After the Boomers Are Gone, the Bloodshed Begins

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
May 8, 2019
After the Boomers Are Gone, the Bloodshed Begins
By Cam Brown

The Boomer Age is drawing to its close. When one speaks of this group, it tends to mostly focus on white Boomers (not that others are outside the group, but to such a great extent, it really does mean those of mostly European background, if for no other reason than they have been the largest demographic group). When that age does end, we will see an ever dwindling European demographic majority in many Western nations (Canada and the USA are almost certainly the first, soon followed by a variety of European nations). That significant point of majority will be fading, as the numbers precipitously drop until below 50%. The question looming then is, what is next? Will it be the glorious Brave New World of harmonious multiculturalism or an uneasy balkanization that trends ever more to tribalism and violence? Based on existing evidence and studies, I believe that it will be closer to the latter.

A major demographic shift is impacting most Western nations, some more than others. This shift will lead to a far more multicultural/ethnic scenario, with those of European background as the minority within the next few decades. At first blush, many will say this is not a problem, holding out the wonders of civic nationalism and existing relative stability and prosperity with an already highly mixed demographic. The problem here is that this position doesn't really hold water in the long term, as can be demonstrated by existing nations who have not been able to sustain a similar state of peaceful existence and by studies that point in the same direction.

Cam's a married father of three. Born and raised in Canada, he currently lives on the left coast of Canada, notorious for its milder winters and liberal thinking. He's a university-educated educator, blogger, former generally indifferent employee within the financial sector, and failed musician. A Christian of what has usually been termed politically conservative leanings, he prefers to be labeled a realist at this time, mostly for lack of a better term, as too often conservatives have been little more than slow-motion liberals.

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more and more normie doing doom porn

500/1000 rounds for each weapon on hand at all times


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You're looking at a coming Dark Age.

As Boomers, my wife and I will be long gone, having spent all our cash enjoying ourselves along the way.

Government made the deal, they can face the wheel.
May 8, 2019
After the Boomers Are Gone, the Bloodshed Begins
By Cam Brown

The Boomer Age is drawing to its close. When one speaks of this group, it tends to mostly focus on white Boomers (not that others are outside the group, but to such a great extent, it really does mean those of mostly European background, if for no other reason than they have been the largest demographic group). When that age does end, we will see an ever dwindling European demographic majority in many Western nations (Canada and the USA are almost certainly the first, soon followed by a variety of European nations). That significant point of majority will be fading, as the numbers precipitously drop until below 50%. The question looming then is, what is next? Will it be the glorious Brave New World of harmonious multiculturalism or an uneasy balkanization that trends ever more to tribalism and violence? Based on existing evidence and studies, I believe that it will be closer to the latter.

A major demographic shift is impacting most Western nations, some more than others. This shift will lead to a far more multicultural/ethnic scenario, with those of European background as the minority within the next few decades. At first blush, many will say this is not a problem, holding out the wonders of civic nationalism and existing relative stability and prosperity with an already highly mixed demographic. The problem here is that this position doesn't really hold water in the long term, as can be demonstrated by existing nations who have not been able to sustain a similar state of peaceful existence and by studies that point in the same direction.

Cam's a married father of three. Born and raised in Canada, he currently lives on the left coast of Canada, notorious for its milder winters and liberal thinking. He's a university-educated educator, blogger, former generally indifferent employee within the financial sector, and failed musician. A Christian of what has usually been termed politically conservative leanings, he prefers to be labeled a realist at this time, mostly for lack of a better term, as too often conservatives have been little more than slow-motion liberals.

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more and more normie doing doom porn

500/1000 rounds for each weapon on hand at all times
Boomers were shit. Go suck a cock. We were all doomed when the first nuke worked.
Boomers are Ok!

I have no problems with Boomers! :2up:
it's like... do you prefer Millennial's or that kind of idiotic creatures instead?

Hell NO!
What do you thing is going to happen? What is Honduras like? Eritrea? Haiti? El Salvador? Libya? That's what it will be like.
You're looking at a coming Dark Age.

As Boomers, my wife and I will be long gone, having spent all our cash enjoying ourselves along the way.

Government made the deal, they can face the wheel.

Spicy time its on its way tick tock
Did you teach your kids and grandkids how to shoot ?if so yer golden baby!
I'm not Jewish or a lefttard so i like it when people are well off and had good lives:04:

hopefully after shtf day you'll get to look down and watch us graying x'rs hang those cockroaches in the swamp :113:
May 8, 2019
After the Boomers Are Gone, the Bloodshed Begins
By Cam Brown

The Boomer Age is drawing to its close. When one speaks of this group, it tends to mostly focus on white Boomers (not that others are outside the group, but to such a great extent, it really does mean those of mostly European background, if for no other reason than they have been the largest demographic group). When that age does end, we will see an ever dwindling European demographic majority in many Western nations (Canada and the USA are almost certainly the first, soon followed by a variety of European nations). That significant point of majority will be fading, as the numbers precipitously drop until below 50%. The question looming then is, what is next? Will it be the glorious Brave New World of harmonious multiculturalism or an uneasy balkanization that trends ever more to tribalism and violence? Based on existing evidence and studies, I believe that it will be closer to the latter.

