is likely to surprise not only critics of those technologies but also environmentalists, who greeted the commission with skepticism when it was founded in 2015. The commission was launched by Royal Dutch Shell and includes executives from Shell, GE Oil and Gas, Australia's BHP Billiton, Norway's Statoil and other traditional-energy companies.

"We believe that close to zero-carbon power systems with very high levels of intermittent renewable penetration (up to 98% in countries like Germany) could deliver reliable power in many countries at a maximum of $70 per MWh by 2035," the commission states in its flagship report.

In 2015, Carbon Tracker's Anthony Hobley criticized the ETC because of its initial goal to study how to fuel half the power sector with zero-carbon energy sources by 2050, a path that Hobley said would put the world on course for 4˚C of warming. The ETC appears to have raised its ambitions since.

Worldwide, zero-carbon sources could represent 80 percent of the global power mix by 2040, the commission now says, with solar and wind comprising the majority of that. That still leaves 20 percent of the world power market to fossil fuels. But that's a big drop from the current state of affairs, in which fossil fuels provide about 80 percent of primary energy production.

“We are ambitious but realistic," said commission chairman Adair Turner, a British businessman, via email. "Despite the scale of the challenges facing us, we firmly believe the required transition is technically and economically achievable if immediate action is taken.”

Despite Its Oil-Industry Past, Energy Transitions Commission Foresees A Full-Renewables Future


It is indeed doable........but then the majority of Americans would be eating out of garbage cans like they do in Venezuela >>

Venezuela Faces Uncertain Future As ‘Failing State’ Enters Second Year Of Economic Crisis | The Huffington Post

Not even a stretch......we would be looking at life envisioned by Hobbes and Plato: a very small ruling class and a huge majority working class poor = the social utopia's for bozo philosophers.

Why? Because of "costs" which are an afterthought to climate alarmists but very real to regular folks.........4 out of 5 Americans wont buy "green" stuff unless is costs less, which almost invariably it doesn't. Costs matter in the real world.......and 100% certainty.........Americans are not going to go green if it means it would significantly decrease their standard of living, which of course, it would.

Anyway..........its all a fantasy. The nutters have been talking about this for decades and look where we are now!! Virtually the same place as decades ago.

New roads and highways and bridges for a trillion or some new windmills for a trillion. Which sells to the voters?

duh :eusa_dance:
Unsubsidized wind and solar now the cheapest source for new electric power
Between 2015 and 2021, China is expected to install 40% of all worldwide wind energy and 36% of all solar

While investments in renewable energy slumped last year, a big drop in unsubsidized costs for new wind and solar power installations indicated that they remain popular energy alternatives.

Last year, the average "levelized cost" or total cost of generating power from solar worldwide dropped 17% percent, onshore wind costs dropped 18% and offshore wind turbine power costs fell 28%, according to a new report from the United Nations and Bloomberg New Energy Finance

"Well, after the dramatic cost reductions of the past few years, unsubsidized wind and solar can provide the lowest cost new electrical power in an increasing number of countries, even in the developing world -- sometimes by a factor of two," Michael Liebreich, chairman of the Advisory Board at BNEF, said in the report.

The average capital cost for solar power projects of new construction in 2016 was 13% lower than in 2015, while for onshore wind the drop was 11.5% and for offshore wind, 10%.


Unsubsidized wind and solar now the cheapest source for new electric power

Unsubsidized costs lower than coal and natural gas, far, far lower than nuclear. And still going down. It is going to be economics that replaces fossil fuels with renewables. Coal is just about dead now, and natural gas will only last another two decades.
Unsubsidized wind and solar now the cheapest source for new electric power
Between 2015 and 2021, China is expected to install 40% of all worldwide wind energy and 36% of all solar

While investments in renewable energy slumped last year, a big drop in unsubsidized costs for new wind and solar power installations indicated that they remain popular energy alternatives.

Last year, the average "levelized cost" or total cost of generating power from solar worldwide dropped 17% percent, onshore wind costs dropped 18% and offshore wind turbine power costs fell 28%, according to a new report from the United Nations and Bloomberg New Energy Finance

"Well, after the dramatic cost reductions of the past few years, unsubsidized wind and solar can provide the lowest cost new electrical power in an increasing number of countries, even in the developing world -- sometimes by a factor of two," Michael Liebreich, chairman of the Advisory Board at BNEF, said in the report.

The average capital cost for solar power projects of new construction in 2016 was 13% lower than in 2015, while for onshore wind the drop was 11.5% and for offshore wind, 10%.


Unsubsidized wind and solar now the cheapest source for new electric power

Unsubsidized costs lower than coal and natural gas, far, far lower than nuclear. And still going down. It is going to be economics that replaces fossil fuels with renewables. Coal is just about dead now, and natural gas will only last another two decades.

But not according to the EIA..................

"The above charts are reports on what world electrical generation has been in 1990 and 2012 and what it is projected to be in 2020 and 2040. The figures are from the International Energy Agency in Brussels. The main trend has been the reduction of oil and the compensating rise of natural gas and renewables. What is interesting is that even though the replacement of coal and oil by renewables is expected to continue, coal still continues to dominate all the way through 2040, when it still provides 30 percent of world electricity. Oil disappears almost completely and nuclear and hydro stay remarkable consistent throughout the period. Those who think coal is on the way out should be prepared for a long stay."

IEA: Coal Will Continue to Dominate World Electricity | RealClearEnergy

Coal will be dominating for generating electricity for many decades:2up:. Or you can believe the opinion of one on an internet forum!!

