AG Barr goes after Democrats, Activist Judges, and for acting against Executive Branch

I watched this already..........and he talked about 20 NATIONWIDE INJUNCTIONS against Trump from the Lower Courts.............while Obama only had 1 Nationwide Injunction.

Shows how the Judge shopping left go to get their way.

Judicial Activism would be a correct term..........
Shows that Trump doesn’t exactly follow the law or Constitution.
Wrong. It shows leftwing judges don't follow the law or the Constitution.
I watched this already..........and he talked about 20 NATIONWIDE INJUNCTIONS against Trump from the Lower Courts.............while Obama only had 1 Nationwide Injunction.

Shows how the Judge shopping left go to get their way.

Judicial Activism would be a correct term..........
Shows that Trump doesn’t exactly follow the law or Constitution.
Wrong. It shows leftwing judges don't follow the law or the Constitution.
Except it isn’t all left wing judges...oops.
We have a problem with a president who thinks he is King and there are not three co equal branches.

Honestly, Coyote, it is amazing that in every case, you always seem to come to the EXACT WRONG conclusion! You didn't even watch the video at all, did you? The whole point here is that it is the Activist Left who have acted like a King here and not co-equal branches, in trying to block in every way, the President carrying out the policies and agenda to which this nation elected him to do, as if THEY were the true leaders and that somehow Trump was usurping power and authority from THEM!
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.

It's time to stop tolerating nullification of 65 million American voters by lower courts, he says. It's about time to end judicial intrusions ordered by Democrats who are very jealous of presidential power they did not win.

I bet you think it's wonderful to have a AG who goes after political opponents.
I watched this already..........and he talked about 20 NATIONWIDE INJUNCTIONS against Trump from the Lower Courts.............while Obama only had 1 Nationwide Injunction.

Shows how the Judge shopping left go to get their way.

Judicial Activism would be a correct term..........
Shows that Trump doesn’t exactly follow the law or Constitution.
Wrong. It shows leftwing judges don't follow the law or the Constitution.
Except it isn’t all left wing judges...oops.
Name one who isn't.
We have a problem with a president who thinks he is King and there are not three co equal branches.

If you are talking about obummer, I agree with you. Trump has actually been following the laws of this land quite carefully.
Ruh Rooooh! Did someone say Former President OBAMA????
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.

It's time to stop tolerating nullification of 65 million American voters by lower courts, he says. It's about time to end judicial intrusions ordered by Democrats who are very jealous of presidential power they did not win.

I bet you think it's wonderful to have a AG who goes after political opponents.

Barr goes after criminals.
I watched this already..........and he talked about 20 NATIONWIDE INJUNCTIONS against Trump from the Lower Courts.............while Obama only had 1 Nationwide Injunction.

Shows how the Judge shopping left go to get their way.

Judicial Activism would be a correct term..........
Interesting how you cultists think that is what it shows. :71:
I watched this already..........and he talked about 20 NATIONWIDE INJUNCTIONS against Trump from the Lower Courts.............while Obama only had 1 Nationwide Injunction.

Shows how the Judge shopping left go to get their way.

Judicial Activism would be a correct term..........
Interesting how you cultists think that is what it shows. :71:
That is what it shows.
We have a problem with a president who thinks he is King and there are not three co equal branches.

Honestly, Coyote, it is amazing that in every case, you always seem to come to the EXACT WRONG conclusion! You didn't even watch the video at all, did you? The whole point here is that it is the Activist Left who have acted like a King here and not co-equal branches, in trying to block in every way, the President carrying out the policies and agenda to which this nation elected him to do, as if THEY were the true leaders and that somehow Trump was usurping power and authority from THEM!

Considering the courts, comprised of appointees from Bush’s. Clinton, Obama, Trump consistently have problems with his EO’s...he is either ignorant of the Constitution and Law, or he thinks he is above it. Or both. Considering he cozies up to and openly admires autocrats, I suspect the Constitutional restraints on his presidency annoy him.
Barr is a constitutional nightmare. He's not even trying to pretend he is first and foremost the protector of our nation's laws.

I didn't hear your shrill denouncement of holder when he declared he was obummers wingman.

Why is that?
We know. We know. All Republicans are victims of an unfair system.....Ruh Roooooh! What ever happened to that Special Counsel to investigate H. Clinton you predicted? You know...the one you predicted back when the Republicans controlled all three branches of government?
We have a problem with a president who thinks he is King and there are not three co equal branches.
That's such balderdash, Coyote. The President is a gifted businessman, who's busied himself making sure Americans have more and better job opportunities, the market is making investors satisfied, and he's got an interest in cleaning up the oceans as well.
He also has restored the military which Obama decimated and earned the respect of many good Americans who are going to make him President again, and all this squealing "wolf" is getting the Democrats a lot of disrespect, because there is no wolf.

I hope all this childish nonsense ends soon, and it will, one way or another.

Meaning what exactly?
It means I cannot predict the insanity of followup that will be displayed by your pompous, craven leftist Democrat Party leadership, one way or the other. Is that a clear enough meaning for you, doll?
We have a problem with a president who thinks he is King and there are not three co equal branches.

Honestly, Coyote, it is amazing that in every case, you always seem to come to the EXACT WRONG conclusion! You didn't even watch the video at all, did you? The whole point here is that it is the Activist Left who have acted like a King here and not co-equal branches, in trying to block in every way, the President carrying out the policies and agenda to which this nation elected him to do, as if THEY were the true leaders and that somehow Trump was usurping power and authority from THEM!

Considering the courts, comprised of appointees from Bush’s. Clinton, Obama, Trump consistently have problems with his EO’s...he is either ignorant of the Constitution and Law, or he thinks he is above it. Or both. Considering he cozies up to and openly admires autocrats, I suspect the Constitutional restraints on his presidency annoy him.
When you say "the courts" you mean leftwing judges. These vermin are consistently overruled by higher courts.
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.

It's time to stop tolerating nullification of 65 million American voters by lower courts, he says. It's about time to end judicial intrusions ordered by Democrats who are very jealous of presidential power they did not win.

I bet you think it's wonderful to have a AG who goes after political opponents.

Only when the opponents are bigger criminals than all the incarcerated bank robbers, rapists, and extortionists combined. :muahaha:

Edit: and that's only because they are thieving taxpayers past, present and future with their helping themselves to the treasury while withholding help to the American people through the President's directives. That is too much money to put in the hands of people as corrupt and hateful to the point of being spiteful as the dowagers Pelosi and Waters.
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We have a problem with a president who thinks he is King and there are not three co equal branches.

If you are talking about obummer, I agree with you. Trump has actually been following the laws of this land quite carefully.
We will have to agree to disagree on this :lol:

DACA is a prime example Coyote. That was obummer. Not Trump. obummer multiple times stated, accurately, that he had no power to do anything about them. Then he decided he was above the law and wrote an EO.

Is writing an EO above the law?

With what obummer did, yes. It was. He interfered with Congresses immigration duties.

Congress was too busy fighting to get anything done on DACA. They still are. All Obama did was, if you aren't going to come up with an agreement in a timely manner, I'll temporarily do it for you. All Congress had to do was pass their own and the EO would have been null and void. Here it is, how many years later, and they still haven't done a damned thing. The Courts will recognize the EO until the crap in Congress finally hammer out a bill. Of course, Moscow Mitch won't allow it to come to the floor.

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