A major demographic shift is impacting most Western nations, some more than others. This shift will lead to a far more multicultural/ethnic scenario, with those of European background as the minority within the next few decades. At first blush, many will say this is not a problem, holding out the wonders of civic nationalism and existing relative stability and prosperity with an already highly mixed demographic. The problem here is that this position doesn't really hold water in the long term, as can be demonstrated by existing nations who have not been able to sustain a similar state of peaceful existence and by studies that point in the same direction.

Cam's a married father of three. Born and raised in Canada, he currently lives on the left coast of Canada, notorious for its milder winters and liberal thinking. He's a university-educated educator, blogger, former generally indifferent employee within the financial sector, and failed musician. A Christian of what has usually been termed politically conservative leanings, he prefers to be labeled a realist at this time, mostly for lack of a better term, as too often conservatives have been little more than slow-motion liberals.

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more and more normie doing doom porn

500/1000 rounds for each weapon on hand at all times
Boomers were shit. Go suck a cock. We were all doomed when the first nuke worked.

rut roh a raging leftarded millennial ?


im making the face again
I dont know if anyone posted it but its from last week

cant happen here eh...sure it cant we'll never be Honduras you import tens of thousands of Hondurans :20:
governments and economies can collapse ....and we have a hell of a lot more of the brainwashed running around these day

Be A Rooftop Korean

Kurt Schlichter
Posted: May 02, 2019 12:01 AM

Kurt is no normie

The city went insane. Order simply ceased to exist. It was Lord of the Flies. I remember a cop totally breaking down because everything was completely out of control.

But I had a M16A1 – a real assault rifle – and I had a bunch of buddies with M16A1s. The regular folks … not so much. The decent people of LA were terrified, and with good reason. See, the dirty little secret of civilization is that it’s designed to maintain order when 99.9% of folks are orderly. But, say, if just 2% of folks stop playing by the rules…uh oh. Say LA’s population was 15 million in 1992…that’s 300,000 bad guys. There were maybe 20,000 cops in all the area agencies then, plus 20,000 National Guard soldiers and airman, plus another 10,000 active soldiers and Marines the feds brought in. Law enforcement is based on the concept that most people will behave and that the crooks will be overwhelmed by sheer numbers of officers. But in the LA riots, law enforcement was massively outnumbered. Imposing order took time.

read the whole thing and plan accordingly
Be A Rooftop Korean
May 8, 2019
After the Boomers Are Gone, the Bloodshed Begins
By Cam Brown

The Boomer Age is drawing to its close. When one speaks of this group, it tends to mostly focus on white Boomers (not that others are outside the group, but to such a great extent, it really does mean those of mostly European background, if for no other reason than they have been the largest demographic group). When that age does end, we will see an ever dwindling European demographic majority in many Western nations (Canada and the USA are almost certainly the first, soon followed by a variety of European nations). That significant point of majority will be fading, as the numbers precipitously drop until below 50%. The question looming then is, what is next? Will it be the glorious Brave New World of harmonious multiculturalism or an uneasy balkanization that trends ever more to tribalism and violence? Based on existing evidence and studies, I believe that it will be closer to the latter.

A major demographic shift is impacting most Western nations, some more than others. This shift will lead to a far more multicultural/ethnic scenario, with those of European background as the minority within the next few decades. At first blush, many will say this is not a problem, holding out the wonders of civic nationalism and existing relative stability and prosperity with an already highly mixed demographic. The problem here is that this position doesn't really hold water in the long term, as can be demonstrated by existing nations who have not been able to sustain a similar state of peaceful existence and by studies that point in the same direction.

Cam's a married father of three. Born and raised in Canada, he currently lives on the left coast of Canada, notorious for its milder winters and liberal thinking. He's a university-educated educator, blogger, former generally indifferent employee within the financial sector, and failed musician. A Christian of what has usually been termed politically conservative leanings, he prefers to be labeled a realist at this time, mostly for lack of a better term, as too often conservatives have been little more than slow-motion liberals.

