AG Garland fights against the Right to Vote


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The Justice Department will scrutinize a wave of new laws in Republican-controlled states that the Biden administration says tighten voting rules, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Friday, vowing to take action on any violations of federal law.
He announced plans to double staffing within the department´s civil rights division and said the department would send guidance to states about election-related activity, including mail voting and post-election audits.

Garland is not protecting the Right to Vote.
He is protecting Democrat Voter Fraud.
There are no voting restrictions or voter suppression.
The truth is that the Corrupt Democrat Party's voter fraud denies American Citizens their Right to Vote.
Making voter fraud harder protects everyone's Right to Vote.
The USSC has ruled several times that Voter ID laws are perfectly constitutional.
Why are the Democrats so afraid of secure elections?
Why are the Democrats so terrorified of election audits?
Mail in ballots should be banned.
“Any time you have ballots that are outside the polling location, you’re going to have fraud. … I would never recommend everyone voting by mail – it invites fraud.”
Why are the Democrats so afraid of secure elections?
Why are the Democrats so terrorified of election audits?
They are panicked because they know they cannot hide the proof of how the steal was accomplished AND despite the 24/7 media blitz and social media censorship of anyone who refutes their actions, their policies will make them unelectable, at least honestly.
They are creating an American version of the Stasi online and will use their thug activists to report any behavior they can twist into "domestic terror threats".

Once THAT gets into the public eye, all hell is going to break loose.
The Justice Department will scrutinize a wave of new laws in Republican-controlled states that the Biden administration says tighten voting rules, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Friday, vowing to take action on any violations of federal law.
He announced plans to double staffing within the department´s civil rights division and said the department would send guidance to states about election-related activity, including mail voting and post-election audits.

Garland is not protecting the Right to Vote.
He is protecting Democrat Voter Fraud.
There are no voting restrictions or voter suppression.
The truth is that the Corrupt Democrat Party's voter fraud denies American Citizens their Right to Vote.
Making voter fraud harder protects everyone's Right to Vote.
The USSC has ruled several times that Voter ID laws are perfectly constitutional.
Why are the Democrats so afraid of secure elections?
Why are the Democrats so terrorified of election audits?

This isn't about ID.

This is about voter suppression.

Closing voting places doesn't have anything to do with voter ID.

Reducing time to vote has nothing to do with voter ID.

Not being able to give water or food to someone standing in line to vote has nothing to do with voter ID.

Kicking people off the voting rolls has nothing to do with voter ID.

Stripping state voting officials of their duties and power in their position has nothing to do with voter ID.

Giving a state legislature the power to overturn an election has nothing to do with voter ID.

Most of the new voting laws have absolutely nothing to do with voter ID.
The Justice Department will scrutinize a wave of new laws in Republican-controlled states that the Biden administration says tighten voting rules, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Friday, vowing to take action on any violations of federal law.
He announced plans to double staffing within the department´s civil rights division and said the department would send guidance to states about election-related activity, including mail voting and post-election audits.

Garland is not protecting the Right to Vote.
He is protecting Democrat Voter Fraud.
There are no voting restrictions or voter suppression.
The truth is that the Corrupt Democrat Party's voter fraud denies American Citizens their Right to Vote.
Making voter fraud harder protects everyone's Right to Vote.
The USSC has ruled several times that Voter ID laws are perfectly constitutional.
Why are the Democrats so afraid of secure elections?
Why are the Democrats so terrorified of election audits?
Dems do not fear necessary audits conducted by independent, experienced companies, and this is not what we have. We have highly partisan Republicans trying to overthrow a legitimate election. Vote prevention is what this effort is all about, and nothing more--you can't be serious.
Give it a rest. The grifter lost.
Dems do not fear necessary audits conducted by independent, experienced companies, and this is not what we have. We have highly partisan Republicans trying to overthrow a legitimate election. Vote prevention is what this effort is all about, and nothing more--you can't be serious.
Give it a rest. The grifter lost.

Only the 2016 has ever been stolen, is that right?
Only the 2016 has ever been stolen, is that right?
LOL Yes, it was stolen by an electoral college set up to protect slave owners. Hillary Clinton received almost 3 million more votes than did the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. And Biden received over 7 million more votes than did Trump. And after all the shit that was done in the attempted coup sees the light of day, a bunch of Trumpanzees are getting flushed down the toilet of history.
LOL Yes, it was stolen by an electoral college set up to protect slave owners. Hillary Clinton received almost 3 million more votes than did the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. And Biden received over 7 million more votes than did Trump. And after all the shit that was done in the attempted coup sees the light of day, a bunch of Trumpanzees are getting flushed down the toilet of history.


Does not seem like iron clad evidence that Trump stole the election.
The Justice Department will scrutinize a wave of new laws in Republican-controlled states that the Biden administration says tighten voting rules, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Friday, vowing to take action on any violations of federal law.
He announced plans to double staffing within the department´s civil rights division and said the department would send guidance to states about election-related activity, including mail voting and post-election audits.

Garland is not protecting the Right to Vote.
He is protecting Democrat Voter Fraud.
There are no voting restrictions or voter suppression.
The truth is that the Corrupt Democrat Party's voter fraud denies American Citizens their Right to Vote.
Making voter fraud harder protects everyone's Right to Vote.
The USSC has ruled several times that Voter ID laws are perfectly constitutional.
Why are the Democrats so afraid of secure elections?
Why are the Democrats so terrorified of election audits?

There was no voter fraud. These laws were not designed to fight voter fraud. Even Texas Republicans who have seized control of Texas admitted there was no fraud. A Florida e-mail clearly shows that Florida's changes were driven by politics and has nothing to do with fraud. Georgia's REPUBLICAN Lt Governor has publicly said the same thing.

No one is terrified of election audits. However Maricopa County conducted it's own audit with 2 separate companies. Why did Republicans not accept those? Why do they fear honest audits?
Mail in ballots should be banned.
“Any time you have ballots that are outside the polling location, you’re going to have fraud. … I would never recommend everyone voting by mail – it invites fraud.”

There is no reason to ban mail-in ballots. Every voter should have that option. The attempt to perpetuate fraud in NC was detected. You have no clue what you are talking about.
They are panicked because they know they cannot hide the proof of how the steal was accomplished AND despite the 24/7 media blitz and social media censorship of anyone who refutes their actions, their policies will make them unelectable, at least honestly.
They are creating an American version of the Stasi online and will use their thug activists to report any behavior they can twist into "domestic terror threats".

Once THAT gets into the public eye, all hell is going to break loose.

That is exactly what Republicans are doing.
There was no voter fraud. These laws were not designed to fight voter fraud. Even Texas Republicans who have seized control of Texas admitted there was no fraud. A Florida e-mail clearly shows that Florida's changes were driven by politics and has nothing to do with fraud. Georgia's REPUBLICAN Lt Governor has publicly said the same thing.

No one is terrified of election audits. However Maricopa County conducted it's own audit with 2 separate companies. Why did Republicans not accept those? Why do they fear honest audits?

How does one determine if they were all legally cast ballots?
If you recount votes illegally cast, what difference does it make?

The votes cast need to be LEGALLY CAST VOTES.

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