Oh...............and fossil fuels will be providing 78% of the worlds electricity in 2035. Renewables will grow at the fastest pace in the next 30 years but will still be only a very tiny fraction of the pie for providing electricity ( a fact that aalways puts egg on the faces of the warmists :popcorn: ) >>

Really hate being a killjoy fatalist but.............almost all the regular contributors in the ENVIRONMENT forum will long be in their box by the time renewable energy starts making any marked impact in the real world..............or at best, you'll be in the diaper years.:funnyface::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

And funniest of 2040, people will be laughing their asses off that a society ever even wasted so much money and time on wind and solar power. Technological innovation will take care of that.........:spinner::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Unsubsidized wind and solar now the cheapest source for new electric power
Between 2015 and 2021, China is expected to install 40% of all worldwide wind energy and 36% of all solar

While investments in renewable energy slumped last year, a big drop in unsubsidized costs for new wind and solar power installations indicated that they remain popular energy alternatives.

Last year, the average "levelized cost" or total cost of generating power from solar worldwide dropped 17% percent, onshore wind costs dropped 18% and offshore wind turbine power costs fell 28%, according to a new report from the United Nations and Bloomberg New Energy Finance

"Well, after the dramatic cost reductions of the past few years, unsubsidized wind and solar can provide the lowest cost new electrical power in an increasing number of countries, even in the developing world -- sometimes by a factor of two," Michael Liebreich, chairman of the Advisory Board at BNEF, said in the report.

The average capital cost for solar power projects of new construction in 2016 was 13% lower than in 2015, while for onshore wind the drop was 11.5% and for offshore wind, 10%.


Unsubsidized wind and solar now the cheapest source for new electric power

Unsubsidized costs lower than coal and natural gas, far, far lower than nuclear. And still going down. It is going to be economics that replaces fossil fuels with renewables. Coal is just about dead now, and natural gas will only last another two decades.
What a load of horse shit.. Currently in the US wind and solar is subsidized at 32 cent per Kwh.. ANd they are not charged for the power plants which must run at idle to take up load when they do not work (currently at 96% of the time).

IF we placed the sole cost for these types of power, on them, they would die in less than a year.. I'll tell you what, lets kill the subsidies and charge them for the fossil fuel run plants used to back their unreliable bull shit up with.. Let them survive or fail on their own... Now fuck off old fool..
This goofball needs to be locked up Id say.........

Of course, one would expect he'd come out of the woodwork after the laughable lack of effectiveness of the Science March this past weekend, the marchers who came off like a bunch of fascist nutters.

Oh....and how many personal jets does Gore have now?:2up:

/---- and he will only take $14 trillion to cover his personal expenses
Funny a lot of those greenie EU countries are searching hard for more oil and nat gas.... and or laying pipelines from the middle east for it.......why.....if renewables are on the brink of saving us would they waste this money
This goofball needs to be locked up Id say.........

Of course, one would expect he'd come out of the woodwork after the laughable lack of effectiveness of the Science March this past weekend, the marchers who came off like a bunch of fascist nutters.

Oh....and how many personal jets does Gore have now?:2up:

How come it isn't major news that Exxon knew for years that climate change is real and they hid their findings from the public and actually led a campaign to deny it. And by the way, you were one of the dumb fucks who believed them. Do you see? Do you see how corporations lie and you repeat their lies? Do you see how you are wrong and how misled you are? What do you have to say for yourself?

Exxon knew uniquely that climate change had catastrophic consequences for the planet and used this knowledge both to improve its processes and to plan its - for instance, floating platforms and stuff like that, but that it also fought climate change regulation and fought action in Washington by funding activist groups, by funding groups that would spread doubt about whether climate change is real or not to emphasize the controversy.

Exxon is now saying Free Speech. They say it was their right to not admit their product has been destroying the world. Only a crony capitalistic country would accept that shit.

Inside The Climate Change Dispute Between Exxon Mobil And Rockefeller Family
This goofball needs to be locked up Id say.........

Of course, one would expect he'd come out of the woodwork after the laughable lack of effectiveness of the Science March this past weekend, the marchers who came off like a bunch of fascist nutters.

Oh....and how many personal jets does Gore have now?:2up:

How come it isn't major news that Exxon knew for years that climate change is real and they hid their findings from the public and actually led a campaign to deny it. And by the way, you were one of the dumb fucks who believed them. Do you see? Do you see how corporations lie and you repeat their lies? Do you see how you are wrong and how misled you are? What do you have to say for yourself?

Exxon knew uniquely that climate change had catastrophic consequences for the planet and used this knowledge both to improve its processes and to plan its - for instance, floating platforms and stuff like that, but that it also fought climate change regulation and fought action in Washington by funding activist groups, by funding groups that would spread doubt about whether climate change is real or not to emphasize the controversy.

Exxon is now saying Free Speech. They say it was their right to not admit their product has been destroying the world. Only a crony capitalistic country would accept that shit.

Inside The Climate Change Dispute Between Exxon Mobil And Rockefeller Family

meh.....nobody cares s0n. That whole liberal argument dried up well over 25 years ago. People realized that sleezy dirtbags like Gore were just supporting green greed. Only the hopelessly duped think that renewable energy doesn't have special interest groups attached to it. All corporations lie you dummy.........I only care about what Im going to pay for energy so the lies are irrelevant. The green assholes are fine with me paying double for my electricity...............fuck that..........and that's why nobody cares about Exxon's or anybody else's lies. People want cheap energy......not expensive as shit energy.:2up::boobies::boobies:

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