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more and more normie doing doom porn

500/1000 rounds for each weapon on hand at all times
Boomers were shit. Go suck a cock. We were all doomed when the first nuke worked.
The problem is the GOP has been in charge the last 35 years for tax rates and the giveaway to the Rich has killed our middle class and infrastructure. Great job!
May 8, 2019
After the Boomers Are Gone, the Bloodshed Begins
By Cam Brown

The Boomer Age is drawing to its close. When one speaks of this group, it tends to mostly focus on white Boomers (not that others are outside the group, but to such a great extent, it really does mean those of mostly European background, if for no other reason than they have been the largest demographic group). When that age does end, we will see an ever dwindling European demographic majority in many Western nations (Canada and the USA are almost certainly the first, soon followed by a variety of European nations). That significant point of majority will be fading, as the numbers precipitously drop until below 50%. The question looming then is, what is next? Will it be the glorious Brave New World of harmonious multiculturalism or an uneasy balkanization that trends ever more to tribalism and violence? Based on existing evidence and studies, I believe that it will be closer to the latter.

A major demographic shift is impacting most Western nations, some more than others. This shift will lead to a far more multicultural/ethnic scenario, with those of European background as the minority within the next few decades. At first blush, many will say this is not a problem, holding out the wonders of civic nationalism and existing relative stability and prosperity with an already highly mixed demographic. The problem here is that this position doesn't really hold water in the long term, as can be demonstrated by existing nations who have not been able to sustain a similar state of peaceful existence and by studies that point in the same direction.

Cam's a married father of three. Born and raised in Canada, he currently lives on the left coast of Canada, notorious for its milder winters and liberal thinking. He's a university-educated educator, blogger, former generally indifferent employee within the financial sector, and failed musician. A Christian of what has usually been termed politically conservative leanings, he prefers to be labeled a realist at this time, mostly for lack of a better term, as too often conservatives have been little more than slow-motion liberals.

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more and more normie doing doom porn

500/1000 rounds for each weapon on hand at all times
Boomers were shit. Go suck a cock. We were all doomed when the first nuke worked.
The problem is the GOP has been in charge the last 35 years for tax rates and the giveaway to the Rich has killed our middle class and infrastructure. Great job!

keep thinking thiers only one side of the aisle to blame
it'll get ya nowhere fast ...and right where they want ya
May 8, 2019
After the Boomers Are Gone, the Bloodshed Begins
By Cam Brown

The Boomer Age is drawing to its close. When one speaks of this group, it tends to mostly focus on white Boomers (not that others are outside the group, but to such a great extent, it really does mean those of mostly European background, if for no other reason than they have been the largest demographic group). When that age does end, we will see an ever dwindling European demographic majority in many Western nations (Canada and the USA are almost certainly the first, soon followed by a variety of European nations). That significant point of majority will be fading, as the numbers precipitously drop until below 50%. The question looming then is, what is next? Will it be the glorious Brave New World of harmonious multiculturalism or an uneasy balkanization that trends ever more to tribalism and violence? Based on existing evidence and studies, I believe that it will be closer to the latter.

A major demographic shift is impacting most Western nations, some more than others. This shift will lead to a far more multicultural/ethnic scenario, with those of European background as the minority within the next few decades. At first blush, many will say this is not a problem, holding out the wonders of civic nationalism and existing relative stability and prosperity with an already highly mixed demographic. The problem here is that this position doesn't really hold water in the long term, as can be demonstrated by existing nations who have not been able to sustain a similar state of peaceful existence and by studies that point in the same direction.

Cam's a married father of three. Born and raised in Canada, he currently lives on the left coast of Canada, notorious for its milder winters and liberal thinking. He's a university-educated educator, blogger, former generally indifferent employee within the financial sector, and failed musician. A Christian of what has usually been termed politically conservative leanings, he prefers to be labeled a realist at this time, mostly for lack of a better term, as too often conservatives have been little more than slow-motion liberals.

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more and more normie doing doom porn

500/1000 rounds for each weapon on hand at all times
Boomers were shit. Go suck a cock. We were all doomed when the first nuke worked.
The problem is the GOP has been in charge the last 35 years for tax rates and the giveaway to the Rich has killed our middle class and infrastructure. Great job!

keep thinking thiers only one side of the aisle to blame
it'll get ya nowhere fast ...and right where they want ya
Guess what, show me something the Democrats screwed up. And not because of GOP obstruction and sabotage, or only in GOP propaganda world.... GOP wrecked the treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations deregulated us into the Great Depression and chaos that led to rise of Hitler and militarists, isolationist GOP let Hitler and Japanese militarists run wild, have screwed up the UN. All they care about is cutting taxes on the rich and cutting services for everyone else, so now we have the worst inequality upward Mobility and benefits of any rich country by far. Great job! And Lincoln was a liberal not this crap right-wing brainwashed GOP we have today...

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