Prince Charles wants Cows to Wear Burp Masks to Fight Climate Change


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
These lunatics are so out of touch with reality it's amazing they can stand & walk on their own.
The latest derangement involves a plan to make grazing animals wear a mask over their face to trap methane from burps.
Never mind I've never once been belched on by a cow but I have been crop dusted by them before.
Trying to keep the masks on would be the equivalent of bailing out a sinking ship with a slotted spoon.
Prince Charles, Al Gore, Greta... they are all truly crazy people afraid of weather or at least want you to be afraid of their scary climate change hoaxes.
These are pathetic & delusional people that have so many sheeple terrified over nothing but fake science & scary stories.
They are like evil cartoons that do real damage to us all.

“Agriculture is the largest source of methane from human activity. Corporations and governments are under pressure to minimize its effect on global warming. Eliminating the livestock industry is not a realistic solution,” the company’s website says. “Now there’s a way to reduce methane that’s good for the animals, the farmers who care for them, and the consumers.”
According to the TNA report, the ‘bovine mask’ weighs around 3.5 ounces and contains solar-powered fans that are designed to ‘redirect’ methane emissions from cows chewing their cud into a special chamber that then chemically converts the methane into carbon dioxide and water vapor."

These lunatics are so out of touch with reality it's amazing they can stand & walk on their own.
The latest derangement involves a plan to make grazing animals wear a mask over their face to trap methane from burps.
Never mind I've never once been belched on by a cow but I have been crop dusted by them before.
Trying to keep the masks on would be the equivalent of bailing out a sinking ship with a slotted spoon.
Prince Charles, Al Gore, Greta... they are all truly crazy people afraid of weather or at least want you to be afraid of their scary climate change hoaxes.
These are pathetic & delusional people that have so many sheeple terrified over nothing but fake science & scary stories.
They are like evil cartoons that do real damage to us all.

“Agriculture is the largest source of methane from human activity. Corporations and governments are under pressure to minimize its effect on global warming. Eliminating the livestock industry is not a realistic solution,” the company’s website says. “Now there’s a way to reduce methane that’s good for the animals, the farmers who care for them, and the consumers.”
According to the TNA report, the ‘bovine mask’ weighs around 3.5 ounces and contains solar-powered fans that are designed to ‘redirect’ methane emissions from cows chewing their cud into a special chamber that then chemically converts the methane into carbon dioxide and water vapor."

Forcing people to wear masks wasn't enough for these fascists.
These lunatics are so out of touch with reality it's amazing they can stand & walk on their own.
The latest derangement involves a plan to make grazing animals wear a mask over their face to trap methane from burps.
Never mind I've never once been belched on by a cow but I have been crop dusted by them before.
Trying to keep the masks on would be the equivalent of bailing out a sinking ship with a slotted spoon.
Prince Charles, Al Gore, Greta... they are all truly crazy people afraid of weather or at least want you to be afraid of their scary climate change hoaxes.
These are pathetic & delusional people that have so many sheeple terrified over nothing but fake science & scary stories.
They are like evil cartoons that do real damage to us all.

“Agriculture is the largest source of methane from human activity. Corporations and governments are under pressure to minimize its effect on global warming. Eliminating the livestock industry is not a realistic solution,” the company’s website says. “Now there’s a way to reduce methane that’s good for the animals, the farmers who care for them, and the consumers.”
According to the TNA report, the ‘bovine mask’ weighs around 3.5 ounces and contains solar-powered fans that are designed to ‘redirect’ methane emissions from cows chewing their cud into a special chamber that then chemically converts the methane into carbon dioxide and water vapor."

It was in the news that New Zealand are bringing in an agricultural burp tax.

So Charles is just pinching their idea.

Sure, let's apply this technology and watch the price of beef increase another 20%. It's not as if ol' Charles will be impacted by it.
I hear you but the true number would be 200+% increases in prices.
It would force most smaller, non corporate ranchers like myself to stop, as I'm sure they would enforce stiff penalties if the new inspectors they would hire found a cow without a mask on your property.
They don't want the unwashed masses (us) with the same luxuries the elites will keep for themselves.
Luxuries like a real steak or burger, fresh vegetables, cars, air travel, freedom, etc...
Anyone who runs around screaming the world is going to end because of weather is an idiot.
There are a lot of idiots and many are running the show, hence the idiotic climate policies. Someone forgot to tell the idiots that, "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" was just a made up cartoon film.

If governments could, they would tax you for the amount of co2 you breathe out.
Yeah, I'm not masking my cattle or following them around all day with a pooper scooper. Their crap stays where they drop it.
Flies & weather take care of it
Ruminants have four stomachs and “chew the cud”. So they burp up food to re-chew it before swallowing it again. There are over 200 species of ruminants. So despite the likes of hippos, camels, and deer, it's cattle and sheep owners that get the bad deal.

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